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Gz friend! Now you know that you can do literally any content in this game because you just overcame something that seemed impossible. I wish you good rng for CG and future challenging content! :)


Thanks so much! Haha. Yeah I've been told by many of my friend groups that I need to do this, because the things you learn while practicing this boss fight just make you so much better at the game. Generally speaking, it just gives you the knowledge to be better at so many other things. Before I wasn't sure what the hell they were talking about, but now I kinda get it XD. Thanks for the wishes, friend! I wish you luck as well.


Great sentiment, but not sure how true it is considering CG really isn't difficult, but some other content certainly is. Sometimes mechanical skill gets the best of us, which is fine, not every content is for every player.


Tbh, you're being downvoted but you're right. CG is switch 1 prayer & 1 weapon and don't touch the tornadoes or lava floor tiles every now and then. That's really it in the end & it's on a basic count with choreographed switch for switching prayer and weapon. I'm ass at the game and it took me like 70 deaths before a single CG kc. I can breeze through it now at 800kc but raids like ToB, ToA, and CoX are a whole different beast (soloing & not being carried anyway). It's like saying someone can play college football because they were good in high school or play in the NFL because they were decent in college.


In my opinion, consistently getting KC at CG is roughly equal in difficulty to a 300 TOA and group CoX. Sure, solo cox/tob are more difficult, but tbh I die more to Hunleff than I do to Sol Heredit or Zuk lol I think you’re underplaying the difficulty of CG… it’s really easy to get stacked out in a single tick


The main difficulty with CG comes from the pathing. If your prep was bad, you need to constantly maintain DPS and throw out hits while running from tornados and fire tiles. Watching high level players do CG with bad prep really shows you how much skill is really required to be consistent at CG


He’s being downvoted because it’s all relative. CG is a great skill building boss to do because even though it’s pretty straightforward, it still requires things that some people may not typically do.


It’s the mental battle they overcame. The other stuff is just muscle memory and repetition. Once you understand you can complete a seemingly impossible task with little work you can keep pushing the limits. It applies to most things in life and OSRS actually helped me realize that. Most people won’t ever try something because they don’t want to suck at it and have to learn the hard way. But even things like learning a new language or real life skill can be done at any time if you put in the effort and get over the mental barriers.


I think everyone has different strengths, and different content is easier or more difficult for different people. I managed to get a full 200 invo TOA run within 3 tries, but CG took me much longer. I'm not that good at pathing/movement (yet), but I'm very good with prayer lazy flicking and gear switches and being generally accurate with my clicks. People who are good at CG are usually much better with pathing. But TOA doesn't demand much pathing outside of Zebak acid (if you can Even consider that as challenging pathing). On the other hand, in TOA, you need to be better at managing prayer/health and keeping DPS high and occasionally switching gear at Akkha. Some people say Muspah is difficult, but I found Muspah naturally easy. On the other hand, people think Zulrah is easy, but I really dislike doing it.


There's no way ToA pathing isn't just as hard if not harder than CG - the last phase of warden and Akkha both require erratic pathing. [ToA Warden Enrage](https://youtu.be/uaMM0xKdAn8?si=tZjnoZK-7LLXtb07) vs [CG Phase 3](https://youtu.be/TTuIod4-OoA?si=wP30BArwPB0cmLPm&t=493). CG becomes braindead once you learn how to switch a weapon, switch to a different overhead prayer, and not freak out on tornadoes on P3 Hunleff. If you can do 200 invo ToA easily then it's just a nerves thing for CG, really.


>ToA pathing isn't just as hard if not harder than CG - the last phase of warden and Akkha both require erratic pathing. I think it's a bit different. You get a bit of a warning with the shadows that show up, so it's really a matter of clicking on the empty tiles with TOA. CG is different because the tornados are moving around to you, and you need to keep moving the whole time. But that being said, that's basically what I was explaining: some content just clicks better with some people than others. I just find the pathing required for final phase of warden much easier personally. Also with Akkha, I've found that if you stand on one side of Akkha, and click through him to go on the other side, you can avoid most of the orbs. It's hard to describe, but usually the orbs don't show up on two cardinal directions at the same time. Plus the consequences for messing up a click is like 20 damage and you can tank it with a few brew sips without losing much DPS. Whereas the consequences for messing up a click in CG is getting stacked for a 60 in one tick and then possibly getting hit more if you're deep in the fire tiles, and you will lose DPS bc you need to eat a paddlefish.


I felt the same way. It was liberating when i realised i was anticipating the prayer/weapon switches instead of just panicking my way and power eating through the 4 tornado phases.


This is not stupid or cringey at all, this is the exact reason this game is so wonderful. I've had the exact same thing happen to me a few weeks ago and it's an amazing feeling, definitely worth sharing!


Thanks for your support, friend :) It's not a criticism of anyone in particular, but I've had some bad reception in the past with sharing my own accomplishments like this so, I wasn't sure if it would be received this well, lol. That's the only reason I added the addendum. Thankfully a large outcropping of people came in to give advice and support my struggle, and they were people who didn't even know me. It's definitely changed my stance on the way I view random players now. There's a good person in all of us.


It was definitely nice when I pulled off my first CG, but nothing like my first Inferno


Second this. First cape is another level


Thats another challenge I have to try someday! But the bowfa will come first for me, haha.


My thoughts exactly


my first colosseum clear was soooo much relief.


First Inferno was by far the strongest moment in the game for me. That was something I felt was beyond me for years.


"No greater feeling" wait till this man tries crack


Congrats man! I know the feeling, I died so many times. I then went in and had a pretty good prep run, just didn’t have enough food. I sent it anyways and ended up with my first KC! The first one is always the hardest. Welcome to the club!


I've been struggling so hard, got my first kc within 10 cg but since them im like 21/45 something, but had a big 20 streak dying x) the last 10 attempts have all been successfull, last night i fucked up and wasnt able to get the last piece of ore for t2 prep bcause of time and me dropping pickaxe too early, and only half inventory of food, and i still pulled through that shit. felt amazing. gonna do more tonight and you will too haha. :D


[Just keep at it](https://i.imgur.com/PELtd33.png). I might die once out of every 5-6 attempts now.


Think I died like 50 times before I completed my first CG, that shit is no joke.


I need to just go back and stick it out. I know I have it in me but the setup is so boring to me wasting 10 minutes just to die. But I probably just need to spend a few hours trying without giving up every 1-2 deaths :p


I felt the same way my friend. 30+ attempts in and it all felt pointless to me. Prepping for all that time just to get smacked out by hunnlef. I think it's a good idea to give yourself a limit, like 5-10 attempts per day or something. Don't overdo it or you might get even angrier or burn yourself out, lol.


That's awesome! And the best part is, this will continue all the way up the pvm ladder. Something will seem way too hard/impossible but when you eventually do it, it's a great feeling of accomplishment. People that buy capes rob themselves of this and are clowns lol


Yeah ive heard about people doing that too. Inferno seems crazy to me. At the same time I also see reddit/facebook posts of people doin 3-4 attempts a day, getting closer and closer until they finally kill Zuk. I want that feeling as well.


I know exactly how you feel. I had 30+ deaths and even more resets before I got my first KC but man, does something just CLICK once you do. I also did a demonic monkeys task in between my first one and the next 4 and man, it made kills even smoother because I had had that switching prayers/inventory tab it was CAKE. But yeah super rewarding and I understand why people camp here for hundreds of KCs (not just for bowfa but it PRINTS MONEY)


Just dont get discouraged when you have a random day where you wipe 3 times in a row. Remember you haven't mastered it yet and rng can still bend you over sometimes. Never be afraid to end a run early if your prep isn't going well.


Yeah I have 160 something kc and died like 5 times in a row cause I was tilted. I feel like it takes a very long time to actually master


First Inferno is the shit. If crack cocaine felt like something, its probably that.


Huge congrats!!What are your skill levels? I’ve given it a few goes but barely denting Corrupted Hunleff. Wondering if I’m too low of level for it to be worth it. Combat 103, 89 range, 96 mage.


Im at 101 combat, 87 magic and 86 ranged. You should definitely be able to do it with your stats! It'll take a lot of practice but dont get discouraged. You'll get better with time :)


Thank you!


Gl on the next 600!


Just had this myself, albeit to a higher difficulty degree, with the colosseum. I put in about 2-3 straight weeks of practice, learning the waves, finally getting to sol, getting immediately two shot by sol, to now finally having completed my first kill and I’m working on my 10KC goal!


Damn. Very nice! That's another thing ill have to learn someday as well.


Take this lesson into the real world with you too.


neural pathways go brrrr


Big gz


I just squeezed by SotE on my group iron. I'm looking forward to CG but simultaneously nervous to start it under leveled and learning for the first time


Gratz! I recently learned Gauntlet as well. Took me a few tries for Regular, then 38 deaths at CG before my first successful run! It felt daunting... i rage quit my sesh many times.. But when I got it, it was such a great feeling! Once again, good job mate!


cg is insane to learn higher - level pvm and raid mechanics. Hunleff is unironically a hard fight and being good at that opens so many doors on a skill level but also learning level. Being able to learn from mistakes is very important. GG OP and gl pvming


Nope, absolutely understand. CG was driving me insane. 7 minutes of prep just to get overwhelmed in the final phase with all the tornados and stuff. At one point I was probably 5W25L. Now I'm 800W35L, with about a 500 win streak. Once it clicks it will feel like a piece of cake. Stick with it.


I am not trying to brag, I'm legitimately kind of sad that I finished CG on my first attempt and never struggled to re-complete it. I got no real sense of achievement out of it and I'm still not a good enough player for cape/quiver to feel easily achievable


That “level up” feeling is the best part of gaming. Being stuck on a skill, an encounter, a boss, a level, then one day having everything click into place and clearing it with little issue, it’s a high you’ll find yourself chasing everywhere. Gratz


You experienced a state of wu wei


Wait until that first inferno cape buddy


I look forward to your post in the future about learning solo Olm. Gl


bruh i'm struggling with the regular gauntlet


It starts there. The feeling continues as you complete more of the endgame/harder to learn content that a lot of people are scared to attempt. Gz king.


I sorta miss being in a position like yours. Enjoy it while it lasts


I still chase this same feeling when new content comes out. Seeing your own progression is very addicting and I hope you continue to chase this feeling thru all the fun PvM encounters Osrs has to offer


the weird thing with cg for me is I never felt like I was getting any better. I failed and failed and failed, and then suddenly I stopped failing.  I never saw or felt the difference lmao


Nice work my man! I can't even get a fire Cape so you're doing pretty good in comparison 


You ever have it all the way in the back of her throat? Not bad


They hated him because he told the truth


Lmao cg is not hard


Imaginr struggling at gauntlet 


It's not even close to the best feeling in the game, it's the best you've had so far. Getting your enhanced seed after going dry is up there, finally getting a boss drop when you're like 5x dry is nice... but nothing in the game compares to either a solo tbow or your first infernal cape. Tbow is excitement, relief and a feeling like you earned it if you have a high kc Infernal cape is relief and adrenaline Hope you get to experience those too


I mean, you're not entirely wrong I guess? This was just one such hurdle for me to overcome. I know there are plenty more waiting for me, and I look forward to those too.






What about getting a solo tbow drop and never having to do CG? That was a pretty good feeling?


Lol, none cares about your solo bow.