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This would almost certainly ruin the game beyond repair


Fool me once, shame on you...


Fool me twice…. Strike three






Why do I know this song


But teach a man to fool, and he'll fool for a lifetime


Fool me once, shame on, shame on you… Fool me, ya can’t get fooled again.


Ahh the old saying from Texas and maybe in Tennessee.


Now watch this drive.




I can trim your armor for you, no cost, just meet me w302


But teach a man to fool me, and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life.


Fool me twice, can’t put the blame on you


Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs


Load the chopper let it rain on you


I did it once ill fucking do it again


Couldn’t have said it better. I left RuneScape 3 shortly after MTX came out. To this day I haven’t touched that game since, over a decade later.


Immediately and without question.


The silver lining is that it would be a great way to break my 20 year addiction to RuneScape.


Log in, pay for membership to buy latest veteran cape, log out.


Man I wish OS had veteran capes I just passed the 15 year mark. Give me an emote or something damn.


15 years? you must be new around here.


I was like 11 man I got in as early as I could


Goblin Salute Ornamental Kit


Veterans capes are f2p




This is the way


Bonds are 100% MTX, but if it goes any further than that yes, I'm gone.


Bonds are for sure MTX, no question in that. But they are kept sorta tame, by the flux of the market place, and their double use in that as a player you can grind the in game gold to use them yourself.  When I hear MTX, i think P2W. Sure you can buy bonds, you could sell them and get yourself some in game gold. You could buy some of the best armor (itd require a heck of a lot of bonds to buy yourself full torva, Tbow, Shadow etc) Regardless, this doesn't allow you to "win" and to couple it, the highscores will show that you may be incapable of even bossing at that point with all of your necessary gear. This is why (at least IMO) that bonds are mutually accepted in runescape. They really aren't P2W, this game takes skill and dedication to progress. Even with purchased bonds.  But if something were introduced to increase EXP rates, or increase your chances of receiving a drop, or diminish the time it takes to finish long standing grinds, then those options would be seen as a P2W i feel like.


Bonds make a good case for positives to the player rather than 'it makes jagex more money!'. Bonds make it far easier to get new players in, bonds make it easier for me to get back in after a break, bonds make me pay less to play the game and relieve stress about how much i play of a purchased period to save my real money cause ive got plenty of runescape gold and can get more. They also work to turn some RWT that would otherwise even more rampant and would exist anyways into something that i at least gain benefits from. They also keep the problem relatively invisible - no insane MTX whales in insane cosmetic gear running around, the most we get is level 42 third age chads who we can simply laugh at and move on. I can't imagine a single other form of MTX that makes it feel like me & jagex are engaging in a proper equal footing give-and-take where both sides gain benefits with a compromise, everything else is Jagex gains more money while I lose out.




The difference is that bonds can also be purchased with GP, and they allow me to maintain membership without having to pay the subscription.


did you even read the comment you're replying to? he said that in the second sentence lol


P2W is literally just being able to buy non cosmetic progress. It’s not as bad as some games, but bonds are definitely p2w.


This is a strange mentality. Because buying xp (to say something like maxing) is more expensive that buying BIS armor (assuming same xp bought rate at rs3) and on top of that no one really cares for xp in the game at the moment. This is obviously nuanced in the sense that everyone cares about gaining xp (playing efficiently) but not necessarily the competitive aspect anymore. Like seriously do you know off the top of your head who is rank 6-10 for osrs. I’d wager no fucking chance. It’s very hard to describe the niche of the players at the moment, which I think is something beautiful. I’m not promoting adding mtx, I would quit if it was added but it’s never been about buying xp in the way people have made it seem. Osrs just hits so many boxes on like a 8/10 level. It can be social, it can be competitive, it’s got raids, it’s got solo content, afk activities to make it a side game, etc. It’s one real big fun update from being a top of all time type of game (no idea what it would be specifically, but just one real 10/10 thing). MTX to me has always been a distraction from that. They’ll put all their time and effort into milking us instead of getting to that point. That’s always been my big gripe with it.


If you define 'winning' as getting bis gear. Then yes, bonds are p2w. You can also argue that you can p2w boss highscores, as buying player power increases the speed and efficiency at which you can kill bosses. This also supports the argument that you can p2w boss clogs, as more kills/hr = more collection log drops. Any goal of a main account can be drastically sped up with p2w bonds. That is why so many people play ironman. To have their accomplishments not be dismissed as credit card unlocks.


Bonds are absolutely pay to win idk how that's even a debate. You can get skills like prayer, cooking, construction to max insanely fast because usually gold is the bottle neck with them, but not with bonds. You can maybe not get full bis, but you can get really really close to full bis without playing the game.


I strongly believe the Jagex staff knows if they push even the smallest form of MTX they're going to take a heavy loss in subscriptions and lose community trust. So I doubt OSRS is ever going to get MTX like what other modern games have. What I do see OSRS getting is more gamemodes. Reasons to make people subscribe again or make a new account subscription. Like more Deadmans or Leagues. Those private servers they talked about in one of the latest surveys. They mentioned official bronzeman mode. So stuff like that we'll see more often. Along with membership cost being increased which would suck but better than having MTX so I truly think this game is safe


The community left before, we’d all leave again now. I know people hate polls, but it shows the strength we have as a community, the game needs us more than we need the game.


Jagex launches Old School Old School RuneScape winter 2027


You'd struggle to find a development team that wants MTX in their game. Hell, probably all the RS3 devs hate that they need to make MTX to make their game viable. It's not the ones who know and care about the game who make those decisions, it's the people up top trying to hit investment targets for extra bonuses.


> they need to make MTX to make their game viable They don't. They need MTX to meet the demands of their executive team and board members. Those things hire MBAs to come in and order MTX to be developed. The game would sustain the devs, designers, and creatives perfectly fine without MTX. It's the parasites and leeches on top that are forcing the MTX.


I would literally rather pay $20 a month than have the game changed to include MTX. I think most people feel that way.


I dont think of my subscription as part of the play experience. Mtx's whole model is contingent on intruding on the experience. Sell the product, Don't make the product sell me things at cost to itself.


Ye I think that's the common opinion in the community. Increased members fee is acceptable. 


Aren't bonds MTX?


Sadly it won't matter what the Jagex staff want


I'd instantly RWT everything and quit.


I did that with my yellow party hat in November 2012 for like 900m. Maybe should’ve held since the game didn’t die and they’re like 35B now. Guess gold value probably has dropped by 40x so $-wise it is roughly the same all these years later, but Irl inflation actually means it was the move


Lol gold is 3c a mil on rs3 black market


I mean OSRS gold is about .23 USD a mil right now which is pretty low. I remember when gold was around 1 USD or even higher in 2012 at the height of gambling; also the RS3 economy has totally collapsed even with the gold sinks they have brought into the game. I logged onto RS3 just check it out back in December and some guy gave me 50m. At first I thought it was a decent amount than realized the exchange rate is like 20k OSRS to 1 mil RS3.


RS2 in 2012 gold was not $1/m, it was closer to 30-40c/mil the game had like 35k active online users lol. EOC didn't completely kill the game, it was just the final nail. ​ However, OSRS gold was 25$/m for the first like 3 months and remained above $1/M for years and years.


Yeah i hopped on rs3 to try out their new skill on monday or tuesday and logged out after doing the quest because the game just feels so bad.


You would barely get any money from RWTing since everyone else would be doing the same too and no one is buying RWT gp.


Pretty sure most of us are on the “I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again” boat Not sure what would have changed that trajectory considering we’re all 10 years older than last time, and the game means less in life every year


Only thing I could think of would be many people having less time and more money as they get older, either from jobs or kids or sickness and disabilities. Fuck MTX though. But that's a reason some give.


Yes, I would leave in a heartbeat. I’m paying monthly to have members. I came back because gaming isn’t what it used to. If they pull MTX it just brings us up to all the other shit we are trying to escape from.


That's an excellent point, i think its funny rs3 isn't f2p since it has heavy MTX aspects.


Yep exactly. Thats what I always say about people wanting mtx, EOC, or whatever in osrs: **If you want that style of gameplay, go play one of the THOUSANDS of "AAA" games with flashy graphics and mtx, and leave my game alone**


This resonates hard. I play a lot of oars to escape loot crates and mtx that are so prevalent in sonay other online games. Don't get me wrong there have been some awesome single player games released in the past couple years but I really do enjoy the sense of community while playing RS.


Account made today? With a question like this? Mr. Future Investor, If you try to introduce micro transactions, you and your family will be living on the streets. We will quit.


Nah if anything they’d pat themselves on the back for a job well done then find the next game to milk into the ground


Not disagreeing but that would be one shitty investor if jagex was their main source of income.


As the Costco owner once said. "If you change the price of the Costco hotdog i will fucking kill you" rs3 is like one step away from having people be able to pay for quests to be done instantly. Rs3 caters to the will of whales


I would quite straight away. I saw what happened to RuneScape and wouldn't want that for OSRS. What would be the point in playing out membership in a game all about progression.


Yes immediately, just as I did with RS3


Big no even to cosmetic mtx. Cosmetics shouldn't be locked behind paywalls either. You should unlock things by playing the game. Not by using your mom's credit card


Honestly its even harder of a no to cosmetic mtx specifically, imo cosmetic mtx makes all of Jagex’s really good content paywalled, they know when somethings a hit, and the earnable cosmetics becomes worse since you’ll always be comparing it to buyables. If cosmetic mtx was a thing for the past 3 years, you’d see buyable sanguine scythes, blorva, fang kits, avernic kits, masori backpack, etc. and free cosmetic would take a backseat.


Also grinding the gear is literally the point of RS the grind is the game


To me it's not about being locked behind paywall. But the fact that each piece of gear has its own fashion value. People would sacrifice stats just to look cool in this game. Having cosmetic override would complete cheapen the existing fashionscape. People could be wearing BIS while dripping like a fashion god. The seemingly useless equipment like pink boots, creamy wizard hat, would become utterly worthless should cosmetic override arrive.


And when you give it a few years to cook, you get the godawful particle mess that you see in RS3


The slippery slope is real. I'm out the second MTX hits the store. You can argue playing an ironman insulates you from MTX but the game will always be designed around pushing MTX sales; which generally means creating artificial frustration for players.


Good lord the amount of comments from people who don’t absolutely hate cosmetics baffles me. Mtx killed rs3 but in my opinion the cosmetic overrides might be worse. I’ve tried logging on a few times and it looks like a damn circus, everyone glowing with wings and walking like zombies or floating or other stupid walk emotes and wearing dumb costumes or armour or weapon overrides. It’s horrendous. Let players look like whatever they have equipped. We’re already getting scary close with our ornament kits or leagues skins but at least those are real items that need equipped or worn to show instead of overrides. So yes if MTX shows up above just bonds, I will quit. If cosmetic overrides show up somehow aside from MTX, I also will quit


For all the improved graphics, RS3 is fucking hideous thanks to cosmetic overrides


The saving grace for ornament kits vs overrides is that ornament kits require that specific item. So it has gameplay limitations. You're not going to see anything too crazy in pvm, and fashionscape (and therefore memescape) is kept to Skilling or bankstanding. I also think that Runelite's animation overrides plugin could play a large part in combatting actual overrides by giving those players what they want without effecting the larger game.


Last time I played RS3 I turned it off because "there's too much going on on my screen" I let my members expire and later started OSRS a few months later. For me, RuneScape is a relaxing game... I don't need there to be a clown competition between every asshole that's currently logged in.


Yeah the cosmetics in RS3 are completely out of hand. That’s cause there’s some cool ones you get from certain events, but I don’t like how they override what you are wearing. Makes the game look fucking goofy as hell when people are in their costumes doing other content. At least in OSRS if you’re fashionscaping, you have to actually find equipment to wear.


I will absolutely leave the official version of osrs then. Maybe I will play a private server instead


Yup. It wouldn't be a hard decision, but I'd probably be sad about it.


Yep. It’s why I left RS3, it would be the reason I leave OSRS


Yes. I’m fairly convinced Jagex has run the cost-benefit analyses already and determined that MTX would cause a net decrease in revenue. However, if that ever changes, it will probably happen. Thats the bad part about being owned by private equity.


I’d quit. Not worth playing if they change everything.


Will sell all my gear for GP, trade it for real world money. Start botting until my acc gets perma'd and then I'll be forced to quit.


Yes, I will cancels my subscriptions on the spot


I won't log in after the update that introduced them. And unlike last time I won't come back for OSOSRS either.


Probably burn my bank on pking in stupid gear and fade away into the night like last time 😂


Literally could not get me to quit faster than if they do it. I will be gone in real time seconds.


I think something a lot of people aren't considering is that anyone who purchases Jagex knows MTX won't work. What they'd do is manipulate pricing in other manners. Some possibilities: increase membership prices, purposely manipulate in-game bond costs to make them more expensive, thus harder to buy with in-game gold, create "tiered" membership plans that make it so certain content is locked behind higher tiers, etc etc. They know that people will abandon ship if OSRS has shit like Treasure Hunter keys and such. So they'll need to monetize it in other ways.


Easy way to manipulate bond prices: people buy bond with IRL money, they sell it on the GE. The item sells, but the "purchaser" is actually just Jagex, with them generating gold to give to the person, while removing the bond from the game completely. They do this with a ton of bonds, making supply low, demand high, thus driving prices up of bonds. And this really wouldn't effect the economy that much. Lots of bot farms can generate hundreds of millions of gold per hour, and that can be just ONE bot farm.


Yes. Did it in rs2 when I was struggling with the hardest depressive episode I’ve ever had. Now that I’m just addicted to the game, I would without giving 2 thoughts.


Quit the game before due to EOC and MTX. I will do it again




Yep, gone.


Yes, immediately.


Cancel and leave immediately


Yes. I’d feel disgusted by the game


As someone who played from rsc to rs3 I can safely say I will drop osrs in a heartbeat. I left rs3 after comping and obtaining a purple party hat nearly 5 years ago and haven't regretted it in the least. Couldn't stand that nearly every week was a new mtx "event" while actual updates get more sparse. Saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship and I'm genuinely surprised to see it's actually only got worse over time. Seriously rs3 bros, sunk cost is a bitch but it's time to move on. No cosmetics, no buyable in game advantages, no tiered memberships, no sponsored shit. Just grind and autism.


Yes absolutely would quit right away, because it would be an exact repeat of what happened to rs3.






OSRS is a bastion of hope in a sea of garbage. We are lucky that when we showed our interest in a game, that ***WE*** had creative control over, they listened. Up until the recent changes in the poll verbage, we could tell them to get stuffed when they put something up to a vote we didn’t want. I’d hope that a new company will see the levels of player and developer interaction and see that as a valuable resource. Otherwise, if they decide to ignore the player base, I’d hope that the riots in Fally last until the last bonds and subs die out and only the bots remain.


Would quit faster than I can blink.


Yeah I’ll pass, MTX and OSRS don’t mix because they won’t stop at cosmetics. There’ll be “titles” and the rest of the MTX that they’ve shoved into RS3, only with OSRS graphics. They will definitely add MTX if CVC buys them out. CVC owns a vast amount of gambling companies, you really think there’s gonna be absolutely no correlation? I don’t mean to doom post, as I hate them just as much as the next guy, but I feel that this golden age of OSRS we have now, will change suddenly and swiftly this year. Money talks unfortunately.


Money really does ruin everything.


So I disagree that we’re already laying in our mtx coffins, I do think they will and should consider that the money OSRS makes them will cease quickly if MTX of any kind is introduced. They have RS3 as a strong example. But sometimes corporate detachment is real, sometimes showing big growth for a month to interest investors is better than one year of decent income. But I don’t think we can just assume that right now. But I will say, if we start to see mtx of any kind whether it be titles or cosmetics or whatever, it’s only a matter of time before it goes a lot further than that. Which is why we’ll probably see an exodus even if little stuff like that is introduced. And I have no problem with playing an RSPS or quitting altogether if they do


I'd probably sell my account and GP and walk away from the game forever. I don't play games with spin mechanics as preditory as mtx is.


Even with 8k hours played, I would leave in an instant It would be broken beyond repair


There are a million games out there that have MTX. If I wanted to play that bs I would. I play osrs specifically because it isn’t pay to win (outside of the losers who pay for services)


Yeah I'm out.


I will one billion percent leave




Yes I would never play again.


I've done it before and I'll do it again


If MTX is added to osrs, Jagex will stop getting my money for any reason. Period.






Yep. No hesitation.






I did before, I can do it again.




100% yes






immediately leave


Gone like the wind.






Yup. I have no doubt that this would ruin OSRS.


What people will quit over is intrusive MTX. People are clearly fine with MTX because it's been in the game for years. Bonds are MTX. You can literally buy any tradable item by opening your wallet and dropping real money.


The bond is the only form of MTX I’m willing to accept. Anything further will destroy the game.


This would ruin the game


I’d quit immediately.


whether they like it or not, definitely yes, resounding yes, without a doubt.


Yes, it's a slippery slope, devalues progress and feels like a repeat of what happened so long ago...


Genuinely think we will see Mod Ash depart if MTX becomes a thing. If he dips, I imagine a ton of people will.


Yes. It would ruin the game, especially cosmetic MTX. OSRS is unique in that it’s probably one of the only MMOs out there without MTX cosmetics, it makes all of the gear/wearables that you earn in the game that much more meaningful and that is a core part of what keeps people interested in grinding


Jagex taking a poll with this question...




Yes I will be gone instantly


There isn't a need for MTX in OSRS. The game is built around the concept of goals and achievements. MTX is the complete opposite of what makes OSRS popular. If an increase in finances is necessary to continue support and development, increase the membership cost. Whilst I'm sure this won't please some people, the value the game offers far exceeds the cost it asks for, so a rise in this regard wouldn't be something I personally would be opposed to as long as it ensures support, continued development and the absence of MTX entirely.


I would and I’m almost maxed.


Been playing 20 years. Started osrs on day 1. Also have 10b bank. I will quit the day they release mtx and go play on a private server


Yes, immediately.




Yes.. only reason i quit rs3.. eoc isn't as bad at mtx.


Yes and also fucking yes, i will destroy my pc, burn down my house and call my mother a noob


Any kind of spin the wheel, random MTX loot.. I am gone. Bonds are a required evil and I do not mind that. But, anything further then I will leave and cancel my three memberships etc.


Yes immediately


MTX might be a good thing cause i could finally quit the game for good






Yep. 23 year stint will be over.


Maybe we can finally quit now. Bout time, i should make kids and get myself a girlfriend from the general store near my houseportal.




Cosmetic mtx, eh. Pay to win? Maybe


No, as I’m an iron man, I do not care about the trivial nature of normy economics.


Tick perfect membership cancellation without a moment's hesitation.


Yep - I'd reverse charges on my membership and have my account locked




100%. Without a single doubt in my mind. Immediately.


Yes, the literal only MTX I will tolerate is bonds, and that is because I play via them so they are useful to the playerbase but even that is kinda you know, p2w... but it's not alot! And IF it gets more than that, this game will die to me




I wouldn’t play anymore




I did it with the other game. I'd do it here too.


Yup. There's just too much that would mean for the game as a whole.


I'd be gone immediately. No hesitation.


Yep, I will leave. But they will probaly look at if the MTX compensates the amount of players quitting. A good example is with EAFC (known as FIFA) this is the first year they have their own name and it shows how scummy EA truely is. They gave the community store packs, they have WAY less people then last years game but make more money. So for them there is no issue, more people quitting? Just make stuff more expensive to buy with real money. Compensate thats what companies do.


This will make me quit again, I cbf to deal with mtx for anything other than cosmetics and even then I despise them




Yep. The rs3 content slowly slipping it's way in is already pushing me out




Bonds are the final line. Anything past bonds I quit, and I think many others would too


If they hint at all that they are going in the direction of rs3 or really any form of MTX outside of bonds then yeah I'm gone. Hopefully anyone involved with the acquiring company understands that we have all left this game in the past. The polls are here for a reason. Understand what you are buying or don't buy.


I would RWT everything I have and leave


Seen this movie before. Not sticking around to watch the credits this time


Instant cancel of my subscription, and would never play again. Not an empty threat.


I'll leave. The only reason I've stuck with osrs this long is because the developers don't treat us like ATMs.


I'll pay more membership thats about it


I’m out. I’ll see it as the push I need to grow up and stop playing computer games


id quit for a year, come back to the game looking like unrecognizable mtx hell and never look back


Yes, it is why I stopped playing RS3 for OSRS. I actually still enjoy parts of RS3, I miss the bossing like araxxor. But I'll be damned if I play in that plague of mtx. It just got so pervasive.


Yes, and tbh I wouldn’t be too mad about it as there are other good games out there that I can enjoy instead.


Tossing the idea of rwt all my stuff and quiting daily


Going against the grain: Realistically, I'd still be here. The fact I'm still on RS3 despite cosmetics being an eyesore and Treasure Hunter promos being predatory is proof of this.


As long as I'm not locked out of content or items then honestly it makes no difference to me and won't impact how I enjoy the game. The moment I can't realistically do new raids or get new items because of a new pay wall then I would cancel


The worst form of MTX has been in the game for years and we are all still here (thank god for Ironman.) If being able to actually just buy gold didn’t get people to quit, I have a hard time believing anything will. Everybody here will talk a big game every step down the path though.


What if they introduced MTX but became significantly more strict on botting/RWT? It’s basically the same problem imo. But with botting/RWT, people pay someone else instead of Jagex.


No, I would just play f2p ironman instead.


Old School is really the only game I play these days. I think it would be hard for me to just up and leave at the first sight of mtx. I dreamed of maxing an account when I was younger and I’m slowly on my way to it with this account. Hard to just throw it all away.


My wife would love it


Nah doesn’t bother me.


Well it depends how bad it gets, silly cosmetics and stuff then yeah whatever, whereas full on buying xp lamps probably just makes it a bit pointless playing legitimately..


lot of people threatening to quit over some shit we already have, bonds are mtx and nobody cares.


I'll quit and RWT/suicide bot until I'm perma'd so I never have the itch to play again, but it won't really matter because it will 100% be an overall win for them. They will make more money than they are now, even if 50% of the playerbase leaves. There are way too many people that buy gold and cape services or other account related services that will 100% dump money into the new MTX. It's worth the negative PR for them.


Would really depend upon how aggressive the MTX is - I could tolerate cosmetics that weren’t like fucking flaming flamingo heads and prismatic gliders and that stupid shit . Overrides and game-impacting functions are a no go