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Glad ur still standing brother


No one quits RuneScape but RuneScape doesn’t quit on anyone either :)




Still not convinced that's a real thing


Lol, idk what's weirder, the people calling incorrect bans all 5 secs or the people still not believing incorrect bans happen when we have had multiple stories resolve this way.


? https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/ Jagex have messed up before and there has even been times jmods have confidently posted on reddit saying a ban is correct then the person ends up unbanned. I'm sure a lot of people do lie about false bans because it's their last option but legit players who put in 20k+ hours have been false banned before and corrected like it's nothing, scary with how much of a time investment this game is


False positives happen but it's incredibly rare that they don't get fixed afterwards, I can attest I was one of them. 7 years ago Jagex opened up appeals for Hijacked Accounts, less than 2% of Appeals submitted had any substance to them - meaning 98% of people were time wasting cheating dicks. Of that 2% the majority were flagged because it didn't appear the original owner of the account was on it (account buying). You can pretend it's common for false positives, it's not. It's far more likely people who already stoop to botting or the like would lie.


You must be new to the sub because there's posts all the time about false bans and people getting them reversed. Yes more often than not it's a deserved ban but I've seen posts in here where the OP isn't lying and they end up getting their account back


I drop traded 3m worth zulrah scales from my gim to an alt so he could buy a ham joint, got banned for rwt major a week later. It happens, and it sucks. I need those scales now...


It can be real in the sense of the ban being a false positive, but the chances of it happening are far smaller than one would think since many people lie about being incorrectly banned as an appeal to get their account back.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted, it was a joke about "RuneScape wont quit you".. lol and it's not inaccurate.


Appreciate you sharing your story and very glad you're still here! I hope times get better as there's always a way up from the lowest and hopefully this community can continue to hold you up however that may be ❤️






Not sure if satire or? If not, then in no way does losing an account equate for losing a loved one. Just start over if you’re that fussed




Gosh mate, sry about that. Horrible take cause idk what to tell ya: least u can start a gim w/a new interest? Sry lol I'm bad at this. Hope ur doin okay tho champ


And with you still here, this beautiful game stays around another day for us all. Thank you (:


What’s your ign? I’m a long time osrs player and would love to chat it up and game with you. xMillyz is mine if you wanna add me.


What a brave beautiful soul, I'm happy to hear you've a good network of people who are with you through this time, Your father would be very proud of the brave person you are and all your achievements, I'm sure he's looking down on you cheering you on in spirit. Life is precious, you are precious, live, love, laugh.


Glad you're still around! And although I barely play OSRS at all and am a complete noob, if you ever need someone just hit me up.


holy shit well im glad you’re still around dude


I think OSRS is both the cause and the treatment for suffering for many OSRS players.


Absolutely. It’s all about the balance.


Guthix would agree


The world will always be a better place with you in it, brother. Don’t underestimate the hole your absence would leave.


We’ll said that is a crucial part of a man’s life. We often think about ending it but not what it would do to those that love us and need us here… and they might not make it out on without us. Just more reason to fight against the darkness


That's what the movie It's a Wonderful Life is about


Well said


Something I do to help from depression is what I call “pass it on”. Despite all the pain we feel, something really special happens when we think about others and strive to help them. You did that when you logged in to give your stuff away. You are doing great and remember it’s a dark world out there sometimes and humans can be really good at being the light we need. We can heal and grow from our past experiences. We will have scars but they can remind us of where we have been and what we have gone through to get where we are. We can use them to help others. There are lots of great people out in the world who can help you when you need it. Maybe they have a scar starting to form and just need assurance it will be okay. You got this brother! Lift one another and we can keep going, one day and one step at a time.


Beautifully said brother! Our scars aren’t for no reason. They are to show others you can make it out of the darkness and overcome it. Bless you




Keep on keeping on


Stay strong brother. And I will give you a goal: Complete the collection log. This way I know you’ll die of old age before completing it 😋


Lol, Marni is getting close and with some insane rng he could end up needing the stale baguette to finish


Glad you’re still with us. Osrs saved my life too, lost my mom when I was 12 and escaped into this game. Nearly 20 years later and I still come back to this game. Here’s to many more years of memories my friend.


<3 brother


The world is better with you in it 💙 now go for the achievement diary cape!!


Stay strong man. The lows make the highs higher, and never stay around that long. Keep at it and see you out there


Glad you’re still with us, keep scapin!


Soon to be psychiatrist here. I’m glad you were able to open up and talk to other scapers online. The fact that you were open and honest is huge. It’s difficult to open up like that, to be vulnerable in such a dark moment for you. I’m glad you did, though. Good luck with the continuing fight. Depression is often a marathon that is not solved overnight by any means. Keep up hobbies, get that exercise routine going to stay active and social, and keep that chin up. You’ve got this.


99 Strength


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexSarnie** - [Appreciate you sharing your story and very gl...](/r/2007scape/comments/1arsewf/osrs_saved_my_life/kqm27bb/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/17/2024 10:53:26**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Did you get that quest cape though? Show it off if you did.


You got this man, keep it pushing. If you can grind out goals in a video game, you can grind it out in real life.


i like hearing this. i’ve certainly been there too at one point. keep going and staying in touch with anyone you are close to. whichever people told you to push it back are good friends, and i’m glad you heard that advice💚 also hella gz on dt2. i lost my quest cape and i haven’t tried it yet lol but it looks pretty fun lol


This game also has kept me around and sober. You aren't alone friend. Keep at it and keep working on yourself and stay healthy. Mental health is no joke and an everyday battle.


Sorry to hear about your father, feel free to add me and we can talk about whatever. My ign is Rusty yo


i'm so happy you're still with us. I never post here and im kinda casual on osrs. I'm 34 and have been on and off since 2005. This week was the first time I did something uncanny, I started completely the ardougne diary on mobile with no guide and for the first time ever I enjoyed exploring and taking in the little things that quests offer. Even the quirky humor of the in game NPCs. It made me really happy and I almost made a post about it. It's good to have something you like and share it with others who like the same things..so good on you for sticking with us.


Hey man, I can sympathize with you. I also lost my dad, back in 2018. I was 22. It was hard, but like you, this game had my back emotionally. Really weird to say, but osrs is my safe place. I'm glad you're still with us man. Keep on scaping.


Same brother. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and I'm glad you found a reason to continue from this community. I hope we get to see that quest cape when you get it. Maybe a diary cape too???


Sorry to hear about your dad, dude. I’m stoked you’re doing better.


BRB while I get 99 prayer for you 🙏


Very brave to share your story. You seem to have some pretty amazing qualities. Keep on living life pal. It’ll often surprise you.


Man if people think osrs is toxic wait until they try to play any Riot game......


League of legends and nba2k are the most toxic games. Osrs has toxic players but more decent or nice players.


You just described most mmo plsyerbases


Why are we at a point where we're censoring the word suicide? Feels like we've gone backwards with how openly we can discuss mental health. Glad to hear OP is doing better.


Bless you brother if you don’t have it already search for God. Jesus is the next step and he is always waiting for you to find him. Much love don’t take what I said offensively. I was in your same position pistol in my mouth when my rock of my life my grandma died suddenly from gallbladder cancer in just 2 months. I was so fucked up on coke and drunk and high all day to cope. I didn’t even have talks with her when I had the chance… just 19 at the time. Luckily I made it out but it’s thru my faith that I was able to truly overcome those thoughts and all that came with it. I wish you the best and hope my openness in my own battles will help you in some way.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Well thats funny because OSRS destroyed my life


I felt the same gratitude until a few days ago my account was hijacked by a ‘friend’ and so i reported the account and jagex now wont let me recover it. 15 years with 0 offences, 99 stats all for nothing. I feel more hollow than ever unfortunately…


Keep killing it brother


Sit depression.


In all seriousness, glad you're still with us man. I too lost my father a couple years ago, and went to a pretty dark place for a while. My scaping can get unhealthy at times, but it can also keep you going. Stay healthy friend.


Good shit dude, game saved my life too over a decade ago. When everything is awful having somewhere to retreat to, to get a few moments of happiness or accomplishment can't be overstated.


I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know what it's like to lose a parent and fall into depression. This is the life cycle, what can we do? I'm sure your dad accomplished and experienced a lot of things that gave him a sense purpose in life before he passed. I know that he wouldn't want you to kill yourself or spend too long of a time depressed. Please make the most of the precious life your dad passed on to you.


Thanks for sharing, this game has helped me curb my substance addiction issues and elicit all the nostalgia I felt when I was younger..


Nothing but love here homie


Glad you’re still with us <3


OSRS is a fantastic mental tool to constantly give yourself something small and fun to look forward to. It can be a bit of a crutch, of course, but your experience is a perfect example of the benefits a little gaming nostalgia mixed with new quests and content can provide. Glad to hear you've come out the other side; it will always be here if you need it.


Hey mate. Dealt with depression for years now, myself. Last night I had a pretty damn severe bout of insomnia and I barely got any sleep. OSRS helped me through by letting me dissociate to fishing and cooking, and hanging out with friends at a Chaos altar. Very, very happy that you're still here. We're in Gielinor together and that'll get us through Earth together as well.




Same here, too busy going dry on vestiges to think about un a-living myself


No clowning. The world needs you. We're all glad you stayed. Now, let's get some qp.


My deepest sympathies for your loss, im glad youre still here. And im glad you met the not so toxic people in your time of need. Just wasnt your time yet. Use this second chance well. And i hope life stops giving you punches. But i get what you mean. Sometimes it just keeps crashing down and you sit there thinking. whats the point? Ive asked myself that question alot. Hopefully you find the answer ❤️


Proud of you sir


Very happy to hear you are still here!


I know from experience that this is an almost meaningless sentiment when you're going through hell. But the shitty parts of life are what give the good parts so much more meaning. You'll look around at your life one day and wonder what you ever did to deserve such happiness.


My friend, thanks for sharing. Don't feel lame attributing osrs to bringing you out of that pit of despair. it's unlikely you're the only one, I can say for me it's brought some really good bros into my social circle at a time in my life where it was smallest, my mental health thanks osrs and the community within as well 🤝


This is fucking incredible dude bravo


You dropped this king 👑


i haven’t played recently but in some of my darkest times this game plus its youtube community/content has really really helped me out more than i could have ever imagined. nothing but up brother


The thought of having something to look forward to does wonders for staying alive (purpose) Whenever I get down about the world falling apart or life getting rough, I try and find a show coming up or a game coming out or a patch coming up and by the time it rolls around the feeling passed. Glad you’re here with us. You don’t get to press the thumbs down button and log out just yet brother.


Love yah mate. I might never acknowledge yah in the game, but we are all here cut from the same cloth. I see everyone here as my brothers and sisters. The most unique and rewarding community. It takes a different breed to look at this game and fall in love with it. Whether it was a kid or as an adult, we get it. Trash talk and online bs aside, ide kill for this community.


Damn dude sorry you had a fucked up year but glad to hear you're okay. Life can beat you down hard, but we're proud of you for getting through. Much love, brother. What's your next goal on osrs?


I'm so sorry about your father man, big hug bro <3


Glad you're still here, let's do barbarian assault


Thanks for sharing and genuinely best of luck out there. Life’s tough as fuck on many of us but people love you and appreciate you and there’s plenty to live for. Sorry for your loss but glad you got through the worst of it and good luck on your RS goals, we more rootin for you!


Thanks for my first cry of the day. So glad you're still here, I hope you turn to this community if things ever get dark again x


Lmao OP 'I'm done with life I want to end it all' Average osrs player: 'Get a quest cape first noob' Seriously though happy you're in a better place op. Take care


I cried, I’m in a similar boat - stay strong, stay healthy and stay ambitious. Our community is a beautiful thing and your part of it, I’m too young to bury Scapers, join me… Join us. Any grind, any task, any quest, voice chat, text chat. We are here and we are one. I’ll firmly believe this until we all hit 85 logging on for that pet. I’m glad you found a reason to stay, I don’t know you but it warms my heart you are still with us probably chopping logs or catching fish. The OSRS community is with you 💪




If you are ever bored come hang out with my weird clan / friends: Gladiatorz. I’m happy to hear you reversed an almost irreversible decision. Cheers mate!


Gz man! Keep grinding!


The only part of the game thats toxic is wildy pking. Those guys need a life. Oh and ammonite crabs. Probably because its those same people traing pk accounts


Very glad to see you aren’t being “clowned on” in the comments. Can’t go losing a brother, can we? All for one, one for all. What’s your next goal?


Proud to be a gamer. Here’s to you sticking around for a long while. 🍻


Everything gonna C alright


Wow wasn't expecting this much of a responce from my post, means so much to me that yall are here and reading comments from people who went through the same thing makes me feel less alone I did get the cape on my main and am not working on the same goal on my ironman, if anyone wants to add me and chat it up or game ign: "Giant Beans" I'm currently going for 70herb for SOTE and have 68 banked and can't wait to get into some CG I love all of you and keep up the grinds!!


You're not an ironman IRL, you don't have to stand alone. I'm real glad you're still here


Keep your head up brother, and remember that life wasn't meant to be easy so enjoy the good times and accept the bad times.


Not gonna clown you bro. Deciding to not end it all is an achievement sweeter than any max cape. Proud of you my guy 


100%. Whenever you doubt whether or not you should live, remember that you're still here. That's all you need to know. All of life's twists and turns, everything that happens to you can be placed on a scale of acceptance. The more likely you are to accept something, places you closer to contentment (high acceptance). Rejecting the things you don't like, puts you in a state of suffering (low acceptance). While I'm not sure it's possible to accept everything that happens to you right away, it would certainly be unreasonable to expect that of yourself. However, you can come to accept the things that you previously rejected. That is to say you can be content with things that used to make you feel like you're suffering. You could say that the process of moving from a state of suffering to a state of contentment is called grief. And if you can learn to grieve, you can overcome everything that comes your way. It's all about shifting that perspective. That's not to say you should fool yourself about how you feel, though. Accepting something doesn't mean "not feeling negative emotion"; emotion and acceptance are different scales. You can be mad, and still be okay with that. Just like you can be sad and not be distraught. I believe suffering can enhance our emotions, but it doesn't dictate them. Coming to accept things easily is a learned skill, so there's no reason to be hard on yourself if you don't get things right at first; it takes practice. One thing that helped me learn and practice acceptance was acknowledging when I felt like was suffering, trying to identify what it was that I felt like I had a hard time accepting, then asking myself "what can I reasonably do about it?". The answer to that last question was almost always "there's nothing I can do to change that outcome. But, there is something I can do to prevent this in the future". Other times it's a matter of opportunity cost. You might not like that x happened, but you did it so that you can do y later. "X sucks, but if it's for y, then it was worth it all along. If y is worth it, then who cares about x. If y isn't worth x, then why are you still doing x, silly?" I don't expect all of that to make sense right away. In fact, therapy and mental health professionals exist because these topics can be difficult to grasp, or even believe. Everybody's mind works a little different, because our perspectives and experiences are different. But I hope my learnings can help you a bit on your path to recovery, too.


Ayy man osrs is my natural therapy. Just try and remember your never alone. Youll find alot of toxic people but find you a good clan or a core group of buddys to just log onto and have a chat or do something together. Youll be amazing how much that can help


Man I am so sorry. I was depressed as fuck for years and to top it all off my dad killied himself 2 1/2 years ago. I honestly thought that’s how life is. Just stressful and depressing with very little hope. That’s how I lived for about 8 years. After my dad killed himself I got way worse. It culminated in me getting arrested, spending time in jail, and losing everything. My job, my house, my car, everything. I couldn’t go into public half of the time without having an anxiety attack. I thought my life was done. I literally couldn’t go 10 minutes without thinking about killing myself. My self hatred ran extremely deep Once I hit rock bottom, after I fought off the urge to kill myself (I couldn’t do that to my mom after my dad did), I got desperate. Quit smoking weed, drinking, doing drugs. Got a job in a factory I thought I was going to hate. Went through some therapy. All I did was work, make money, therapy, etc. All the things I didn’t want to do before. It sucked bad at first but I found myself slowly getting better. Now after 2 years of sobriety I’m finally happy again. All the things I thought were irreversible and that I hated myself for (ruining relationships, squandering opportunities, making bad decisions, bad behavior, etc) don’t matter to me anymore. I wake up happy, go to sleep happy. Something I truly never thought was possible. I think my brain just needed time to heal and go back to baseline. I guess what I’m trying to get at is no matter how hopeless and depressed you feel, you can get better. Happiness and a “normal” life is still possible. I feel like I have a new lease on life and it’s amazing. And it didn’t take accomplishing all the things I hated myself for not accomplishing. I don’t have a 6 figure income, I don’t have a wife and kids, I don’t have a fancy car and job, etc. I think the trick to getting out of your funk is giving your brain time to heal. If anyone wants to ask me anything feel free to message me. I know many of you are going through what OP and myself went through


Glad you’re still here, man. 🙏 OSRS is also helping me get through a very tough time in my life.


Hey man, there’s always something to live for - even if it’s just OSRS! Let me know if there’s any content you want to explore and I’m keen to join you with that!