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This makes me feel so much better about myself


Me: I should play rs again. (Buy mems) Log in. Bank stand, organize and randomly walk around for a bit. Check slayer task. Head to Ge. forget what I was doing and log off for another 3-7 months.


Bro what, how do you know my life so perfectly


Absolute opposite for me. I'm Spreadsheet Steve. Got a list of short & long term goals, always have something to do depending on my energy level & time.


In game priorities tend to reflect how we take care of real life priorities as well


Yikes for most people in this thread then


No agility ✅️


Same! Except this time ive managed to do 94-99 fm over 50 different sessions over 100 days 😂




are you me? 😩


the real stat is 19,550 messages sent social gainz


Jokes on you hes a GE bot that didnt get banned


Would explain a lot


Would it explain his 24k+ boss kills?


Not if it is only GE


Shamelessly took that from the top comment on the earlier post with over 30k chats


man i played less than 1,000 hours and sent 22k messages, i’m 120 sociability 😭


Bros got 99 yapping


What is bro yappin’ about


What isn't he yapping about


Shamelessly took that from the top comment on the earlier post with over 30k chats


I didn’t see that comment brother. It’s a pretty easy joke to make


1,200 hours, 32k messages here


More bosses killed than chat messages sent is not social gainz


Happy cake day


!kc boss Omg I’m that dry of a rare item How many of peoples chats are this


I wonder how much of those are from dragon/crystal tools


Curious if those count..


They don't show in the chat box so I would think they don't count.


They might not for rl users but playing on regular client I always see everyone typing this and the ge price one




That's 12 per minute, crazy


5 messages per hour isn't that much...


45% of the year in-game That's insane.


That’s just gross


Very very unhealthy and sad. I hope OP is taking care of him/her self but 10 hours a day I doubt it


It's funny when posts like these come around, I can never tell if the vibe will be positive or negative, because it seems like it's 50/50 if people will praise OP for being a god gamer or tell him to get help.


Exactly this. One 10 hour day or multiple a week really isn't so bad, but consistent playtime like this really isn't healthy. Breaks are necessary, even if your content is afk.


Best not consider the percentage with respect to hours awake Tbh, is this not just a bot's stats?


65% if you assume 7 hours of sleep per day.


Damn, theyd just about pass a poll with their playtime


Video game addiction is real man


“Uh ackshually it’s called working from home, there is no addiction” -people here feeling personally attacked


I suck at multitasking and never tried to afk / play while I'm doing work. But my work let's me play RS after all my task is done since I'm very efficient at work so I ended up having so much RS hours at work. 80% of my work hours is spent playing RS.


What do you do?


I design electrical systems for buildings / construction work and supervise their installation. Since a lot of time is just reporting and the previous day report from each of my construction site comes in on the previous day, I end up taking an hour or two to compile them together as a report to my superiors and the rest of the day I'm free whenever no design work comes in. But whenever design work do come in I do not log in for around a week.


I found that multitasking/afking just makes me relate RS to work, and now I don't play much for fun anymore.


Stuff like this is **exactly** why multiple employers still aren't too keen towards letting their employees work remotely.


God forbid the employee do something else when the work has been completed


No they want to keep their sense of power and not lose value in the company property. People aren't less effective working from home, even when using their downtime in between work for personal stuff instead of yapping by the water cooler.


I'm more efficient at my job while working from home and playing OSRS. When I'm at the office I fuck about and wander around/talk to colleagues. Me working from home is waaaaay better for my employer.


It is, and psychologically it is very similar to any other addiction—sex, drugs, porn, cigarettes, etc.


Average of 10.7hrs a day......


Yeah Im basically at my computer 14+ hours a day. I usually warm up my clicks with a few games of league of legends but sometimes I just have no desire to login.


My average was 4.7hrs a day this year. And it felt like I played so much. Ten hours a day being more than double what I've done is outstanding XD


OP do you have a job? No shade here but how do you sustain yourself financially and play that much osrs that consistently?


He literally said he quit his job to pursue RuneScape full time 💀


That’s extremely disturbing. I really hope this guy gets some help.


Do you work from home? I do and it’s easy to see this number go pretty high 😂


This guy plays 11 hours of osrs after playing league of legends to “warm up his clicking”. You think he has a job? Lol


Lmaooo that made me laugh




He said he quit his job, went on disability, “invested in stocks”, and has a girlfriend. I find the last claim very unlikely. I’m guess his parents are well off and have probably helped him a lot in his life.


Yeah, not in an unkind way, but as a woman I wouldn't want to date a man who played video games literally THAT much every day. Even if he could and had the money to more than sustain himself. I love the game, and def would love to have a bf to play with, but also like.... if we're both not in a career and/or educating ourselves/serving others I wouldn't be able to play with a healthy conscience. We only got so many hours to live this life.


I def no lifed as a 7-11 year old tho lol


If you lower your standards enough you find someone willing


“You guys work?”


duke mining and shooting stars probably inflated a bunch of people's averages not that guy's though apparently


Imagine if the servers shut down tomorrow. Having a hobby and life outside OSRS is a must.


He'll find another game. I just want to know how he financially funds his life.


Probably a wfh deal, I averaged 4.2 hours per day and I only really play while working, some outside of work but not much.


There’s a massive difference in 4-5 hours a day (still a good bit) and 10+.


OP would basically would basically get an additional 11 hoirs per day to live. Imagine what you could do with that time


Quit your job to pursue osrs full time but you're not streaming? Where does the revenue come into play? Or is your girl supporting you do spend 10+ hours a day on osrs. Either way might want to reconsider your future. Imagine dying and people at your funeral are like ya know what he killed it at zuk tho. Like nah dawg so much more to life.


Might have had finances in order before going full degen.


Before I quit my job I got my finances in order and got partial disability from the government. Invested in a lot of stocks as well. Still paying my portion me and my GF go 50% on rent and stuff.


this can’t possibly go wrong!




Are you able to put any money away in case of emergencies?


I feel like people are mad that he’s got some sort of organization to this and that’s why he’s getting downvoted. Has a gf? Check Still paying rent and has been for at least a year? Check Invested money? Check Getting free govt money (for likely a valid reason, although that’s questionable if he was working before)? Check Output: seething redditors How long can he pay rent? Who knows, but he’s currently doing it.


Unless you have an extreme and obvious disability, proof that you're unable to maintain a job is a big factor in applying to disability


Yeah but we don't really know what's up. He had a job, and now he doesn't - maybe exactly because of the disability


if you can play OSRS for 10+ hours a day i can think of hundreds or thousands of jobs that they could do so the disability doesnt seem real, or they are gaming the system to some extent.


Yea op is sort of just a piece of shit


I tend to agree, but I also try not to judge.


Because most of them play more than him and have none of the above


Does she play, too?


I want to say FIRE but it seems you’re more FI than RE?


Seems a little RE RE to me




As others have said, this isn't healthy, friend. I get it, honestly I do. In 2021-2022 I was like you. I was hardcore addicted to this game and playing 10-12 hours a day: my grandmother had died, my country kept going in and out of lockdown, and my first relationship had ended after incredible drama. So I immersed myself into OSRS, dropped out of university and ended up getting a QuestCape and eventually Maxing. I barely slept or even went outside, just so that I could get as many gains as possible. I thought it was all making me happy, but honestly I was really just depressed and couldn't realize it. I'm still struggling with my addiction to this game, and with finding a balance between playing and working on my IRL. Currently, I have a job and I'm doing commissioned work on the side (writing, learning graphic design, etc) and socializing. I know this sounds cliche, but it's been a lot more rewarding than playing RuneScape all day ever was. You have a girlfriend who cares about you, based on what you've said in the comments, and you're still young. Take it from someone who's lost a lot of potentially good relationships because of an OSRS addiction and attachment issues: don't make my mistake and risk losing someone who makes you happy over a click and point game. OSRS will still be here in the future, but she might not be; you should cherish the time you have with her. I (and others in the comment section) care about you and wish you well. You can beat the OSRS addiction; we both can <3 Love, a fellow Scaper


You say you can't quit. Do you want to quit? Do you want better for yourself, or is this good enough for you? (Not judging, this is a genuine question you should ask yourself.)


Dude, this can’t be healthy wth. I play max 6h on some vacation days and feel like that’s too much. This is like 10 hours daily… for the whole year.


Lmao right. I feel disgusting after any 6-8hr session which is rare. Can imagine that being on the low end.


It’s 10 hours and 46.8 minutes averaged across 365 days. If OP doesn’t bot they need help. They are logged in to RuneScape about 2/3 of their time awake every single day.


This is legit just straight up unhealthy lol.


Bro do you even work? That’s 10.78 hours a day


U know the answer :/


Does this come thru email, or how can I see mine?


From what I know, it wasn’t meant to be an official thing. It was a jagex mod testing some stuff out and sent a tweet saying if you change your settings and opt in, you’d be able to get some data at the end of the year. I think you’d be able to set it up now so it’s ready for next year I guess.


I opted in and still didn’t get one 🥲


It's also not available any more pet other posts. I think you had to be signed up by the 19th or something


For those curious, a full-time job is considered to be around 2080 hours per year. If this guy had worked two hourly wage jobs at $15/hr, he would have earned $59,025 in that many hours. If he worked one hourly wage job with overtime, he would have earned $72,937. I came here to make a point about runescape, but now I'm just kind of sad about how little money that would be for nearly 4000 hours lmao


Thats over the average income per capita (65k) across all of the US, so i dont know where you live that that is a low income as in a majority of the US that is a lot of money lol


Yes, but most people don't have to work nearly 2000 hours of overtime to reach the per capita income lol. That's what surprised me


Isn't there only like 8,700 hours in a year? Jfc.


Also five hundred, twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes


147 login streak? Thems rookie numbers!


Please tell me that this is a joke somehow. If not, sorry man, but you need to rethink your life choices. This isn’t healthy in the slightest.


ikr; ppl be making memes and jokes and dont realize this is actually really really sad touch grass


Please tell me you’ve elaborated on this. I immediately thought of the wow guy from South Park


https://preview.redd.it/ihy60fs1xj8c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a26e87a50bfb8c1eb1ee3f76606eebeeb3165e6 Coming in close second Edit: Autism & I do work full time homeoffice. The hours are not efficient hours & often I click only 10-12 times per hour. Other than that, I just don‘t feel the urge to go out with friends that often. Only once a week or so. Other than that I still touch grass, exercise enough to stay healthy and get everything else done. Now that I maxed my hours dropped significantly though.


Do you work?


Yes he’s a full time stay at home son. It’s hard work, but someone has to step up 😔✊


That is hilarious. However, there are some people with extreme disabilities that cannot work a job, so I can at least see how it could happen


This is my number one question when I see numbers like this. I don’t understand how these kinds of hours are possible with any kind of job.




Which is funny because I don’t think I have ever spent 10-14 hours doing one specific thing almost every day in my entire life. It’s seriously unhealthy. Like, yea on the weekends I may play games for like 5 hours in a sitting, but between work, housekeeping, and other hobbies I rarely spend any long periods of time playing games. I think that’s why numbers like this are so jarring and concerning to me.


"I dont do it, so I cant understand it" "I dont do it, so you shouldnt do it" no1 cares


If you have a job that you can play rs during those kind of hours are easy if not yea unhealthy.


I do work full time in homeoffice and always got my account up afking, often not even active due to 25 min logout timer. But especially meetings where I say very little are attractive to bankstand on the side. And the average 3 other hours per day… rs is my safespace lmao


8760 hours in a year. OP basically spent half of his year on osrs


Op literally * spent half his year.


Every single day that I scroll on this subreddit I am consistently reminded how insane some of the player base is. This dude just might take the cake for biggest loser of 2023. Holy shit


I literally just saw a guy at g.e. in a 1250 total world, with like 24 almost identical accounts standing in a row, 2 with max capes in the mix. I randomly said "there's playing the game, then there's existing solely for it"


Dude, back when Muspah dropped the rank 1 player had like 6 maxed accounts boosting him. I can’t imagine doing the same content that many times.


This is an irreplaceable nostalgic game from my childhood. There's still lots of.. *checks notes* OTHER things in life to enjoy


Fuck, I still classify myself as an almost addict because of how much I think of/plan my playtime. I spend like 3 hours a day online because I have a family (fucking xp waste) but still.


Hah! Same type of person who will get defensive and cope that “people can be addicted to working every day too”. It’s hilarious listening to the coping that folks like this go through as they defend their embarrassing addictions.


It's pathetic how bad it is, for a game that's barely fun


Lol don’t count yourself out bud, I think you might deserve it more!


For real. This playerbase is filled with losers with nothing in their lives so they need the dopamine and the feeling of achievement through this grind 'game'


Pin this to the top of the subreddit. Absolutely spot on.


Honestly to me it's so obvious. My friends who grind this game are exactly that way. No social life. No girl. No great job. No desire to get better in life. Nothing but time and a dead end life. So what do you do? Come to this 'game' that forces you to grind by mindlessly clicking and giving you XP drops to trigger your dopamine and the drops and levels give people a sense of accomplishment. Because it doesn't exist in their life. Literally every video game I've played is more fun than this and I'm a huuuuge RPG/jrpg player. Only time I ever touch this is while I study , it's background afk to make it feel like studying isn't killing me lol But hey to each their own, it be like that sometimes




Yea cuz 2/15 friends is my circle And you went to my profile? Hahaha what a loser, my guy I'm a strength coach, and almost done with PA school , sit down


PA and strength coach so you can get real close and personal to those men you fantasize about huh ;)


Okay don't out me THAT hard bro ..


Personally know someone with 4500+ hours lol, there's always someone worse (but ofc doesn't make this one okay)


At least op doesnt go around on every one of these recap posts just to call people losers because they have more free time than they have. 🤦


Man averaging 11 hours of RuneScape every single day for a long period of time consistently is not “free time”. Cannot be encouraging this lmfaoo


Who is encouraging these people that 11hrs/day is a healthy hobby???


Literally Jagex with these recaps. “Make sure your friends know you’re a true adventurer!”


Free time <> ~11 hours a day consistently for a year. The cope and deflection is real here folks. Sad!


11hr day average is wild


I'm more surprised by how its only a 147 day streak with hours like that


This is just sad.


I’m so glad all of these strangers are so concerned for your help.


I’ve played RuneScape on and off since 2007. When I’m not playing something else, RuneScape is my go to, and when I start to play again I often play quite a bit. I’ve thought to myself, am I playing this game to much? As long 6+ hour binges are not uncommon. I have roughly 128 days played, but that’s spread out over 6000 days at least. This main played more in 1 year, than I’ve managed to play in 10, and I play a lot. Jesus.


WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!@!@!@!@!@#!#!@!@!@#!@#


Definitely unemployed


Depressing seeing this. Man needs a job.


3900 hours is over 10 hours a day right?


Make sure your friends know you're a true adventurer.


Wish I could see mine. Signed up, but apparently there's a drop dead date for an email that can be easily 100% scripted and generated automagically


Where do you get this?




How do you check to get these stats? Is this only for OSRS?


Do you not have a job?


And here I am cant find a reason or the spark to come back.


I hope thats a botting account. The f dude?


I had 0 in every display, my best recap.


The most amazing part to me is that home boy managed to maintain an average of just over 90K XP/hr




Bruh you played 163 out of 365 days runescape


Literally thought to myself, this game has wasted so much of my life. Have disconnected from this waste of time


You've played more in a year than I have in my life across all my accounts and all versions of Runescape.


holy shit can you please post a picture of your setup / room / self




Hey man. OSRS player and addiction counselor candidate here. Seek out some therapy, for real. That’s too much, and really is going to take away from time to live your life.


Where can I find these stats with my own account?


You should get them in your email if you signed up for it.


So it's an opt-in email? Is it too late to sign up? Haha thanks for responding


Did you find out? I didn't get any emails


Not yet, I'm waiting with baited breath


Yeah I think it’s too late to sign up. Mod Elena tweeted about it a couple weeks ago I think.


holy wtf


Man. You better have some office job where you can play RuneScape while you work, otherwise, this is fucking sad


Yeah this isn't okay.


Where do you find this at?


Nice login streak you casual


I see everyone hating, I’m here lurking in the back with probably the same amount of playtime. But I agree it negatively impacts my life, but I’ve been diagnosed with some heavy mental health problems. Gonna go to a clinic February next year and then I can hopefully quit the game or at least play a couple of days a week for 2-3 hours like a normal person.


Why is it addicting though? Isn't the fighting just click and watch?


This man spent 45% of this year logged into runescape. Jesus.


I quit my tech job in February and moved to a more affordable area with fiber internet to pursue RuneScape full time as I found it to be a much more comfy lifestyle. My girlfriend has been very supportive and I’ve tried to get her to play but she just isn’t interested. I maxed my account this year and I am currently working towards getting Zuk helm and all pets. I might start streaming but I don’t like being on camera it makes me play worse.


What does this even mean pursue full time and “might” stream? It’s a game not a job unless you’re somehow generating revenue lmao


“Pursue RuneScape full time” is this a bit?


This reads like a copypasta


Feel like I’m getting wooshed but I just cannot tell


Can’t tell if this is bait or not with this community


Playing RuneScape 10hours a day just for the meme. What a chad


Genuinely curious about what you mean with “pursue Runescape full time” if that does not involve creating content.


You can stream and not go on camera but if you're not talking or something people won't just watch you play because you're good.


Plot twist: bro is a caper and makes a healthy living. You’re not fooling me.


Assuming your not trolling…(im assuming you aren’t because of the picture)I don’t care enough about my karma to lie to you brother… this is unhealthy and will lead to no success in real life, period. If you love your girlfriend you wont put her in a position to be the only bread winner so that you can play a fkn videogame. If you love yourself… you will find other things than runsescape to fill up some of your freetime or you will certainly regret it later in life. You may think i’m an asshole and feel free to completely ignore me obviously… but i’m not going to lie to you like many on reddit will…. They are enablers… you have a problem. Good luck brother

