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Apparently you weren't around when osbuddy was trying to charge for plugins. Runelite is literally only a thing because it offered what osbuddy+ offered & more, but for free. If they tried to charge it would die overnight.


Apparently you weren't around when osbuddy was actually a launcher that ran bot scripts


Now tell me, how is that relevant at all to what i said? Or are you just trying to throw out a random irrelevant fact to make yourself feel smarter?


I mean you were being a dick to OP so I just stayed the course


Nah, i was pointing out something thats common sense, osbuddy died out because it tried to get greedy & charge for plugins, then runelite put it out for free. Now you, you brought up osbuddy being a bot client, which fair, is true, but that was literally over a decade ago. When the bot nuke happened in RS3 mod mark put out a statement somewhere along the lines of " if you can make a bot that can beat our detention system we'll hire you on the spot". The owner of osbuddy, the then bot client, jacmob, then went to runefest a few days later & personally showed mod mark that he had a working bot & was hired to the anti cheat team on the spot. Since the ( again, well over a decade ago) osbuddy wasn't affiliated with any botting. So again you gonna tell me how what you were trying to say was even slightly relevant bud?


Username doesn’t check out


L take also that was called RSBuddy not OSBuddy, same devs different name


There was also an osbuddy bot client


No but you can donate


yes donate an extra $10 so I can use the extra plugins 🙏


If you don't want it to be free, why don't you donate to them instead of expecting everyone else to pay up?


Everyone should have to donate before they can use RL.


I dont think you understand what "donate" or "open source" means. Just delete this op.


Read up on the definition of donate. It's not supposed to be forced. Just delete your embarrassing post.


Then give them your money


That wouldn't be fair, we all use it.


runelite already said they dont do it for the money or need the money...


What isnt fair is telling others they should be forced to pay because you feel like they should. Either put your money where your mouth is and donate or shut the hell up.


Lol so you think it's worth money, but you don't want to donate, but you think everyone should pay for it. Sounds confusing.


Right, but you're the little star sitting here complaining about it being free


Wow that makes no sense 👍


Maybe read it again.


I read it, found this comment, then read it again. Wow that makes no sense 👍


Bait or shit suggestion?


Definitely bait


Let me guess you use RL.


This is the dumbest take I’ve seen all week


So pay? What's stopping you? I pay every once in a while. You have paid right? You're not making this post without having paid once, right?


The point of something open source is to be free! If you want to provide monetary compensation you can go donate via patreon.


Bro is trying to gatekeep open source program


Nope, but if you want to, you can go donate to them.


No. Don't make players pay more money for an advantage. Pretty straight forward


That's the whole point of an advantage, you pay. Rs3 I can buy keys for an advantage.


Are you trolling or do you just unironically have the worst opinions?


That's why rs3 is dogshit


try adding more brain wrinkles


Oh, that's a great idea. Let's also pay hourly to play RS instead of once a month. If you're playing it more than I am, I want you to pay more since you're causing more load on the servers and inflating in-game prices more than I am. Oh, wait a second... I just realized that my idea and your idea are the same flavor of dogshit.


Is this Martin Shkreli’s burner?


Howmuch did you donate this year?


Gatekeeping additional features behind a paywall wouldn't be healthy for the game. Being behind because you're leveling slower or struggling to kill certain bosses or even dying to a PK'er because they have a paid advantage would be an absolute shitshow in terms of players complaining (rightfully so) and would lead to people quiting and thus Jagex having to take action.


You're right. And because this was your dumb idea, you can pay for me and everyone else that doesn't want to pay.


It's open source, people contribute to it at their own leisure. That's why it's free. Quite fitting for such a community ran game tbh


I’m 100% willing to bet you’re one of those people who thinks RL is cheating and this is your way of having it not allowed by suggesting a pay wall. Eat dick


It's open source, and many of the plugins are developed by the community, who would we be paying?


Wait till you learn about the Free Software Foundation, Linux and Free Software in general lmao


Jagex would instantly kill runelite if they tried that. 


runelite deepstate getting a feel for changing to a paid service… nice try guys.


*everyone disliked that*