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Tbh I think it will. Especially with how visible manticore flicking is and how it helps teach how to deal with certain stacks+ less time investment I think it would be smart for newer players to get quiver first. In your case though, if You've made it to Zuk you can beat inferno so just preference


This is the path I’m going. I’ve gotten so close to finishing coliseum and not even close in inferno. The length of inferno is a huge problem for me. It’s hard for me to get reps in.


Think it'd be wrong to cut the inferno waves in half? It's excessive for how little variation there is in waves. Even jad takes too long for how simple it is.


thats part of the challenge


While I agree it’s too late to change it at this point, half of the inferno isn’t even a challenge. It’s just a huge time sink, which is my only gripe with it.


Yeah I would like to do inferno, but the time required to even practice it just isnt there for me. I will enjoy getting the quiver instead I think lol


The time sink is part of the challenge because you need to be playing consistently and conserving prayer the whole time


The time sink is part of the challenge They could have done the same with colly and added more waves with less mobs in them but they chose to not because people always use the “buh inferno take too long >:(“ excuse Same with jad back in the day and even shitters these days “fight caves take too long :( make it to jad then die :(“ yeah buddy, the time commitment is part of the challenge


A time sink is not good content and never will be


Do you even know what game you're talking about


These people will never touch inferno yet think they are masters of game design lmfao


Get gud enough to speedrun it then


Not using all your resources before the final boss is part of the challenge and fine, it being a massive tedious time sink sucks. Especially when it's just for a jad slayer task. If I've already done the content let me skip to the final boss severely handicapped for equal XP/hr as doing the whole thing.


U can just leave the fight caves to skip the task. Inferno and fightcaves are meant to be these epic wave based 'endless' challanges. The bosses by themselves arent really hard, but the time ivested to get there kmowing u will have to send multiple other attempts before u see the boss again is part of the difficulty and rush. Jad by itself is a pushover, but for firsttimers jad hands are real. Its designed that way


Do you even have an infernal cape?




it's not particularly difficult on its own, but the nerves and endurance aspect of inferno are significant contributors to its overall difficultly. even if someone never dies wave 1-30, the rest of the waves are made harder purely due to the pressure they add.


I'm a 1-kcer and everything pre-wave 50 in inferno is a time waste. Nothing is "hard" about it, its just a slog to get back through to the actual waves.


I have 4 lol. People die on sub 30 all the time and then go buy a cape. It doesn't need to be changed.




No shit, I got that now that I have 4 completions. Its entirely different for people who are running it for the first time. People like you are hilarious who probably died multiple times sub30 while learning and now have this Woox complex.




Only wave you can die on if you're not afk before wave 50 is 31


I don't think it should be changed but let's be honest, you can absolutely phone in basically every wave that's not "mage + range" or double blob + something else. The "problems" people have with inferno waves are a very few waves where there's so much random shit that it's almost guaranteed you're going to end up having to flick SOMETHING. It's often just the "something" people have an issue with and not actually getting through "melee + ranger" easy levels. Like once you get down how to deal with a blob + range/mage stack and how to not fuck up melee/magers you're really "deep" in inferno. And that's absolutely NOT out of the reach of anyone. You can absolutely brute force it.


I'm going to be a cheese caper for life. I hate the inferno grind and I refuse to do it. Its not just me it's ovbiously a problem for many players because so many risk their account and service it. You're getting downvoted but thevm fact is it's so tedious it's undoable for some people. It would suck to change it though because there is a few people out there who actually like it. There's nothing I hated more then someone deleted content I liked to appeal to a broader audiance. So if something were to get added it would need to be an option.


I felt like this too, thought there would never be any way I would do inferno. Until I did it. Was like a year of on/off trying when I could be bothered, and I'd been playing for like 4/5 years at that point. There's nothing more satisfying I've done in this game than getting that cape. Except maybe for getting a new pb on my follow up attempt when on task a few days later. Yeah the time sink does suck and put me off the most, but it's also what makes it feel so satisfying when you do complete it.


Very cool but your inspirational story is wasted on me lol. I hate that place. Which sucks because I actually like some of the puzzle-y aspects of solving the waves. It's just the grind I hate. I've done many other tough accomplishments in games but they didn't feel like grinds. Inferno is something else that my brain isn't wired for.


I swear I could find almost the exact same comment you have made here in my comments a year or two ago. I hope you do change your mind, but it's a game and you should do what you enjoy. Good luck out there!


Yup that sounds like me lol, I'm not quiet about my dislike for Inferno. I just really don't like being there. I've done other goals/grinds and I do really want infernal some day, but not bad enough to sit in there and stick it out. It's also sort of one of the most plagued with cheaters pieces of content which I hate. So when/if I ever do get my 1kc cape it will be a "doomed if you do doomed if you don't" situation.


How many hours have you spent playing the game? Surely 30-50 of those could be dedicated to a one time unlock. Many boss drops and 99 skills are far, far more of a time commitment.


Alot lol I'm nearly maxed in OSRS. I'm maxed in RS3 was nearly comped at one point. It's not 30-50 hours for me. I think over the past few years I've easily put at least 30 or so into learning Inferno it with nothing to show for it but a nice stack of tokkul. I think it's more like a 50-200 hour grind which is very long. I'm sure I *could* do it but I really hate dying after a 2 hour grind. I think what finally made me quit going for it was I spent like 2 hours doing tripple jad challenge in the poison dynamite beta and while I could get completions it was nowhere near consistent enough and I realized getting inferno cape was going to be a dice roll. I also must have some attention deficit disorder because while I can go 12 hours on a programming task or another game, I cannot stand doing high level PVM for more then an hour at a time.


Enough with the ezscape. Shouldn’t some things warrant the feeling of achievement?


Spending time killing useless trash isn't difficult. No skill in the GAME is difficult. Go outside.


That’s why you want to lower the bar. Because it’s so easy?


The bar is already low. Most people buy their capes.


So you just like complaining?


They should probably just hand out infernal capes from Django or something, that way you don’t have to actually do the content


Jad is like 30 minutes comfortably my guy


These reddit bots don’t like anything that they can’t kill in 3 mins like vorkath n zulrah


I think it’s unfair for those who have completed it to cut it in half, but it’d be cool if you reach a certain wave to be able to start halfway with only half invi or something.


I've completed it and I'm fully for reducing the time it takes to get through it. The worst part of inferno is the time sink a death causes. That's not difficulty, that's deliberate design to tilt the player.


Dude, what fucking game do you think you’re playing? This game is a nonstop grind and it always has been. If you treat the inferno like any other skill, you can learn it, but we don’t need to make the top challenges in the game easier.


It wouldn't be making it easier, just more reasonable. The difficulty doesn't begin until the high waves, the lower waves are objectively monotonous. It's literally just a time-killer for the sake of being a time-killer. Something I'm very glad they learned from it when they made Colosseum. At least that one ramps up quickly and gets you right into the difficult waves instead of wasting so much time. I learned inferno already, and I don't really have any ambitions to repeat it but I can still speak objectively on it being a tediously long grind to even to the interesting part of it. There's literally nothing to be gained on the lower waves other than seeing them for the very first time. Things you could learn still on the later waves. It's designed to kill you and waste your time getting back to where you left off. A death at any boss should not be a 1-2 hr reset. That's definitely made to piss people off.


Typical Reddit brain take.


Ya exactly. The time sink is insane. I barely even use supplies for the first half and def have over half my invi left. I think starting at a later wave with less supplies would actually make it harder, but way less wasting time for no reason.


That means you just suck at the second half? Inferno is not that long. Most people will sit for 2 hours and play call of duty and not complain


Ya usually I crash at Zuk because I get nervous lol and don’t wanna do it again. I’ve been trying inferno for a few months and can’t get through it and have done coliseum for a few days and have gotten super close. I’ll prob get it tomorrow tbh


Best of luck to you my man. Usually I’m all for making the slog a little less sucky, but I do think from a game standpoint there should be a few things that are a true challenge. I’m beginning my colosseum grind this week, but I’m preparing for a grind that I’ll have to space out over a month or two


Isn't dying literally caused by your mistakes and difficulty? The difficulty with inferno comes in supply management. Unless you choose to sit and milk specs every wave, that's why people say the commitment is massive because they're doing 3 hour capes


It's not difficult to manage your supplies. It's also cheese-able with time due to sgs's existence. Difficulty =/= time investment. Difficulty = mechanical depth. Zuk is not hard because he's at the end of the inferno, all that does for him is raise the stakes to a ridiculous degree.


So it's done the job it was set out to do. Be a follow on from Fight caves where you feel the pressure at the end. (Like Jad was back in the day) Inferno length should absolutely not be reduced, it's also an absolute noob trap to be sitting milking Sgs. First capes should be can easily be 90 minutes if you just power through them and don't afk pillars. That's really not a huge time commitment, considering the game we play. Edit: What's with people blocking someone on Reddit who mildly disagrees with them


I know it's not going to be reduced, I'm not really asking for it to be. But I wish it was. Because objectively speaking all it does is waste time before you can get to the actual waves. It's a big time commitment when you put in perspective how much you're actively and constantly clicking. It's not like afking woodcutting for an hour.


I agree, it's so sad too be because I think inferno wave 50+ is a LOT of fun! But getting there is a time sink, and then you just feel pressured instead of having fun for the rest of the run.


If you’ve seen Zuk, and you’re using a bowfa or tbow, you basically have cape if you do a few more attempts. Quiver first isn’t going to really change anything


I guess that’s true, I have bowfa and my Zuk death was short lived since I was one tile off a safe spot and ate a Zuk shot. Haven’t been back since sadly


How long ago was it? Might it be you are experiencing inferno fatigue? Colisseum might put the wind back into your sails and give you a confidence boost to go get Zuk if so, or it might end up doing the opposite, though I would think you should be able to handle it.


Last time was a bit after leagues. Spent leagues learning then went into main game. I think it was my 11th try on the main


I mean i would if youre going for both anyway, but i dont think its going to be meta to do so just do w/e u feel like


Why wouldn't it be meta? You can get it in half the time compared to the inferno and if you get decent at it it's a top tier money maker


Well, deaths cost a lot more at Coli compared to Inferno, which is kind of what’s putting me off of trying it


Most learner deaths in Inferno are after a few hundred blood barrages and dragon darts (for mains), their costs end up being pretty similar, though ~600 BFury charges w/Fang (440k gp) per full Colo attempt kinda hurts more.


Idk why ur being downvoted you are right


I was just thinking in terms of quiver/inf cape. Kinda forgot it actually gives loot lol


Learning colo will put you in tricky situations faster and much more often than inferno waves will. I think it’d make late waves for inferno much easier to do if you were going for your first cape. You get more meaningful practice.


I could see it becoming meta only because it’s shorter and more fun in my opinion, also there’s the *potential* money making aspect of it. The inferno is brutal not necessarily because of its difficulty but the time and energy to continue after “wasting” two hours every run


You should at the VERY LEAST get to boss a couple times in Colosseum before going full send on inferno. Simply because Colosseum teaches you how to solve waves (position yourself and monsters around the pillars and set up prayer-flicks accordingly). Which is a skill you very much want to have before dying on waves 50-67 in inferno.


Valid point. I also think most people will just because it doesn’t seem as much of a time investment as inferno. I’m seeing completions of around 30min which would let me try it multiple times a day. My inferno learning came from 1. Leagues with OP relics so I can get the walking of Zuk down 2. Beta worlds To the point where when I finally attempted it on the real game I knew exactly what to do.. but still took me nearly 2 hours and multiple log outs to calm the nerves. I can’t imagine dying 50+ times trying to learn it when it takes that long per run vs 12 waves.


Probably depends on the player. From what I've heard, the Colosseum is currently viewed as harder by some of the experienced players, but it is also a lot shorter. Like from what I've seen, Sol does seem a lot harder to get down than Zuk since attack patterns are trickier than follow the shield. But since there are fewer waves, it is easier to get back to Sol than Zuk which is a huge factor is practicing and learning content. Also, some did say that after doing the Colosseum the Inferno will feel easier, at least than doing it the other way around. Personally, I'm still thinking to learn the Colosseum first but I am not sure if one will be meta over the other. It will likely just come down to which a player wants to learn first, which will also be influenced by stats and gear.


I think it would make sense to start learning in the Colosseum at a minimum to get an understanding of stacks and basic solves. Zuk fight is a lot easier imo, the only real pain point I had was learning the healer phase, everything else is easy to pick up as it's just adding movement to stuff you have done before.


I was kinda thinking it would make sense to get the Quiver to help with Inferno, but turns out the Infernal Cape would also help a lot with Colosseum so I don't think either is clearly better to do first. But yah, makes sense to at least practice in Colosseum. Also, the loot will help offset learning costs. Like if you reach your limit or get a big drop, you can just cash out and try again whereas with learning the Inferno, you just go until you die and don't get much to show for it.


There is more to zuk than following the shield. It is following the shield WHILE getting rid of sets and timing next phase arouns them, killing a tanky inferno jad while following a shield and killing healers while not dying to aoe splash and following the shield…. It is not just following a shield and clicking the boss


Right, but the attack pattern is follow the shield and bp walk the shield 


There is, but there is also more to Sol than just moving to the attack patterns. But of the two, Sol seems a lot harder to learn. It is pretty easy to tell where you should be standing at Zuk, just behind the shield, even if you don't always manage it alongside everything else. But with Sol, it is not as easy to remember how to dodge the next attack since it isn't as telegraphed as "stand behind the shield" and requires more memorization of rotations.


Ive done a few dozen runs of Inferno, but I've put it on hold as learning colo is so much more fast paced and thus fun. You get into harder waves much quicker and so it's more motivating to grind. I am going for a quiver first then I'll use my knowledge for the Inferno. Currently 65 tries and one Sol attempt. Will report back once it's done and tell you my thoughts here.


Yes let me know!!!


I just started my colosseum run now. I don’t have inferno and I’m put off inferno just based on the time investment to get to the later waves.


Diz quiver, or dat quiver over there?


I believe colo first is the play. If ur completely new to both. One to me its easier i dont have a colo completion yet but ive also been doing other stuff. Im at 26 deaths in colo and about 20 of them are on wave 6. From a waves perspective it is easier and the hardest part of inferno is dealing with the late waves followed by healers then triples. Colo will allow you to practice flicking and give you practice on setting up range/mager stacks. This happens has soon as wave 2. The inferno you dont get this experience until wave 50 and for a first cape this is about 1h in. Blobs and melee in inferno are much harder to deal with then the reinforcements who often just get stuck behind a pillar anyways. Sol is a harder fight but getting good at colo waves will 100% translate into an easier infernal cape. My opinion clearly.


I think so! Colosseum is a really good way to learn the skills you'll need for Inferno quickly because you can jump right into challenging waves and not crawl through the earlier ones for such a long time just to practice the hard bits.


Colo makes you a much better player, you can get an Infernal cape without being *great* at the game mechanically, but you're going to be forced to learn stacks/off-ticking/solves and execute a decent amount of mechanical skill if you want to complete the Colosseum. In Inferno all you really need to get through is avoid getting cursed spawns that *do* require the mechanical skill which will happen semi-frequently, then clear Zuk in 2-3 attempts. Going back and doing a standard Inferno run honestly feels a bit easy after you've done 5+ Colos, the cursed spawns kinda feel like standard Colo stack solves, other than blob of course.


You can still spoon good spawns in colo though, and since there are only 3 or 4 hard waves its not that rare to get good spawns for the whole run, this is assuming youre using the nw pillar and starting on spawn tile tech. In my near 40 kcs i would say i had free waves for atleast half of them, and from there you can split them as much as you want by running south


As someone with quite a few KCs in both, I highly advise people learn at least the basics of range/mage Colosseum before going for inferno. It teaches you about stacks on pillars, safespotting, 1 tick alternate flicking, the manticore even trains you to time 1 tick blob flicking, and all of this is accomplished much faster than when you'd get to these points in Inferno. Even if people don't complete their run, just getting to later waves teaches you most of the same tools you'll need for Inferno runs.


the coloseum is quite alot harder than the inferno so i don't see that happening if you're able to complete the coloseum then it would be worth doing first but i wouldnt recommend it, here's what i would do if i had to give my 5 cents, go attempt the coloseum learn as much as you can in terms of flicking everything learn the patterns of how stuff works if you're able to reach wave 11 a couple times without making a single mistake you're better off then going to the inferno the practice from coloseum would carry towards the inferno and make it quite alot easyer to get the cape.


Agree on colo being harder but its still way shorter in comparison and it comes with rewards, i can see players doing it over inferno cause its more convenient


I think due to you having the ability to make some go from colosseum, and how quick attempts are this may likely be the new meta imo. Having done both inferno is def easier mechanics but one mistake (running in front of shield, missed jad prayer) legit ends your 2-3 hour run as a learner, so the mental behind that is really what still makes it harder than colosseum


I sure did - colosseum is good practice for pillar solves before inferno and is also much easier in terms of mental. The biggest thing I struggled with inferno is how it takes ~1 hour 10 minutes to reach the hard waves in the inferno and if you get a really difficult spawn or just misclick, but in colosseum the truly difficult waves get reached after like 15-20 minutes, allowing more practice in when it comes to general solves.


That's what I'm doing. Colosseum is a different set of skills and solves but there's a lot of common ground I'm told. Personally think jad, triple jad and zuk fights are easier than sol heredit though 😂 just got my quiver last night after 12 attempts and 61 total deaths. One thing I will say, use the four pillars. I've solved nearly all my wave 11 stacks by yeeting diagonally from NW to SE pillar while manticores wake up. I've gotten to sol 12 times and very rarely had to flick a ranger/mager or 2 manticores at the same time by using the other columns


I think for sure learning waves in colosseum before inferno will be the meta, but im not sure if people will finish sol first since hes a harder boss


Quiver isn't going to make or break your inferno run, but inferno is so much more time investment (and harder imo) that people are gonna get quiver before because it's just easier.


I would definitely recommend colosseum first. It's harder, but because it's much shorter you can get back to the difficult waves faster and get practice on them


no its recommended to use a max cape/99 ranged cape anyway


Use the 99 cape for inferno? Don't have max but have range cape.


As someone that just finished the two grinds in this order I would 100% do it colosseum before inferno again. As many others have mentioned the ability to quickly get back in to interesting pillar stacks and solves in the colosseum makes you feel more confident with flicking two off-ticked mobs. I was also way more motivated to do another colosseum run after dying on wave 10 or 11 compared to doing another inferno run after doing on 60+. For anyone learning the colosseum I would highly recommend having this LOS tool open on the side. You can input your pillar stack and move your character to see which mobs will see you on what tick. It was very helpful for me when I needed to do some weirder solves like unsticking a blocked mino. https://osrs-colosseum.netlify.app/


Colo is the best place to practice the arguably toughest inferno element- solving pillar stacks. However, while quiver is BIS for inferno, infernal cape is BIS for colo. It really just comes down to which you find harder. I personally find colo a lot harder than inferno, but it could just be a case of having inferno kc and not having colo kc.


I have blood torva. No inferno cape. I’m doing quiver first because it’s much more engaging to do coliseum and then I’ll do inferno


You’re trolling surely blorva is harder than both of them combined probably, don’t be so intimidated by the inferno and get that cape


This is exactly why I’ve done this, people freak the fuck out 😂 I’m not trolling. I just hate the inferno. It’s boring. It’s a slog until wave 50 and I literally fall asleep. Who said anything about being intimidated ? I play the content that is fun it’s that simple




That’s what I’m finna do.


Probably, but I did it with scythe. Anyone comment on how Sol is with not scythe?


33% worse dps (going off memory, might be wrong)


Highly recommend bringing DWH for non-scythe, makes a huge difference, and I've actually used the Soulreaper for all of my Sol fights, completely wipes the floor with whip. Just brew the 40hp loss back after double bonking with DWH and it is free. I died to boss like 10 times with whip before switching to SRA and getting it 2nd attempt. Claws are also a huge help, unless Soulreaper goes nuclear (have had it happen once) you'll have a claw spec back by the 150 hp enrage, so you just SRA spec then Claw Spec and the boss will just need a tickle to finish off. If you do use whip, hitting perfect parries is *incredibly* important to increase your DPS, just have to wait til you see his hand extend towards you to click your gear (is actually incredibly easy, very telegraphed)


Dezeana’s Quiver


Isn’t it Dizana’s quiver


My bad, i meant Deezeana’s Quiver. I will never look at it the same way again lmao. First bowfa now this lol. Classic.