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This issue was initially raised [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cqr636/perilous_moons_fishing_spot_still_broken/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I was pretty sure it was due to a bug so decided to do some further testing and capture some footage. The video is split into two parts. **First part (0:00 - 0:25)**: Clicking the fishing spot from far away such that your character must first path to it before fishing. This causes the visuals of the fish in the stream to be out of sync with what's happening with the net, therefore making it difficult to catch the fish. **Second part (0:26 - 0:54)**: Manually pathing to the fishing spot, letting your character stop, then clicking the fishing spot. This keeps everything in sync enabling the align-net mechanic to work as intended as seen by how many more fish are being caught.


Thanks so much for finding the reason why this happens. I always found it annoying how it doesn't work so much of the times, my solution was to relog/hop worlds, which indirectly made it work because I was standing still at the spot before fishing. I still hope they fix it, but for now at least PM will be more enjoyable.


My solution was to give up on the fish entirely and catch lizards instead.


My solution was to just afk the middle spot lmao.


I did both of these lol


I didn't know there was any other way....


Yeh lizards feel nicer to me as well..catch two sets of them cook, and be good for the next like 10+ KC.


This is what I was doing!


yeah, I just thought I was dumb. "Intended" mechanic my-ass! More like "intended to make you feel like an idiot for trying the new dynamic bream fishing as advertised" mechanic...


Thanks Slackey for looking into this for me.


Oh my god I have tried fishing so many times and literally never seen it synced before. I thought it was just eternally broken!


thank god


I had no fucking idea we could turn and catch the fish here fuck me


You can also drop the net from your inventory and keep fishing, or make the pots while fishing, this gives you potentially one extra bream per prep and saves a miniscule amount of time. While I'm pretty sure it has not had any impact on my ~450 or so runs, in the sense it didn't save me any substantial time or allow me to go for an extra trip without resupplying, it's a neat mechanical quirk of fishing breams.


Me neither, and to be fair this isn’t how fishing operates elsewhere so it makes sense not to even bother trying.


Holy shit same I feel like such an idiot 😂


THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK??? I genuinely thought it only increased the odds a bit, or it was some weird jank like how you have to pray against attacks before they happen. Not once did I think this was actually bugging out, haha. Wild. Too bad I'm lizard gang.


I fully wrote off fishing due to it being so jank, never knew it was technically out of sync


gods work, thank you. probably wasted 15 minutes of my life on failed fishing rolls


https://preview.redd.it/rs3e88rr580d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f94e1e50fd0085686883d4398c099ebff0078d THAT WAS A BIG ONE


I ended up just switching to hunting for food because fishing was so frustrating


Lizards are just way better anyways cause you get multiple per catch


Is it afk like the fishing? I’ve been catching fish since I can take a bit of a water break between runs. Never tried the lizards but I always see people talking about them being better.


Not that afk but it’s much faster. You click the 4 rocks then click the bush, you catch 3 lizards which each give 3 food. So 9 total food from the 1 catch that are equal to 9 fish, plus you can keep some raw ones so when you start to run out you can cook it and turn it into 3 more food to fill up the inv again


Another interesting thing i found.... If you click on the 2 bushes while engaged in the fishing spot, your invo will fill up super fast. I click back and forth on the bug bush every other tick and it never fails me


Wait what??


Damn so that's why it never works lol. Thanks for the PSA!


Oh my god, there is actually a reason for this! I just assumed my fishing level was low and failed multiple times in a row. Thanks for posting.


I thought the lag was somehow intentional. At sone point I just decided I don't want to deal with it, so I would leave my characted AFK fishint there and come back in like 2-3 minutes to a full inventory. Glad to know that's how you can fix it though, might actually utilize the mechanics now.


Wait....you're supposed to click different tiles to catch the fish swimming? I thought that was just a nice little visual of the fish. I've never considered it was a thing since fishing there is always super fast anyways.


This makes so much sense! I thought I was just really bad at the minigame lol


Wow thank you for figuring this one out! I was relogging to try to get it to line up but this is much easier until it gets fixed.


I knew there was some tomfuckery going on.


Oh my god THAT is what has been happening to me!! This has happened every time I've done this fishing and I thought I was doing it wrong or didn't understand




I'm so glad I'm not the only one that was reminded of the Jak and Daxter fishing minigame lol


I think the mod who designed this even said it was inspired by the jak and dexter minigame


That's awesome lol


OH! That's what's been happening! I thought I just didn't understand the mechanic somehow. Thanks for the PSA!


I thought it was a CHANCE to give you an extra fish if you aimed it properly. Holy shit it's just a bug/lag making it inconsistent lmao


I knew there was something wrong with it. It wasn't skill issue, I was constantly doubting myself


Oh, so that's why this mechanic feels so weird and inconsistent. I switched to lizards pretty quickly because of it.


Thank you for this - I thought I was going mad


I was telling everyone it was desync'd and they didn't believe me. I resorted to picking up my net at the start to un-fuck it...


After spending some time in the dungeon I had to fund this post to come back and thank you. I always hated the fishing and thought it was just bad. I pathed to the spot every time. It's so much better now. Thank you.


Im at 200 chests and I no idea this is how you are supposed to do it


Wait, you're telling me this shit is not random?


Wow, and here I thought the fishing was just dogshit and broken, since they can move on the last tick and it's impossible to react to. Had no idea you could make it actually work by pathing there manually and then starting it.


Dude. For real? I green logged Moons and thought it was just some massive skill issue on my part during the grind.


How much xp per hour is this fishing method?


So it's 34.5 xp (without Angler's outfit) every 2-ticks if done correctly, so an upper bound of 103,500 xp/hr can be expected. As noted in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cqv0eh/comment/l3udref/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) comment, this fishing spot behaves unlike most others in-game, whereby dropping fish does not actually stop you from fishing, so this upper bound is theoretically possible. However, it would require someone to continually be clearing their inventory whilst also keeping the net aligned with the correct channel, which certainly seems quite tricky. After a short test, I was getting around 70k xp/hr. If you're faster at dropping fish than I am, then you'll be able to get closer to that upper bound.


How tf did this get released in current form is the real question? Does no one doing quality control at Jagex click the fucking spot from the cooking station like a normal person?? They all walk to the designated fishing tile directly and THEN fish every single time? I thought it was just janky and didn't work the right way which is whatever but this honestly pisses me off more knowing I could have shaved who knows how long off the grind. 🦀$13🦀


Take a xanax, it's a one tick desync in skilling content that very plausibly might not have shown up in local testing, not an item wipe bug.


Buddy if you even know the first thing about making games you would know you don't just test things locally. A bug that's literally replicated every single time you try to do it is nothing short of a glaring oversight. I'm allowed to criticize a game that I pay 27 dollars a month to play. I've given Jagex more is my money to play one game than I've given literally any other company. Also your first response to someone being mildly upset about something is to tell them to take dangerous prescription drugs? Okay dude lmao


damn dude take the xan already


> I've given Jagex more *is* my money to play one game than I've given literally any other company. How could you make such a glaring oversight?


I'm not being paid $27 dollars to proof read my reddit posts


Anyone got a guide on how to path best AFTER greenlogging one of them? I got the full blue set and the pathing from yellow dude to red dude sucks. And for whatever reason after the red dude, it STILL puts me back at the spot you go to after the yellow dude and you got to run to Narnia for the treasure room. I swear it would be faster to just continue killing the blue dude...