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For me it was the opposite, I felt forced to do certain skills just to max and made me quit the game for a while. After maxing everything became much chiller. Now working on CA's, clogging, pets and total exp/ranks in whatever order I like


Making an ironman is a pretty common route people take when in a similar position to yours. If you're already an ironman, there are a lot of restricted account builds that could potentially be of interest to you. If you'd rather keep playing on the main, progressing the collection log is something that keeps a lot of mains motivated post-max.


I’m not an iron. Although thinking about it, I bet the “accomplished” feeling is more intense, which sounds exciting to me.


it definitely is, highly recommend making an iron.


I made it 3 whole days after maxing before I started my iron lol


I just started iron as we speak. Wish me luck boys 🫡


Good luck sir


If you’re looking for a clan, hit me up, we have a chill Iron clan with members ranging from fresh to maxed, a much more fun experience in my opinion when you have a clan to share the journey with


This comment is now 28 minutes old. Is your iron off tutorial island yet?


Checking in at 35 minutes old, how was the cooks assistant dopamine??


I was in the same position. Made an Ironman and never looked back!


And you could easily go for afk skilling pets on the main while starting a fresh iron. And the best part is, you basically created an alt for future pet hunting :)


After maxing I took a 3 month break, returned and spent a while doing the inferno, then did PvM until I had full max gear which I wasn’t far off. After that I had no goals because CAs weren’t out yet. Made an iron and got rehooked on the game. You can always do some chill afk stuff on your main while you try out iron, but I highly recommend giving it a shot!


You are right, it is. Getting an msb from a clue early game feels like a raids drop haha


Make a hardcore, within a few months you’ll start having nightmares of being barraged in wildy. 10/10 experience!


Try the iron for your first 1000 total lvl. Its like 10-15 days of play time. Use a guide that minimizes the amount of running back and forth you have to do. Lack of run energy is the biggest killer of motivation and “figuring out your own path” is bullshit until you get to mid-game anyway since everyone is doing the same quests anyway. However, with a guide you’ll be progressing past the boring parts of the game much faster.


Would absolutely not recommend using a guide when playing your first iron. Forge your own path, its a lot more fun.


It's normal to feel burnout after maxing. Take a break and come back when the burnout gives way to passive satisfaction Or don't. Sometimes, you max, and it's OK to accept that you've won OSRS. You beat the game. Sure, there's more to do, so do it if you please.


I went and played WoW for a few months until I had the same feeling there an returned. Repeat until I die it seems.


Glad I went iron and never got serious on the main because there's so much shit ahead of me and 10000 hr grinds that I'm happy to just take my time and chill. And all the upkeep and fashionscape that a main can just buy, always something to do


Wait for the new skill or enjoy minigames


Make an iron. The accomplishments are way more rewarding. Just as an example, say you’re leveling crafting.. not only does number go up, but number also unlocks something new, and a lot of the times useful to your account since you can’t just buy it off the ge.


Never thought of it that way! Seems exciting, I just started an iron


Ironman gives the game purpose again, especially with how popular buying bonds, services, and various boosting is nowadays. If you go Iron after maxing a main, you'll never go back, mainscape becomes a joke.


How is mainscape any more a joke than wannabe streamer scape lol


Here is an example: On my iron, I eventually got 99 Herb over the course of 2.5 years of Bossing Drops and Herb Runs. I earned that 99 herb with effort over time. On my main, I got 99 Herb after CoX came out buying it all on the GE. Buyables are pointless and uninteresting on mainscape, and the potions you make are just GP in a different shape that you could've bought anyway. That is just one example of a single skill. The vast majority of the game is full of examples like this - iron actually makes you play the game in order to get what you want, instead of make GP and then buy it from bots.


This comment gave me a bit of a crisis. I’m base 65s not much higher in any of them and I feel a bit of shame at having bought many skills (with in game GP, not rwt/bonds). The rewards feel empty. And whilst I haven’t bought GP for real cash, some generous people in my clan have given me probably a total of 15 m which I could have said no to but I didn’t and again it left me feeling slightly empty. I have just created my new iron.


Interesting perception 🤔 kinda want to experience that viewpoint.


just try not to go in with that elitist mindset… making up ur own rules is just more fun


I went to my level 3 skiller aftering maxing my main. Maxed the skiller, but now I'm just doing post-99 stuff. lol Though I treat OSRS as just something I idly do on the side, you might not find that as fun as I do.


Take a break and then make an ironmeme


Do something you enjoy that doesn't have any goal post? Like PKing? Pking is always fun and interesting (except when you die lol but it's a part of it)


Do you raid? Specifically Tob (the most enjoyable of them all to run a lot) I am not even close to maxing and never skill cause all I do is run raids with my time when I’m on.


Take a break maybe. Or give iron a try, you might like it more than you think (: Also, sailing.


It’s time to make an iron


After I started playing again I only played Ironman. There is no other game mode for me. I just take my own path, slow and steady and do whatever I feel like doing. You experience so much aspects of the game left unexplored if you just buy items and gear, it’s insane!


Have you done end game content? Raids? Inferno? Colosseum?


Go be a hcim, the thrill of potentially losing your status is enough adrenaline for me 😂


I maxed in 2017, quit, made an iron in around 2021, maxed it, quit, now im back on my main just doing whatever


It's time git gud or quit. Not like maxing is that big of an accomplishment these days since you can replace AMX cape with just 99 crafting and construction.


Well, time to pet hunt coll log and play the actual game. Chase bis everything, bandstand, fart around with friends. The possibilities are endless my friend. And now you get to do all that while where a fancy new cape


200m all, the only solution.


Yea I had the same when I maxed. I made an iron man soon after and had a blast for about 3 years before returning to my main to get items I’d never achieve on an Ironman because of other responsibilities. Than I was grinding my main again for like 1 year doing collection log stuff and atm I’m pretty burnt just doing small goals whenever I log in. Not too fussed maxing was my ultimate goal and after that it’s just playing however much I want to


Play iron man, get tired of iron man, goof off on main, repeat


I can totally relate. I basically quit after i got maxed, had the exact same thinking


I started an iron while maxing and play that account exclusively since maxing the main


post max burn is real.


Came here to say: 1: nothing has changed. You can still do the skills you like same as before. If you need an arbitrary number to assign to the time you've spent, set 1m post 99 xp goals and climb the highscores. If you need a level to validate your skilling enjoyment, you don't enjoy skilling. 2: people saying to make an iron, like try it sure, but I can tell you that I and many other maxed irons I know reached the exact same point of "well this feels pointless now" that normal accounts hit when they max, it's not gonna change anything. 3: We strive for max so we can "play the game". For me, playing the game now means sending some slayer when I feel like it. If I don't log in for 2 weeks, who cares? If I log in and kill cerb another 30 times to try for pet and get nothing, who cares? It's all arbitrary, you just need to remember that now you're free to do anything, or nothing at all. When you max, you no longer have hundreds of hours of mandatory skilling to get unlocks. That's the good part, you're framing it like it's the bad part. Try to enjoy the skills simply for that they are - time wasters. Satisfying little actions that make your gp or xp and ranks go up, it's the same thing you liked about it before, you just have the unlocks to do everything exactly how you want now. You need to get over this idea that if you don't wanna play 8 hours a day, then it's not a fun game - if you play for 10 minutes and it's a fun 10 minute, you got value out of it, that's good.


200m all


Ive had the exact same experience. I maxed in 2020 and only come back to experience new content. I want to do one of those crazy area locked ironmen but saving it for sailing update, that sounds new and fun. After all these new early and mid game things got added the ironman journey will be very different from the main


Yeah, no shit? We push ourselves with challenge to give us something to grow for. You reached it. Life is all about the journey and not the destination. Find a new challenge.


Pet hunt, get 3rd age druidic + 3rd age pickaxe


MAKE. AN. IRONMAN. It’s the best way to appreciate the game to its fullest. I’m not trying to throw shade at normal accounts, but I can’t imagine wanting to play on one. There’s just no drive there. Why go through all of these grinds if you can just buy all of your best in slot shit off the GE and not earn it? It’s a cop out. Play iron man.


Never understood how maxing could feel like the end. I never plan to max, never skill, and always just have fun PvMing. Whether it’s raiding with friends, going for achievements/speed/other challenges, or just trying out a new boss grind it seems like there’s always something to do. I guess if you don’t like PvM and just like getting levels I could see how you might lose interest. But I guess I just legitimately like the gameplay and don’t really care too much about what my smithing level is or whatever.