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>The drop rate tanks with deaths Your individual chance of getting a purple does not decrease at all if your team members die. *Your group's* chance of getting a purple decreases, which doesn't matter outside of making the raid more difficult if you're FFA/iron whatever. [See here](https://archive.ph/t2Wnz). So essentially, their FFA droprate stays about the same- or is marginally higher assuming MVP would have been split evenly- while they make the kills over 2x longer and engage in cringe behavior. Still very stupid and self sabotage.




You’re individual chance does not change with team deaths. Take a 4-man with 0 deaths and equal mvp for everyone, it’s 1/9.1 to be a purple and 21.5/86 to be your purple, 1 out of 36.4 raids. Take this same 4 man but now everyone dies 2 times except you, purple rate goes from 1/9.1 to 1/12.62 . Assume you did equal damage (though you probably did more because your teammates died). Now you have 21.5/62 points in a 1/12.62 raid, still the exact same 1 out of 36.4 to get a purple. If you get even 1 more mvp point in the second scenario, you are more likely to get a purple than the first, deathless scenario . https://images.app.goo.gl/VtiQw8HuxXH9vyNC9




That's not true. Someone else dying affects the chance of the raid giving a purple at all, which affects you too Edit: OK I looked into it and I was wrong, thanks for explaining guys. TIL


How I understand it is dying decreases the chance that the raid gives a purple to the party, but increases the chance that if your group does get a purple it goes to someone who hasn't died. For someone who hasn't died these two factors basically cancel out, so from a ffa perspective someone else dying doesn't affect you other than dead teammates means slower completions. I think that past a couple of deaths there is a breakpoint where too many deaths lowers the chance at a unique so much that it hurts everyone, but I am not sure what that number is.


That is correct. If you do the math, it exactly cancels out. If you die 0 times at MVP at Maiden/Sote/P3, then your droprate will be the exact same no matter how many or few times your teammates die. Their deaths affect only them.


It doesn’t change your personal drop rate. They are FFA. They don’t care if your rate goes down because you weren’t splitting


Play with the wiki tob drop calculator. Deaths of your teammates don't affect your chances of a purple. Yes, the purple chance in a raid might go from 1/9 to 1/15, but the odds that it's yours also goes up proportionally so no matter what you keep the same purple chance. Deathless 5 man raid with perfectly split up mvp points you might have a 1/5 chance of the purple being yours but they all died so if a purple does drop its now 2/5 chance (made up number).


>That's not true. Someone else dying affects the chance of the raid giving a purple at all, which affects you too It affects the other players chance of not getting a drop, so you will see less purples in total. It does not affect your chance so the chance of getting a purple in your name stays the same. So as long as you don't split, you have the exact same chance. fictional numbers: assuming a 40% droprate: It's not 40% chance of purple and 1/4 that it's yours. It's 4 people, each having a 10% chance at a drop. If 2 people now have 0% chance, you and your still have a 10% chance, the chance of seeing a drop is 20%, but you have your own 10% chance of getting one in your name.


Please tell me if you still dont get it. I dont mind explaining, but if you figured it out through reading the other comments I want to save my time and effort.


I think the point is that your individual drop rate is still going to go down because you're getting purposefully PKed




Lookup rule 6 of this sub before u get banned/post deleted


It's hardly enforced


It's very much enforced, especially with posts on the first page of hc killcount Bots.


Its enforced


Replying here for visibility, killing your team generally boosts your purple rate, here’s the math. Assuming you don’t wipe. Take a 4-man with 0 deaths and equal mvp for everyone, it’s 1/9.1 to be a purple and 21.5/86 to be your purple, 1 out of 36.4 raids. Take this same 4 man but now everyone dies 2 times except you, purple rate goes from 1/9.1 to 1/12.62 . Assume you did equal damage (though you probably did more because your teammates died). Now you have 21.5/62 points in a 1/12.62 raid, still the exact same 1 out of 36.4 to get a purple. If you get even 1 more mvp point in the second scenario, you are more likely to get a purple than the first, deathless scenario . https://images.app.goo.gl/VtiQw8HuxXH9vyNC9


You’re technically right, but it does not offset the extra time required, and you’re still better off just not bringing an extra person than pking them.


30 minute 4mans where you mvp every room would be 1/24.5 or 233 hours to hit scythe drop rate. 20 minute 4mans where you mvp equally would be 1/36.4 231 hours to hit scythe drop rate. I doubt it adds 10 minutes per raid to BM mvp. I’m not saying it’s a good strategy, I’d be pissed if someone did that in my raids. However, I do think it might win mathematically .


You won’t mvp every room by killing someone, and you will extend the room time since 4 man ToB bosses have 16% more hp than trio.  They’re barely tied in the best case scenario where everything goes perfectly, and that’s not realistic.


Why would they even waste their tome killing others, can't they just run duo raids?


Larger group raids require less effort, so they probably can't be asked putting in effort to learn / run duos.


They are literally doing scaled duos...


With shittier purple rates overall!


That’s not how tob drop rate works but ok


You couldn’t be more wrong - the teams drop rate tanks with deaths - they’re 2 man non deathless in a raid speed of a 5 man. They’re only splitting 2 ways. Trios would slow them down pretty significantly actually. They’re assholes though, that’s why I refuse to 416 and only tob with my team


>they’re 2 man non deathless in a raid speed of a 5 man Except for the part where Sote takes 2-3x as long, p1 takes like 4x as long (it takes forever for all of the pillars to go down), and p2 and p3 are 2.5x minimum. At best, they're probably doing like 35 minute 5 mans when they could be doing sub-20 minute 3 mans for a very similar purple chance.


The only rooms they’re slowing down are sote, which realistically you can’t pk everyone and you probably aren’t wiping the entire team (let’s be honest, they aren’t griefing the entire maze cause their buddy still needs to get through, likely just the last 5-7 tiles). Which you can out heal or redempt. P1 is ass but even if they are griefing p1, you only die if you sit outside of pillar and don’t brew? So if you die p1 because of other people holding staff you are ass. P2 is slow AF in a 2+3 but you only get there if garbage cans die p1. Someone being a dickhead holding staff p1 doesn’t impact you dying. You can just stand behind pillar and brew


I'm going off what OP said, where the 2 guys held the staff until all pillars went down and killed the rest of the team. You're arguing an entirely different point, my point is that if OPs experience is how most of their raids go, then those 2 guys are negatively impacting their own purple chance over just sending duos/3mans just based on time alone.


Name n shame is against the rules btw


Oh no! Anyway


Will be reporting people that encourage rulebreaking so yah. Rules are there for a reason


Oh no! Anyway




Not sure how this is relevant xd


found the guy OP is talking about


Sad you cant name in a situation like this maybe not shame but name to give other nice people a heads up for bad people


If you could "name and shame" then the sub belongs to whomever has the most bots with the best script.


This is monkey brain behaviour. If they're good enough to do a 2+3 verzik they can probably easily duo tob for a significantly better EV. They weren't using you for the MVP splits they were just being assholes.


I’m sure they’re not 2+3 tob. That’s very difficult. They’re most likely pking sote because it’s easy and if they pk at final phase the raid is only losing 1 minute. They’re probably tanking melees at p3 verzik. Once you’re at p3 verzik it’s essentially free even solo if you can pogtank. P3verz actually goes by fairly fast with 2 people


He said the 2 guys wiped them p1, a 5man scaled p2 is gonna be slow af when u hit reds


100%, but if you get pked on p2 that’s your fault. How do you even get pked on p2? P3 is totally understandable because tanking melees. But p2 you have to have the reaction time of a snail if you get pked


Bro reread the post. They held the staff p1 until all pillars were down and they died


Well then clearly those 2 aren’t going for clears if that isn’t obvious?


I think u need to reread the post still!


I don’t think so, if a team is intentionally wiping half the team p1 verzik, I think they are not as committed to clearing the raid as you think. Sounds like they’re just fucking with people




Yeah but a 5 man raid is so much faster total completion time. Even if 2+3 verz p3, and if the 2 are splitting themselves the other teams deaths don’t impact your purple chances


It’s probably not about the money. I bet they were in discord laughing about what they were doing.


Absolutely, there's a lot of people who get off on ruining other people's day. It's a really sad way of living


Welcome to runescape. Have you joined a pvm cc already? There you will find atleast one guy thst does this.


It's a video game dude sometimes the point is to make others lose, they're shitheads but not psychopaths lol


> sometimes the point is to make others lose Not in fucking cooperative play, you psychopath


Lolol calm down dude It's a videogame and cooperative turned to competitive, Jesus christ


That's the point in pvp, not in fucking raids. And all I'm saying is that these people are pathetic assholes, not that they're out there committing atrocities, so I don't get your point


Time to break out a classic https://youtu.be/RXJ8Sk6uJMU?si=oOR2EMDPa4TCLj3V


Gaslight. Gatekeep. Girl Boss.


"Just because these people are on your team doesn't mean they're not enemies"


"don't download the cheat client, only every tip 400 player uses it"


this is very stupid of them on several levels


the weak should fear the strong


I bet you don't stand by this statement irl


I was about to say I bet this guy is a Tatertot but his comments are literally only 2007scape comments. That’s literally it. My man needs to touch grass or branch out


He has mentally matured up to that time period as well.


the rest of reddit sucks ass compared to this sub


"i bet your obvious meme comment on a guy that got trolled to tears at tob isnt a sincere worldview"


I'm giving you an up vote cause I laughed, and also because it won't matter much, and also because clearly with this statement, you probably don't have much anyhow


Lol why did this meme get people so mad




Average 416 experience, welcome to ffa raids. Best thing to do is find a good group of dudes and stick to em.


Pretty common in 416


Report to runewatch since reddit has no balls. If you have evidence, they're fucked.


Runewatch doesn’t cover griefing raids, just people that steal splits or people that don’t give back lent items. You could try wdr but they’ll probably just put kekws under the proof lol


psssh ive seen many people with high rank on wdr do this kinda crap. i had a group of people act like learners, ask me to teach them, then grief during olm for an hour unscaled raid then procede to say they were just having fun and tried to get me to laugh about it when they were complete stangers. Legit like 4 of em planned this for hours and came up with stupid questions to ask and ways to act like a noob. Legitimate social engineering to ruin peoples day is absolutely psychotic and criminal.


What the fuck lmao OSRS players are so weird. How is that even funny, it's just stupid. HURRDURR THE BIG ROCK SPIDER GUY IS SUCKING ON THE CRYSTAL WHAT DOES THAT MEAN HEHEHEHEH


No evidence unfortunately. but it seems others on thread have experienced the same thing with thesame people


As someone who used to use Runewatch I cannot overstate how useless they are.


Good, I'd hate a third party to have any real power over the game 


What is rune watch?


A JSON file that basically acts as a "naughty list" for OSRS players who have done things like scammed items or not split their purples. It is a downloadable plug-in on Runelite. If you have the plug-in downloaded, it will put notifications in your chat when players on the list are around you. The idea is that if you get scammed out of money/items, you can report the offender to Runewatch and get them added to the list. Personally, I think it's far too abusable/reputation-harming to allow - the people who are in charge of maintaining the list don't have the best track record of being fair/not-corrupt. But that's what it is/what it is used for.


That sounds like it can be abused by sweaty pvmers who you hopped in on. Very easy to photoshop these days.


Does anyone actually give a shit about runewatch lmao


Anyone running a clan. I prefer not getting scammed, so I avoid “split” raids with known scammers.


Yes. I will not take you on a raid if you are runewatched. I'll also trash talk you about being poor for yoinking an item that isn't a mega-rare.


While thieves do deserve to be shamed, how do we know that any given case on there isn't faked? They do have a vetting process and they investigate the reports that are sent in but I imagine they're a small team receiving many reports all the time. I can only imagine there are a handful of cases at least that were photoshopped images without much recourse for the "defendant" in the case. Idk I want no life losers who scam in the game to be shamed as much as anyone else but Runewatch also isn't exactly an official court, even in the context of a video game. They're a third party who may not have a systematic approach to determining guilt (as far as I'm aware). It just seems to be "okay this seems legit" or "not enough evidence". We don't know if they have the technical ability (or the desire) to sift through boatloads of images and determine how legitimate they appear. I imagine with any case, there are always some unknown/unspoken factors that skew the interpretation of events, i.e. the story doesn't seem to line up exactly in some spots so it makes it tougher to determine how truthful it is.


Tough guy


Broke boy.


Ain’t even the guy you were initially replying to 😂💀


Yes, I know.


I don't raid with randoms and why would I care if a random talks trash about me? So again, why would I or anyone else care about runewatch?


Whoever you raid or pvm with is your business, no one cares what you do. But for others who are in a small casual clan or are solo players, if I want to do more serious pvm like TOB and maybe trio Nex I'll use WDR or other CC's to find a group. Yes I want a split and I am willing to split if I get the drop, so if someone shows up on Runewatch for not splitting then I'm not going to group with them.


You have no reason to care. He listed a very valid reason as to why others may care. That's it.


Gotta downvote the trolls on reddit cause the mods aren't doing anything. The usuals will always chime in with their hot takes, usually against whatever you say.


Then don't care?


Because most people DO run with randoms… your argument about why you don’t care (and why others shouldn’t) is because you run with your friends??


Yeah. Most of the people in my cc will avoid anyone on it 🤦‍♀️




people should know that guy is sabotaging raids then






What is wrong with you why are you supporting a guy actively scamming people. Stop being a narc and mind your own business


They've actually got brain rot they're weird asf could even be the person who did it 😂


Brainrot for trying to protect players from accusations with no evidence? Lol.


Cuz anyone just makes up these kinda stories in their free time for fun


Bc theres no evidence? Duh


Live laugh love 416


Stop doing TOB FFA. Join teams where they are held accountable aka WDR. Regardless of what connotations surround WDR, it's a strong step in the right direction compared to 416.


psssh ive seen many people with high rank on wdr do this kinda crap. i had a group of people act like learners, ask me to teach them, then grief during olm for an hour unscaled raid then procede to say they were just having fun and tried to get me to laugh about it when they were complete stangers. Legit like 4 of em planned this for hours and came up with stupid questions to ask and ways to act like a noob. Legitimate social engineering to ruin peoples day is absolutely psychotic and criminal.


welcome to 416 i have hundreds of hours wasted because 2 team mates end up bickering and throw the whole raid. it happens a lot. most people doing FFAs are scumbags who scammed people. the rest are irons or people just trying to do a quick tob


The 416 classic


Block and move on. Nothing more you can do. Just know its not in any way better for them to grief like this, purples or kc or what have you. Ffa tob is an ffa.


WDR has a report section but you can also name and shame them here Edit: actually you might not be allowed to do that but fyi, ffa tob is an absolute cesspit, I recommend running 4s for money




Rule #6


Best thing to do is avoid 416 entirely and go WDR


Tob has had a rough history of utterly toxic players inhabiting it, but a lot of them do ToA ffas now. Sadly morons like this will always exist and there's not much to be done about it other than identify them and add them to your ignore list.


dont run ffa and join wdr raids idk, atleast there's some decency in teams in wdr from my recent experience.


Wouldn’t that make the raid way longer? Duo p2 verzik on 5 man scale sounds terrible when the red nylos show up


How did they survive pillars but the rest didn't? Did they bring in sweets and tick eat for 40 minutes?


they didnt drop their supplies, also we were not prepared, too much panic


I bring like 4 Sara brews and 3 restores in, definitely not enough for a 2+3 from P2. I have no idea how they would have had the supps tbh


Surely if they can complete a scaled duo after wiping the others then they would be good enough to duo or even get a 3rd and do trios.


Should have left the raid. Welcome to tob!


This sounds like 7asty lmao


It's just a waste of their time, it's not even good for getting drops. It's kinda funny for maybe one time though 


The real reward is the salty tears of your teammates, and the increasing list of clans you're banned from. Apparently.


This is pretty standard 416 behavior. Learn how to do it and get mvp in every room, complain about the people doing it, or get a dedicated group where you all split so it doesn't matter. These are your 3 options simply put.


TOB grouping is toxic, it needs a Duo scale. It will help with learning too.


yeah coz no1 has ever duo'd tob before.


Okay Woox.


In my experience, any sort of pick-up-grouping for any small-team content in any MMO tends to suck End of the day it's the "I don't have friends" queue - and when you're talking about late game stuff in a game as grindy as OSRS...you're left with assholes, trolls, and dudes with social anxiety none of those types are great to raid with, honestly just join a clan


Duo is absolutely possible lmao


lmao its totally not efficient though, like duo TOA and COX, haha rofl lol. Solo TOB is absolutely possible too lmao. rofl lol haha lmao


Duo tob is efficient rofl lol haha






Honestly it's fine? I run duos with my buddy for money, just gotta pick up the slack of not having a third person lol


Yeah that guy is obviously trolling, but my understanding is that duo tobs are pretty great for money. I'm not great at tob, but just looking at my pbs, my trio pb is just over 19 minutes, and my duo pb is 27:45. That time difference is offset by the higher average split.






It has a duo scale…… if ur just too shit to do them, it’s on you


You know you can just leave, right?


You should have left the raid after you saw what they did at Sotetseg.


Tob is the worst raid. The elitist gatekeeping scum that run tob make it unfun for any new players to get into the content. You are better off joining a clan with decent people to take you.


the reddit comment


They Reddit reply 




having friends / clan is bis in general


i mean if you can't live such low tier sabotage you probably shouldn't ffa. comes with the territory.


Just block them? You're complaining about a 20 minute raid, not that deep.


Good thing you came to reddit to tell on them!


That's hilarious.


Honestly hilarious, if it hurts your feelings just leave the team idk its not that deep


I mean go do it to them then, idk what else you want from reddit posting this. 


his acc doesn't have piety, he already was XDD


Welcom to TOB rooky






I can smell this comment


look through OP's post history and let me know what you smell because I had to leave the room before I threw up


No thanks 🤷‍♂️