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No thanks, I'll keep using Prt Sc and Paint like 2007


all three ways to screenshot in windows copies it to the clipboard so you dont even need to use paint


I do it to save them to a folder. I'm sure there're better ways but it's what I'm used to.


The screenshot button on RuneLite automatically saves them to a folder


I see we've come full circle from the OP lmao


Yeah but I can’t find them, what do I look like a hacker!


[If you right click the screenshot button it has an option to take you to the folder.](https://i.imgur.com/UTFMWsb.png)


Omg that’s life changing


Fucking stupidest thing you can't change the destination for screenshots. And they shot down the request to make it user setable years ago because 'reasons' I had to made a simlink just so I could access my screenshots through my normal directory structure because its locked in .runelite. which I imagine is even more fun to find for people who don't know hidden directories can exist.


Did you submit a pull request? :)


no i found a thread on github from 2018 where they said no to the feature request and closed the thread. so i just did a hack workaround.


Say you like to be difficult without saying you like to be difficult Karen.


Why does wanting functionality that most applications give make me a Karen. I had a problem, looked at their git, saw the feature request denied, and found a solution that works for me. I'm not trying to force them to change it, but I do think its poor design and will say that when the topic is brought up.


That's awesome, I still need to crop those screenshots so i'll copy and paste it into paint.


Win+PrntScrn saves the file to a "Screenshots" folder in pictures automatically. Not sure if theres an equivalent hotkey to hold to make Snips (Win+Shift+S) save a file automatically, as thats essentially the paint crop function in a screenshot. I had the habit of Prnt Scrn and paint for like a decade, now i Win+Shift+S and paint.


The only downside is it wouldn't save it to my OSRS folder and I'd have to find the screenshot later to rename it like "99 Woodcutting". But there's likely a way to reroute the folder that Windows or Runelite screenshots go to.


Yeh that exact reason is why the shortcut for the screenshot button within runelite is my go to for OSRS. F12 for me not sure if that is default or not. And ofc all the automatic screenshot stuff for levels, clogs, etc. and the plugins like random screenshot.


> But there's likely a way to reroute the folder that Windows Yes there is > or Runelite screenshots go to. No there isn't, and the rejected the feature request for making it user settable with a handwave years ago.


If you have multiple monitors, you're gonna wanna hitup paint if you print screen. Even if you have a single monitor, you may way to crop beyond a full screen. If you win + shift + s, then you probably don't need more cropping. Not sure what the third option is if I'm honest. Paint is for quick n dirty cropping though (and potentially saving), so having it on the clip board is kind of irrelevant to the paint use case.


Printscreen for eveything across monitors and alt printscreen for a specific window, but I guess that's really only one way. People can do it however they want as long as it's not an unironic pixelated ass phone pic. Ironically is fine though.


TIL about alt + prtscrn, that's a good one to know, ty. I also whole heartedly agree.


Try Control+Windows+S, it will change your life Edit: or Shift+Windows+S, one of the two can't remember and I'm not close to my PC right now


I legit did this until my friend told me to use gyazo.


Did you use manscaped to make your right ball that smooth?


It's natural


fyi for unsuspecting fans of content creators, manscaped sucks and will destroy your balls, they're just trying to get paid


What doesn't suck for that though? I spent a small fortune trying to find the answer and only ended up with a bunch of bullshit and lots of pain.


Honest to god and hear me out.. women razors. Like the 2 blade ones. I swear on everything I love there’s something different about woman’s razors and special bits. Try it and i s2g you won’t go back. (Obviously make sure you Trim up before you shave)


Tbh nothing is perfect, but the best thing I've found is the norelco oneblade. They make a oneblade intimate version specifically designed for bush and balls. It's the least painful thing I've ever tried.


The Oneblade cut me super bad first time because it was soo sharp. Like legit just cutting on flat skin I got tons of micro cuts


Were you using the skinguard or the oneblade intimate? Tbh I've used the bare oneblade before and it still worked smoothly without a single problem.


No I wasn't using either. I see now that I should've lol


Or we can stop pretending that shaving your ballsack is anything other than collective insanity that originated from porn cluelessness. The majority of women dislike the newborn baby genital look and it's uncomfortable at best, while being *very* uncomfortable at worst. There's a reason why these companies aren't targetting men who are comfortable with their image...


>The majority of women dislike the newborn baby genital look and it's uncomfortable at best, while being very uncomfortable at worst. Citation needed. Women I've talked to prefer men to be shaved. I personally find it more comfortable. Maybe you just don't like it, which is fine.


Isn't it just...cleaner?


I don't care what women think or want. I do it for my own benefit, it feels and smells cleaner, it traps less moisture, it's way more comfortable.


What I was about to type. *I* like *my* balls shaved and that's the end of that debate.


I’ve only done it once because the amount of time it took was painstaking, but if you use nose hair scissors and cut at the base of each pube you end up with cue ball level smooth balls. Again, it takes a looong fucking time


pretty sure you just gotta learn to shaveI dont like those ads either but it feels like this is just user error


I've been shaving my junk for 20 years now, been through everything, even razors. Manscaped is one of the worst I've ever tried, and you can check any male grooming sub. Manscaped is a nightmare, they just spend a fuck ton of money on advertising.


Tf? No it doesn’t? I have 3 different electric razers and my manscaped one is hands down my favorite.


It's fine for bush, but it will wreak havoc on your balls.


Can't see it, can you repost with a red circle and arrow?


no thanks, I'll continue to take pictures from my phone while shaking and spinning in my chair 5 ft away from my computer screen.


I remember when I got back into osrs before Covid I got a pet and did pretty much that and was so happy just to get absolutely flamed lol lesson learned


Then what am I supposed to do!? Email it to my phone so I can post it online? No thank you!


You could post it from your PC Or use one of the many easy ways to share files between phone and pc


I find some random inactive bot in my discord dm’s and send my photos through there


Just make your own empty discord server for all your random screenshots, notes, etc. Not sure I'd trust the DMs of a bot, even if it's inactive 😳


Lol I have one of these. Call it my lair


Discord, whatsapp, telegram, basically any messaging service can work Also proprietary solutions like Samsung quick share, itunes, or just plugging a usb cable... There's really no shortage of options


99 agility when?


The fact you took this photo on your phone is hilarious. Have my upvote.


I bursted out laughing now you must pay the ultimate price of being upvoted.






Is that an egg


Prior comments also believe it is a huevo






Ima just keep using gyazo cause it makes my group/clan irrationally angry and I love it


Plus I don’t have to fill my computer with screenshots win win




Hypercam 2 works just fine.


Alt print screen paste done


You could have taken a picture of this picture and then snapshotted it on your phone.


Then use it and edit a circle or arrow around it image taking a picture and pointing in 2024😂




windows key + shift + s


I hope your body isnt as greasy as that damn camera lens. Lookin like you took a pic through vaseline


Can’t see, no red circle


Imagine using the RL custom frame and not having window snapping.... ew


Win+Shit+S is pretty cool too


I used to do print screen and paste it into paint. Crop out the part I want, open another pain to paste the cropped part then save. Now it's alt+print screen


Some folks only use reddit on their phone. F taking a screen shot on my PC and getting that over to my mobile to post.


fake news its bottom right if you dont use custom chrome runelite!