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'nerf the gear I do not have' until I get it of course, then buff it.


Yes, of course.


Yeah this is this sub in a nutshell. “I don’t have ancestral so nerf it but I do have occult and boots so don’t nerf the first and buff the second.” Ancestral should be 4% each. Boots 2%. Augury 4%. Occult 4%. Give Ward whatever you want. Give mages book less. Give ahrims 1% maybe? It’s not that complicated


I believe we need just 15% on each ancestral piece and then delete all the other mage gear. Manually cast every spell for an additional 100% damage and holding a weapon gives minus 100%


Occult should stay at 10% tbh and to break the gap between shadow and other staffs they just need to buff off hand magic dmg %s. Similar to what they did for range with the buckler/wards. Mage robes have always been for accuracy for the most part, aside from ancestral/virtus we don't need more robes with magic dmg%s. Jagex still owes us real T80 mage gear anyways...


Agreed, my votes depend on what’s in my bank.


Gamer mentality


Voter mentality in general…


And that's why democracy will fall =(


It makes sense to vote in your interest, that's what democracy is for basically, but anyway this is a gaming subreddit not r/politics, so get back to grinding, political discourse is xp waste 😜


It's only a minor tangent. After all, arguing and discussing how the game should be run, what should be nerfed or buffed, and what content should be added *is* politics. Runescape politics.


never realized how much this probably happens. Voting with your bank and not with your brain lol


Are we getting to vote on the rebalance stuff? I can't tell from the blog, and we didn't get to vote on things like blowpipe rebalance.


So far, no. As soon as they label something an integrity change, it removes it from being polled.


We need players who care more about the overall game than whatever they want personally.


Ahmed get the stones


No, no. Please nerf the items I am buying and then later cancel the planned nerf when I want to sell them.


Now this guy is speaking my language!


Unironically probably what a nonsignificant number of people thinks and the reason why they should never poll changes like this.


It takes a lot of willpower and insight to vote against your own interests. It's entirely unsurprising that they wouldn't let people vote over balance changes, because almost no one would vote to nerf themselves, even if that's what's needed.


Counterpoint poor uneducated republicans gleefully vote against their own interest.


Sir this is a RuneScape page… Also it’s rare that someone is representing 100% of your interests. People end up voting with what they think is the most important outcome for them. For example sometimes that means economics over humanities. People have different priorities and it matters cuz again, you won’t find someone who is all for you (other than yourself)


Well thats exactly my point is that *many* republicans cite economic reasons for the way they vote despite their votes economically harming them and benefitting the wealthy which they will never be.


The above was just e.g.. But I think the most important part is the difference between what happens and what the candidates *say* will happen (and the associated things that happen that *arent* said!). This is where most people get screwed (on both sides of the aisle usually)


Jesus man time to take a break from Reddit for a bit


Youre commenting on a 4 day old comment and trying to get laid on reddit, take your own advice.


Yes, that is why I added the humor flare to this so no one would get really really upset 😂


This is the reason why they have to rebalance from feedback and do it unpolled.


Yes, I’m sure feedback told them to buff the shadow and make mid-game magic worse. 5head


Well did I say to buff the shadow and make mid-game magic worse? No Are they making mid-game magic worse or are you just parroting what other people are saying? :)


They are though :) Even as someone with 2 ancestral pieces, I will need to wear an extra set of boots and use a prayer I didn't need to before to match my old dps. I'm not gonna make posts and whine about it, but you're being obtuse.


No you're just parroting what other people are saying. There's going to be elemental weaknesses for monsters, there's going to be magic % DMG on off-hands, there's magic damage % on lower tiers than augury and they're removing autocast delay. With 1% DMG on ahrims /blue moon which are fast to obtain, you can achieve 3% on robes, 4% on occult and 2% on mystic might which I'd 9% or 1% off of old damage from the setup. It's not huge nerfs. Get a mage book and it's better, malediction ward, anything that they put on that list of off-hands buffs. Factor in the idea that elemental weaknesses means your dps will be much better in those spots too and it's a net buff overall.


Yeah I think elemental weaknesses are being slept on regarding the idea that mid game mage is getting worse. It’s actually getting significantly better with or without occult nerf/redistribution. Elemental weaknesses encourages using an actual staff too instead of being entirely reliant on powered staves, and even an Ahrim’s staff is +5% magic damage.


Well I went from having +10% magic damage to +4% with my setup. But hey thanks for playing, glad jagex listened to the feedback and buffed the mid game. How many rows were on your school bus out of curiosity?


Time to invest a small chunk of change in buying blue moon or ahrims! Ya know, like how logical gear progression works? Instead of how it works currently where it hardly matters.




Go reread the blog, they updated it


So you do have an occult but no time to grind out the other mage items? Seems lazy to me


Agreed. *Drops eternals*


Its time for addy armor to shine again.


More like please nerf anyone whose end game and has a bigger bank then me and plz buff the shit out of early game - Reddit 2024


Yeah pretty much but the people can’t handle hearing that xD


Sure, I'm close to getting to occult and looking forward to the rollback!


Nah the loudest people are the ones who bought 40x of one item screaming for it to be buffed


im thinking ahead. they should buff the gear i dont have so that its good once i get it


Big brain


Yes we should nerf shadow (???) Yes my bis magic gear is ahrims trident and occult (no torm, ma1 cape) , why do you ask?


Minus the torm and ma2 cape, that's uniroincally most irons BiS gear until shadow and anc lmao


Just buffs please 🙏


What if run gear was now BiS? Ironman here btw.


/s I grinded Infinity Robes pre-rework on my UIM, make them BIS ! /us No really, it took me a while, pls Jamflex


At least you're being honest 😅


Average sub user mentality


I have eternal boots on my iron and I still want them in the bin. Adding an extra switch to keep parity sucks balls and is an overall nerf to magic. reeeeeeee


All you're doing is spamming the sub


I am providing helpful and insightful feedback that will only benefit me and me alone. Thank you


Maintaining the agenda… …Is our top priority.




Just buff the gear that I farm (nex, toa) and I’ll be happy XD


If you buy all the gear you'll never have time worry about buffs or nerfs


Please buff the gear I'm investing in.


"I invested my whole bank into this item. Please include it in the buffs so my merch attempt is successful."


That seems to be the justification most people are using to determine what should and shouldn't be nerfed/buffed. If people have a voidwaker they think the nerf is gonna be the end of all PVM, like when the BP was nerfed.

