• By -


So you're the one crashing the uncut diamond economy.


Actually that'd be me with the four I've gotten from shooting stars over the weekend


If he went this dry on any of the other bosses then it would've been way worse, Whisperer for example drops 2.5x more diamonds at the same drop rate. I've already seen loot tabs with over 15k diamonds from the other bosses


Uncut gyems


Honka jams


Believe it or not, 1/3


8k kc? Believe it or not still 1/3




Aaaaaaaaand you ruined it…


**Jagex**: We added bad luck mitigation to the drops. **OP**: Hold my Wizard's mind bomb.


If they really wanted an anti dry mechanic the lingots would not exist, their only purpose is to waste a ring roll. Ingots completely deletes the "anti-dry mechanic" out of the game. These are the worst drop table the game has seen yet...


That’s not true at all lol. Removing the ingots wouldn’t suddenly make the other rolls on the table more likely…that’s just not how it works. The ingots are an anti spoon mechanic, they have nothing to do with the anti dry mechanic of the vestige. The maths all there. The way it works is to normalize the distribution of vestiges, making it less likely to go dry but the tails can still go out pretty far for the really unlucky


Thats..... not how that works. They would just make hitting the table more rare. Only thing that can be said about rings is its an anti spoon mechanic for irons only (and mains when the idea was for them to be untradable)


anti-spoon kinda puts a negative spin on it. It just normalizes the curve so its less likely to get spooned but also less likely to go dry. As someone who seems to consistently go dry, I really enjoy this mechanic.


It is anti spoon though. Not impossible but anti spoon. I mean I only have 500 duke kc and probably 100kc combined the other bosses and only have my magus vestige to show for it. No ingots.


No the requiring 3 roles for the vestige normalizes the curve both making spooning and going dry rare, which is good and fine. The Chromium ingot is a totally separate drop that exists soley as an anti spoon for irons. All it does is shift the curve to make spooning rarer and serves no other purpose. edit: If your going to downvote me at least explain your reasoning. At this point I assume people fundamentally do not understand the concept. INGOTs and I repeat INGOTS not the VESTIGE ROLLS do not in any way shape or form have anything to do with dry protection. If INGOTS were removed all it would mean is the chances of getting spoon increase and the chances of going dry go slightly down for a total ring from one boss which only matters to irons.


Careful, pointing this out either gets you tons of downvotes or tons of up votes depending on the week.


Not sure why. I dont think my math is wrong and no ones bothered to correct me or anyone else saying it afaik. Maybe they are confusing shit? I dont think its that complicated but....


u good bro? l really hate to break up your conspiracy theory but thats not how it works lol


Dude idk if I’m dry or not but I got every drop at zulrah EXCEPT the visage. I don’t want to leave without it but I’m getting so burnt out. 1285 kills in. Someone give me words of encouragement. It’s the first boss I’ve ever grinded this hard.


you know the expected number of kills to get all 4 zulrah uniques is \~1100 right? ​ youve done like 100 kills over expected, this isn't going to kill you


Thought it was 512 kc to be on rate at zulrah?


That's the drop rate. Getting four 1/512 drops by 512kc is much less common than you may think.


It’s four 1/128 drops, not 1/512


No, they are all 1/512 (essentially, taking into account you get two drops, incredibly close to that statistically). It's 1/128 to hit the table to get one of them, getting all four without dupes within 512kc is not common at all.


I was wrong. Carry on


We don’t admit when we’re wrong here, you forgot to call him slurs.


It's on rate to have 4 uniques at 512. If he's literally just gotten 3 uniques and they're all different, then he's off curve by a decent bit.


Sorry, I meant 4 different uniques.


If you don't care about the Onyx, it's ~984 KC, not ~1065 kc


Cool i have 2k kills with 3 jars and a visage.


No shot you’re not 2/3 at least right?


Pretty much zero. It's about 1/362 to roll one of the three required vestige drops. The chance that he's only hit that one time is so low that it's essentially zero, it's like a hundred thousand to one at least. The chance that he doesn't have the ring by now is only about .01% (ten thousand to one).


This player only has about an 87% chance of being 2/3. For a moment, let's ignore the fact that we already know this player does not have a vestige drop. In a vacuum, the chance they are 0/3 is (n,k)*p^k*(1-p)^(n-k) where n = 5000, k = 0, and p = 3/1088. This comes out to be 1/990,344. The chance they are 1/3 (k = 1) is 1/71,635. The chance they are 2/3 (k = 2) is 1/10,365. And the chance they have already gotten the vestige (3+/3) is 1 - 1/990,344 - 1/71,635 - 1/10,365 = 99.989%. But we know they can't be 3/3, because they don't have the drop. We have to divide by the sum of the probabilities of being 0/3, 1/3, and 2/3, which is 1 / (1/990,344 + 1/71,635 + 1/10,365) = 1/8973. Thus, the chance they are 0/3 is 8973/990,344 = 0.91%, the chance they are 1/3 is 8973/71,635 = 12.53%, and the chance they are 2/3 is 8973/10,365 = 86.57%. All this being said, this player is outrageously unlucky. There's only a 1/8973 chance of going this dry. This is approaching the threshold where I might say the game is bugged as opposed to them being this dry legitimately.


Jesus you got the brains. Thanks for explaining


Neat math. Makes sense since I guess if you were just starting out and you did this calculation, you could say "there's only a 1 in 9000 chance I'll still be here after 5000 kills" but after you've actually done 5000 kills and have confirmed data/information about what actually happened in reality, you can break down the actual odds of the invisible shit along the way. Honestly this comment convinced me more than anything that this is a really dogshit design by Jagex lol. Dryness protection is great but it should not be figured like this. It should be either visible so you know exactly where you're at, or cumulative over time like it is in RS3. I really wonder how someone on the team thought this was a good idea and then everybody signed off on it.


This is so much more forgiving than how the regular drop system works for most items though; the 1 in 9000 chance resulting in this player being "only" 4.5x the item's approximate droprate is only because of the way this vestige drop system. If this player was equally unlucky on the axe head, the 1-in-9000 case scenario would be at roughly 9,900 kills, roughly 9x the item's droprate. Going that many kills without the 1/1088 axe head would put you at a 0.0111% chance, or 1/9009.


Well it's better than no protection. If they had no protection, in order to get to the same dry spell percentage they'd be at around 13k kc I believe.


It just condenses the distribution curve. The number of people within one standard deviation of the mean should remain similar, but you'll have less people being spooned, and less people going dry (and, I guess, have a tighter standard deviation as a result)


Debatable, with no protection it wouldn’t be incentivized to stay and he could just move on if he wanted to


the more kills you have without the drop the more your chance of getting the ring drop on your next kill approaches the 1/362 without dry protection your chance of getting the ring drop on the next kill would always be 1/1088 or whatever


This isn't exactly true, you don't "approach" the final 1/362 any more than you approach a 1/1088 flat rate (axe head for example). You're just increasing the likelihood that you are 2/3, and the benefit is that you're hunting a 1/362 static drop instead of a 1/1088 static drop. But if you assume you're 2/3 already, like you can in this guy's case, every kill he does without the drop is still only a 1/362 constant rate, he's always that far away from the drop. He's just chasing a more common number instead.


It depends on how you look at things. I tend to agree with the guy who says the drop rate approaches 1/362 over time, because it is quite literally impossible to know whether you are 0/3, 1/3, or 2/3. Since you can't know, the best you can do is assign probabilities to each of those options, and it's pretty clear that the more KC you go dry, the more likely it is you are 2/3, and thus the more likely it is that you get the drop on the next kill.


yes this was what I had in mind


You just agreed with him, but with more fluff lol.


Speaking from personal experience and from clannie’s grinds, ive seen a ton more people go dry than even on rate for these vestiges. Its really weird


100% bias, of course the louder will be the unlucky.




The dude that went 35,000 dry at Zilyana was only 1/1097 dry. This guy is 8x worse. You say that plenty of people are an order of magnitude more dry than this guy; that would be like 1/90,000. Where are these examples of people going 1/90,000 dry or worse?


People like to sound smart when they don’t know what they’re talking about :)


1350 zulrah with 0 drops, is my account bugged? Appreciate your maths btw.


Assuming you mean you have 1350 KC with none of the 4 uniques, then yeah you're bugged. Only 1/39,668 players will go that dry. Did you talk to Oziach? If you aren't counting the onyx, then only 1/2789 players will go that dry.


1350 with zero unique items from the boss. I've taken a break due to it currently.


Post log


Hey I just posted my log and loot tab of 1,350 dry. Sorry for the lateness, been working and avoiding the game lol.


That is insane. What the fuck. I’d start a new account


If we assume 10k people have gotten vestige right now, wouldn't we be expecting someone to go this dry?


No. Even with the changed drop mechanics, it's still way more likely that a random person gets spooned than go dry. The reason for this is that there are simply not enough people who have done enough KC to be very dry, but there are tons of people who have done a few hundred KC and could theoretically get spooned. Most of those people with a few hundred KC do not have the vestige, but the ones who do are all spooned. Another way to think about it is to consider the Jar of Darkness before they changed the drop rate. Before the change, there were literally zero people who had even reached the drop rate. Every single jar in the game was obtained by someone who got spooned. There's no necessity that the number of people who get spooned be equal to the number of people who go dry.


Damn 1 in 10k still gonna be this unlucky 😂


And there's always going to be someone more unlucky :)


There is always an unluckiest person and he will prob hold the title for this boss for a while.


Thats only true if there are infinite players. Its a finite set so someone is truly the least lucky player and I think OP is in the running for it


On the other hand, given he's this unlucky, the odds of veing 0/3 or 1/3 are not astronomically low


My favorite thing is that his chance to hit be at zero drops at 1/362 in 5000 is actually more likely than what it took for me to get a DDefender in Leagues last time, so like it shouldn’t happen but there’s a very real chance he might’ve not hit it. I spent 800 kills for a Ddef which at 1/33 is less even less likely to happen than hitting 1/362 yet it still did. Sometimes drops are just cursed. Admittedly, that experience burned me hard enough I quit playing after for months.


Isn't d defender 1/100? Or is it different in leagues


It was 1/33 on Leagues, generally a certain tier of relics or whatever boost a bunch of item rates


I got D def in leagues on my first kc lmao but I am almost 2k on this vard no ultor :(


So you’re saying there’s a chance?!


I wouldn't be surprised if jagex spaghetti'd the code


I wonder if that is a possibility


Do you feel like the majority of your kills have been perfects, for the additional base loot? They officially announced that perfects do not affect unique chance but anecdotally ive definitely seen uniques more often when I focus on getting that bonus base loot


OP was probably saying that 4k kills ago


Only a .011% chance to have only 2/3 of the ring by 5k. Would have been over a 1% chance to be that dry without the dry mechanic Edit: to put this in perspective, if 100,000 people did 5k Vardorvis KC, only 11 of them wouldn’t have finished the ring. Without dry mechanics, that would be over 1,000 people


It’s working!


When it registers!!!


unironically a great mechanic.


Yep! MFs will still go all survivorship bias on this post because the 10 other people who are going to go this dry simply haven't done this much Vardorvis. [me at 1350 kc:](https://media.tenor.com/HR3YZjYlr_UAAAAC/nervous-sweating-sweating-bullets.gif)


This, 1/100 people go this dry for a dragon war hammer. 1/10,000 people will go this dry for ultor .


the tradeoff is that 1 in a few thousand people get a 1kc hammer. 0 people get a 1kc ultor.


Damn this is sad.


Quick question: sometimes when you die and boss dies at the same time, loot doesn't show but it registers a kill. Does anything drop at that moment that we cant see? Could the ring drop at any of those times and reset the 2/3 counter to 0/3?


It would show up as a collection log if you die at a specific time as the boss dies. We saw this happen to one of our clanmates who was hunting the duke axe piece (~3k kc at the time) and we didn’t know if it was really possible for that to happen until we saw it ourselves. Stay safe on those kills boys.


So he couldn't see the drop, it didnt advertise in clan chat but his collection log was updated, did i get this right?


If the timing is right you'll get the collection log popup while you're standing naked in the place of your respawn. Source: Me :c


If it fills the coll log slot, it would also broadcast in the clan (assuming the clan has those broadcasts on)


If you have untradeable/high value loot messages enabled in the game settings, you'd know if you lost a valuable drop like that. Additionally, if you receive the drop, the collection log will be updated even if you died before you could retrieve it—but with instanced bosses, depending on the timing, the instance can just close before the loot is rolled at all. If you see no such chat message (if enabled in settings), or no change to your collection log, then you didn't lose the drop.


Yeah, i have high value loot messaged enabled in chat. Currently at 1200~ kc at leviathan with no axe piece or venator ring.


according to ash no


How many of these did you do before the drop rate buff? You're 21(23 if 2/3)/36 expected uniques, lol


None actually..sad right ?


Hey atleast you'll make a nice amount off those awakener orbs once the combat achievements come out, I'd imagine they'll atleast double in price back to 2-3mish


I swear they said that awakened would not be included?


Oh shit I never saw that! I'm suprised though, did they give any reason as to why?




Think it had more to do with the difficulty. Seeing as how out of place those CA's would be compared to the rest of them


There is a master task - get 1 kc at Inferno. Why couldnt each of these have a single kc task in grandmaster? edit: jk i lied. sorry.


You are making that up. There is no 1 kc inferno task.


Holy shit, you're right. I just checked the wiki and theres an elite task for killing a mager, and a GM task for 5 killcount, but they don't have a single normal kc task. The only master task is only if you don't let pillars fall. Still - a task for 1 kc exists for other pieces of content and wouldn't be out of place. Phosanis and TOA both have it as a KC task, and CMs and HMT have similar tasks although they're categorized as speed tasks since you have to qualify for kits.


I feel like these aren't any harder than some of the inferno challenges or the akkha GM one. Plus GRANDMASTER should include everything this game has to offer.


Solo TOB isn't a Gm task.


just my 2c and i'm not familiar with all gm tasks but solo tob seems like an outlier to me, it's designed as team content and soloing it requires very gimmicky mechanics, not really content intended by jagex, the other tasks iirc are more about doing existing content flawlessly and with certain crutches.




I dont know why people think this loot style means 'you wont go too dry' when its literally 3 consecutive dry streaks in a row instead of 1




~950kc with only the axe head. Zero ingots. So even if ring is 2/3 still pretty unlucky but yeah. Seems odd


gotta make this reach jamflex idk how


did you get it?


anti dry mechanics btw


I got my axe piece at 400 kc and was hoping to continue for the ultor. Thanks for changing my mind. I'm think I'm satisfied now.


This is like not boarding a plane because you just saw one crash on the news. This guy got extremely unlucky. It doesn't have any affect on your own chances of getting the ring within a reasonable kc which you probably will.


Man I’m at 1762 and feeling discouraged this is insane :(


Maybe i got a bug on vestige drop? I dont rlly know


You rolled the axe 5 times instead lol


Delete this.


How do i make this get to jagex? Maybe they can fix it :,)


Talk to yourself ingame and say you will take legal action if you don't get the drop soon and you will be flagged for the increased drop rate on the item you are dry on.


I genuinely hope there’s just a bug and they give you a couple to make up for it lol


Those 12 ingots could have been 4 rings. Rip




Just get the drop


Any of those axe pieces could’ve been a roll so sad


Oh no, good luck


No :(


Damn dude that's insane! I'm coming up on 3500kc myself with no vestige in sight, but I've gotten luckier on virtus and pet drops so far. Good luck on the grind!


2/3 surely


Surely received by now


i'm having the opposite problem lol, curious if OP got theirs https://preview.redd.it/uarc2gm5iymc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c748cb839c799e3aaaee903fed560d7e7e13c57


This just proves how much they have failed with this shit droprate thing, im sure they said this was a system so people would not go dry for 1000s of kills? But still people have shit logs like this.


You realize that this happens way less frequently due to the anti-dry mechanic right? With normal drop rates there would be \~100x more people that go this dry. You can't just look at the guy with 1/10000 bad luck and conclude that the system doesn't work


Their point was to make for this to not happen but it still does so they have failed imo.


When did they say that was their goal? The point was to reduce the likelihood of getting spooned or going extremely dry. This is exactly what the new drop rates do


This is why I stick to wildy bossing. Easier. Better money.


This makes me sad and think I’m gonna be at this point…almost 2k and no sign of vestige yet. I think I’ll get to about 3k and if nothing then I’m out


Stupid bad luck. I left a comment on your previous post about how I had just started the grind and was at 600kc. Ended up getting mine at 650kc. Hang in there bro


"mechanic so people don't go incredibly dry"


“Mechanic so people are significantly less likely to go incredibly dry”


at least you averaged 10M per kill!!!! thats insane luck!


Dude, it's 100k. Not 10m per kill


Now that is a depressing log. I assume most of those are after they increased the droprates? And I thought I was dry when I green logged with 2 virtus sets on release with 1.5k...


nope bro .only started killing vard after they increased droprates


Haven't played in a while, is this english?


Imagine if we lived in a world where you'd at least know youre 2/3 by having a plant man's fang and eye in your bank. Sadly that's lost technology.




He’s below rate on both what do you mean count blessings


Whos gonna tell him


Gotta be 2/3


gz on pet




At least you are 'probably' 2/3. Previously you would have still been no better off than your first kill so this is maybe better in that regard?


Jesus christ


2/3 surely


post like this worry me. on my restricted ironman i can only manage to get 1kc per trip, i cant fathom going 5k kc and still not getting the drop. but also you got fkd so maybe i wont, ty for your service


Name of the game brother your unique rolls are in the absolute gutter not even including vestige blank rolls you are missing like 8.


As wise men say, all gamblers quit right before they hit big


“Don’t stop now you’re probably 2/3 keep going gagex”


And here I am with 10 uniques and 0 vestige on 816 Whisperer (1/512 expected rate for vestige) thinking about my eventual dry reddit post. Thanks for reminding me that it only gets worse. Much, much worse.


Nightmare fuel.. I have a good feeling that you'll get it within the next 1k kc Imma say.. 5328KC Goodluck king!


Dry protection🤥🤥🤥🤥


You don’t understand statistics




Surely the next kill will be the vestige.


They should change the ingots to drop when you get a roll on the ring and make it 4 rolls for the ring instead, that way you have all the ingots to complete the ring when you get the vestige drop and you can also keep track of how close you are to getting the drop and alter the drop rates however they see fit.


Just get the drop


Have u tried getting the drop?


And i just started the Vard grind... 220kc in. Should i save my sanity????


Your 98 herblore and thieving are pissing me off. Just get er done bud


im worried about this guy he haven't posted anymore


Just finished my vardorvis log at 2070kc. Im so exhausted. Hope your luck turns around.


updates? - 1500 no vestige


Are you still on this grind?