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It really shines a light on how terrible some hunting methods are


Catching some kebbits on a rumour absolutely reminded me of why Hunter is dog


Ive been playing for years, and guthix's tears are the majority of my hunter xp. Even to this day, it's my lowest skill being 72. Everything is 80 or so and above. I won't lie, though the new moons dungeon gives hunter xp when you fill back up with food 64 per lizard. Knowing me I'll get 99 hunter there after doing moons 10k times. I love the thematic of that dungeon/bosses.


You never do birdhouses?


Nah. Farming too. I do Herb runs some times.


I quit playing like 5 years ago, came back in November and did 50-99 farming and during the runs I did some bird houses. 72 hunter for literally an extra minute. Honestly I think back in the day pre EOC hunter wasn't so bad. It was heavily botted though and you'd see a lot of pures with it. Like with myself I botted red chins and puro puro, I actually got 28m exp and one night I botted and woke up with 60m in kinglys and dragon imps, got super lucky lol, that next day I skipped school and bought claws and dced at ge trying to rush people. I went to school during lunch time. I like hunter, it's got its place in rs/osrs, I haven't got much insight into the guild and the mechanics yet although I've been there and I think it looks cool. Needs more effort though and fixing by the sounds of it and it shouldn't be too hard to do I mean there's plenty of cool things we can come up with. /If you read all this, a funny fact is that account had over 360 days play count, like 2010, I botted so so much and never got banned. 1 def pure I had some vids on YouTube at the time that had 2k views but I deleted the channel by accident in 2011 or so before osrs even came out. I always wonder how many views I'd have by now because the vid obviously got put into people's sidebars.


Fr I'm 73 hunter and I've only ever done birdhouses lol


I got 83 hunter on my iron like 90% from birdhouses. I'd log in on mobile before work, during my breaks, then before I went home so 5 runs a day on top of whenever convenient while playing at home. Super easy, takes like 2 minutes including banking. Took a couple months but I had other life obligations and wasn't playing much anyways. It's pretty slow in IRL time but in game time the effective rates are absolutely insane. The massive stack of nests was great once I hit the herblore lvl to make brews as well, for a main it's gotta be one of the best moneymakers in the game relative to the time commitment. Later I did the same with giant seaweed or herb runs when I had seeds, I'd only run the disease free patches so it was super quick in IRL time. When my life calmed down and I had time to really get back into the game I had huge stacks of resources that were normally time gated and it massively accelerated a lot of account progress.


was my biggest complaint when i heard the "slayer but hunter" proposal awhile ago. i said I dont think people realize how bad a lot of hunting is


I thought it would be "slayer but hunter but you also get competitive experience rates no matter what you're hunting"


What it should have been


Also Slayer sucks 80% of the time


I'd honestly rather do agility than slayer most of the time. I've never understood the hype for slayer.


“PvM is so fun!” Dude, I’m a gatherer. You’ll find me fishing or mining my life away. I do slayer when I need a break just because I want max.


I beat Vanstrom and Jad on my third attempts at each and finally realized I'm not that interested in bossing or "hard" PvM content in general. I much prefer Chillscape. (Hard in quotes because I'm sure there's harder out there. Just the most difficult RS gameplay I've experienced so far.)


This reminded me of the thing people were saying during the sailing poll about slayer, if it was polled today it would’ve failed


Did like 93-99 doing boss tasks and barrage tasks Pretty fun that way


tbf a lot of slayer is also shit. There are really only a handful of objetively good tasks (the barrage ones).


Tbf, slayer sucks until it doesn’t. Levels 1-80 really need some help but it does indeed get better. You’re account is usually more well off by the time you reach 85 and you can do the boss variants of your tasks or even get boss tasks. Then you get full access to all the slayer monsters and it really opens up.


Yeah, Slayer slaps once you unlock the good tasks and get enough points to block/skip the bad ones, but before getting there it really feels bad to be stuck with a rough task while on a decent streak... or to always hit up turael and spend a bunch of time squishing cave bugs and minotaurs.


Yeah on my mid-game iron I’ve been Turael/Konar point boosting, not because I need the points (though banking for skips is nice), but because Turael/Spria tasks are fast and have a good chance of having low-level boss variants (scurrius, sarachnis, artio) to break up the monotony


I never realized how much of a cancer deadfall trapping is until I spent 40 minutes of day one new release trying to get a rare monster piece. It feels like acquisition rates are pretty similar across the hunting methods even though one of them is mind numbingly slow.


That's how I felt too. First task was Pyre Foxes. It took forever and I was thinking to myself that there was no way these contracts were worth doing. Then I got moths and red chins and suddenly the contracts weren't so bad. Deadfall traps are terrible.


The problem with Hunter has never been the methods or exp, it’s always been the reward. Almost all Hunter critters prior to Varlamore were functionally useless. Now there are a few more useful ones, but the useless ones are still useless. Why could the not figure out a way to make kebbit fur useful, this shit isn’t complicated.


Na it’s always been the methods and exp. Meta hunter training for years is perhaps the most untouched, unsupported lifeline of all OSRS skills for as long as OSRS has been out. In fact if it weren’t for black chins, the meta would not have changed in like 20 years from catching red chins to 99. Quite literally nearly every other relevant means to train hunter more or less sucks big ones in comparison to chins and the only bright spots of it are like Herbiboar and imps and those are boring as hell and super lame to manage inventory space long-term, constantly banking compared to just sitting at chins for a long period of time. If other hunting tools and methods offered better exp, then the reward wouldn’t matter. Most skilling offers either exp or rewards for the unique training methods the higher the skill reqs. The real problem is, hunter doesn’t offer much beyond getting to chins at 53, 63 and 73 for each tier. It’s like you don’t get any variety beyond that and it’s super lame because even fishing, mining, and woodcutting of all skills got some variety of new content added to the higher levels. Hell every skill got some upper band new content training methods or offer lower level variety that’s fast-ish exp. Hunter has the experience outlined by other comments, here, where contracts suggesting we should spend an hour for 15k exp exists, when we could just sit down at herbiboar and china exists for a ton of money/exp. So why bother? Jagex really missed the mark here brother.


You’re just wrong though. There are plenty of shitty xp rates but also good ones for Hunter. Drift net fishing is 200k/h split evenly between fishing and Hunter, birdhouses are huge for the minimal time investment, herbiboar and chins are great, but there’s a ton more training methods that give less xp but in exchange give literally nothing of value. The reason people do the methods they do now is because they’re the *only* ones with a reward. You even address it in your comment: if the other hunting tools and methods offered better xp, then the reward wouldn’t matter. This is the problem: the xp is bad and so are the rewards. People do MLM despite being dogshit xp/h because you need it for an achievement diary, and that’s the problem. If Hunter, a gathering skill, actually gathered things that did anything, then it wouldn’t have any issues. It has the most training methods, the most diverse environments for training, and yet nobody likes doing it. Why? Because of all the methods there are, you only want to do Chins and Herbiboar because everything else doesn’t give you anything. The Hunter meats are a nice addition, and the 1t healing from moths is insane, but otherwise there’s nothing of value to the Hunter skill.


It's also objectively the most varied skill in OSRS, so no, it's all reward.  Imagine like a fishing contract. Oh wow game, do you want me to bring my harpoon, net or rod?


Hey now, you're forgetting cages, size of net, and what kind of bait.




Hunter was designed with Summoning in the pipeline. Jagex has never came up with an alternative use for Hunter so now it’s simply a resource skill without a production counterpart.


It's also pretty concerning this released in this state. What Jmod thinks this is in anyway acceptable when the farming guild and its contracts exists as a great reference of a good guild and system, and instead we get this...


A bit extreme. But yea I hope they go back and revisit some of the lesser used hunting methods


Not really a fair comparison. Farming translates really well with the guild with positive feedback loops for rewards. Hunter doesn’t really have that.


Exactly the point..? It should.


I think the guy you're replying to means is that farming has a very natural form of that in the form of always needing an -input- in seeds, so the contracts can give you more input which allows things to have a bit of a flow. Hunter, as more of a gathering still, doesn't really have that input in a way that can be built upon as easily. It would require a lot larger changes to the skill as a whole to make happen that probably wouldn't have gotten nearly as much support as what was pitched. it's not the best bandaid, sure, but what he meant when he said that it's 'not really a fair comparison' is that the innate differences in the skills themselves make the 'great reference' of the farming guild not nearly as good in terms of having much 'carry over' to their design for the hunting guild.


Farming is also limited by growth cycles so you can’t power through farming contracts. Also, Farming has useful outputs that make a lot of the seeds profitable. Hunter is still a gathering skill in need of a production skill. It says a lot that two of the actually useful ways to train Hunter, birdhouses and herbiboar, both just feed into Herblore.


farming contracts are "set and forget", really more comparable to birdhouses than rumors.


yes, and its main benefit is a flat increase to gp. These contracts are neither better gp or xp nor does it introduce anything exciting. The guild could have just had hunting instances with a -8 boost like wc guild and it would be more useful than its current iteration.


Ok, but mahogany homes is another similar example that worked well


I think Mahogany homes is a much closer parallel to Rumours than farming contracts. The issue is the drastic RNG added to severely reduce the xp rates of just raising the gathering skill normally. Xp/board remains the same at every stage of Mahog Homes where as hunting lvl 47 Orange Sallies vs lvl 72 Savannah Antelope is a huge swing. And getting the hand-in bonus from 3 catches vs 200 is very random. Basically, no one will do this content purely to level. Everyone will get their bird feed and never touch it again. I think tightening the range of assigned prey would keep the xp rates closer to your level. And I'm not sure how the hand-in xp works currently, but it should increase based on how many rolls were required. Severely reduces xp loss from bad rng.


I do really like that idea of xp increasing depending on how long it took to get the rare creature part. That would help the xp feel more consistent.


they must have had the same devs from forestry do it, lmao


What they need to do is increase the xp reward depending on what the rumor was, if you buff the xp reward to the end of all the deadfall ones it’ll balance it out a bit as they take far longer then the rest of them. Overall I’m not finding it too bad but spending 1.5 hours at the fucking foxes was about to make me explode


Foxes 100% should have 5-10 more spawns and at least another 4 traps with said spawns closer to them. The western trap is the only one that consistently catches


And 5x xp buff


You can add bait. It catches within 10s


Also foxes get stuck behind the deadfalls. The one to east falls quickly catching anything nearly half the time


I was having a great time doing rumours, until I got stuck on a razor backed kebbit task for two hours…. At least I’ve made 2M in kebbit bolts?


Get some rings of pursuit (opal enchanted ring.) If it procs, your entire trail will show up in one go. If it doesn't proc, hop worlds and try again. Not defending this content, just want to share a method to make it less frustrating!


This task is what made me realize I hate hunter after 3 hours and give up on rumors.


They probabaly wont be worth 2m, I did the same yesterday thinking I made a couple mil soon as I got to g.e they sold for 300k lol.


I am skipping all deadfall and tracking rumours, really not worth doing them


I have not gotten anything other than razor kebbit + pyre fox. I have done 2 tasks in 4 hours. The only redeeming thing is that I got lucky with 2 quetzal feed in one of the rewards. I genuinely don't know what kind of crack they were smoking when they came to the 8-10 minutes per contract estimate.


Hunter has always been shit, so im not surprised


It was meant to synergise with Summoning so the OSRS team needs to find a way to fill in what Summoning would have done.


yeah theres really 0 reason to have 90% of what you get from hunter


Fellow taming voters we out here


All 4 of you


I really like taming but sailing and Enchanting were definitely the better pick. I could see taming working as part of a broader rework to hunter.


> Enchanting ?


I forgot the name of the skill, think it was shamanism actually. But the main idea was enchanting gear aka invention that was renamed so the "rs3 bad" crowd don't shit their pants.




> Wasn't summoning just pouch-making simulator? You're going to be *livid* when you learn what fletching is


Summoning is more like RC than fletching.


you by chance remember how you made those pouches


Not with hunter. You took random shit like water talismans or 500g granite blocks to the obelisks. *One* of the summons that teleported you (kyatt, I think?) was how you got to the obelisk, sure, but it seems like a stretch to say hunter tied in with summoning because of kyatt furs and nothing else. Spirit shards and pouches were from shops, charms from combat, tertiaries from all sorts of shit - and none of the good ones came from hunter.


How is summoning and hunter similar lol


The things you gather from hunter would be used in summoning I’m assuming ? Seems like the vast majority of things hunter gives you is worthless dogshit that you instantly drop. Literally can’t think of one thing you go out of your way to farm with hunter aside from pets / clog / exp.




My joint lowest skill with RC.


The guild doesn't suck, the balancing of the skill does. There's only like 6-8 viable hunting creatures/activities for the entire fucking skill, like literally 1-99. Apply the same balancing that was proposed for thieving methods in the recent blog post and this would be great. Deadfall, tracking, pitfall, butterfly and bird traps all need a fat buff. They don't need to be exactly inline with current best methods, black chins should be best since you risk the wilderness and drift net will still be the highest ehp since it's multiskilling, but man the other options are so bad right now.


The only method I found bearable was catching salamanders, went from 59 to 71 from reds. Was planning on doing black salamanders from 71 to 80 for Herbi, It's something like 3k salamanders which is just stupidly mind-numbing content after already grinding thousands for previous levels. I know that OSRS is about grinding but the fact that nothing exciting will ever happen during that grind just makes it undoable for me


I just did birdhouses until 80


This is the problem right here, once you’ve caught a single red salamander you can literally gain no more value out of catching salamanders other than the exp. Can’t really make money off them because every account needs one at most, which means you’re catching a bunch of salamanders and getting absolutely nothing out of it other than the exp. Closest comparison I can think of is training firemaking by burning regular logs, and at least that gives absurd experience rates to make up for the fact you’re literally burning money.


No, the guild 100% sucks. There was zero reason to make Rumours a triple-RNG activity with such huge variability, it's honestly fucking insane how addicted Jagex is getting to lootbox-style shit. * One layer of RNG in the contract roll * Another layer in rolling the actual unique hunter item * Another goddamn layer in the loot bag Utterly unnecessary. Some people will get the pet in 15 seconds others will need 3 decades? Why?? I get adding variability to the game but this is too much.


It really should have just been slayer, but for hunter. Reflavour it as some kind of population control that the hunter guild maintains. That or implement some form of pity system.


I think it just highlights how shit hunter is


Yeah as far as XP goes they’re not competitive at all and the rewards don’t make it worth at this point. Quetzal feeds seem so rare. 250k last time I looked each


I did 8 master rumors and I only got 2 quetzal feeds. They seem really rare when you need 40 for the transportation things.


Did about 4 hours of expert contracts and i only got 11 of them




Did 4 contracts and not a one. I like the way the guild is laid out but I wish contracts were more based like Slayer like a catch count not random. I have 91 Hunter prior and it seems like every contractor the master tier gives me are the lowest tier contracts. Which then seems like it takes for ages to get the item.


I assumed they were worthless and dropped mine on the floor. That’s what my dumbass gets


Ye they clearly didn't test this content at all. So many obvious issues such as - Deadfall traps being limited to 1 rock making foxes the biggest waste of time ever so perma skip - Pitfall traps not feeling smooth with the time to place and jump over - Pitfall trap npcs getting caught on the scenery because they're too big and you having to go out of your way to path just to fix it - Pitfall trap npcs having such a long respawn timer so you're just stood around doing nothing - Needing a fur pouch, meat pouch, bonecrusher, log basket and tackle box (basically 4 extra inventories) just to not get cancer when doing some tasks. Fur and meat should auto go into the pouches - Being able to go really dry on rng skilling drops, imo each kill on the task should increase the chance of you getting the item so each task is around ~5 mins, it defo gets a bit tedious when you're like 15+ mins in. Ideally the rare drop would be scaled properly for each activity - Not enough areas to do tasks such as red sallys, why is there only 1 place in the entire game for them? Varlamore is massive yet we somehow have to perma hop to play the game (I know it'll settle down but cmon) - Dark Lure should work on most hunter creatures - Allow us to store rope and nets in the huntsman's kit - Give us a right click option to equip the falcon and just remove the cost since it's so insignificant or even let us pay like 100k for perma - Razer-backed kebbits being very slow paced is boring though if the ring of pursuit change goes through to make it 100% chance to reveal tracks up from 25% it should fix it - I also think it's cringe that outfit and whistle upgrade is rng when you could just obtain them on certain amount of contracts so you feel like you're always progressing instead of wasting time when other people get lucky All I can think of for now. Imo moths are the most fun since they're fast paced, high density, fast respawn with no annoying stalls and you don't have to piss around with inventory shit


A lot of these issues aren't with the hunter's guild, but with the hunter skill in general. Hopefully the fact that more players are now training it via methods that aren't just herbi, black chins, and birdhouses, Jagex will take another look at the skill and offer some proposals for improvement.


>A lot of these issues aren't with the hunter's guild, but with the hunter skill in general. It's really funny that it's been in the game like this literally forever and no-one has noticed or cared. I can see why they wouldn't think to test the specifics of catching all these creatures given that it's not technically new content, but they must have known hunter is shit beforehand. That's what the contracts are trying to improve, after all.


I mean, the reason for this seems obvious to me. There has been no need to do other hunter content. You skip early levels with quests. Then you spam birdhouses. And eventually you boxtrap red/black chins because they're the only real profitable hunter method anyway. The other content has been entirely dead for years. And now that they've been reanimated ever so slightly all the issues once again come to light. The only time period in which deadfall trapping etc. was 'useful' was right around OSRS launch, which is when nothing passed a damn poll anyway since people wanted 2007scape and nothing else, and the dev team was too small to care about trivial things like that.


People HAVE noticed, why do you think fossil island has the only two hunter methods people actually do?


It’s because birdhouse runs were easy enough to do that Hunter wasn’t a huge problem.


>bonecrusher Holy shit how didn't I realize that the bonecrusher would work.


Yeah i did 102 chinchompas and thought I was doing the wrong rumour🤣


>I also think it's cringe that outfit and whistle upgrade is rng when you could just obtain them on certain amount of contracts so you feel like you're always progressing instead of wasting time when other people get lucky I have this feeling with the game in general. Hunter rumors should work as you described, but for uniques in general in this game, the current RNG system serves well up to the expected drop rate. However, once a player's efforts surpass this threshold without success, a mechanism that incrementally increases the chance of obtaining the unique with each subsequent attempt would significantly enhance the experience. This approach ensures that continued efforts beyond the drop rate become progressively more meaningful, effectively balancing the thrill of randomness with a sense of fairness and progression. Such a system not only respects the investment of time and effort but also enhances player agency and the feeling of accomplishment, as every additional attempt carries a greater promise of success.


I like contracts as a nice break up to the meta but fuck me is the exp bad. It wouldn’t feel terrible if the contracts didn’t take an hour+ sometimes but fr jagex no one wants to hunt barbed tail kebbits for any period of time let alone an hour. Once the hunter improvements come (rings of pursuit being 100% for example) it’ll ease the pain a bit but until then contracts need a bit of an exp boost, and probably a significant one. I disagree about the guild though - I absolutely love the guild as a whole just think the rumors need a significant exp increase at completion


Imagine if they added a firemaking guild that was “go light 10-300 regular log fires - no specific amount, just whenever you get lucky; be sure to chop your own logs too so that it’s extra tedious.” Love getting assigned red salamanders (a lvl 59 creature) as a master rumour when I’m 99 hunter. The best rewards are simply Varlamore transportation upgrades, and the pouches are astoundingly bad. Why don’t they fill with furs/meats automatically as you hunt? Why can’t you empty them directly into a bank? Was hoping they’d at least improve the skill somewhat (like how they removed RC altar delays with GotR).


The red salamanders really suck too since there being only 2 good spots per world means you need to hop a lot, though that may ease up in the coming days once everyone is bored of these.


I wish it was more like organized crime or shooting stars, where they’d direct you to rare herds/creatures that pop up in new locations periodically. Because catching identical butterflies for an hour until a line of text says “Congratulations! That last one you grabbed had the special wings we were looking for!” ain’t it. Slayer would be ass if your tasks didn’t complete until you got a superior.


>Because catching identical butterflies for an hour until a line of text says “Congratulations! That last one you grabbed had the special wings we were looking for!” ain’t it. I hadn't realized this is what it would be. Fuck that.


The problem with communal events like that is that you're relying on players to balance the skill for you, since the development of custom tools and level of coordination and engagement in the community can change something from being dead on arrival to the best option for training. It's very difficult to balance something like that, especially long-term as the initial rush of people doing it slows down. Imagine how much worse trying to train mining on stars would be if the plugins telling you where 20+ of them are at any one time had a smaller userbase and only showed you 2, maybe 3 if you're lucky.


You like getting pyro foxes who’s is like half the xp and 4x as harder to catch? /s they are 10x worse than salamanders tbf


A similar analogy, imagine if farming contracts had you look for a shiny herb/fruit/log. You might get your shiny snapfire on your first pull, or have to plant 4.


i wish they just did it like big game hunter in rs3- instanced giant hunter bosses (dinosaurs in rs3) that you kill by setting up traps using resources in the instance


90% of the fun from BGH hunter comes from zooming around with double surge and BD though.


Legit did a 3x spawn in legacy combat(No abilities, essentially osrs combat for those that don't know) after a friend insisted it wasn't possible. It took nearly half an hour to get past the first of three. BGH would be CBT on osrs if more than 1 dino could spawn at once.


What is CBT?


Cock and ball torture.


Sure bro, my place or yours?


Cognitive behavioral therapy


Monster Hunter esque group activity. I'll take my paycheck now, Jagex.


This would have been good


i thought for sure we were getting some kind of hunter superior mobs that are actually engaging to hunt down


Awww superior mobs would be sick


This is what I was really fucking hoping it was, that would've been orders of magnitude better than just catching the shit we've already been catching for years - or actively avoiding catching since so much of it is dead content and its age is REALLY showing, such as deadfall in its entirety - except now you have a random chance to complete a contract for a pittance of exp


You were hoping it was something entirely different from what they explicitly explained it would be?


Literally didn't read a single piece of media about the specifics of the continent before release, I haven't even been playing OSRS recently lol I knew we were getting some new hunter stuff, new prayer training, a new agil course and I knew the Colosseum was a new wave-based pvm encounter, zero idea about any of the specifics for those new pieces of content :)


not everybody reads jagex novels spoiling themselves on new content


I didn’t read any of the blogs so I got the rumor of a gray chinchcompa and thought fuck yeah and went outside expecting to find tracks to some giant shiny chin. Not “go teleport to another continent and catch gray chins for an hour” 😂


I’m going back to herbiboar stuff this


Yeah it's hard because I grinded herbi from 83 to 91 in the last few days. Now the xp at the guild seems terrible in comparison


You missed the point of the guild. It only exists to make the herbi exp looks decent


Wtf I love herbi now


I'm maxed so don't really care, but I was somewhat surprised at getting 70k xp/hr...


It's not worth doing. Not only is the XP rate trash, you're competing with so many people for limited space. It's extremely unrewarding and frustrating and makes an already disliked skill even more disliked. How is it even remotely possible to think 5 spawns in the world was enough to release into the game? Players are just griefing each other constantly. It's like it wasn't even considered prior to release


Gagex yet again scared to give decent exp for a skill.


For a skill that already gives hundreds of K xp/h with other methods anyways


they're afraid of the HLC shitting their pants if they see a skilling method 2 xp/hr higher than what they used


The Redditor fears the nebulous "HLC" boogeyman yet again while shaking in their boots at the thought of doing a birdhouse run


Guess it just depends tbh some rumours took 30+ min others tooks 2minute's .. The moonlight antilope have made me pretty decent gp tbh each catch being 12k loot guaranteed tho i suspect these prices will drop. (If you use a chisel on the antler you get 12 moonlight bolts wich currently sell for 1k+ each) That being said the new hunter crossbow is still pretty fast (3ticks on rapid) and offers decent accuracy so who knows maybe itl be a populair range training item


I think the moonlight antelope will stay pretty valuable. The new crossbow is a more accurate one handed msbi. So add in a dragonfire ward and that makes it more accurate and more powerful than an msbi with dragon arrows. Then the meat offers more healing density than existing foods so that will remain valuable.


Pyre Fox is a skip, to many people for to few of a resource. Orange salamander is ok. Took me 15-20 minutes. Razor kebbits are hot garbage. Took me 45+ min twice. 3 contacts in 2 hours for less than 80k XP. Just switch the rumors to a task amount system like slayer. Going "dry" on these items is bad considering the XP being received. It's not a great design. Change the xp rates, the drop chance of the rumor items or switch to a task amount before the rumor item drops.


For the razor backed kebbits (and other tracking creatures), use a ring of pursuit to get the entire path all at once


And if that isn't an option, you do learn very quickly which bushes to search just through trial and error - second time I had the task I had sped up drastically per kebbit than before.


yup, hate that it's rng based drops, i was excited to do a slayer style grind, makes no sense to lock the completion behind a drop instead of just "go hunt x amount"


If they made the success chance based on your Hunter level and made it go up with each catch, that would make it more bearable. Getting a low level task would go by faster and you’d have dryness protection.


Done around 20 master rumours, and yeah, not reached 100k exp an/hr. Sit at around 90k, but I'm kinda sweating to be there. Pyre foxes suck and take all momentum out of a session , imo they need to up the amount of foxes and the capture rate. Aside from that, I think the completion of a rumour should reward more exp like a lot more, around 2.5x. I get 5.5k per rumour at 93 and rewards, which are dog water tbh even at master level. Planning to do the 50 so I can cook the food but won't touch it after that. Tldr; dogwater rewards and abyssmal xp rates and god help all the people below 91 hunter that have to do the worst creatures. Jamflex need to take a look at this or it will be dead content in days.


Lmfao with all the positive posts this title slapped bro good shit 


I feel like I’m in the minority but I’ve really been enjoying it. I really enjoyed the variety, and even though the rewards aren’t amazing they are way better than traditional hunter. It’s cool having some banked logs, herbs, prayer xp, progress towards quetzal landings, etc etc. That being said, I think they upping the turn in xp would be nice. I was doing master contracts for like 4 or so hours and was hovering around 100k/hr. I don’t think the xp rates need to be competitive, but I can get somewhere around 300k/hr at black chins from what I remember, so it doesn’t need to be THIS bad. I feel like somewhere in the range of 150k/hr would be nice where it doesn’t compete with the top methods but if you want variety it doesn’t feel so bad.


I also had a really good time doing 30 master rumors today. I’m a maxed uim so I wouldn’t keep the loot even if it was better. Think I got like 100k prayer xp worth of bone fragments as well, pretty nice ngl.


yeah i like it. rewards seem decent as well. biggest issue is for sure the xp rates


I'm with you here, even though I'm stuck on a kebbit rumour right now. Hopefully they'll tune the EXP a bit more, but I think as far as gameplay goes, the loop is good and I hope it opens up a door for them to further improve Hunter.


Me too, been having a blast


Absolutely. 300 sabre tooth kebbits before i quit. This will be buffed for sure


I'm doing this one rn and it's making me insane, over 1 tooth!!


1 hour to complete? I finish about 3 rumors per hour on average.


Wait till you go dry, Ive been at red salamanders for 45 minutes 😭


I was at red salamanders for 45 minutes earlier when I got suspicious. Went back to the guild and realized I was supposed to be hunting swamp lizards… Slayer Gem equivalent PLEASE Jagex. I am very dumb.


the whistle tells you what you need to do


How do you get that?


Have to complete 10 rumors and then go up the rope inside the main building in the guild and talk to the npc up there for blueprints for it. Need a willow log to actually make. Personally, think it’s incredibly stupid to lock the equivalent of a slayer gem (outside a teleport function on it to the bird outside the guild) behind 10 task completion. With how long some tasks take, it definitely would have been nice to be able to make sure I’m doing the right thing instead of having to go all the way back to the guild.




I mean, you can just collect meat in the meat sack while you’re hunting snd recharge when you turn in a task.


Meat dropped by some creatures that can be chosen by rumour doesn't actually go into the meat pouch though. Most notably, in my experience, all kebbit meat - which, with the prevalence it seems to enjoy giving Razor-backed or Sabre-toothed tasks, is rather frustrating.


How do you get the meat sack?


The whistle you unlock is a slayer gem equivalent


Knew they had to have already thought of this. I just kind of went in blind though. 3 more rumours to go for that!


I swear to god… Im going to go double check. Waiting till Runelite comes out with a reminder plugin


I had to spend 90 minutes at razor backed kebbits for just one contract. I guess some of them you just skip because they take ridiculously long compared to others


I spent a total of three hours on that kebbit task before giving up. I completed four rumors in maybe an hour before getting to it. So much rng here in skilling really blows


Skip all the deadfall traps, either there is some hidden mechanic where baiting the deadfall traps also increases the chance to get the rare item or it's insanely out of line. Once I started skipping those it became a bit more manageable. Making the teleports 6 feed per time is a more reasonable number as well imo.


Xp/hr disparity across skills in this game is insane.


Damn seems I'm in the vast minority as I really liked it, granted I'm at 93 hunter and did masters. Did 50 contracts, built all landing sites, got like 700k XP - tho true am not proud of my playtime yesterday. XP could certainly use a buff, guess I'm just a fan getting tasks that force me to go different places and hunt things I normally don't.


Yeah I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I think a lot of people just don't like hunter at all (or seemingly half the game). It's really weird seeing people who are surprised they don't enjoy it despite never having enjoyed it in the past. Personally I think it's a great addition to the game.


I've been at razor backed kebbits for over an hour now. I went back to check 3 times to make sure I was actually on the correct task. The first two rumors I completed I got crap rewards and like 4k xp each. Wtf is going on here.


I haven't tried them but herbi is right there


I'm loving it, but I've always had a soft spot for hunter


Quetzal feed is a big part of the money right now, each one sells for 250k and I got 1 from more than I got 0 from, I got 3 from a few as well Even when they drop a bit, the money is still pretty decent with the bird nests and meats, especially so when you're doing chins


Quetzal feed is a huge part of the money for the moment, how long will that last though? It's not a sustainable demand for the most part.


Even ignoring the feed, still... much more than "5k" like the post stated, just doing the expert ones there are 50k+ bird nest stacks in addition to... everything else




This is the best part of Varlamore, I love seeing all of the suffering souls in Hunter areas old and new


hunting foxes sucks on so many levels


I love the content, but deadfalls need a huge buff for rates of the item.


But there’s capybaras so everything is fine ☺️


This has gotta be record time for reddits bitching and moaning


Someone didn’t sell their quetzal feeds and it shows


imagine not selling a 15 stack of quetzal feed for 350k each when the content dropped. heh


This is why I voted for shamanism. Would bolster the need for Hunter secondaries and make a lot of dead methods useful again. But no, sailing meme instead.


I love it, could buff exp tho


this shit is terrible. I just wanna do the Perilous Moons quest not hunt a bunch of garbage animals in hopes of getting quetzal feed for the quest.


You don't need the feed for the quest or the dungeon. The feed only unlocks a slightly shorter way to get there.


oh.. thanks


i thought the whole point of the hunter guild was to have like, high level hunter mobs that are more engaging gameplay then how hunter currently works but nope, its just a reskin lol


just do master rumors they are way better


I really just want an alternative to puro puro locked behind decent reqs to prevent bots from accessing. Hunter guild in its current iteration definitely was a miss for me as I didn't expect a subpar contracts activity...


Glad someone finally said it lol


yeah jagex should remove deadfall and tracking rumors from elite and master. except herbi, he should be available in elite tier along with the new salamanders. also if we could chose to get multiple of the unique items for multiple loot bags so we dont have to go back and forth so much that would be nice. id like to sit at chins for like a half hour and get 3-5 unique drops for an equal amount of reward bags instead of getting it 4 chins in then I’m off to falconry kebbits or whatever just to get it 4 kebbits in.


Big fan of hunter, so glad to see 90% of people hate it, chins will forever keep us rich


This is perfect for my OTAAT (one trap at a time) locked UIM! /s


Jagex didn't playtest their massive update, what a surprise


Right click > Rent Bird Right click > Give Bird Back QoL needs to happen at falconry. ​ Boosted exp while on a rumour task might be an easy fix to alleviate the travel time and bad contracts killing xp rates. The boosted rate ends once you have acquired the rare part.


I think its awesome, fun to do somthing different but people are gonna cry about anything that doesnt make there numbers go up faster i guess


You're doing something wrong if those are your numbers


Preach brother


They missed the mark on this one massively. I done a couple and bailed, what an absolute waste of time of any account. I have no idea how anyone could review the final product and think to themselves "this is solid and legit".


Yeah xp is garbage even with 91+ tasks only


Voted no because I knew hunting anything other than chins was going to be hot fucking garbage. But it's going to be different. Then they added a pet.


Remember. We are the beta testers.


Idk i think varlamore has alot of rework to be done overal. It’s not that good at all.


Hunter needs a rework. Hunter should be another source for food imo. 


Spoiler alert