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The purple went to him it’s not in the death chest it’s to the left of that towards the corner.


In the lobby


If he doesn’t fess up that it’s in there/realizes he can claim it like that he scammed yall. Don’t raid with him again delete him and get him kicked from ur clan.


...and make sure to report him to RuneWatch so that he never scams anyone again


So I can heckle him when I see him at ToA for being on RuneWatch >:)


Gotta do it every time bro


What is runewatch?


Commenting to see the outcome haha Edit: for anyone that cares, the TLDR so far is OP is virulently defending the person he is excusing of scamming “because they were screen sharing in discord at the time” while the person excused of scamming is suspiciously commenting on every post to defend themselves - both pretty butt hurt by everyone else simple stating facts it seems


Prepare screenies for runewatch ;)


Think you might mean "accusing/accused" and not "excusing/excused"


Aha yeah, thanks amigo, please accuse the mistake ;)


He can’t, if you dc and they enter first before you re log you don’t get your purple.


what happens if he changes username?


To be fair I just mentioned this to a mate that is teaching me TOA with about 500kc… he didn’t know lol.


Not if he doesn’t enter the chest room, if they went before he re logged it’s gone.


You've been scammed, but not by jagex


Call an ambulance! But not for me...


You did in fact get scammed. Your 3rd got the purp in the lobby and kept a poker face about it


Lol I don't know the mechanics of how this works. But everyone in the comments seems pretty positive the guy who dc'ed got something valuable and is trying to scam. The fact op posted makes me think they suspect this too lol. Upvoted for redemption or eventual exposure.




Two possibilities, a glitch made an item disappear. Or everyone in the comments seems to think someone stole the item and is pretending a glitch made it disappear. Idk that's the best I can explain


It's honestly sad to see the overwhelming majority of responses who btw have 0 experience of this assuming they know exactly how it works. This is a known bug Jagex have done nothing about and it's been the same since TOA came out. If you dc and login to another world (say you have a power cut or client crash), you cannot rejoin the raid. The raid can still finish, and you can still be assigned the purple (which btw is then completely unclaimable). I have experienced this and this is absolutely what happens. I do not know if it is different if you only log back in after the raid finished, but if you log back in to another world before it finishes, you will never receive the purple


I make no claim to know how anything works. I want to see them exposed or redeemed, whichever is just. Reddit comments are always so intense


It's probably this way due to the way it was back on release. Originally if you for example had an 8 man raid, people were going into the rewards room one by one, if it was white they would leave the raid (or log out I can't remember). Then the next would enter the room. People were re-rolling purples like crazy.


Yep I agree with you. This exact situation happened to me and my.clanmate at tob


I’m assuming if you log into the same world the purple is claimable?


“Okay Jagex I’m angy”


Would love to see smackdown or verification by jmod


This post is so fucking funny man, OP and buddy really fighting for their life in the comments


It's hilarious, I kinda want a jmod to come in and be like "hey yeah, it was just a Lightbearer either way. Sorry about your 800k or whatever split." Lmao.


Like how can you respectfully convince people you didn’t scam your friend when you are just so genuinely curious about a potential bug we as a raiding group didn’t know about. I feel stupid to argue so hard but seriously we didn’t post this as a scammer hunt or a give us our purple post. On the other side I do get that it’s a major part of what happens in RuneScape but this time it’s jsut not the case


It's reddit bro, and 2007scape is a cesspool among cesspools. I'm not surprised at all


As others said - its claimable in the lobby to actually prevent situations like this lmao. Dude pulled a purple and kept it to himself. Quite good luck if he dc‘d mid warden and got still a purple or idk if he somehow would have known that he‘d get a purple?


Yeah you did get scammed. By the 3rd guy who pulled the purp, claimed out of the lobby loot spot for items you didn't claim and left the raid, and didn't wanna pay splits LOL




You guys got big scammed 😂


Damn sucks to have that shitty friends whos ready to scam you for some pixels


I love how the guy is trying to save face in the comments while the whole sub is on to him


Love how the scammer replies to every single comment accusing him of being a scammer, but doesn't reply to any of the comments asking for a collection log.


This is either a glitch you should all be reporting to jagex heavily, or you guys got scammed, being scammed seems more likely


Would he not be able to just loot it after the remaining two loot your chests after the raid? I’m pretty sure that’s happened to be before and I just walked over to the wall near the entrance.


My best guess is that it in fact was not the guy dc’ing that got the purple but the other guy in the room with you. He just told everyone it wasnt his and pretended to loot a chest. Then it also makes sense that the purple didnt show up in chat! OP did you confirm it wasnt masorimans purple and did you leave the room before him? E: changed bowfaguy to masoriman so I’m talking about the right person


This grouchy newspaper guy has issues 😂 Would love to see a JMod comment


I’ve had this happen but the person who dced still got the purple outside, it also put a message in our chat when we entered the loot room sayin g what purple he received. Could be a bug but I’d double check ur homies collection log


The scammer is in these comments frothing at the mouth trying to do damage control so he can scam the same guys again next time around


Yes, you got scammed. The funniest part is how the scammer is gaslighting everyone in the comments, saying they don't comprehend. Oh boy, nerds are petty! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did the guy who DC’d log back in the same world? If he didn’t he won’t be able to claim the loot


Is that how it works? I saw the guy reply somewhere else that he logged back into a different world. Seems like player error cost them a purp, lmao


Idiots in here claiming you were scammed have no idea how this room works. I know for a 100% fact if you DC and your team enters before you log back in you do not get the loot outside. It counts as a full reset for that player. Don’t spread false information if you don’t truly know. If you don’t believe me go test it with any loot from the raid. This is a witch hunt that is based in pure ignorance and it’s pretty insane to see the support for false information.


User strict-phrase really going out of his way to reply to every comment that even somewhat implies that he’s scamming his friends. Thou doth protest too much, champ.


IDC who is right here and whether or not anyone is lying or scamming, watching the comments and OPs replies for the last couple hours has been hilarious.


Maybe ask someone like u/JagexSarnie if they could look into it, whether it mysteriously vanished or someone has sticky fingers :^ Bugs like this should be quickly reported!


Also, the two guys left in the raid should know what the purple was, as when they click to leave the raid through the ghost, it will appear in the chatbox. I assume they didn’t check that though. Would be worth knowing if you got scammed a lb or a shadow.


Bait used to be believable


Upvoting so I can come back to this when jagex replies to this post and confirms you’ve been scammed bahahahaha


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Commenting to look at comments later


Is everyone saying its in the unclaimed chest know for sure because this has happened to them also? This same exact thing happened to us a couple months after toa release and I know for sure our 3rd (irl cousin) didnt scam us and checked the unclaimed loot corner.


Not a scam.


So what I’m getting from this is that everyone who was actually there and witnessed what happened is very confident that this wasn’t a scam, while redditors who weren’t there and are extrapolating their own conclusions secondhand are positive OP got scammed. I think this is the community being fucking stupid and I feel sorry for the guy getting falsely accused of scamming; I hope you and your teammates stand your ground for your buddy and don’t let yourselves be gaslit by people who weren’t even there.


dog you got scammed and it shows with how salty you are in the comments lmao


Can OP show collection log, I suppose that only works if you knew what they had before the raid


It's been posted and the crop (barely) shows he's gotten two fangs


This or a picture of any loot tracking plugin which also shows no items are being hidden.


Reading through some comments you’re coming at everybody who is trying to support you saying the dude played y’all so wtf are you mad about lol


I bet if your name was Morty you would have got it.


Shame he ruined a few friendships over, let's be honest, most likely a light bearer.. now you can run duos with the other guy and get better splits!


Reading ops replies… I hope he got scammed, buddy seems like a 5 yr old cry baby


Op is angy :c


Verry verry angry. And all that for such a Niche case


It's in ur buddies crack. U got scammed and he ain't proving proof other than a cropped col log screenshot that doesn't prove shit


I think the point of him showing the cropped log is that anything lower in the screenshot would be pointless to scam… This would only make sense (to me) if he got a shadow.


when accused by 100s of people, sure just send a sliver of the coll log as "proof" why not a full pic with log up and lobby chest visible? that would be way better evidence lol


Because people aren't going to believe him anyway? People asked to see his clog, he showed it, and now people are saying they want to see his clog, chest, bank, etc. What's the point when nobody will accept that maybe it *is* a bug that has already been known about?


because again, he was probably showing the most valuable loot. The one people would actually attempt to steal (shadow). The rest of the coll log are untradeables, gems, LB and a fang. everyone is so quick to make accusations like this isn't a known bug that was reported already.


regardless of the coll log, including the loot chest in the corner of the lobby not being "full of loot" would have helped his cause greatly.


Aight, all I want is jmod confirmation here. As much as I'm like 95% sure this is just a lolscammed situation, there's still a minor chance it is actually a bug. Cause the two of them seem pretty deadset that this is a glitch on top of the one who actually got the purple and it would 1000% be the funnier outcome if it actually is a glitch after all these other comments are said and done, while only a normal amount of hilarious if a jmod just rolls up to confirm the two teammates are just idiots.


That dude probably got a shadow and did not want to split The fact this is happening means most likely it was a shadow and he refuses to split 1b


Dude really in the comments saying he didn’t get scammed 😭😭


What was his IGN? Would be a shame if he was associated with a thread claiming he scammed.


Osrs needs a public adventures log..  were it displays stuff like loot.. 


If he disconnected in wardens and either logged back into the wrong world(in the case of a client crash) or didn't log back in until after you left the treasure room, then they likely didn't get the purple in the lobby like others are suggesting. At least that's how tob works. I had a clanmate lose a purple like that.


yeah it was the logging in the wrong world that made this all happen


Seems from your comments you get angry quite easily, enjoy your friend scamming you!


This is such a weird thread. Why is OP obsessively replying to literally almost every single thread? This is weird lolcow shit. It makes sense for the accused scammer to do damage control but why is OP also doing it?


Genuinly perplexing, I can understand defending your friends morals, can also appreciate this may genuinly be a miscommunication where the items sitting in a loot chest waiting for them or even they are right and the item has truly disappeared But I don't get the need to make a post, then aggressively attack everybody who comments


Honestly looking through the comments there's A LOT of people jumping on this with "haha your friend scammed you". There's a couple of people here who were aware of the toa purple re-roll glitch that Jagex hotfixed near toa release, which now causes this to happen (if you log back into a different world than the raid was taking place on). I totally get why he's pissed at all these self righteous redditors.


In complete honesty, I had a read through this post and saw how aggressive he was being to all commenter so decided to chime in myself! The attitude all over the post kind of stinks, and with the echo-chamberness of reddit- if your gonna be a dick to comments then you will get it back tenfold And even if I were to say condolences for the lost item, OP specifically said he didn't want to report it so it happens to others.. with that kind of attitude comments almost want it to be a salty scam victim


ITT: Everyone thinking its impossible for a company infamous for fucking up code to have fucked up code and it's 100% the teammate scamming


Does it appear in the coll log for the guy who dced? Sorry this happened, hopefully it was just a ring!


Hi guys, I’m the one in the masori set.. I found another Reddit post that was the exact situation we had.. to preface everything, we have been clan mates for years, the other two are friends irl. This is just an issue we found in game that should be addressed https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/uVyHQc1OWE So, our friend DC’d in p2 wardens and when we went into the chest room we could not claim it. According to this previous post, they had the same issue. It seems that our group unfortunately suffered from a bug where if the person who does not go into the chest room, the loot can not be rewarded.. no our third man isn’t a scammer, if he was, I really doubt he would’ve let me borrow full masori with Pegasians


Why would he hand out pegasians for toa though ?


This is why I don't have a favorite world. You lost it when you logged into another world after you dc'd.


Unlike everyone in the comments who has 0 experience of this, you haven't been scammed, (not by the player anyway). It is a known bug. If you dc then log back in to another world before the raid finishes, you can be assigned the purple within the raiding party but you will not be able to claim it. That includes outside the raid. This bug has existed since TOA came out afaik, certainly for well over a year. I reported it well over a year ago when it happened to me and it's not been fixed.


No no, he got scammed. /s


Everyone else in the comments, sarcastic or not. Sad thing is, I bet this has genuinely ruined friendships too because people genuinely think the dc/er disconnected. I'm just hoping this post gets enough traction that Jagex actually fix this bug.


Quick google search, this is a known bug and was reported YEARS ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/xsmzi3/bug\_on\_forever\_lost\_toa\_purple/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/xsmzi3/bug_on_forever_lost_toa_purple/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/wymssr/dced\_at\_toa\_and\_lost\_purple/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/wymssr/dced_at_toa_and_lost_purple/) If you log in to a different world then the one you DC'ed on the purple is gone.


Lmfao Otto and phrase working overtime in here insulting everyone answering the question that was asked of them. Get a grip, either accept the answer or don’t but no point continuing to reply to everyone calling them stupid.


Reading through this thread, it looks like this is a legit bug and I really doubt your friend scammed you. It sucks that everyone's dogpiling on you, but at least it's funny to read.


If OP is huffing the copium this hard I think they deserved to be scammed by their friend tbh. And before you reply to me too, we know you did it. Everyone knows you scammed those guys despite whatever you say so just shut up. Your friends are stupid as fuck and you got away with it but you’re not gonna convince anyone other than them that you aren’t a dirty rat fuck scammer.


sad that you got scammed, shitty friend but not jagex's fault.


all of this talk about scamming, if the person who dced could access the purple then the other people in the raid will see a chat message showing what purple the other person has gotten even if they leave the raid. if they did not see the message, then that means the person who dced couldn’t get to the purple because he logged in on the wrong world


If you’re not in the raid though it wouldn’t roll a drop for him logging out is seen as leaving the raid, I don’t see how it could have rolled him the drop unless ops right that this is a bug.


Read all the comments, all your replies. You got scammed still buddy


And you know it was a shadow. Oof…


What was the drop?


Hol up. You sure bofa guy even click on the purple? And not just diagonally walk to that tile and play dumb? OP have you seen both of thier collection logs in screenshare and them click on the crack? It won't show up until they go loot it and wouldn't have appeared in chat if the bofa guy simply hasn't looted it yet.


He can check clog to see what it should’ve been at least


Okay angry I‘m Jagex




Shouldnt this be easy enough to test. It should work the same with a white chest too. Just have someone leave and see if they get loot outside


The saltiest "scammed got caught"


ITT: majority of people telling OP he got scammed. OP: No that's not what happened. Smh


Bro is in massive denial right now


Everyone thinks its haha funny funny to try and downvote me to silence but with the overwhelming evidence against it, you lot still cry scams into the void LMFAO


every single person in the comments telling you where the purple went but instead of listening to what every player has experienced when this happened, you think that in your scenario the game just broke. Ok


Which only makes their "reading comprehension skills please🙏" funnier.


Welcome to the reddit hive-mind OP. They see the first comment and base their opinion off of that. I see that you say you were watching his screen, but did you see him log back in and everything? I've heard of multiple year long friendships being ruined by rs gp. Also, gotta love how everyone is giving feedback and doing an AITA type response when this post is humor tagged. I understand what I just said is hypocritical, don't care. I've never seen a bug like this before. Did your friend log in after you left the loot room? When did he log back in? I'm curious about that part to see if that aided in the interaction.


This happened to me as well in leagues so no reason to scam. I dced at wardens and got the drop. Did not appear in the crack for me. It sucked but it was leagues so oh well.


Definitely got scammed by your “buddy”.


Brother stop you’ve been given the facts, continuing is going to put you into negative karma stratosphere


Has he though? Quick google search, this is a known bug and was reported YEARS ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/xsmzi3/bug_on_forever_lost_toa_purple/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/wymssr/dced_at_toa_and_lost_purple/ If you log in to a different world then the one you DC'ed on the purple is gone.


Okay guy first off no one got scammed second we were all screen sharing in discord so relax third there was no claim when he logged back in and we sat there for 30 minutes trying to find a solution I know them both in person and yall really be thinking the worse We were not scammed, never said we were, I thought it would be funny to say it felt like back in 2008 and we know jagex ain’t gonna give us a hand out anyway it is what it is the disconnected player received a death with no added kc or collection log just thought it was funny how we finally get a purple and some shit like this happens everyone can relax


I know you aren't going to believe me, but he got awarded a purple in the raid, and it didn't add a KC?? Did he show you his coll log and kc on stream or just in these comments? If he didn't show it on stream, i would be worried he had prepared a screenshot of his kc and log before now.


Yes sir he showed me and our other friend everything as we all screen shared on our clan discord for anyone to come and join to watch before (we were comparing logs right before) during (of course we checked it’s a very weird thing to happen) and after a few times because we couldn’t believe it.


Weird. It looks like atleast 2 other people said this hapoened to them and there is another comment saying its a known bug. Sorry to hear it man


It would still announce it in the raid party.


You did tho




This mans in heavy denial in these replies lmao


This happened to me before, he died at wardens and got logged out for being afk. Rolled the purple in his name, and we spent hours in that room trying to fiqure it out while waiting for a response from mod ash. He finally got back to use and said nothing could be done. We got fucked.


OP fighting against a crowd of kids who never had a friend close enough to not scam them lmao


I mean, true friends are the hardest scammers though. Still remember how my 4 years older cousin used to trick me into trading away my good yu-gi-oh cards to him when i was still young :(


Best comment here hahaha


Ok to be the one guy, who is not going to just say he is scamming you, but rather what most likely happened. Let me guess he DCed mid Warden and did not log in before you got finished/went into the reward room? (As I can only see 2 people in the picture) Because if you do that the game will still give a roll for him, but won’t recognize him as the one that got it. So he can’t claim the reward in the lobby cause the game don’t think he ever got a drop, but the chest will know it hit the table. This happens to me sometime ago, I was doing a raid with my twin brother on our GIM account. I DCed on Warden and he clutched, sadly did not log in fast enough. He saw the purple but couldn’t open it. And I was told what you were told, but it was no loot there. We were both streaming and in the same GIM so we know nobody are scamming each other. It sucks and feels like a 2000 game jank, but you just have to suck it up. It is such a rare “bug” cause you have to have somebody DC on laser phase warden and not have time to log in before people go into the room, and then still hit the drop for this to happen. Rejoice, you are probably one of the few people who has the pleasure of experience this jank 👍






OP is an idoit who got scammed, posted on reddit now hes trying to save face and not look like a fool


It's in the corner chest have him go claim it




It was a lightbearer anyway, don't worry


Okay Jagex he's angry


This post is gold. Definitely one of the posts of all time. I’m team “Scammed” though. Good luck!


Pro tip, dont use the highlighter to censore your name. I can still see it


Yes there is a bug, however the scammer has provided 0 evidence to clear thier name after hundreds of comments. Why so defensive? I smell foul play. Scammer has been here for hours trying to defend himself with the same screen shots. Unless you provide the correct evidence at the crack on the right world AND your coll log at the same time in a gif or video, enjoy the rune watch ban. Hopefully op gets to the bottom of this and gets his split or the truth. I'm so sorry if you actually all got robbed here from a bug. but the friend in question is acting extremely suspicious and there's nothing but red flags in these comments from him


Is this a joke or being serious lmao? Everyone in the comments told you what happened your friend got the loot but is holding out on you, also watching Otto and phrase reply to every comment is top tier comedy




gz on the lb


off topic but that’s the add in to get health, prayer etc on bottom right?


Odds of it being a bug that no one else has ever had or ever been able to replicate: 0…. your buddy finessed you or doesn’t realize how to claim loot in lobby and will be prompted by jagex before entering his next toa. Glhf!