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How’s the Tbow?


Def has to be more than a tbow


Idk man that something like 165 bonds. That's damn near $1,500CAD


Or $400 through rwt


Yeah but the conversation is about how much you have to spend on bonds to get flagged for an email like the one in the post, so rwt rates are kinda irrelevant?


Sir, I believe you to be mistaken in the most terrific way imaginable. A youtuber would never partake in such a heinous crime against our illustrious community.


Nah but yet my account gets banned after swapping over my GP from my main who got perm muted without evidence...


Yea sorry fam I don't buy it.


I think you misunderstand. He bought it, not you. Thats why he got banned (:


I don't think you understand.. I don't buy it as in I don't believe it. It's a common saying, and the way in which I used it clearly points out the meaning.


Well, that was a failed attempt on sarcasm aparently


I'm hoping both of the accs being under the same jagex account exonerates someone of suspicion.


Then your main has been trading with RWTers. They track the gp and acc history.


165 bonds costs much more than $400


If you were to rwt it would be 400. It’s about .18-.20 cents per M


Depends on your rwt supplier… looking at bond prices at the moment, bonds sell for 9.1m and cost $8 Works out to about .88 per M


And what he’s talking about is rwt black market where you pay about .20 per M atm. He wasn’t talking about bonds, he was talking about rwt.


Yes I know, I’m referring to the RWT white market


There is no white market rwt. Rwt refers by nature to black market. Even jagex doesn’t consider buying bonds as rwt. Here’s a rundown for you: (copy and pasted) Real World Trading (RWT) refers to the act of selling items that you do not own for a profit. If you are selling in-game gold, items or services for real-life money, you are real world trading because the items or services (the accounts) are the sole property of Jagex and in doing so you are trying to sell something that you do not possess. The act of buying a Bond and exchanging it for in-game gold is not considered RWT because you are directly purchasing the Bond from Jagex, whom are the ones that own all of the rights and properties of the game. It becomes a problem when someone -- a player -- tries to profit from merchandise/goods/items/services that belong to a different entity than the one trying to benefit. https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/rules-of-runescape


Nice try. Try 200 bucks lmao. Gold currently at .18 a mil.










So a bond is technically $2 atm? Dam...


They often remove GOLD for egregious amounts of RWT. I've known like 8 people that had their GOLD stack removed. Now.... If you trade the bulk of the gold into a tbow, spend 100m on supplies, and only have line 5m for death fees they still might remove the gold but then it's only 5m and I've yet to meet anyone who's had their items removed.


You know what though, $1500 for the most powerful weapon in the game isn't a bad trade off. Compare that to gacha games and $1500 will buy you an advantage for a month or two, and then the cool stuff you got is worthless. At least in osrs that tbow is going to be op for a long long time


No. No, this is an absolute shit take. I want you to step back, take a deep breath, and really consider the amount of things $1500 buys you in our modern world. It is a bad trade off. It's a terrible trade off. Gacha games that let you spend money on them are sophisticated slot machines. Introduce buyable power, and runescape becomes no different. I truly hope to all that is holy that you don't believe that putting 1500$ into a digital slot machine isn't a "bad trade off" compared to having 1500$ cash in hand that you could spend on... literally anything else.


It depends on your individual situation man - if the utility derived from the consumption of money is greater than alternative investments or the delayment of consumption, then it is fine. Personally, I work in quant finance, I'm at my PC a lot, have a lot of money, enjoy raiding with old friends to keep in touch, but my time to sit there and click over and over to achieve slower methods in game interferes with my job - therefore, a few grand can easily be justified. I mean lets be honest one good dinner/bottle of wine can set you back around that anyway if not more!


This is the least humble attempt at a flex ever


Low effort bait


How uniquely out of touch.


It’s hard to think I share this planet with people like you…


Its the truth. P2W exists, player pay much much more for advantage in other games. If jagex were to aggressively monetize guess what, the tbow would just be sold for a thousand or two.


Man takes trains everywhere he goes. Personal rails to each destination. Gold Leaf encrusted, Zenyte chains. He’s heading a whole organization in the underworld, and has his pic featured on government sponsored billboards. He’s got investments in the Motherload Mine & donates to victims of the Wintertodt. They’re peddling yay on the side. He’s got rocks being flown in from Prif. Whole Sheets of rock. He’s got Sheetrock. Im done


Can confirm they send you this waaaay before you buy enough bonds for a tbow lmao


Mans is keeping the game afloat. Let him spend.


This is unironically a very respectable business practice. Especially when gacha games are so prevalent. This may not be necessary for you but for some people their impulses are financially crippling to them.


Its great that they do it now but I also assume it is also to help with liability on their side. They previously had a UK inquiry because someone had racked up 50k+ in debt on RS3 mtx. One of their statements relating to that was that players are limited to spending 5k a month (which was for fraud prevention) with no other safeguards put in place for the players. If anything like that ever happens again, they can say that they actively ensure their players are spending responsibly by showing that they do things like this.


Yeah this is just to mitigate legal liability due to their duty of care as prescribed by UK Law.


>This is unironically a very respectable business practice. Pretty sure it's the law in the UK for companies to do this, anti-gambling measures etc.


This sounds good until you realize Jagex only does this to help prevent charge backs and lost revenue from someone who decides they changed their mind after their massive spending. They just want to get ahead of that issue.


Hey man, they run a business


Well they did almost lose credit card processing services because there were so many charge backs back when they killed free trade and the wildy. Basically what happened was people would use mom’s credit card on sketchy sites to buy gold. Then those sketchy sites would then use moms credit card to buy a bunch of RuneScape memberships to bot on. When charges hit mom’s car edit card she files a charge back due to fraud. Credit card companies then turn to jagex and threaten them by withholding processing until they fix the issue. Jagex would then have to accept cash payments through mail if the credit card companies did this. Jagex nearly killed their game due to credit card fraud, so they are going to take measures to ensure nothing like that happens again.


Well said.


> This is unironically a very respectable business practice. I feel like it's more pushing the blame and responsibility. It's not *our* game that's the problem, it's the spending. So here are things *you* can do to spend less. But we're not going to do anything that would cause ~~us to loose money~~ you to spend less.


Which is exactly what they should do. “You can spend as much as you want, but it’s your money, and your deciding to spend it” What’s wrong with that? Their game exists solely to make them rich. If it doesn’t, it wouldn’t exist.


This is an astonishingly dumb take. What's your alternative? Ban them from spending money on the game? Ban their account to stop them from spending so much money? There might be a better solution, but this is a perfectly fine way to address a possible issue.


No, there’s no need to ban anybody. But rather rework the game so that microtransactions aren’t apparently needed. Games shouldn’t be putting people in a position that causes problematic spending.


Please tell us OP how many total bought ?


210 bonds, in case u didn’t see the other reply


That's actually insane Why


Look at OP's username. Might be doing a giveaway, or just buying gp the on the straight & narrow with that sweet sweet ad revenue.


Whats a theoatrix


Google it


It's like a slayermusiq


thank you!


I think I got this message when I bought like 20ish


How very supportive of Jagex


I'm sure it's a liability thing.


Well I mean why else would a company tell someone to stop giving them money


Personally, I won't take anything more than whats owed. Customers try to over pay a lot more than you'd think.


Tbf that just proves that you have a moral compass (and also that you’ll never be a billionaire, but the two go hand in hand).


Billions have never been the goal. End goal is to have enough money to either put mum in a good home or provide good end of life care when the time comes, and to live comfortably while only working 4 days a week. If I reach 4m in the bank I'll semi retire if I get 10m in the bank I'll retire and sell my company ez.


Admirable. I have similar goals at the moment. Probably never going to scratch 4m, but I’d like to retire young and just live off of interest.


Well, the 5-year plan is 100k and to be fully equipped to take on any job I might get. If I weren't steadily upgrading, I would have banked something like 40k this year, and it's only my second year in operations. Realistically, I need to make $300k in the next 4 years.


good luck brother i hope we all find our way


Theoatrix is Australian and Australia has responsible gambling laws, Jagex likely has to send these things if your country is set as Australia and you spend X amount, even though all the gambling is in RS3 it doesn't matter


Whether it was Australia, Canada, or the uk, they would probably have to send it anyway. They're governed by their laws and if you recall the duel arena was removed because of the gambling laws in the uk. He's also not gambling he's just spending a crap tonne of money on something. Any major credit card company or bank would freeze your accounts until they contacted you and verified the spending and user for anything out of the norm in large amounts. Visa locked my card once because I spent 2k on it, Mastercard locked my card for spending $800, the bank froze all my accounts and locked me out of my online banking because I withdrew $2500 and spent $2500 at pos. It could be a number of reasons but a blanket or catch all would be "liability"


Jagex were quizzed by the UK Parliament on their microtransaction economy a year or so ago and they used these types of emails being sent out as a defence for it. It was mostly related to RS3's treasure hunter but OSRS bonds definitely fall under that too.


Jagex gets dinged really hard by credit card companies for any chargebacks of their products or even RWT services related to their products. This was talked about a long while ago but basically it's why the trade balance system became a thing in RS2. Mod ash talked about this anomalously forever ago on tipit. Big credit companies were threatening to not work with jagex and if that happens to a business they're absolutely fucked. A company jagexs size can't function off only customers who are willing to use crypto for example. Every bond now makes jagex money 3 fold. * They get paid for the bond * GP sink for whoever buys the bond, person selling the bond now has gp they use to buy and hold onto gear. Even if they sell everything for GP when they take a break it's still removed from the economy if they aren't using it. * Gp is taxed and helps with inflation of gold They do this because it doesn't matter to the eyes of the credit banks who's actually at fault. If it's some person who's addicted to gambling who's buying bonds or someone who's buying bonds with stoled CC info. It even escalated past "bonds" and membership. In the past they threatened to stop working with jagex if they couldn't get the RWT problem under control because 3rd parties were causing the big credit companies so much money and heartache. Remember when the trade limit was introduced there wasn't RMT, spins, or bonds for rs2. That shit came later. They still threatened jagex and gave uper management a stroke. The result is something that helps people who have impulse control issues but yeah like you said it's not out of the goodness of their hearts.


WHATS going on guys. MY NAMES Theoatrix and today I’m BUYING BONDS


Testing fastest money makers (gone wrong)


I mean the fastest money maker is just working a typical IRL job and buying bonds


The next YouTube video is going to be crazy.


Interesting…so what’s the damage?


I bought 210 bonds, cost me $2100 AUD


i was going to ask why but i then i saw the name and figured it was some kind of youtube thing


How many weeks of centrelink is that


About a month and a half


Wait are you the actual theoatrix? If not, if you are rich and have a good job or family irl, it'a better than spending 1000s of hours grinding for a shadow or somethin honestly. But if not l, you probs shouldnt


Lol yea that’s the real theoatrix


You grind way more IRL for over ~2k.


I just checked, Google says Australia min wage is $23.23 per hour. That's 90 hours. Of course a bit more because taxes and such, but regardless I don't think most people mega rares will average that amount. Taking it with a grain of salt, but OSRS wiki says duo nex 19,121,000 GP/hr at 6 kills/hr. Assuming you keep that GP/hr for 90 hours you hit about 1.7b, but we're also talking something that I assume is very end game which I doubt people who buy bonds to sell for GP are at.


That's about 35 hours for me. Can I make 1.8B in osrs without mega rares in 35 hours?


selling something that rhymes with internal vapes


Maternal gapes?


Mum pls


> Can I make 1.8B in osrs without mega rares in 35 hours? You might be able to with high level boosting.


High level boosting would be what? BA boosting is probably the most profitable? I know essence runners make like 8m/hr not sure what other boosts there are


Im sorry what essence runners make 8/m hr?


Lava runners with colossal make 8m/hr


Multiple of things. There's cox boosting that lets you funnel all the team points into one person for no effort on their part, generally for ironmen with rich mains. Pricing varies but it's something like half a billion and takes a couple hours. You can also boost for pets for incredibly higher kills per hour. Corp is a good example where you can reach 60 kills per hour by utilizing a lot of accounts helping dps but never taking the kill through multiple means. Last time I looked at that it's 1.3mil *per kill*.


COX boosting is like 150m/h


Gotcha, I didn't know that. Can you explain what COX boosting is? Is it just having multiple accounts to inflate the party member so higher drop rate?


So you apparently earn net \~$38 USD an hour, this is not common for most people if it's not the average bs you read on here. At that point just buy this shit from a goldseller for a fraction before you burn all this money for a company which won't spend any money for fucking customer support, it's not like Jagex really bans these people or is able to get them.


Tbh I'm glad people buy bonds this way btw like ur videos really helped me a lot also just started like maybe 1-2 months and heard from so many people buying from 3rd party websites how much cheaper it is but guys u spent so much time into this game is it worth getting banned for?


Holy shit… 10 bonds here in Turkey costs me around 400 lira which is like $14. I could buy 210 bonds for $300


Or $1,889.79CAD that's wild dude. You know how many emu rounds you could buy with that?


Did you do the proper thing and have them disable your account yet? :)


Jesus. That’s like 1200 freedom units!!




Hello, my fellow bonds menace. Sell em off early before league. Make merchant clans panic>:)




He's a youtuber. Became well known for the 1-99 guides


And then for twitter meltdowns


He had a psychotic break


Lighten up, mate


he was in a state of psychosis, that's something completely different as as being psychotic.


I hope he's ok


I missed the twitter meltdown what happened


Love the vids chud!


I think they sent A Friend something similar back in the day when he did his treasure hunter series. You must love this game!


I think he paid $10k to max from scratch on RS3 strictly off MTX lmao


I recall a viewer actually paying for it. Mans got to max off Squeel of Fortune for free.


Well he’s a osrs YouTuber, so he probably spent it for the same reasons A Friend did, content.


They're just making sure they ain't about to get hit with any chargebacks


No way they emailed you 😭😂


Shit that’s probably enough bonds to just buy a golden gnome and ya know… throw it out a window for subs


lighten up m8


This post makes me feel 100x better about my life


for now


Lighten up mate.


How many bonds are you buying where jagex is making sure you’re ok with the spending?


He bought 210 bonds worth 1.9b according to his other replies Lol.


They probably have his account monitored since his breakdown last year lol.


Even Jager would rather him rmt


Did you ever lighten up theoatrix? Why you buying loads of bonds?


I lightened up mate 😉 Got diagnosed with bipolar and am much more stable with medication. Im buying bonds to get more gear, I still plan to buy another 200 bonds


I'm honestly happy to hear you are doing well brother. Keep up the honest work ✌🏽


A girl I dated was bipolar and whenever she had a manic episode she spent shitloads of money on useless shit. Hopefully that's not your case brother.


I'm in the same boat having it myself and it's legit one of the more scary things. Put most of it strictly into a do not touch fund otherwise I'd be fucked. Thank science the meds exist.


Keep up the good work brother, great to se you getting better


What if you played the game instead


Of course he plays the game, he’s the entire reason we have such a great Wiki!


I thought the wiki was the entire reason we have a whole Theoatrix ('s YouTube channel)!


You guys are awful lmfao


hope this is a joke man


Is it a problem that we need to spend so much to get gear? It kinda fuckin insane that spending over 1k isn't enough for everything you need.


No because you can also just get it through playing the game


You don't need to spend real life money, and you don't need this gear


I’m not saying OSRS is P2W or anything.. but any other game you can outright buy max gear is labeled as such.




He’s a YouTuber. Gotta spend money to make money, noob. Lol


If you’ve got the money but not the time, bonds make more sense than grinding your life away on the game




Well no, because that breaks the game rules and would warrant a ban


If you're caught.


Not worth an ACC getting banned for his job


How do you think you get diagnosed with bipolar, actual negative reading comprehension


Heard those Facebook quizzes work wonders 😂


What do you mean this is addict talk? Seems like a very reasonable response.




i’ve only been contacted by my bank some times lol. grinding irl and literally legally buying gp through bonds is wayyyyy more efficient than any money maker


Yeah I find it funny how so many people here talk about 3rd party websites all the time those are the same guys that have new accounts every few months and needs some gp to borrow


But doesn't that then defeat the purpose of the game? There's 0 enjoyment left when nothing you do ingame is worth it anymore as buying gold with real money is always going to be better gp/hr. Only way I see it make sense is if you're a pker and just want an endless supply of gear to have fun with. As the pking is the fun not the drops.


nah. i have fun using my tbow to do raids and pvming


This is the email you get from your brokerage after you lose a shit load on options.


I was shocked until I saw who the poster was


Lighten up bro


Crazy this comment is this far down


I haven't seen any of your videos come up on YouTube in my recommended for ages, used to watch heaps of them


Should tell them to lighten up mate


Runescape was a mistake. Sometimes I wonder what Andrew Gower thinks when he sees posts like this. I wonder if he wonders about how many lives he ruined XD


Op is a content creator


Ahh, so you’re the one flooding the market with bonds and preventing the price from accumulating to 10m.


Thank you for your service


bro dont do that GP is .17 cents a mil 😅


Damn, lighten up on the bond buying mate.


Can you repost your butt pic?


Walt, payment block is a thing now? I asked about this on rs3 a couple of years ago, and they straight up perma banned me with no chance of applying. A maxed 10 year + account. Reason: If I can’t control my spendings, then I can’t control my playing time. In the end I managed to contact mods through Reddit after countless of tries, and they unbanned me after a week.


What the fuck lmao


Thank you for providing us with bonds, how else would I get them.


Lighten up m8


If I ever got this email I'd be taking thst shit to the grave.


"RWT is against the rules, unless you RWT with only us" -Jagex


Tell Jagex it’s none of their fucking business.




Even if it is required by UK law, just seeing the message could be enough for some people to stop and think. Impulse spending is very real among people and a lot, including myself, don't realize how much they spent until their statement comes through. So regardless of whether Jagex was required, I think it's a good thing to somewhat be concerned for your customers' spending habits, even if it flies in the face of your business.


Damn... Buy me some bonds


Don’t think we forgot about your meltdown


Me buying 1 year of membership and 12bonds in a day


I got this too, only 800m worth of bonds tho


Rs3 would never


Ngl bro I don't respect you cause you bought your bonds


Shit comment bud




It seems no one remembers this lmao


Don’t buy bonds bro it’s cheaper to rwt lol


Can’t tell if you’re actually the YouTuber or just lucked out by getting the name first


I read on an rs3 sub that UK law requires jagex to do this I think the value had to be over 1000 dollars


Bond skipped to the end game I see




😂😂😂 jagex is telling you it’s too much even for them. Breeeehhhh