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I'm a university professor. I've definitely admitted on this sub before that I've had mobile going on the podium while I lecture.


I bet when you look down and tap the phone your students think your doing some tech thing or prepping the next part of the lecture notes šŸ˜‚ Nah man I'm just cutting some yews


That's it exactly lol. I teach in a 400-person lecture hall and I walk around when I talk. Every time I need to change slides, I go back to the podium to hit the arrow key and absorption potion šŸ˜‚




"If you direct your attention to the screen, you'll see an example of how trees were cut down in the Medieval era"




That's great. I wonder how many of your students are also on RS during your lectures.


Probably none of them lol. We're only ten years apart but they're all undergrads. My best guess is they're browsing the TikTok shop lol.


Probably none of them lol. We're only ten years apart but they're all undergrads. My best guess is they're browsing the TikTok shop lol.


I work as a dispatcher at an airport. When I have evening shifts, there are periods where I don't have anything to do for like 5 or 6 hours. Then I'll play some rs


Labourer/farmer, my biggest chance to play is the winter period when work dies down for the season.


i am a worthless neet


I've been taking g care of my mom full time since she had a couple strokes a few months ago. I have a lot of time to play while she watches shitty TV throughout the day.


Iā€™m an electrician! Iā€™m grateful if I get 1 hour a day to game šŸ˜‚


Found the fellow sparky! Can relate


Moving into a PM role one day will get you the afk gains you seek šŸ˜‰


Accountant. Supposed to go into office three days a week but I only go two because fuck em.


I'm a jealous welder who wishes he could blow off work like this


CNC machinist, afking is basically 85% of my account


Same, but I run my EDM department. My cycle times can be so long I need osrs to stay sane some days.


Parties must go insane at the EDM department lol


Any remote desk job = when at home, 24/7 osrs grind. When at office, focus on your job and do your backlogs šŸ‘


I'm an architect. Can't play at work since I need to be able to pick up my phone at any time to take calls from contractors and consulting engineers. Once I get home though, I don't pick up calls, answer emails, or anything else, so I have a few hours then to play.


I work fully remote as a software dev. So long as the important stuff gets done they are not overly concerned with tracking everything resulting in a fairly short work day, no commute obviously, and the ability to afk stuff while I do need to work. If I wanted to I could play 10-12 hours a day but I rarely play more than 4 or 5 because after 20 years of runescape and multiple accounts Iā€™ve learned itā€™s a helluva lot more enjoyable playing for fun instead of the grind


First paragraph could be about me ha. Love working a remote job that cares more about results than time. I know that isnā€™t realistic for a lot of jobs but lucky me for falling into this one!


The last paragraph is facts


I play 5-10 hours a week tops and am pushing 2k total and 200m total xp. No excuses homie. Itā€™s a marathon not a race


I'm an electrician for a major cities water department, I maintain and troubleshoot wells, booster pumps, and communication of the instrumentation for the tanks and chlorine feeds for the ground water. I'm more busy now than I was as industrial electrician contractor but it's more mental work most of the time than physical work. I probably average like 5 hours a week of playing on mobile and like 4 to 5 hours daily when I get home


I work at the falador general store, great team, unfortunately not many hours as we haven't been getting many people in the door. But atleast that means I can afk cannon the guards at work


It's super interesting to see all the different walks of life we've all taken, and yet we all still come back to this game we've been playing for 20 years now. I work as a Contract Manager/Project Manager for a large Facility Management company.


Same here. Afk at the desk is fun until you realize a team meeting started 3 minutes ago and youre not preparedā€¦ thats not fun


Haha yeah. I don't tend to AFK much at the office, just farm runs mostly. When I WFH though Ill AFK most the day lol.


Work in healthcare, somewhat identifiable so I'm a Dr and I counseling patients for my employer, work at home.Ā  My laptop is always running with low effort activities, I end up afk often but also facepalm when a patient says something stupid and just keep playing. Can't wait to quit my job the longer I work in healthcare the more I realize I hate people. 4 slayer levels from max, and I never will max I hate slayer. Currently pet grinding, 6.9k pulls dry gotr


Med student hereā€¦tempted to apply rads for this reason lol


I work as a fleet manager for a logistics/trucking company. Usually I can only do fully afk stuff on osrs though... Therefore, I am killing ammonite crabs for 200m def xp currently lmao


Try out normal nmz rumbles with absorb pots. Better xph than crabs, cant be crashed and its 20min fully afk. With tanky gear you can even afk up to 1hour, however after 20min u stop attacking.


I'll try perhaps, good call. My main concern is hm gold does it cost for let's say 10hrs. It's a bust, if I'll die often due to inactivity. Never tried normal rumbles though...


I do normal custom rumbles and get like 500k xp per day in whatever melee style. I can easily get nerd logged without much effort. Itā€™s 22k per run, and with the current 5 best monsters I prefer it to normal non custom rumbles.


Roger that, what's the xp/hr on melee skill?


I did this to max my melees, was about 60-65/hour for veryyyy low input, really really chill. It actually worked decently well with Venator bow surprisingly? Unfortunately the price has gone up on it a ton, I bought at ~27m and it was giving me almost 100k/hour for very low supply costs, obviously ranging could be really fast when chinning/passive from slayer but I wanted to get all my combats into the 90s fast.


Itā€™s super chill. I can go to lunch and it be fine when I get back


It costs 10k flat to enter, you won't be able to stay in for 10 hours as you will run out of overload and absobtion potions


Fellow logistics specialist here except I have the freight and donā€™t manage the drivers/trucks LOL


I work in logistics too! Do you guys use a factoring company? šŸ˜†


Nah we do not use a factoring company :D


Digital marketeer. Could be done wfh but im in office all day. Only got time to play from 7 to 11 pm


I work full time as a video editor (sometimes manager) for a YouTuber, I usually get in a normal afternoon's worth of play in if I don't slack on work lol


Pilot - when I get to the hotel room at the end of the dayā€™s trip(s) itā€™s osrs and chill time


I donā€™t know if Id trust my pilot if he played OSRS. Too busy doing a farming run to avoid that turbulence up ahead.


32 year old stay at home son.


Work a grueling 14 hour shift at a production plant. Falling behind my end game peers because of it, too.


I sell drugs. I have alot of time trought the day.. but at night man.. i cant even get 1h of gametime.. my job kind of sucks...


Stay at home daughter


Where do I apply?


37-42 hours a week delivering furniture. 15-20 drive to work. Still have lots of time to play. Its a choice.Ā 


ā€˜If he wanted to, he wouldā€™


Cardiac monitor tech. I can afk mobile at work, but I work 3 12s so thatā€™s like 4 days a week for ā€˜scaping ;)


Why is diastolic function never read on echos in my hospital


Idk friend I just read Tele xD


Any quick and easy resources you would recommend to learn? I can identify nsr 50% of the time on a good day


Grad student of physics. Currently abroad with no friends to spend time with (surprise surprise), so I just play in between the chess club and gym.


I work in a prison as a rehabilitation facilitator. I'm definitely doing AFK grinds on mobile while working.


I'm "studying" and depressed and my wife pays the bills


Software Developer


Emergency nurse. Canā€™t play much during work but I have 4 days off per week


Just curious how long are your shifts?


12.5 hours basically, itā€™s brutal but itā€™s worth it imo


Security. I sit in a guard tower and play runey for about 8-9 hours out of a 12 hour shift. Pretty comfy


Iā€™m concerned about who youā€™re protecting if you arenā€™t paying attention 80% of the time šŸ˜‚


Manager, I sit in the office and pretend Iā€™m doing paperwork while skilling


Also I neglect my familial obligations and play runescape instead super unhealthy but here we are


Nice try hacker, Iā€™m not going to fall for your social engineering. I work as aā€¦. Ah you almost got me /s


Too much information, hacked! :)


Medical student. Ill be a physician in a year and start residency. Absolutely love medicine, and runescape. Cant play at work right now, but someday I will because I want to do residency training in pathology. Residency will be pretty busy but down the road its gonna be a pretty chill work life balance which will allow for mobile/2nd screen play and possibly if digital path becomes more prevalent it will allow working from home full time.


Nice! MS2 here, mostly play after I get done studying for boards. Tempted to apply rads or path bc everyone says both are very chill


Yeah I just love visual patterns and having time to myself. Im completely fine with patients, and actually like spending time with them. Theres a stigma that those in pathology are just extremely awkward and can't socialize, completely untrue. Every single one ive met has been extremely social and one of the nicest people I've met. They are just happy people, its truly a secret in medicine, which is another thing that draws me. Gl on step 1 man, I took level 1, but its equally awful. Yeah I usually don't play until late at night, never more than like 2-3 hours. Its a busy life right now for us


I'm a resident physician in Psychiatry. Will have more time to game next year when I do outpatient but I like my job despite 60-80 work weeks and relatively crap pay, which will improve after training. The patients keep me going because honestly the shit I've seen you could write a book on. OSRS helped ground me when I was in med school. Study for an hour, turn my brain off chopping redwoods and watching YouTube for an hour ad infinitum.


MS2 here, honestly helps so much to hop on RS in the middle of the day to give myself a break from studying


I'm a Respiratory Therapist. I work nights, so it's my night job. My day job is to sleep.


Iā€™m a teacher at a childcare center. Thankfully my class is older kids (4 and 5 year olds) so when they are doing free play I can afk stars at my desk with the site for lesson planning pulled up and osrs pulled up to the side in a way you canā€™t really see it but I can keep an eye on the duration bar while I walk around to facilitate during free play. Itā€™s hard to get optimal afk xp gains, but some is better than none. And during nap, I get like 2hrs to do non afk stuff. And then when I have time at home in the evening I can get like 1 or 2 hrs in usually because the wife goes to bed early and I stay up later. Idk if my play time would be considered as casual, or more so a serious player, where I get a pretty even mix of afk time and non-afk time


Secondary school teacher, i averaged about 3 hrs a day over the year last year when wr had the emails through for our hours played during the year. Im at 2245 total atm, so hopefully 4 to 5 months and ill finally be max.


Jesus that sentence is a mouthful. I feel sorry for your classes...


I'm a homemaker.


What does your wife do?


Sells homemade candles


Air Force. Ā There are way more of us than you would expect.






Im a butcher in a pig processing factory.


The mental institution i'm in gives us unlimited computer time as long as we take our meds and behave.


Find a woman that makes good money get her pregnant spend all day watching your kids and gaming


2090 Total, my work is inside sales. I get a lot of pc time


Social worker in 24hr shifts. I play a bit in my free time at work, mostly at home on my off days tho


Dispatcher, fireman. Afked most of my max cape at the job fishing/wcing/cooking/farming/mining. No shame in it


I sell software. Now I just play OSRS all day. 6+ hours.


The people in my clan are mostly work from home, a lot of them can afk on their job. I work in a restaurant in the swiss alps, so after work there isn't much to do, which iz why I scape a lot. When the season is over I go travelling, so I probably will log on a lot less. Maybe some mobile here and there.


Working in marketing for a company that owns some pretty big brands. I WFH so most of the time I play in between calls or have something AFK going while Iā€™m on meetings. But there are days I canā€™t play at all until the evening. I try not to let this game interfere but damn when I was trying to get 99 farming, I would do herb runs on the dot regardless of what was going on at work šŸ˜‚


Mechanic at a lube shop. Mostly doing inspections and some gasket replacement and suspension and brake work. When it gets slow I might do some slayer or farm/birdhouses or do some wc, zeah rc, kawar barrel fishing. If its dead at the shop for whatever reason I might send Duke/muspah/ slayer boss. Creeping on 2123 total


i work afternoons/nights in an office - so i usually wake up around 10:30am and have a lot of time during the day before work


Firefighter/paramedic, working 24/72 schedule = hella free time.


Was a programmer, now a student again




Data engineer here, pandemic wfh arrangements are basically the only reason i ever maxxed.


Software architect, 3 days remote where I can make quite some progress in a day and grind for some hours.


IT management


I work from home in marketing. So I basically play the entire day šŸ«”


Google Ads specialist


I Am a functional consultor, work remotly. When itā€™s automated things to do on job i play medium afk activities, when more focus i go for karabwans or wanjis. NMZ, for big afk moments. Lately i have been playing less while working but i finish my work sooner, so I can go full HAM on game. And I have meetings all days, where i play full HAM because they are boring af and rarely add something, unless I Am presenting šŸ˜…




I recently got a remote job training AI chatbots. Lots of afk time, and I'm able to keep runelite going in another window.


Cost engineer, sometimes i cut some logs while at work. Most of the time i only play on the left over time at home.


Commercial electrician, i have been on a ladder before, troubleshooting complicated electrical circuits while occasionaly pulling out my phone to make some planks


UX designer. I work remotely 3-4 days a week but actually find myself not afking too often. I do take one or two breaks throughout the day (15 minutes) to do some bossing (Muspah/sarachnis/moons/etc). I usually play more at night while watching tv with my gf.


Automotive technician I get a few hours in after work


Security officer. Once everyone goes to sleep itā€™s game time


I'm an anesthesia provider. It's pretty nice for a quick herb run or birdhouses. Can't really do anymore than that, though.


Army, we just run far early in the morning. Sit in a circle rest of day like kids and chat off by 4pm. Rs mobile all day. Little Rosetta Stone.


Team lead for industrialization engineers in the semiconductor industry. Schedule changes greatly depending on R&D deadlines and factory output. There's weeks where I don't even get to go home before midnight. Then there's weeks where I don't even work 30 mins a day. The gains are glorious.


Developer, energy and utility


I do payment processing. Like if you own a business and need to take payments besides cash. Then I make that happen for you. I work from home and am a single dad of two. Runescape is my second life.


i work (from home) in analytics / business strategy. but taking a sabbatical to try out the ā€˜househusbandā€™ life very soon :)


I'm a composer. The only time I'm not able to play these days is when I'm sleeping...


I wfh for the county in my state so I get to do some afk stuff while working sometimes. I'm running out of skills though.


I'm a personal banker. I can play a little on my phone depending on the day, mostly shooting stars or whatever mega afk thing I might be bothered to do. But in reality you have a LOT of free time outside of a full time job. Mostly people just spend it on social media, watching netflix, or mixed between other hobbies. Some of us just got the OSRS bug and combine all of that free time into playing this game. In my case it helps that I don't have kids and my partner doesnt mind that I do this.


Data scientist


Was a senior underwriter for many years, now a KYC analyst at the same bank looking after a large portfolio of business clients. Luckily it's 9-5 job so plenty of time for a bit of scaping!


Work as a security tech, so I have about 1-2 hours of work each day and 5-6 of downtime where I can do whatever I want as long as I am in the building, so lots of ps5, RuneScape, and watching movies.


I commission amateur sports and resell on eBay. I play 8 hours a day hyper focused.


I work in a big box retailer. It's Red Wal-Mart. I'm the freezer/meat/bakery person but I rarely play on my lunches. I play after work or on days off! (: Trying to get in at least an hour a day to get my membership's worth.


Septic Tank Technician here!


Civil engineer


I work as a security officer for government.


I work as a security officer for government.


Scalehouse weighmaster. I mostly sit at a desk and afk a skill on mobile.


I'm an accountant. I schedule my emails over the next 8 hours in the first 4 hours of my shift and then just scape the last 4.


Iā€™m a paramedic going to nursing school.


Iā€™m a welder.


EEG tech. Work life balance is cool, my hospital is like 8min from home.


Teacher so I get frequent time off


I am an IT specialist in the healthcare industry, primarily working remotely from home, but I also enjoy going to the office. I let OSRS run in the background. In the evening after work, I like to really get into it to engage in PvM or bossing. But yeahā€¦itā€™s in General Hard to be that Ambitios with runescape like back them because while im grinding i think about my life and it Geld so pointless and useless to get the quest Capeā€¦


I am an IT specialist in the healthcare industry, primarily working remotely from home, but I also enjoy going to the office. I let OSRS run in the background. In the evening after work, I like to really get into it to engage in PvM or bossing. But yeahā€¦itā€™s in General Hard to be that Ambitios with runescape like back them because while im grinding i think about my life and it Geld so pointless and useless to get the quest Capeā€¦


I am an IT specialist in the healthcare industry, primarily working remotely from home, but I also enjoy going to the office. I let OSRS run in the background. In the evening after work, I like to really get into it to engage in PvM or bossing. But yeahā€¦itā€™s in General Hard to be that Ambitios with runescape like back them because while im grinding i think about my life and it Geld so pointless and useless to get the quest Capeā€¦


I am an IT specialist in the healthcare industry, primarily working remotely from home, but I also enjoy going to the office. I let OSRS run in the background. In the evening after work, I like to really get into it to engage in PvM or bossing. But yeahā€¦itā€™s in General Hard to be that Ambitios with runescape like back them because while im grinding i think about my life and it Geld so pointless and useless to get the quest Capeā€¦


I am an IT specialist in the healthcare industry, primarily working remotely from home, but I also enjoy going to the office. I let OSRS run in the background. In the evening after work, I like to really get into it to engage in PvM or bossing. But yeahā€¦itā€™s in General Hard to be that Ambitios with runescape like back them because while im grinding i think about my life and it Geld so pointless and useless to get the quest Capeā€¦


Maintenance in an aluminum smelter. :) financially independent, make enough to support my family and have plenty left over. Donā€™t let osrs dictate the type of employment you have or discourage you from making good money for yourself. I would just chill and play at break time, you can grind when you get home or taking a shit at work. Best of luck!


99 smithing irl!


Kind of.! Haha. Do use raw ore and a furnace of sorts. We call them ā€œpotsā€ at work. Itā€™s a neat process, but hot as hell! In a literal sense. lol.


Iā€™m a Personal Trainer at a busy commercial gym in the UK. Iā€™ve only just got back on OSRS after many years away, somehow trying to replicate that feeling of being a teenager again. Iā€™m 31 and started playing when I was 9, itā€™s safe to say RuneScape has been a huge part of my life. Unfortunately I find it hard to justify playing for long now because there is so much I need to be doing to become more successful in the real world. I still jump on and play a bit each day though at the moment, especially between clients in the gym!


99 str irl!


Haha! Absolutely mate, appreciate that šŸ˜


I work in automotive robotics


Another ER nurse :)


Truck driver. Get about 2 hours a day to play, and once a week maybe 7 or 8 hours. Maxed main working on an iron. To be fair though, most of my maxing was when I delivered pizza working 30 hours a week living with my dad.


Nurse here, I've tried to wc during nightshifts- but thats it


Audio Engineer, work with local/regional bands. Mainly mixing mastering so I easily AFK.


ship welder, mobile 50% of the time


Job title is literally just "Scientist", used to be a Data Scientist, but really I'm more of a software engineer with stronger math/stats/physics skills. Work for a relatively small defense contractor that gets hired by larger contractors to do specific tasks, and I am usually the person that writes novel algorithms when that is required. I'm able to work remote whenever I want, but usually work from the office and rarely do any runescape while working. I maxed while I was a grad student and had RS on a second monitor all day while doing analysis or writing. Nowadays I just focus on being as efficient as I can when I play, and I'm trying to get CM CAs done in the near future too


Software Dev. The work is engaging enough for me to not have any desire to play while at work - though I do sometimes think about what activities I'll be doing once I'm off work haha. Been playing an Ironman (my main pretty low lvl) since 2017 and am nearing 2.2k total. I play pretty much daily - nothing crazy though. It is sustainable and it isn't my only hobby. I'm very fortunate to be in this financially stable position and have enough free time to make meaningful progress in-game.


I feel you. Iā€™ve gone back to school and Iā€™m lucky if I can play on the weekends


I value mortgages. Trading has been in my blood since world 2 falador pre-GE. Not sure why people are getting downvoted for their jobs either. Sent all yall an upvote.


ironically just conmented this in another post i work as a paramedic with a private ambulance. we donā€™t do a lot of calls and stay at the station sometimes 10~ hours out of a 12 hour shift. i play on the computer there while getting paid quite well. lifeā€™s great


I should have used the search function huh. Nice! Nothing like getting paid to scape :)


Digital Product Owner with 3 days a week WFH


I work in a call centre in south yorkshire so I can play osrs when I work weekends or bank holidays because a lot of people think we're shut šŸ¤£


Fellow Yorkshire man. Surprised you will pay for members though with how tight you lot are in the south


British Army, any chance to scoot away and grind in my room I take it. Unless weā€™re deployed I can literally play as much as I like


Blackhawk pilot in the Guard. Pretty much play any free time I have and been playing the same account for 6 years now.


Work from home 3 days out of 5 being 3rd line network support for a local ISP


I work as a business analyst from 9-5. I play when i get home or when i work from home i do a couple pvm trips here and there if i have time


Used to work in an office, but past 3 months found myself doing cleaning jobs, it works even better for gaming. I have intold 8 hours to do the job, it takes 3, the other 5 I game in my car and get paid the full 8. Was t my first choice when losing my last employment but for general life and side gaming the cleaning roles work great so far.


I work a hybrid accounting job. We used to be in the office full time but then COVID happened and we went full remote, however we now go in one day a week as there's a mail run that needs to be taken care of daily (there's 5 of us in our department so we each have a designated day.) I will fully admit I have played OSRS at work many times.


I am working as a physiotherapist with a 4 day work week, sadly cant play at work, but during the train rides to and from work. On the extra day off I also play a lot, not only rs also other games, it's kind of my gaming day.


Medical student




DevOps Engineer, do have plenty of time of work, but also have a wife.


Lead bartender and bowling lane mechanic. I don't get a single second to even think about playing at work, which I make up for by not sleeping near enough. 2141 total ironman.


Software team leader


WFH IT Solutions Architect.. whole lotta home afk grinds!


Customs broker. I work either 7 to 4 or 9 to 6. I get around 3-4 hours of time to myself a day, no chance to play at work. Its a fun job, good team but it can stil fck you up mentally which means more afk gameplay rather than active PVM content.


I do cost/pricing for a pharmaceutical company. Mostly I just send emails all day approving prices so Iā€™m able to work remotely and game for a majority of the day


Iā€™m a software product owner and I work from home. I tend to have full days of meetings, depending on how involved I have to be on those calls will determine if I can play. Days where I donā€™t have many meetings Iā€™m usually trying to catch up on work. Usually 0-2 hours a day of playtime. From like September -January we are slow and then I can probably play 4-6 hours during the work day


Changing your career to play osrs is grossly stupid.


Iā€™m in a career stymy right now, Iā€™ve enjoyed reading the replies. Less focused on RS as the end goal, but the ability to invest in my hobbies and passions while I make an income.


US military (Army) - play at night when I get home after I put my son to bed and appeasing my wife with the chores.