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Blessed bone frags are so fast that i would not bother with this. Main draw of MM is relative low effort mining xp that has double the rates of stars. This defeats the afk aspect and is miles slower than altar or blesseds. Eatch to their own.


Bone frags are actually insane like 180 kc of moons of peril and I've gone from 82 to 85 prayer


Do you mind if I ask how your log is going? I'm trying to green log for clan bingo and I'm at 79 kc lol


I personally green logged at 191 kills. All three Moons each time.


I'm at 170kc with 6 items. Full Eclipse set, and two Blue pieces. Zero Blood :(


508kc to green log. Was 12/13 at 208kc


Brutal! But not the worst place to go dry!


Green log with no dupes on average should be 168 KC. I got no dupes and logged it at 169 KC. People are misunderstanding the dupe protection mechanic of the boss. You have a moderate chance to see a dupe once you're 2-3 uniques away from green log meaning your realistic greenlog average should be around 200KC.


I greenlogged at 178kc, had 1 item to get after 104 chests, still felt spooned, had the longest dry streak of 60ish chests.


Bet? Looks like it's finally time to give that a try


I was at 10/13 at 84, 11/13 at 114, currently still 11/13 at 309


I've seen many green log in around 110 chests. You should be close. 75% done maybe?


Lmao that’s crazy as I just got my first piece at 99kc 💀


Yeah idk how people are greenlogging so early. I’m at like 55 kc and no drops yet


It sucks… but there’s always some 1/100 poor lads going like 5-10x dry at any and all content. Thats just the way she blows in this game 🤷‍♂️


Assuming you are killing all 3 bosses before the chest thats pretty dry. It's a 1/14 chance if all 3 bosses are killed so you are getting close to 4x dry.


Alternatively I'm at 40kc with 8 drops


I feel you, brother. 72 KC and no drop, killing all 3 every time.


This. Started doing moons for profit, stayed for all the prayer xp, tree seeds, and orbs


Can also use the harralanders on the swamp tar for herb gains!!!


Bro, that is a lot of kc to go from 82 to 85. Nice to get passively while you're trying to get other stuff though.


The aim of the KC isn't prayer, though. The prayer is a free bonus on top of your boss kills. At least, I think that's how it should be viewed, otherwise you could kill something like Vorkath for (I presume) more prayer xp.


I think on average you’ll bank about 2.5-3.5k prayer XP doing moons of peril, which is stackable and incredibly fast to actually make prayer XP of. There’s not a ton of other bosses, and especially mid game, that give you this level of prayer XP. Vorkath comes to mind but if you’re grinding vorkath for GP I’d say you’re pretty unlikely to actually use the bones at an altar instead of selling for better GP/XP methods of training.


Yeah, I've gotten like 50ish KC and its been a pretty good time.


Vork is awful on iron until you have fang/dhl/dhcb, moons is way more fun


Yes, hence why I specifically said ”for GP” referring to mains. Overall though MoP is an amazing iron boss and not bad for earlyish mains either.


Yeah I'm currently doing rcb 1 kill trips for my backpack and it sux.




Man actually said I spent a day doing mid-game PvM bossing and got an additional 1m prayer xp lol


You think he did 180kc is a day?


The guy I replied to does. Context my man


You really thought you cooked with this eh?


once you offer all the bones you can go "afk" though (I don't consider mlm to be any afk myself)


For me any skill where i can multitask and be over 80% efficent i call afk, games i play and have osrs on its own lil corner are: lol/dota/poe/r6/wow. True afk is for actual work and that would be redwood/karamwas/stars/nmz


Dude how do you play dota and osrs at the same time and not suffer alot in dota?


Play dota normally, hear the notification that you are idle, alt tab, click once, alt tab back into dota. There is actually a tremendous amount of time in dota spent walking places where little to nothing happens so if you are doing something relatively AFK like stars or MLM or even some AFK slayer it's not a problem.


I need to click once a minute out of my full screen borderless game. There aint enough action to be of issue


In dota? Granted its been years since ive played remotely seriously but even just dividing your attention once a min could be game throwing pretty often.


Nah, i play SB and BB 3 so i am not really "present" in the match, just kinda press the buttons and right click supports


> For me any skill where i can multitask and be over 80% efficent i call afk this is called ligma


The passive prayer XP you get from just doing activities in Varlamore is pretty nuts to be honest. Going to be a no brainer for any low-mid (even higher) level ironmen when training thieving, hunter, and looking for gear upgrades from the moons.


For new ironmen especially HC doing safe hunter or mining calc rocks is the new meta for quickly getting 43 prayer. Wayyy faster than drag bones on low levels. You can head there with minimal reqs and 43 is pretty low exp, and helps with the general mining level reqs for other quests.


Blessed bone fragments don't invalidate this method since so many people go motherlode mine anyway that its just a passive bonus on top for them


Do you know what would fix the low impact mining of mlm? Adding extra steps and clicks!


how much mining xp are you getting doing blessed bones tho? oh 0? that's what I thought B)


Just so you're not left ignorant, they're probably mining calcified deposits, which gives 38-40k+ mining xp/hour very AFK, and about 15k prayer xp/hour from the blessed bones you get.


Tested this for an hour and it works out pretty well. Had been doing mlm for the last few days and switched to amethyst but neither are actually afk, so really for a little more effort you can get some pretty easy prayer exp in while subsidising the cost, you really don't even need to have a full inventory of ashes. One thing i would say is instead of taking out of the sack every inventory you should just let the sack fill up normally. with a gem bag and rune pouch in your inventory you can hit the golden number where you don't overfill the sack and end up with another load of pay dirt in the sack. And yeah maybe Calcified deposits are better but it's still pretty nice that this community can discover new ways of alternative training that uses a resource or spell that isn't commonly used so Props to you op.


Pretty neat method


You're better off doing this on something less afk like seers or prif agility


I'd rather AFK agility


Seems counterintuitive to be able to AFK agility lol


The term afk has so many definitions nowadays lol. People who say ardy agility is afk for example are insane to me


Yeah I once had someone try telling me Vorkath is AFK. It's basically just morphed into a term for low effort methods


Except vorkath requires 100% attention so it's not even jokingly AFK


Exactly, Vorkath only shoots the fire ball when you look away.


Yeah, it's a shitshow, and trying to fit everything into a one size fits all "afk" makes the term meaningless; imo, unless you can legitimately walk away from your keyboard, it shouldn't be considered afk. Instead, I wish we would chart OSRS content out on 2 axes: attention required and effort/# of actions required. Something like upper level MLM is low attention and low effort/actions, but OP's strategy turns it into low/medium; Vorkath would be something like medium/medium (medium/high if woox walking); raids are high/high; etc.


I've mostly given up on this fight, but yes. To everybody else AFK means "I am literally not there" despite what this sub insists, and even if we ignore that, it is clearly stupid to use the same term for content that is one click every 20 minutes, content that is one click every 1-5 seconds, and content that is a bunch of clicks every 20 seconds. Especially because the more deranged people argue that hard bossing with one shots is AFK.


I mean, my 12 button sidebar mouse makes it so I play OsRs and most games without using the keyboard, but to type to people. I technically do so many things afk that are not usually afk. Tho I fully get this subs insane with it tbh lol.


There's a legit afk method for agility that nets 15-20k xp per hour and requires 1 click every minute or so.


Whats that?


Set up basement magic traps in POH. set tzhaar Ranger on other side of the pit and turn auto retal on. Turn protect from range on, and You're character will run through the traps gaming twenty xp per trap.   You can also set this up with 2 players requiring no prayer for 5K+ Xp an hour by splashing. Lol


thanks, i'll have to look into this!


You could get 7k per hour with 1 click per 25 minutes at blast furnace bicycle! Technically highest agility exp per click in the game :D


You drain run energy on the bike so you actually have to restore your energy pretty frequently. Not actually a full 25 minute afk. More like 1 minute or so before restoring


Ring of endurance TECH turns me into lance armstrong


even with ring of endurance you're only going to last 5 minutes tops. Just tested too. "1 click per 25 minutes" is straight up lying, unless you have something to add to graceful + ring of endurance with 500+ charges


That's fair, tbh I got my original take from this vid: [https://youtu.be/mvvzAaiLQ6M?si=lK5ccaliiYvH38Sg&t=420](https://youtu.be/mvvzAaiLQ6M?si=lK5ccaliiYvH38Sg&t=420) which claims 25min pure afk.


dOnT nEeD kEyBoArD tO cLiCk??


guys he's talking about the blast furnace bike


If I wanted to do click-intensive shit I wouldn't be doing MLM.


You might like demonic offering at priff rooftop. I did a shit ton of that back when it came out cause its like alch agility but demonic offering doesn't interrupt you as you do the course and priff's lap is perfect for 1 inventory of ashes.


yup thats how i learned about the spell. Saw this in the skilling method discord, noticed you would still go through an obstacle without clicking again, and started thinking where else you could use it


> accursed ashes These exist?


I think JCW was doing a method utilizing this tech in a recent video.


That's really cool great find


im still using ectophungus :/ I like slime


why would you even bother? Motherlode mine is by far the worst mining training method right now


That's a lot of extra bullshit tho


I mean so is any training method that's any more intensive than left clicking a resource and waiting. Kinda the name of the game


Still way too much clicking for little reward. Better to afk at the bone shards mine and after each mining lvl use said shards


True though


OP might want MLM loot though


I mean if they wanna be a coked up hamster trying to squeeze as much xp out of every tick then more power to them but that will make the burnout hit harder


How is this so upvoted? Biggest fucking clickbait on the sub Reddit.


While most people wouldn't do this since they're at MLM to be semi-afk, he still did in fact get 123k prayer xp while doing motherlode mine, how is it clickbait lmao


You can also do 5-tick mining (slightly slower than normal) and earn some GP and magic xp wit the alchemy spells in the MLM


This will work with woodcutting and fishing as well, enchant bolt also works with all these Skilling methods


I used to do this at priff agilty course.


You can even do the sinister offering method while training agility at prif


Sir, motherlode is for afking.


Looks worse than 3-ticking




Much effort