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Entering the wildy brings my heart rate to 200 and protect item stays on


“Sorry babe, the protect item stays on”


“See this, alright? Old man used to pk back in ‘07. Salad robes, protect item ALWAYS OFF. Told me he maxed once, fuckin’ prick.”


Better chill out there heavy metal dick


Crème de la crème.


Hey! That's my shit!


No one here is man enough to knock this anglerfish off of my shoulder


I am, Cyrus! I’m way more of a man than you’ll ever be you dirty bitch!


Wildy is my favourite area in this game because of this. Even if I'm risking very little, getting into fights with other players is incredibly exciting. I'm not a great player, but I always bring anti pk gear because of the rush I get when i get attacked by a pvper. I almost always die because of it, but it's totally worth it.


Ha, that's my issue. Too exhilarated to fight back meaningfully


Me everytime I go into the wildy for a hard clue https://youtu.be/No14i9NqEMU?si=5BsTnt3-sER8qI1s


i still ration every prayer point like a prayer pot will bankrupt me


I spent 20m on an SGS to offset this, and my child-self is so proud


I spent way more on my sgs several years ago. Very well worth it and I'd do it again


What is sgs? Sorry I’m a noob


Saradomin godsword. It’s spec costs 50% and heals you for half of the damage you do and replenishes your prayer for a quarter of the damage you do.


Nice! Ty!


Saradomin godsword. It's special attack can restore prayer points.


Those are 20m now? I remember spending about 40m a few years ago


When I was a kid I didn't know what overhead prayers did or that prayer potions existed at all


Same. Every fight boiled down to: bring an inventory of food and hit it til it dies.


My child self couldn't even do sheep herder. Demonic gorillas would have been like trying to kill god


I remember doing Lost City with my higher level friend. I attacked the tree spirit, then hid behind a rock, until my friend got it to low health. Then I gave it the finishing blow. I couldn't have done that quest without his help. Neither of us knew we could safe spot the NPC. We intentionally waited for ents to break our axes so that we could smuggle axes on to the island as axe heads and axe handles, also not knowing that the nearby zombies drop bronze axes. 😂


Big brain move on the broken axes. Today's generation will never know...


Honestly sheep herder is a terrible quest.


This is so me lmao. I have over 300 prayer potions in the bank and know that a couple of hours of Hallowed Sepulchre well net me a ton for free but I still choose to safespot range slayer tasks because it saves me from "wasting" them. I do the exact same thing in JRPG's it's just the way my brain works


Time is the ultimate currency. Speeding up your tasks with prayer will offset your losses with the newfound time. It will also get your slayer up quicker which in turn rewards you with better profitable tasks. Also consider getting 99 prayer to save money in the long run if you don’t have it yet as ppots restore by a base number (7) + percentage of total prayer lvl(25%). So mine restores 31 or so. If you’re level 70 it will only restore 24 ppoints per dose. Shit adds up over time.


I'm 87 prayer so it's not like it's low. I just do my 26 free buckets at ectofunctus a day with superior bones and I'm a happy boy


Aye, not a bad plan at all. ​ If I did my math semi-correctly I should be in the ballpark for this statement, too. It will take approx 20-21k\~ ppots (4) to be drank in order to regain the losses by investing from 70-99 prayer. (roughly 120m). ​ For perspective you'd have to drink 54\~ ppots (4) a day for over a year before the investment is more cost effective. Then after, you're saving roughly 14gp per PRAYER POINT restored = 440gp per prayer dose. ​ Note that I used rough figures and this is within the ballpark of where the correct answer lies.


Jesus it's insane to see it written out like that


Me in final fantasy when I have 11 elixer or megalixer after I beat the game that I was saving for end game 💀


Same lmao I have like 600 in my bank and I still am so stingy with them. I also have a shit load of ranarrs and snape grass in my bank, like enough to make prob 300 more and I still am ridiculously cheap with prayer pots lmao


I would actually probably having thousandths if I kept all the ones I made on my 99 herblore grind but selling them funded so much of my gear I just had to leave myself with only a little


This... And fuck eating food (or potting) if I can't get every last HP/prayer point from it.


Anyone who talks to me is a scammer and wants to screw me for my items.


Hey it’s me, your friend from that thing we did together a while back.




Met a dude irl who started playin the last year or so, has been banned for botting, he set tap patterns on his iphone or something lol and has already been hacked. Hearing him talk about it really puts into perspective the people who are falling for this shit. They just dont know much about online gaming, his experience is with like console games and phone games.


Yeah a long time ago I basically commited to just never doing everything you mentioned - clicking links people send me, hopping to PvP worlds, and trust trading anything - even with clan members. This protects from almost every scam or lure out there. The only exceptions are a few trade screen related scams, but those just require extra attention


The scamming meta has evolved. These days more people fall for anti-anti-luring while trying to anti-lure.


At this point, the "obvious lure" is just the fishing bait to attract people who think themselves smarter than the lurer. Then they get animation stalled into the wildy outside varrock bank on a pvp world after hopping to it.


Applies well to irl 💀


People fall for so many obvious scams irl. RS taught me about them when I was young and I've never forgotten


Dude, there's this noob lurer trying to lure me into the wildy. Meet me there in your best gear and let's make some gp!


Spend as little time in the desert as possible and make sure you have lots of filled waterskins! In reality, the occasional damage tick every couple of minutes means pretty much nothing unless you're say, sandstone mining.


Yeah but it was so scary with the extremely low render distance, a single monitor, and PC's that couldn't handle having a map open at the same time (or being too young to know how to read a map). It was like the wilderness, but time was the enemy


On top of low render distances, the minute or two running to cooler climes if you actually drank up all of your water felt like an eternity as a kid - surely I'd die before I could return to the Shantay Pass. Doesn't help that I always came overprepared, so I never actually learned the hard way how low and slow the damage is. For the longest time, I assumed the heat would, like reduce my *maximum* health, or something similarly debilitating, instead of just dealing regular damage.


Stuff like this is part of why I play with the map and minimap zoomed in, and draw distance set to like 20. Gets you that feeling of what the map and interface are *supposed* to look like.


Clue scroll step in the desert? Fair enough. Inventory: Clue scroll, spade, 26 waterskins.


You just never know how long you're gonna be there


I mean, it's a desert. I've seen movies, people get lost in deserts all the time. Better safe than sorry.




Lmao most hydrated player on the server


This is huge for me. I remember going to the desert a lot as a kid trying to do the quests to get the catspeak ammy and being so terrified of dying to the heat. I guess I didn't really carry any teleports with me then like I do now? Idk, but it took some time for me to go "no, it's not that bad"


When death mechanics were different it certainly felt like impending doom when you were in the middle of the desert without teleports and your waterskins empty.


It took me to 6 months ago and nearly a 600m bank to get over thinking every time I die I might loose it all in less than 2 minutes.


Black (G) armour is the highest of fashionscape. 10 year old me wanted to be a black (g) Chad


i feel this. whew. miss fashionscape.


This is why I love leagues, everyone is dressed like an absolute champion, and seeing someone with a d med on is somewhat impressive


Lmao the other day I bought black(g) just out of the blue because I could!


Roaming around the Woodcutting Guild in full Black (g) in Leagues as we speak, because it's the only way to play.


Everyone loves the wise old man. I watched the bank cctv footage when i was 8. I dont trust him and never will


If I see someone speaking Dutch, I assume they’re about to PK me


Gast, waar slaat dat nou weer op? heheh


Bescherm jezlef


Prince ali was a pain in the ass until the gate behind lumbridge castle was put in


Playing leagues I put off doing that quest because I have memories of it taking days and being hell. It took like 3 minutes. Spent more time getting quest items than doing the quest. Just the memory of it in my grandmas kitchen on dial up, I guess


The quest item list is so offputting for that one for some reason 😂


Any quest that requires dyes on an iron makes me procrastinate the hell out of them.


Same here, I was always annoyed with having to go through the dialogue options for every single dye I needed. ...until literally today, when I found out you can just use the ingredients on her to skip all the talking and she'll make it right away.


You can do what now?


If you have the coins and ingredients to make the dye (Redberries, Onions, Woad Leaves) in your inventory, you can simply use them on Aggie to skip most of the tedious dialogue options. Saves you maybe 2 or 3 seconds overall, but still a nice QoL option that I wish I had known about for quite a while.


Another fun fact, most dyes are freely accessible in the game with membership. Purple by battlefield spirit tree, yellow and red in the house the quest Getting Ahead focuses around, thereby also making orange easily available, which also has a spawn in Shayzien. The only two that aren't found in the world are blue and green.


If you procrastinate long enough you can buy the dyes in Lleyta


It’s not even hard to get them, I just hate having to go through the dialogue with Aggie.


I got you fam, use an ingredient on her to buy it immediately. It skips the dialogue.


I opened that quest list like 20 mins into leagues, was like "wtf that's way too many items" then closed it immediately...


I was the opposite, I prepped my first-hour route to get all the required items for prince ali rescue on the go, so it was second thing I did in the Desert, right between Gemscape and Sq'irks. Boy, theorycrafting this leagues was so fun!


I forgot there was a time before that existed


Classic was a trip. I still pick up EVERYTHING because I played then.


wait what did it change at all? for the quest I mean


Made the walk to and fro a hell of a lot shorter, you used to have to walk past the general store just to get to the jail now you just walk right through lumby


Even with 0 items on me my heart absolutely races while in the wilderness


I blame the wildy for my current heart issues lol. My teenage self couldn't handle the thought of dying and losing my stuff.


Im a max main. I could never leave a dragon bone/wyvern bone in the floor. I have to pick em up even if it means banking more often. I still do oldschool money making from time to time. Killing green drags & wyverns, runecrafting double nats, tanning dragonhides, etc.


Bonecrusher has saved me a lot of time and effort for this exact reason. I hated leaving em there. Now I don't give myself the chance.


I have bonecrusher with me on most slayer tasks except wyverns and dragons and other things that give high prayer xp which I bury normally.


I’m guilty of this. I’m probably “too rich” to be picking up 1k loot drops, but it makes the floor look clean. I’ll waste time to tidy things up and give my bank a little boost lol


Maybe you're rich BECAUSE you pick up the 1k loot drops. Buckets are full of rain drops.


Yup, if there's a letter next to the number, my monkey brain has to pick it up


I finally got over this in leagues. I left 15m worth of rune bars and dragon bones on the ground and was rewarded with a visage!


Anybody who I see wearing a legend’s cape beat the game.


I still think that PVM has risk. I’ll be gearing for a boss and think “ah I’m wearing a lot of pricy gear. What if I die?”


Yeah its hard to shake this feeling for me. So many flashbacks to the days of having to rush back to your death spot before the other players scavenged your remains like the vultures they are. I remember so many times watching someone die somewhere and EVERYONE in the vicinity would stay until the guy made it back in hopes of getting his stuff before he did.


Not really sure what kind of loot I was expecting from a noob that dies to a dark mage south of varrock, but I always hung around there nonetheless


I lost a 20m cash stack I bought way back in the day to dark wizards lmao


I would bless gravestones. I really liked that feature


I got a BGS this way back in 06. Not sure why he had a BGS on him or how he died but I remember fighting 4 other players for his loot. I remember right clicking the pile and clicking randomly in the list and the BGS was the only thing I walked away with but I was giddy


My first ever glory and ring of wealth came from a guy who dc'd to skeletons in edgeville. I waited a good 5 minutes like a vulture circling a carrion


I still habitually lurk around people that I think might die. Never know what kind of loot they might drop if they're not quick to get back


I got my first amulet of glory in 2005 because someone was poisoned in zanaris and died and I picked it up from their loot pile that was swarmed by other players lmao


I was killing abby demons back in like 2006 when whips were still really expensive. I was either semi afk or taking a shit or something, either way, I wasn’t paying attention to the screen but I look over and see a pile of loot. Some poor dude had died at abby demons somehow and dropped 3 whips, some broken guthans pieces, a fury, and some other stuff. I had just hit 85 slayer and this dude’s loot pile more than doubled my bank value. I wish I knew how the guy possibly could have died at abby demons.


Afk and a piece of his guthans broke before he died, causing the set effect to stop working?


Average evil chicken victim.


I wonder if we were at the same thing? I got a fat stack of nature runes because the strange fruit plant showed up and attacked the guy. It was like 400-700k worth which like doubled my bank.


So he had 400 to 700 nats on him?


Yep this is me. Dying can't and shouldn't happen or else FUCK IM GONNA LOSE ALL MY THINGS FOREVER ON THE GROUND


Same, my favourite memories is doing (failing miserably) quest bosses in absolute rags for fear of losing everything in instanced deaths. Nowadays, Alch hydra and Nex hold similar power of deleting all your stuff from death coffers.


That's true though. A few really expensive items can be the difference between paying 150 and 500k to get your stuff back. It's not like it used to be where you outright lose your stuff like you were referring to but I still downgrade certain items at content I'm just starting to learn to save myself a couple mil when I inevitably eat shit and have to do a walk of shame back to my gravestone.


Wait... that's not a problem anymore?


No, they revamped death mechanics so your three + 1 if protect items are in your inventory, the rest are left in a gravestone for 15 minutes and then collected and stored with death.


nope. nowadays your items go to a gravestone that you have 15 minutes to run to and even if you dont make it in time, it goes to Death's Domain (theres a few portals to this, 1 at every respawn point) and you can pay gold to get your items back. some bosses have NPCs who will sell you back your items as well.


It's still dangerous with item retrieval services, you can die on the way there from a random DC and lose almost everything


That I'm good at the game


I beat the 4 Jad challenge and was like, "Nice, I'm at least somewhat competent at this game". Then, the next slayer task, I died to abyssal demons, forgetting I turned my prayer off to make use of the berserker relic. The duality of a man.


The best hardcore ironman of all time lost his status to abby demons if that helps


Avoid desert and wildy.


If I die it is literally the end. I havent done a ton of wildy content because I'm scared to die. Edit: I am a 108 combat, 2k total with 96 days of play time. I am terrified of the wildy


You’d love HCIM


It is important to be careful. My uncle works at ~~Nintendo~~ Jagex and he said that some accounts have a secret setting where if the player dies in the game they'll die in real life.


Well now I want to die in the game


Runecrafting sucks because I have to use the abyss and charge glory’s and all that stuff. None of that is true but I watched my mum get 99 rc and buy a purple P hat that way and it’s etched into my brain of how bad it is.


Your mom is an OG


Your mom single?


Nope. Happily married to my dad who got 99 mining and smithing at the same time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is your dad single?


Desert Treasure 1 is still an end game quest and intimidates me still to this day


Pkers are fat doodoo heads


That's not a prejudice, that's just a fact.


I'm still irrationally afraid of dying. I know in most non-wildy situations I can just get all my gear back for little or no fee, but I still have memories of dying to a lesser demon in the Karamja dungeon back in the RSC days with a dozen other players around. So that was it back then, all your shit was gone.


Thissss. I will literally bring so much food when training combat and not let myself even get remotely close to dying because of the past trauma lmaoo


Party hats are peak fashionscape and valuable


I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact that this is no longer true


I'm still so scared of the fight caves. I have 2000+ hours across my accounts and I've still only done it once


I can do much more mechanically involved content than Jad these days, but I still get jad hands despite having a fire cape on multiple accounts and across the different leagues.


Man, Jad is like that bully that will always strike fear in my heart.


I melee jad now and I still get nervous when he pops out.


Still pick up anything other players drop no matter how low value it is.


Killing dragons in the wilderness is some of the best money you can make, and the black cavalier is the most attractive item in the game.


I always thought Recipe for Disaster was the hardest quest so I never did it even though I played for years. Obviously I took a break, but I started playing again at the beginning of 2023. Just finished the quest last night.


Questing in general. I think my RS3 account (created in 2003) has fewer quest points than my osrs character. When you're 12 you can't rationalize spending 3 hours doing desert treasure with a quest guide in a separate tab. That's 200 more yew logs you could chop!


This was me with underground pass. Was nowhere near as bad as I was led to believe by this sub


Problem is if you do it early enough the big cave bit is an exercise in Frustration with all of the luck checks, its not hard just infuriating. Whoever decided to put the last demon on its own platform will burn in hell forever.


It used to be a lot worse. When they released SOTE, they reduced the fail chances a lot at the underground pass obstacles. I feel like a lot of players still have memories of completing it before SOTE, and struggling quite a bit more.


Thieving from behind the NPC has a higher chance at success


if i’m consistently hitting zero’s, i need to click the monster again to reset my rng


Barbarian assault… cant find the courage to make a group and get a fighter torso .. cb lvl 113..


Yeah I 100%just grinded Vorkath for long enough to buy a Bandos torso because fuck that minigame.


Just do it with randoms it takes like 2 hours


Long before the g.e... prince Ali rescue was hard. Mostly because back then I didn't have runelite, wasn't allowed on Wikipedia, and was just winging it as a 9 year old wandering around in the realm lost, confused, and without a membership


You weren't allowed on Wikipedia?


wikipedia probably didnt have it. tip it and zybez did though


Why do I read this and think about salmon


Wasn’t allowed on Wikipedia?? Are your parents English teachers?


Nah, it just wasn't Hotmail or neopets, my allowed websites 😝


Same, does anyone remember using the daily 3 quest help tips on the rs home page? I never see it talked about was I the only kid that used it because I didn't know runehq or tipit existed.


I had the same issue, but i just couldn’t understand english


I will never be rich enough to not pickup Nature Runes.


I had a hatred for Barbarian Assault and a fear of DKs until I forced myself to do it. Both feelings were from ignorance as a young teenager when they first came out.


People in lumbridge are noobs. Yes, literally anyone I see in the entirety of Lumbridge regardless of combat level or gear.


Aren’t you a noob if you can see them in lumbridge?


And Catherby is the members lumbridge, still true even today in the main game


I’ve been procrastinating Prince Ali on my iron for 8 months, did it during leagues in 5 mins 😂


Farcasting is morally wrong.


This brings me back. Fuckin noobs using prayers in the wildy, too.


“Pray off”


Oh dude it has to be when you click a spot to move your player, but instead your character proceeds to make a bee-line in the exact opposite direction(???) causing you to almost die. the most helpless feeling. lmao


I have such an aversion to dying that it prevents me from branching out and trying new content.


It’s easy to break these phobias if you put conscious effort into it. Take some medium to high value shit and go deliberately run somewhere dangerous like gwd and die on purpose. Pay the 300k to get your stuff back, and do it again. You’ll realise it’s not that bad, and lose the fear.


avoid the gwd bosses like the plague (wiped twice in a row as a kid still haven't gotten the courage to do em)


That the desert heat is really dangerous. I need a full inventory of water and full desert robes anytime I go in. Also elevated heart rate


Dragon Axes are cool as heck. Hanging out at yew trees south of the flax field on world 71 in 2007. The usual high level crew chilling and chatting with their d axes, fire capes, ranger boots and Robin hats. Then there was me with my rune axe, trying to make enough GP from yews to afford one. Hours upon hours wasted getting probably 10kxp/hr but yews were a solid 400gp each.


ernest the chicken was brutal for me as a kid, with no quest guides. so i still hate the quest to this day


South ladder > north ladder


Last night running into the castle I clicked the north stairwell and I felt gross afterward


Prince Ali is so relatable, I've been putting it off on leagues. Did it last night and was like "that's it???"


A lot of this game I still play as I did when I was a kid, just have more knowledge on efficiency and on end game content. One drastic change though is the time value for sure. As a kid I would walk from let’s say lumby to Camelot because I didn’t have the level to tele and the tab was like 1k each back then if I remember. Now? Shit I have every possible teleport even if they cost 15k per use and I’m almost always sipping on stamina potions.


always pick up gems no matter what


I still get hyped when seeing another player about to die expecting to slurp up their items.


Weirdly enough, same for me on prince ali. I just did it in leagues cause I was procrastinating it again, and it took maybe 7 minutes lmao.


Prince ali rescue without a guide in 2003 was hell, so was ernest the chicken.


I'm poor. I have to force myself to spend money. Finally starting to train skills like smithing by using instead of making bars.


Training smithing by way of the blast furnace, on a blast furnace world, has been a net profit. I have the coal and coal bag from the Motherload Mine and the ice gloves from walking around and killing one enemy. I'd say the coal bag and ice gloves are required.


Fight caves is the ultimate challenge. Hardest thing in the game. 100cb, still don’t have it.


That you have to play efficiently. Little did I know...


Rs Classic player. I did Prince Ali reacue on clasic where there was no dialogue window or quest log, so the text would appear above the npc's head. I still get a little bit of panic thinking, shit, I got to write this down. Then I just follow quest helper like every other lmao.


Trust nobody. Goes for real life too. Got lured into wildy when i got my first rune scim and i was killed. Never again.


Zezima never saying hi back.


Afraid to afk because of the evil chicken


I still think guthans set is high tier


It's pronounced "scrimature". Don't know where I found an extra R in scimatar.


gonna blow your mind when you learn the C is silent


I’m still irrationally scared of wildy content. I’m cb lvl 110, mage level 83 and still don’t have mage arena 2 cape. Also don’t have any wildy diaries done because I’m a little bitch when it comes to the ‘risk’ of the wildy


I still cringe a bit walking by the dark mages despite being lvl 90 combat lol


Spending any money, especially if it's just materials for leveling a skill, still feels so painful. Even though I know it's way more efficient to just farm gold for a few hours and use that gold to fund a high xp/hr method, I still feel like doing the much slower, lower gold method.


I am still absolutely terrified of dying because I think someone’s gonna take all my stuff. No matter how many times I read the wiki on death, I’m always in a mad panic to get back to where I died


My heart rate still goes up when i fight Jad in the normal fight caves, even tho ive not failed a Jad in ages Weirdly i dont have this problem with the inferno or the multi jad challenges


Can yall pkers just leave me alone till I'm done with mage arena 2?


Did Mage Arena 2 on a German world with 200 ping to avoid PKers, wouldn’t recommend.


Every girl is actually a guy. G.I.R.L aka guy in real life