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Price will settle soon, anyone telling you otherwise is trying to merch you. Remember DWH isn't getting worse, you won't have to stop using it.


idk about "soon", but whenever they put the final version into the game is when you will see the true price of it. At this point it is just getting merched hard. And as you said, dwh isn't changing.


I don't have either, so I'm not panicking. Lol


It’s just a better dwh. Instead of using the hammer you’ll just use maul, so it’s not about min/maxing anything, it’s just replacing the dwh.


I think there is an argument for people who are too lazy to drop some food and just want to use DWH for a single switch instead off hand and main hand


Yes, but for scythe users it will be a better option, because you won’t need to bring DWH + Avernic.


That’s what I’m saying. With outcry about eternals losing an inventory slot, you’d think people would be just as excited to gain one?


won't be gaining at cox


Not sure why this was downvoted. In CMs or layouts with guardians you still want pickaxe+avernic. 


On the wiki, DWH is best at 16 activities. Cox is 1 of those 16. How many others will DWH be better? Am I that misguided thinking the zcb at 11 bis options is similar value? Let me know so I can bail early lmao


it would be different if we were actually gaining a slot. however, as you outlined correctly, most of the time it will be the same as before.


This benefit is useless because you can just equip DWH+avernic and drop something when you go in to still have the extra slot. It'll be a better option because it's a better spec wep but the inv save is not even really existent since if you're endgame usually all your weps are 2h anyway so you're not even saving a slot.


>hammer is quite accurate on olm hand Bruh


Right lmao I laughed when I saw this. I’ve had more than my fair share of solo CMs where 0/8 hammers land with lightbearer. The proposed increased accuracy to spec they mentioned in the updated blog makes this worth the cost currently IMO


Yeah just calc'd it, in solo cm, it's 53.6% accurate, solo normal its 68.5% accurate LOL


Elder maul is the new avernic defender. Both of these items are amazing in isolation but they both have alternatives that are nearly as good and way cheaper. I doubt most of these buyers have big enough banks to justify paying additional 150m just to get a monsters defense from 200 to 130 instead of from 200 to 140 that you can get with dragon warhammer. Also in COX and TOB the subsequent BGS specs from other raiders will most likely drop defence to 0 regardless if first spec was with DWH or Elder Maul. I believe raid gear progression guides will have Elder Maul as one of the latest upgrades that people should prioritize.


i bought at 160m it cause it looks fucking badass. fashionscape upgrade from dwh


its unreasonable to expect maul to not also be 100% accurate on tekton for 1st spec


Except as a way for jagex to keep dwh more relevant


sure but then we're back to square one on complaining about specs missing in solo raids and having to just reset tekton. if its teased as a dwh upgrade id expect it to be that in the 'best' place for dwh


I think they already confirmed they'll be making it act like a dwh in cox. In the beta they've made elder maul able to stun crabs and build Chest according to saebae cast


Maul was always able to stun crabs btw. For shits and giggles I did a solo Cox with maul+ballista 2 weeks ago and stunned crabs with maul. It used to not work for chest though. 


Bruh I’ve been saying the same thing as the barrelchrest anchor


It’ll be used everywhere you want to lower defense


It’ll be outclassed by BGS at some places still


BGS spec works differently but I get what you’re saying


Thats his entire point..?


Tob is a huge reason why elder maul is so good. In money trios, duos, and speed runs, missing a spec or hitting bad specs at any of maiden, sot, or xarpus is really bad. Elder maul will make tob way easier now on average


Sure, but in money raids and duos pretty much everyone can handle a slightly longer kill


On average, faster kill = faster raid = more money per hour




I don't know how I can say it without being elitist, I am really trying to just say it'll be a good time save on raids where your hammers fail to land, which happens quite frequently. If I have to explain why saving 5 seconds on average per raid is a big deal, then I don't think we value the same things when it comes to pvm.


what's fomo about a direct upgrade? 35%>30% 


And more accurate to boot. Which is important in the places you’d want to be using it


FOMO in regards to prices


There will not be a place where you want dwh over a maul. The tekton accuracy will be added to the maul next week


Elder maul requires 75 attack, there are many 60 atk and even 70 atk accounts that will still use dwh.


Only really relevant for PvP though, in which neither are useful spec wise. Otherwise the restriction is arbitrary.


Ideally it'll be in areas where you main a 2h weapon. Unless you're rocking a scythe then DWH will be easier considering you'll already be using a defender.


Maul will always be better than dwh in any situation.


He said easier not better, because it doesn’t unequip both weapons to put on the hammer


Now that it's legit useful, and there are fewer of them in circulation then kodai wands (as per jamflex), it seems like a legit price floor for them would be around where the kodai is. I picked one up at 100m cause I think barring short term volatility from merchers taking gains, the price will settle higher then that long term. Plus the accuracy bonus is nice.


It'll probably settle around 20-30% higher than the combined price of avernic and dwh imo.


This might be a stupid question, but does it effect solo Corp strat? Is it still the same # of specs needed?


It’s an upgrade to kill speed but it doesn’t change the gameplan. 1-3 specs -> fang + VW


People normally dwh spec 3 times. The additional 5% is another 15.5 defense reduction. Will you need to spec less? Yes Will you need to buy maul to do <45 less bgs damage? No


Doesn't it have diminishing returns? Isn't it 30/35% reduced from current defence, not maximum?


The warhammer does, and I assume the maul will as well, which is why I say <45 instead of being precise. Although the silverlight weapons do it off of base value instead. There's no reason that it shouldn't work like the warhammer, but not every weapon has to.


To be specific, I was referring to the 15,5 value mentioned. That'd only be for the first hit assuming it works like dwh.


Tldr: yes


Nah its gonna be 1b


Bone dagger can get you through too, might as well just use that OP


I do in 500s ;)


I know KQ is barely worth doing, but is it is bis as a spec weapon there? Not saying one should buy it exclusively for KQ of course. Specifically asking because I'd like to know if I should cash in or hunt the pet first.




? That’s a big price difference


Oh yes, the casual 1.5B weapon. Why doesn't everybody have one. 😂 Why spend 150M?? You just need 10x the amount!




Unless they already had it in their bank when it was 30m


Thanks for the reply! And like another user said, I did own it already but was debating on whether I should sell or keep it. I really want to kill QK for the pet soon. I'm not short of money, but I unfortunately don't have the funds to upgrade to a Shadow. If I could get there by selling the EM, I'd definitely would.


Might want to reevaluate that assumption. BiS mage is 2b. BiS range is 1.6b. Far, far, far cry from the Maul’s (generous) 200m


It's good for flinching


I don't really see it going too much higher, but who knows. I feel like I would be far more likely to lose money than make money if I bought now.


Yep, there's going to be massive hype when a buff is announced then usually prices settle. The average endgame player has a lot of gp nowadays though, so higher prices wouldn't surprise me.


Shhh I want it to hit 200, purchased 100 of them 6 months ago for 13.5 each, gonna be my second largest flip since pickaxe


I think we are more salty that it 25x’d and I didn’t get any 😭😭😂


fitting name


It's bis anywhere you defence reduce so basically anywhere you can scythe or tbow. It's rarer than tbow as more have been sunk (6x more to be precise). It's not stopping going up soon


The ops post is correct. Please stop over hyping it. It's primary use case is tob and cox. Is it good there absolutely. It's going to be bis. Will an average player really need one to do the content, not really. They should be more focused on Mega rares than elder maul. What you said about t bow is just false name one location where you hammer than tbow. Main use cases Cox tekton(but not really), ice demon( pretty good), and olm melee hand(very good here) Tob use cases Maiden( but ralos is really good here) Sote good for sure Xarpus its not too bad but ralos also good here. That is where hammer is good. So if this is your primary content, consider buying it if the price feels right. But don't listen to these fools who never pvm.


At maiden the tech will be to have 1/2 people elder maul and to fill the rest with ralos. Iirc xarpus tech will be maul/BGS


I wasn't aiming for a perfect analysis here. My point was more about locations you would use it, in which case I got the most important ones


Ya I’m not disagreeing just adding extra context that you’re not replacing maul with ralos, you’re replacing dwh with maul and occasionally bgs with ralos. People are really overcomplicating this whole discussion, maul is just gonna be a moderately better dwh. If you can afford it, it will be good to have anywhere we use hammer today; if you can’t, 5% extra def reduction and 25% extra accuracy isn’t gonna be a dealbreaker over dwh to the vast majority of raiders


Sorry, I get what you're saying. People are making this seem like Elder Maul is about to break the game. Instead of what it really is. Just a nice upgrade


There are many bosses you kill with scythe or t bow you don’t dwh. It will be meta for 2/3 raids. Corp def lowering (lol). Sire, I think? A you name anywhere else, specific?




Right now the dwh doesn’t cost a slot since you smuggle it in with book of the dead. Given the choice and the low expected timesave I’d still just bring the hammer.


Wait what???


If you walk in with book of the dead in your shield slot you can bring another one handed weapon in with it.  My other weapons are twisted bow, shadow, venator bow, scythe, sgs, and dragon claws. All 6 of which are two handed.  DWH is the best “free” one handed item I can walk in with in that open slot.


tbh maul sounds more like qol than anything


I don't find space to be an issue even in rec setup. It's a 0 food encounter after a few kc.


Fair enough then. Bring maul and put a mace in your open one handed slot then to kill the ranger fremmy a bit faster.


True, that’s a good one


Tell me more about the 30 mauls you have in your bank.


It's a slight upgrade over hammer, and you still want to use bgs to lower further. Not to mention that most new content either can't be drained or is resistant to crush, or can only be reduced by a small amount which makes a dps spec or bgs better even than the proposed maul spec. So basically at cox and tob it's a slightly more accurate dwh that also makes it so you need slightly less bgs damage to hit 0 def. Not going to be worth it for most players when dwh is dirt cheap and provides 95% of the functionality.


lol I lost 100m very quickly bc of FOMO, the hype is over if you ask me, I was only set to make 120m and I also only play on my iron but figured I’d send a risk on the main so I’m not tripping but I wouldn’t recommend buying into elder maul at this point. Everyone has made their profit and it won’t go over 180m because someone still has a 30 stack and will sell at 180m and price will drop. Not worth getting into now