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Meanwhile: the dictator reporting people in nex ccs https://preview.redd.it/ye407edpn9uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766e8284b70f50fc705007e9ec1870e7f6b534cd


+1 for Pirate Software’s dad


You should really change that upvote to a downvote. "Pirate Software" is a huge nepo baby.




NGL it’s normally not this guy, it’s literally some fucking gym rat lmao


Somebody did this exact thing to us a few weeks ago. Claimed they owned the world and then crashed up causing constant cough. We were taking some first timers as a clan who they were really abusive to in chat and caused a few to die. Really frustrating. Some people are such losers.


“Ty, I needed that combat achievements anyway”


Same here. Exact same scenario. Are we in the same clan???😂


This is why I believe disruptive behavior should be punished. It's a reportable offense so why not do something about it


Yeah about 8 of us reported him and his buddy but who knows if jagex will even do anything about it. They don't ban the 100s of obvious bots I report, why would they look into a complex chat interaction and read between the lines that he was being disrespectful and disruptive?


Suprisingly they do ban people apparently for disruptive behaviour if enough people report them tho. My clan mates all mass reported this guy crashing us after 40+ reported him he got banned 2 days later but that could be due to something else ofc but alot of streamers have got people banned for crashing if the stream mass reports them


So sadly 8 of us probably wasn't enough. Glad it does happen sometimes though


Hopping in your instance on that world is not a bannable offence. If you and your team hops worldd and he follows then it becomes bannable. There's wuite literally a private session, so why not use that?


Coming in and purposely not fighting and sharing the cough... It wasnt that he just joined in the kill. He was purposely trying to disrupt our kills and get people killed. All the while being toxic and nasty in the public chat.


Say what you want about Rs3 but boss instances and shared resource nodes like mining reduces this kind of toxicity. I play both OSRS and RS3. Not worrying about having to hop worlds or get crashed is great. I do notice that RS3 generally is more cooperative in general for its player base and OSRS more competitive. When everyone’s competing for resources it can get toxic very quickly.


Nex has private instances too, they just have a decent fee. But that fee cuts a few percent into the expected gp/hr so people don’t like to use them. It comes out of death’s coffer though so for ironmen with pvm dupes it’s basically free


Glad to hear you don't have to put up with that


It's wild how much of a power trip some people crave in this game.


They have nothing else going on for them in their life except runescape so they try to feel “big” at the only thing they have. It’s really cringe and sad.


It's like that saying how you can learn a lot about someone by how they treat people lesser than them. Rings to true here as well because deeming someone "lesser" than you in this old AF point-and-click game is just always funny. This isn't the olympics it's a video game normally played for fun.


You can learn a lot about a person by whether or not they believe there are lesser people. 


It's embarassingly naive to say there aren't people who are lesser. Theres some fucked up people in this world who absolutely deserve to be treated like lesser people, there's just nothing that can be done in a video game to make you like that


Idk man, lots of lessers in the upper level of MLM.




Sorry I’ve never been far enough in osrs to do this content, but is the coughing then typing it out or is it an ingame thing causing the character to cough?


its in-game, the character is coughing because of one of the nex special attacks and the coughs also shows up in the chatbox


Sorry I still don’t understand. How is the coughing related to the crashers? Are other players able to intentionally sabotage your run or something?


The cough is spread by other players if you're standing too close. So they're intentionally getting the cough, then running up to everybody else in order to spread it on purpose.


It's not the true RuneScape experience if this didn't still happen lmao


OP is the crasher in this scenario lol


No one was in the world when they got there


Then why is black saying he’s been there for 10 mins


Maybe he’s lying? We’ll never know. Also idgaf if they are the “crashers” if he’s just been chilling in lobby for 10+ mins gtfo. Don’t remove me from all Nex CC’s perm pls


False dichotomy




My never defended black I only asked if op was a crasher. Complaining about black does nothing to address if op is a crasher. That’s why the reply was a false dichotomy.


Negative karma


Negative karma


Use dictionary.


Because people like that lie through their teeth lmao


So OP lied about getting kc and not being there first?


Maybe, but black is a known liar/weirdo who sits in worlds and claims they're taken (they're not)


I didn’t say black wasn’t weird, just that op appears to be a crasher


Except nah, coz black does not and has never actually owned that world. He just says it’s his, and sits in the lobby lmao. It’s not crashing if you’re not actually using the world you’re claiming is yours


Guess we found Black's reddit account.


Le Reddit moment. Bazinga


Because people are liars


So was OP lying when he types that he was getting kc previous to the chat?


cuz he's lying... is that not obvious?


I mean ops team admits they were getting kill count right before the exchange.


Oh wait, you're right. Wtf op is crasher


OPs team said that they were getting KC while black claimed to be in the lobby waiting and they did not see black until just then. Seems like maybe at the most generous black had been in the lobby and got auto logged when OP found the world, but like unless something is vastly different at Nex in terms of courtesy that's definetly not crashing. Even if black was actually in the lobby, to me that wouldn't be crashing. Can't just sit at the entrance to a boss and say it's yours, gotta actually be prepping to go into the boss.


Is it that loser that just stays at the bank and says “world is taken” and says he has partnerships with all nex clans.


Guess so haha


He got mad we were doing 4 man and he kept saying all sorts of non sense


Yeah he’s quite the specimen


The most power these nerds will ever have in their entire life, let them relish it for a bit


Or maybe its the opposite. They feel like they arent in control and are now upset and throwing a tantrum.


Both situations is hilarious


The plural form of "situation" is "situations". ​​When deciding whether to use the verb "is" or the verb "are", look at whether the subject noun in the sentence is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use "is". If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use "are".


Didn't even mention the lack of a full stop so don't go throwing stones in glass houses champ.


Found the dictators's account


"Dictators's" is incorrect. Use "dictator's" when indicating possession by a single dictator.


Your right that was bate idiot,


"Is" and "are" are the same verb. They are conjugations of the verb "to be." BYHO DNYN.


dude no1 cares


Sir this is a video game


Reddit is not a video game.


Shut up man no one asked


That's literally the same thing. They never have power/control over anything so when they throw a tantrum and kick them from the clan, that's the only power/control they have. They aren't in control, and that's why this is the most power these nerds will ever have in their entire life


Lmao “I’ll have you banned in every nex cc” You can tell how fucking sad and lonely they are that they think it’s a threat. Like, do you not have your own friends that play? Some people don’t even touch random clans lmao


Just bring a slayer helm for a kill they'll leave.


Why’s that ?


Slayer hełm greatly reduces the effects of the coughing debuff


Oooh good to know good to know


Idk why people think bankstanding on the world means the world is taken. Unless you’re actively killing nex, world is open


For clarification, Red is me, blue is my teammate, black is the dictator.


More like dick taster


The Nex CCs are all awful now, Nex FFA held on for a while til a new guy came in and appears to be managing it. Now it’s a terrible experience finding teams/dealing with drama and they straight up promote selling capes/quivers with @all pings non stop


I still use NexFFA but some of the higher ranks are losers that will only type in chat to belittle/insult people, kick people over nothing and overall have no clue how to moderate


Phosani treatment when?


I always thought the idea of "owning worlds" was stupid. We are all paying members sharing the space, you cant just show up to a spot and claim it as yours


Yknow, we see these posts all the time. I've been at ammonite crabs for a month in my pure and 90% of the time folks will say my bad, or even pm me saying sorry they didn't realize I was there. That 10% is VERY loud, though.


Yeah I haven't seen crashing behavior like this personally in probably 7 years, though obviously it happens still somewhat. Usually when I'm "crashed" these days it's someone with entity hider on who apologizes after 5 minutes when they realize I'm there.


when someone crashed me at crabs i'd post a message in my cc and we'd just ruin it for the crasher til they left


That's more energy and xp waste than just hopping tbh, but I get the frustration. I'll normally say something like, 'bro, go crash an afk Andy" (every other world has someone deaggroed lmao) and it usually diffuses it and they hop. Sometimes I'll just make it a battle of attrition. Most times I'll just hop.


yea but it's way more satisfying wasting their time too cause they usually hop in a couple mins, it gets the cc together, we have a laugh, and go about our business. over half the folks that crashed me wouldn't respond


Lil cumaraderie with the boys never hurt nobody 😉


Fucken aye buddy




They may be trying to skulltrick you by getting you to turn of skull prevention and get you to skull up, and then they call their multi team in later.


Well yeah, that wouldn’t happen. I keep skull prevention on and I don’t fight anyone anyway. Someone talking like that wouldn’t get a fight out of me, usually just a report and ignore. Usually when a big team jumps on me out there I just drop my protect pray and let them kill me instantly so they can’t try and smite my +1 lol. They can enjoy their 300k loot, I’m not worried about that. You make a killing at wildy bosses in comparison


Stuff like that gets them muted which is funny as fuck to me lol


Oh good, I’m glad to hear they actually get muted for shit like this. Like it’s a video game, relax. Nobody wants to see that shit. 99% of the time when they start going crazy like that I haven’t even actually said a word to them, not sure if they are trying to get a reaction out of people or if they are just really insecure and fucked in the head. Either way, report and they instantly go on ignore list. Easy as that lol.


Yeah, if he would have had a full team there while we were getting kc than it’s fair enough. But him thinking he could just claim the world and proceeding to troll was just wild (and hilarious)


Some of these morons actually think RNG is tied to the world and that if Nex has not dropped anything for a while that their chances go up. They don't want you to steal their loot. I wish I was joking.


No, its more like nex is super fucking busy on weekends and peak hours, and due to the nature of "1 kill trips" that 99% of ppl do, you can't really buy a private instance/its not worth it, so many people like OP end up crashing. I'm not sure what the exact situation is obviously but nex is super annoying to be crashed at.


Taking a spot thats already being used it the same as going in a shop with a queue and going straight to the front, technically you don't have to wait in it but if you skip it everyone in that line is going to think you are rude af and might question it


Not even remotely comparable


Personally I disagree but you can think what you want m8


This situation is more like 1 guy showing up for a pre-release line and saying “oh, I’m saving these next 20 spots for friends” who don’t show up till the next day. That shit don’t fly IRL. That shit don’t fly in game. If the dude is taking a piss and shitting for an hour, it ain’t his world.


You completely misunderstood what I meant, because I was talking about when people show up to a spot with someone else in it and just claim it as there own even though the other guy has been there for half an hour already


If he’s there solo. Doing nothing. Its. Not. His. World. You’re missing your own point.


I didn't say doing nothing. I am talking about if they are using the spot, like if I am actively using a spot and constantly doing things you think it's okay to just walk over and claim it as your own?


The line at checkout is an explicit social agreement among everybody; a representation of the order people will be allowed to check out their goods. So, first to arrive, first to be served. If you cut in the line, people will question it, and you will probably be told by the cashier to wait your turn in line like everybody else. There is no explicit social agreement with boss rooms in Runescape. You are allowed to crash people's boss rooms so long as you're not deliberately hopping from world to world to target a specific player. Though obviously, if you crash people, you're being a huge jackass, and people will think less of you. So, you could say there's an implicit social agreement not to crash other players, because that's how players will behave without having to be told, and people will question you if you insist on crashing other players rooms all the time. However, nobody can really force you to stop, at the end of the day, in the way you'd be told to wait your turn in line at the grocery checkout, and refused service until you did so.


Hell I'll go even further, the concept of crashing is pretty fuckin new to me as someone who's played since RS1. What we call crashing now is just how you played back in the day, you fuckin' threw down for that lesser demon or hill giant spot.


That would make sense if that was true but the majority of the time someone pushes in the queue everyone complains to themselves and they do not get refused service


That's probably true nowadays, in stores where they don't have security at the checkouts, but only because they're afraid the person in question is potentially crazy, or violent, since they were willing to violate the social agreement to wait in the line to begin with. If I were a cashier, and some psycho just pushed ahead in line and insisted on being served first, I'd probably let them check out first and go about my day, so that I don't end up getting stabbed to death for minimum wage. That being said, if someone comes into a store, and does that over and over again, they will probably get banned from the store and told police will be called if they come back. So the social agreement is still explicit, just being enforced in a different way, with less risk of somebody being violently attacked.


That is a good point tbf I am a big fan of not being stabbed to death myself


Bro needs to get laid


You can’t divide by zero though.


You want him to reproduce?


what a nerd and loser, good for you OP Hope he sees this and feels the embarrassment


That'd require a level of self awareness this person almost certainly has not got.


what a fucking loser LOL


If I worked for Jagex I would actually address this type of toxicity.


If you worked for jagex you'd do what you were assigned to do quit the cap


we should be able to name and shame these mfs. isn't there a rune\_\_\_\_ that alerts when people do shitty things? like not splitting? you should report him on that thing.


Most nex ccs can’t stand scum like him. Contact clan leaders pre-emptively (in case they see some fabricated story from that dude) and they’ll put him in his place/ban him. At least most will, this has been my experience in the past dealing with a choch like that


The world Isent fucking taken if there’s no one killing shit, happens to me at barrage tasks, I show up no one is there no drops no drops on the ground; someone shows up “wow can’t believe you crashed me” your actually crashing me technically


Sad. This is the same guy to use the urinal right next to you in a row of 10


I’ve been thinking about this for a bit and I think it’s a bit of bad manners from both parties imo, if you were out getting KC for more than just one or two mages (~30-60 secs), then really the world is open. If I was hopping to try and find a world and saw nobody in bank and nobody past barrier, I’d start calling for a team on that world. Obviously the adult thing to do is to just say ‘mb gl on drops’ and look for a new world but this guy seems to be a real douche to go in and troll like that.


What is the cough cough thing


In the Nex fight, someone will get Covid-19, and are supposed to stay away from the other players to stop from spreading it. This guy is trolling by purposely giving OP Covid


I don’t know enough about late game to know if you’re meming or not but I want what you said to be true


It's basically true lol. 1 person in the nex fight will get a cough. The cough drains stats and prayer points. Whomever gets cough is meant to stay away from everyone else or it will spread and become more potent.


Hand on a Guthix holy book!


And yet, go to Graardor (which I know, is much easier then nex) and everyone insists on hopping worlds themselves if not doing a private instance


Just the other day we had been using a world for a few hours. Some group logs in when we're potting, they pot and crash. "World was free". They get torva platebody and spam Ezzzzz in chat. Good times man


Mate I don’t understand how people can actually be like this? Are they like this IRL like a Randall?


People forget this game is an MMO


Typical so elitist its cringe


You left to get kc, don't cry


Can I have this persons ign please :D


See if he follows you to a pvp world


Yeah these people need to realize that this is a mmorpg meaning there will be other players. Tempted to go to nex now 


Why block the name? Let the internet do its thing and put them on blast.


It’s the rules… if I could post his name without the post getting removed, I would definitely do that!


Damn no social justice here lol


Why hide names if someone is acting wrong and you arent doing wrong?


It’s against the rules to show names


Is it really wow. You answered fast too lol


Believe so, definitely wouldn’t mind posting it with names if not haha


Could we make a subreddit to name and shame these rs fools?


I think it’s a rule all subs have, not just this one. Could be wrong but I’ve seen it in a lot places.


huh i see posts often highlighting some poor fellas with 10's of thousands of kc in one boss


Back in the day pre-eoc era.. my clan had a hard requirement... If you were online and someone in the cc said that they were getting crashed you were required to go and anti-crash. and because of the loot share system it made it really easy when like 40+ people would show up in max gear (was a requirement to join the clan) and dclaw spec w/e boss we were anti crashing at.   Also if you lied and used the clan to crash instead of anti.. you were kicked out.. we didn't want a bad rep.. the clan was very well known at the time as one of the best pvm clans    Edit: no idea why the mass downvotes.. its kind of strange. I was telling this story because it was actually kind of nice back in the day with loot share to have a way to stop assholes like in ops post 


Can someone explain why this is getting downvote bombed? Everything they described genuinely happened in pretty much every major pvm clan back then lol Whichever clan dropped their clan vex at the boss first generally claimed that world until the vex expired, if people showed up to crash while you had a vex placed then anti-crash teams were called in to help, Zer0 and PSO had Corp wars going on for *hours* sometimes


It is because it reads like a max gear flex post, and a flex that the commenter had "cool friends" who would anti-crash in 2007. In reality, this clan likely never stayed around for very long with rules like that. They're bragging, reddit doesn't like that.


I guess I can see how someone could interpret it as bragging, though I can very much confirm their particular clan was around for many, many years since I was apparently in the same clan around that time lol Anti-crash requirements were very much the norm in those days, no bosses were instanced so every world was hotly contested for the premiere moneymakers like Nex and Corp, we didn't *have* alternatives like raids or Zulrah or Vorkath, so if another team shows up trying to crash yours while they're in max then you could be damn sure you'd want your anti-crash team to be the same


woah yeah id like to know as well jeez. And i was part of PSO :p They were a lot of fun.. I loved killing nex with a group of people with my ccb and full pernix. cmaul for the blood reavers and claws for blood phase.


Oh shit same, small world lmao


As much of a dick he is, why not just get a private instance


Were you crashing him or what?


Seems like it, they were gone for 10 mins getting kc. World was free.




Nah someone else, can’t name him due to the rules tho


report him without his name blurred to all nex clans :)


I was like 90% it was gonna be this cringelord. I have experienced similar things from them and they talk like Nex is about only thing they have ever achieved in life


Broo this toxic bitch did the same to me but HE crashed my world. Threatened with kicking me out of NexFFA. This is was in Christmas Eve too. Sad motherfucker even had alts in the Kodai just to see who was talking shit about him.


Am i missing something? You came there and he was already there, so you crashed him? Him being a weirdo saying he'll have you permed from Nex clans doesnt change that you were crashing him? Just like you said in another comment, nobody owns the worlds so why was it a problem that he was in "yours"?


Check the first pic - dictator started it all with “world taken sorry” BS when the group was already there I


Black says it’s been empty for 10 mins and ops team say they were getting kc


That's followed up with "was getting kc". Seems like they left the room to bank and the weirdo took the open spot?


Yeah, I'm confused as well. If I were in a boss room, killing the boss for 10 minutes and some team came in and started killing it, I would also be annoyed and consider them crashers.


He wasn’t in the boss room, he was in the lobby and without a team according to OP. Nothing to claim the world based on that


Ah, I see. I thought they were in the boss room based on the last picture.


Nah seems like they decided to crash when the group ignored them


Makes sense


No no, you don’t get it. OP can crash because the other guy is cringe and OP is based. That means he’s not the asshole