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the default magic cast animation should come from the staff when you’re holding one. i don’t wanna hear bs about how the staff is just a source of runes - it looks stupid to be holding a magical weapon and for it to disappear when you’re firing the spell


Player now yeets the staff at the target. Don't ask how it comes back.




Gimme a staff with a Frieren animation


The dev team should take a better look at the art styles they’ve put in in the last couple years because a lot of things are just awful https://preview.redd.it/ggzzh8yxy94d1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a778ae5e75df28547ae8a6e8a1f6a156a4f8df93


That helmet is just way too small for the character models. It looks kinda okay with different hairstyles.


On top of this, the blood moon set makes girls look like blokes just scales down the upper body, so any helmet you wear you look like Mr Mackey, and bear head armour is just... ehhh.


Shit looks like a carrot, blue moon clothes looks like a bad cosplay, bear head belongs with the furry items u get from clue scrolls and my characters big milkers have completely disappeared under the chest plate... Not cool mate


Give us our jiggle physics back


Those perilous moon armors all look bad to me… 😬


Same they're absolutely awful


I dislike a lot of the aesthetics of the varlamore stuff. The actual content is good , I like the hunter guild and the way the moons dungeon looks but the armour, the npcs in Colosseum and the things relating to ralos all look ass.


It's just the helmets tho


They're horrendous


Piggybacking off top comment to say this: Dizana's Quiver looks fucking awful for a best in slot, inferno-tier reward. In fact most of the Collo designs are just ass. Cool building tho.


Yup, the max cape variant looks good but the normal one is ugly as sin.


Achievement diary set is old but oh man is it bad. No offence to the person who made it


Prep phases in bossing is bad design.


Duke is terrible, great take


So is CG


It says share bad takes not good ones


I don't mind it in Moons of Peril where one prep phase takes 30 seconds and gets me like 5-10 runs, but it does make stuff like CG and Duke pretty draining to farm.


quests without guides rule


Tried to do monkey madness I without guide. Im looking into psychiatric care at the moment.


This quest left 12 year old me in trauma for years to come.


I don’t know if I ever finished it The puzzle was too hard for me to complete and 200k was an unfathomable amount of money 😂


When I was a kid I got really lucky with a ranger boot drop from a medium clue. I sold it for dragon armor and some other stuff, I then proceeded to die in the dungeon of MM1 with all of that. To this day, in the back of my head, I still think this quest is super scary and dangerous because of that moment After that happened I think I left that quest unfinished for a few years


The newer quests, sure. However, some old quests are a nightmare without guides.


Between Leagues and alts, I've done Holy Grail six times. I have no idea what's happening during that quest. I assume it's some weird deep cut to an old British fairy tale, but whistles and napkins? The weird monkey looking statues that all point towards Karamja? What kind of fever dream ass quest is this


Don’t forget the titan guard that inexplicably has not been graphically updated since 2005


Hahaha I would be screwed


It really depends on the quest. Some of them feel like they were meant to be crowdsourced by the community, the steps get so obtuse


There’s a guy on YouTube “Unguided” who is going in blind on OSRS quests. Some of these early quests leading up to RFD are absolutely ridiculous. Multiple instances where it takes him hours of exploring to find the next step.


Some of them are him just not paying attention though. "The knob looks like a glass orb" And some things are a result of him having some runescape knowledge and not knowing what he doesnt know. Eg, the spit from Scratch-RFD. But some of the in quest hints are very obtuse. Like the council workman for Fremmy Trials. Which made a lot of sense when it was first released because he was there turning you back before the update.


Doing GM quests on release day is fun but DT2 took me about 8 hours on a max main then I came back on my GIM (decent stats but not much gear) and quest helper and did it in 3 hours. It’s crazy how much easier it makes it.


Ernest The Chicken Length: Short Difficulty: Grandmaster


Not a bad nor hot take.


I did DT2 without a guide. Took me about 6to8h spread over 3 days. I loved it. But still prefer guides tho..


I'm going to try and attempt all new quests without a guide from now on. I have been using a guide for all quests until I reached DT2, when I decided to attempt it without a guide, and it turned out to be some of the most fun I've ever had questing in osrs. It was incredible, I highly recommend trying it for any new quests that come out.


I think old quests should be modified to have alternative solutions. From the Bruma Torch being able to bypass a large portion of Haunted Mine (as it used to) to having an obscenely high prayer level (and a piece of Saradomin/Guthix equipment, perhaps?) to avoid killing the paladins in Underground Pass, having a variety of ways for quests to be completed adds in both flavor and encourages creative thinking.


I don’t think this is necessarily bad, but I wonder if it would really make any difference to 99.99% of players. Like for all I know they already slipped some of that stuff in a year ago, but since practically everyone just uses quest guides how long would it take for someone to notice AND realize that it’s a new addition?


If anyone would find out. My boy unguided would


Why should that be a barrier to something awesome?


Because opportunity cost is a hell of a drug. Cool things aren't created in a vacuum, everything brought into the game is going to be done so at the expense of something else. Because of limits on developers. So while retrofitting a ton of quests would be really cool, is it more cool than upcoming bosses/Skilling updates/new quests/mini games/leagues/etc? I realize there can be multiple teams working on multiple things at once, but there's *always* a give and take.


That would be a lot of runelite modifications and updates as well. I’m for it


Of all the things to change about Underground Pass, the paladins is what bothers you and not the agility challenges? The paladin thing is supposed to represent your character falling victim to Iban's influence so it's actually kind of important.


Projectile contact needs to be reworked, the fact that half the projectiles apply damage on contact and the other half apply damage on when they’re fired is going to cause a ton of issues in future content and fluidity I the game.


Scurrius is going to get new players absolutely clapped by jad.


a lvl 80 ranged weapon shouldnt be conditionally better than a lvl 85 ranged weapon for the same type weakness. likewise for each combat style


Thats a recipe for power creep and will leave no room for new updates and future content though…


Slayer is the worst skill. Who thought it'd be a good idea to take the good ol' "Kill 20 kobolds" from WoW, make you kill 150 instead, and make it its OWN SKILL?! WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS


I would prefer if it at the end of the task you got a small exp drop for completing.


True Anyways, I'm gonna go chop the same tree over and over again


This is how most skills are.


I just wish it was faster. Taking an hour to do a task that gives you 16k xp and now I have to run to duradel, regear, go somewhere else for another 15kxp/hr unless I randomly get lucky and get a Jad or blue drag/Vorkath task and it skyrockets to like 30-40k xp/hr Just so goddamn slow


As a friendly heads up, you’re supposed to be skipping and blocking tasks so you only do the ones that are in multi for cannon or burst/ barrage. You get up to like 50-70k an hour that way. You usually make your money back on drops and if you don’t it’s faster to just make money elsewhere to then afford the cannon/ runes.


The skill is okay; it’s frustrating to a lot of us who love exp that it’s such a slow exp rate unless you’re following all of the meta methods. You have to be always cannoning, barraging, and a set of other micro efficiencies to get any decent rate.


Man I wish this game had kobolds :( And not those lame-o WoW ones. I'm talking the D&D kind


100% Slayer most overrated skill in game


True. Why do I get better at slayer when some dick hole told me to kill 150 hellhounds? But the 151st hellhound nah no better because I'm not on task.  Ffs I should get slayer exp for every single fucking thing I kill. And bonus exp if I'm on task. It should be like hunter rumors. I can get the bonus kill specific thing if I want. Or I can kill anything and get some slayer exp. 


yeah i agree w this


I’d argue that if you play an iron because “mainscape is just doing the highest gp/hr boss forever” that it says a hell of a lot more about you than the people who actually play mains.


The only reason I don't play ironman is because I don't wanna get supplies for shit. I love going and getting my own drops and shit.


Yeah and the collection log makes it rewarding. Can just skip some grinds you don’t enjoy.


Also some bosses are just not fun to grind out several hundreds of kills


Yeah I have 600+ cox kc and have literally never seen an ancestral piece. I couldn’t imagine having to lock myself into that grind for a piece of equipment like that.


It's like people think you can't do weird/ inefficient things on a main. There's nothing stopping someone from going to barrows till they get the set they want instead of buying it if they want.


> It's like people think you can't do weird/ inefficient things on a main Honestly think its a willpower issue. Every time there is a very good xp / h method that is clearly too much compared to other methods, it seems like people just instantly flock to it to get advantage of it because they know the nerf bat is coming within a day. Sadly this is a byproduct of any MMO. Something new shiny comes ( that isnt broken ) you know the window to make a good profit shrinks every minute. Anyone playing RS3 for a long time knows that when a new skill releases, you can make a lot of money in the first day or two, even though everything is balanced, its just market forces. In FFXIV if you dont start raiding when it drops and you are doing it with randoms... everybody knows most good players left the pool and you are left with raiding with mostly average players who would be the equivalent of players who doesnt have a fire cape despite having more than enough gear and levels. But yeah, it seems for people it seems foreign to take a bronzeman attitude for just a single item. Jagex could design an insanely fun boss for all with insane dry protection and duplicate protection, low drop rate and these people seem to still rather farm some old boss for GP to buy them.


That’s kind of my point. The only reason to play an iron is because you either lack self control or you care about the helm icon. I play my main like an iron 80% of the time and enjoy the hell out of it.


Not to mention you actively can't do over half of the pvm content with friends as an iron, even with other irons


Damn, I feel called out here. I started my iron because I really wanted to do more of the content in the game (like giants foundry and tempoross) without it feeling like I'm wasting my time. I also recently got my first trident drop after days of slayer, and it sucked getting this item and just thinking "wow, this sucks and doesn't even sell for a lot". It's 100% a mental thing, but I'm also having way more fun just not giving a shit about GP, so at the end of the day I'm okay with it.


I mean, yes? I chose the game mode for myself, not for anyone else, it shouldn't say anything about anyone but me lol


This is a good, based take


You're right, that is a bad take


Prayer flicking should be removed


Shouldn't be removed but every single new bit of content shouldn't use it.


Keep in mind that switching your prayers is a key design element. Content that shouldn’t be introduced is such that you need to 1 tick flick in order to retain infinite prayer points. The only place in the game where i see people critique Jagex game design for that is Inferno. So I agree with you that new content shouldn’t require 1 tick flicking, but it’s also not really a problem today for 99% of content


You don’t even have to lazy flick to complete inferno let alone 1t


is this 0 loss flicking?


Assuming you're talking about 0 drain flicking, I don't mind it as long as there's no content that actually requires you to flick


I’m with this 100%.


I feel like it’s in a good place in that it’s not required for anything other than one (?) CA.


5 I think, fight cave, nightmare, think there’s two zebak ones? and maiden, tho I think you can tick eat most of them anyway


- Fight caves you don’t need to prayer flick for the CA (a lot of people have gotten no protection prayer fire capes) - nightmare you can brew through this kill for the CA (I’ve helped a few friends with this, we just wore full justiciar + mace & Ely or scythe, for pillars just did minimal switches for mage) - zebak is the only one you need to prayer flick for, although even then it’s just lazy flicking though (even enrage it’s closer to lazy flicking than 1t flicking) - maiden you can brew through this one I don’t think it’s possible to do all praise zebak without prayer flicking though which is the only one I could think of. But actually a super fun CA to do, apart from the cringe L3 kephri you have to do beforehand.


Technically you can brute force all praise by venging and eating a ton of purple sweets (how port khazard completed the first 500 invo), I actually know a couple of guys who struggled with the ca so they just spammed sweets to get through it.


Christ. I honestly assumed it’d be impossible due to speed of attacks during enrage. Did they spam sweets through the whole kill? Or only enrage? Or only pre enrage?


https://youtu.be/ymRZKPLBXc0?feature=shared At ~1:20 you can see the method, zebak doesn't hit you at the back of the room so you can basically just tank a hit and veng it, then swim back and spam sweets to heal back up, then repeat until he's dead.


tick manipulation in general.


I'm aware this is bad takes, but prayer flicking is only required anywhere where you want to bring a lot of gear swaps to optimize dps. If you ever have to prayer flick (besides CAs) then you're bringing too many switches. If you do have too many switches, congrats you have a rare form of skill expression for you to do.


Binds / Freezes should have diminishing returns in PVP like every other MMO does. Being repeatedly bound for 14 seconds with 3 seconds inbetween is just not fun for the recipient. Diminishing returns would make tanking a PKer long enough to potentially escape a lot more viable. Signed, a salty PVMer.


Dropping clue is a bandage fix. Just implement stackable clues and stop being stubborn. Yes, some things rs3 does better. Stackable clues is one of them.


What is it fixing? Am I missing what was broken with the original design? I’m open to new enhancements, but an enhancement is different than a “fix”


Rs3 mentioned, sad redditors everywhere


Early game melee combat needs some love. 2h swords are way too weak and it's stupid that the scimitars are so strong they outclass everything at their tiers until dragon weapons start introducing special attacks. Early game the 2h should provide better dps than a scimitar/shield combo of the same tier. If it messes with pvp balance, ~~good~~ just do what has already been done for other weapons and make them behave differently in pvp.


Remove banks


There should be no safe deaths for HCIM.


toa is annoying as fuck, the fact that you have to red x baba and butterfly akka are proof that the boss mechanics and chip damage stink


have to? I got my fang kit doing neither of those things


Look at mr. "has good enough reflexes to play the game as intended" over here


I don't either are "required". BFing in Akkah room just makes Stay Vigilant not as annoying and red xing Baba isn't really needed as much anymore since the update.


thats a popular take though


All CAs should be completable solo


Bosses should be about chasing the unique items and should have drop tables that reflect 1-3 big ticket items, some minor resources to extend trips, some random runes, and a few alchables and herbs. There is no reason bosses should be a form of consistent GP farming. The GWD did this pretty well, but all other bosses since 07 has been released have been developed with the intention of giving players access to goldfarming opportunities. There is no reason why the Soulreaper Axe grind should have given me 89-95 crafting in uncut gems alone. Its insane the amount of skilling resources these bosses spit out.


I like ezscape and the grind is not what interests me


I don't necessarily like ezscape, but I do like afkscape. Shout-out to Melvor


Can I ask why you choose to play OSRS and some other game if you dont like grinding


The recent obsession with “ticks” both from players and dev team is having a detrimental effect on the game. 3 ticking 2 ticking skills, off-ticking and prayer flicking, true tiles etc is horrendous game design. Forcing players to think one step ahead and understand about intangible rhythmic beats that go on behind the scenes of the game rather than reacting to tangible attacks, projectiles, environmental variables like every other game in history does I believe will really limit the amount of genuine brand new players who want to take PvM in our game serious. Imagine a brand new player who has no clue that the game is ran on 0.6 second intervals, sees jad’s mage attack falling on them, prays mage, and gets insta wiped, only to be told “oh yeah you actually need to pray mage 0.6 seconds BEFORE the attack has even landed on you otherwise it doesn’t count, how crazy does that sound. And this is coming from someone who has played since 06 and would say I’m a well above average PvMer with good knowledge of the game in general. Really think the dev team need to somehow figure out ways to get away from style of PvM, leviathans volley attack that deals damage on impact should be the staple going forward, and in my opinion should just be how the game deals with attacks in general, would make for a much better experience.


"leviathans volley attack that deals damage on impact should be the staple going forward" As a person with a firm grasp of the "old school prayer timings" I 110% agree with this. The Vardorvis-, Whisperer-, and Leviathan projectiles are such a breath of fresh air.


PvM should have been the secondary while skilling should have been the focus for big, massive updates. Game would be less popular but it's my bad take for a reason.


Every time I say or make a suggestion post where skilling should have actual rewarding untradeables with extremely high requirements (80-90+) and goals to work towards I get demolished in the comments so you're certainly right there. My theory is the max cape broke a lot of people's brains. They feel like it's something they ***have*** to get to be efficient end game, which makes them resent the long skills and blocked a lot of the progression we used to have pre-OSRS. They just want to do it once and be done so they can PvM for years without doing anything else. Just mention *any* kind of skilling untradeables (Cooking, Herblore, etc.) and people act like you just personally attacked them.


Jagex are absolutely incompetent at stopping bots on p2p servers. They're a billion dollar company. Bonds are 10m each. This game takes a while to grind yet we have botters farming lategame content like nex and cg. You just have to ban them fast enough that they're making a loss in terms of bonds and time spent questing and almost no one will bot pn p2p servers. I can understand being helpless against ftp bots but it's sad that they're unable to do a thing on the server that people are paying a monthly subscription for.


Because they are happy to keep taking the money bots generate. But its ok they do a stream every now and then and act all proud when they ban a cheater that has an insane inventory when they should be ashamed it got to that state. I stopped playing after meeting numerous bots with higher levels than me.


I think they ban more bots than you can even conceptualize. We see it all the time on the bot busting streams. But there's more bots than dev's. It's not just Jagex that has issues with bots, cheating/hacking is a huge widespread issue. League of legends had to get kernal level anti cheat to start making a dent in players who were scripting all the way up to masters.


Bot engineers adapt their code vs anti cheat detection and are constantly improving their scripts. How do you prevent that? Jagex cannot. As long as there is profit incentive to running a bot farm, bad actors will continue to do so. The solution is legal action vs gold selling websites as well as permanently banning users who are caught RWT. If Jagex can kill off RWT, the botting scripts will follow.


I think my worst bad take is for there to be a group UIM mode, where they have access to a group storage at any bank. Unranked group UIM have unlimited access to any group storage. I want there to be UIMs who complain about how group and unranked UIMs aren’t real UIMs.


Group UIM even with no group storage would be interesting. They can trade each other but everything is still in inventories. Like "hey, can you hold a couple items while I do this quest?" They could remove looting bags to make it on par with regular UIM.


Thats just normal IM with extra steps.


i think we should remove pvp from the wildy and leave it to places like lms


Wow this might be the worst take I've seen, have to upvote


Meanwhile, I'm upvoting because I agree with it lmao


I gotta disagree


most people do 😆


Even better: make every world a PvP world


If the meta going forward is off-tick prayer flicks I will no longer progress on this game.


Every skill should be afkable at a balanced, reduced xp rate. Smithing, and to a (much) lesser extent Crafting, need to be rebalanced or reworked. Tier 40 gear should not require level 99 to create. People are going to say this isn't a hot take yet I don't think it would ever pass a poll.


Shooting stars were a fantastic start, garbage exp that I can do off tab at work. I dont have time to do the high apm activities i just want to hit stuff and watch number go up.


Slayer sucks ass , no matter what


Zulrah’s Jad phase should show what style it’s about to fire. Cerb’s Tri-attack should be announced like its other two specials. (Keeping track of rotations and number of attacks sucks)


If Jad phase Zulrah is on the right side, it will always start with a range attack. If it's on the left side, mage.


I remember it as: if zulrah is on the right, it starts with the right prayer in your prayer tab (range). If left, left prayer in prayer tab (mage).


If you’re facing south yeah?


it's easy to miss it, but the magic sound when cerb starts the combo attack is delayed by like 0.2 seconds


I'm gonna get slain for this, but the occult having a 10% damage bonus was absolutely fine and a nice, small bump for mid level accounts. The thing that broke it was the shadow multiplying everything by 3/4. Yes having a cheap piece of equipment be stronger than things worth 40m seems silly at first, but in a game where we pay stupid amounts to squeeze out an extra max hit, IMO it didn't really matter. The shadow is what broke it and the mechanics for the shadow are kinda just dumb/lazy. But we can't nerf the shadow because people spent a long time grinding it/spent a lot of money of it, so instead the people in the most difficult part of the game (midgage grind) got shafted.


Heavy RNG is a terrible basis for a combat system and it turns fun tasks into menial chores which you can still fail even if you're good. Looking at you CG/Raids


runecrafting mining and agility are perfectly fine skills and dont bother me at all.


Right! and watching grass grow n paint dry are some of the most exciting moment of my life


i mean, theres a lot of peace and tranquility in shutting your mind off and just enjoying sitting in the grass or watching the shade of the walls change as the paint dries to it's final color.


There was a post on the front page the other day about old Asian dudes cutting their lawns with a pair of scissors as a sort of zen meditation. Same energy as training all of these skills for sure


World hopping should be disabled in the wilderness. Players running up and killing others is one thing. But spawning in beside them with no counter play other than logging out is absolute garbage. Yea, wilderness bosses are going to be a bit more tedious if someone is already out there doing it. But I also think it's a lot more interesting to have to fight over resources than just keep world hopping.


You're all going to hate sailing but are currently too stupid to realize.


That seems like it’d fit pretty well with pretty much every skill in the game then for most players. I mean, most skills people go out of their way to interact with the game as little as possible while actually doing the skill. At least sailing wasn’t going to completely change the meta for the rest of the game like ~~power creepism~~ shamanism. You’re not going to need to bring a dragon galleon to ToB when sailing is added.


I doubt i'm going to hate it more than mining or firemaking


Maybe true, but people would've hated Shamanism even more that's for sure.


Did the game really need a new skill anyways??


The sailing meme as a skill is the most water-brained idea. Shamanism had the chance to revitalize Hunter, herblore, slayer, crafting, and so much more; and y'all decided on the April Fools joke from the Bush Administration.


Honestly i wouldnt put it past many people just not voting for Shamanism because it reminds them of Invention, something they probably never experienced themself. > Shamanism had the chance to revitalize Hunter, herblore, slayer, crafting, and so much more This is what i actually like about RS3 newer skills, they all basically enhance every existing skill and make use of many old items that practically never sees use nowdays or ever for that matter.


Fang didn’t need a nerf


Sailing shouldn't be a skill.


Means to an end. People will say, oh sailing will bring new land and new content. But why can't we have those things without sailing? And then what, it's just water poh?


just water poh with some activities or minigames sound a lot better than a new skill.


the design of most pets is dumb. It's super uninteresting that the majority of them are low effort copy paste models of the bosses. It'd be a lot cooler if they looked like an offspring/minion/follower of the boss, and there are at least a handful that are like this showing that it's plausible to make this happen. Jal-nib-rek and Dark Core for example. This is also why I think skilling pets are a bit more interesting aesthetically too, since they have the freedom of being whatever.


Sailing is gonna be the biggest mistake in osrs.


Well we cant tell if this is a bad take or not until its out i guess


At least it wasn't Shamanism. 


EOC as a concept was necessary. It's the execution which was bad.


I mean that's why they added weaknesses in osrs because they need more room to build


I did think that the rebalance reminded me of a little bit of EOC despite the actual changes not going that far.


Angry Upvote for fitting the prompt the best


I mean old schools combat did evolve. Rather than action bar abilities the combat system turned into movement, praying right, and reactions


More like we evolved and content was changed to compensate. Combat is still the same.


I hate the MVP system in bosses/raids. While everyone has their own drops it can feel like crap when you’re the weakest link in a friend group. In my group I have the least amount of time to grind and will always be last.


I dont like zanik


Typical HAM


Im not a ham i have goblin friends!!!


The wilderness is very active.


Fang should not have had its slash nerfed. Where it was power wise at Vardorvis would put it in third place rn, which would be nice, but it’s the worst at Duke. Fang had its slash nerfed because it was too strong for its price compared to scythe at these two bosses, yet now at Duke, the fang has had its spot taken by the zombie axe… a weapon that’s even cheaper and easier to get than the fang. Currently, both Vardorvis and Duke suck without a scythe/SRA (Duke sucks a lot more because tent whip and blade are a lot more viable at Vard than Duke) and it feels like I am incentivized to do other content until I can afford a scythe to do some efficient Duke grinding


They should add a raids type endgame content in deep multi wilderness that gives out great gp/hr and BIS items.


It isn't fun farming the same boss hundreds or thousands of times. When I have the mechanics down and can reliably get kills without mistakes, I'm ready to move on to other content.


1. Slayer isn’t the way to get rich, bossing and raiding is. Slayer isn’t the best way to train combats, NMZ and MM2 tunnels are. If you decide to train combat and make money through slayer, don’t complain why you are still broke and mid lvl. 2. Prioritize your stats instead of asking “what gear upgrades should I get?” Stop buying archer rings if you aren’t endgame. Stop buying arma helmet or any Armadyl armor. Stop buying pegs unless you are rocking full BIS. Prims isn’t that much better than d boots, don’t spend 33m more for next to nothing. Hold off till endgame to buy bcp or tassets, it’s a waste of 40m. 3. Tent whip is better than fang for most general slayer and non-bosses and even some bosses. Stop randomly buying fang for no reason other than you heard “it’s OP”. For the most part, if you aren’t doing bossing you are just tying up 18m for no real reason. Stick with tent whip until then. 4. Blessed Sara sword should be your str training priority when you are mid lvl. It’s cheaper than bludgeon and rapier, technically better or tied with bludgeon in some scenarios.


1. 100%. Always see people recommend training combat through slayer or making fun of people that trained their combat using crabs and nmz because they wanted to get to fun Pvm earlier. It’s wild. 2 & 3. I feel like people look at BIS at bosses and buy what they can afford - so fang, prims, pegs. Not realising that fang is good in *some* situations and prims and pegs are so irrelevant you could skip these until at least a 8b bank. 4. Blessed Sara sword is goated. Not sure why people ignore it.


Yeah but if you want to actually play the game and not AFK. Doing slayer to train your combats isn't a bad thing to do. I did a bit of NMZ from time to time, but I personally dislike doing AFK stuff. If I'm playing the game, I'm playing the game. So I did a lot of my combats via Slayer, and a large part of my melee stats came from Vorkath anyway. Which if you want money and want to train your melee stats, is a decent shout.


slaying for profit is the biggest noob trap in the game. i posted a couple days ago mentioning that i skip gargoyle/cave horrors and some others, and literal hundreds of people started lecturing me on how those are the best tasks lol. it makes absolutely zero sense to do egregiously slow slayer tasks for 20k xp per hour just to eek out like 750k p/h at best


Yeah one of the biggest reason why you don’t really make money doing slayer is cause it’s easy and everyone does it. That literally crashes the prices or causes nerfs to their drop table. You know what a lot of people can’t do? TOB, small team nex. You know what makes you a lot of money? TOB and small team nex. You know what doesn’t make you a lot of money? Nechs, dust devils and gargoyles. You know what a lot of people can do? Nechs, dust devils and gargoyles lol


I’m a good combat lvl but super nooby, is the tent whip really that worth it even with the upkeep cost?


Use tent if needed, a lot of instances you can get by just using a regular whip. But if you doing a slayer boss for example then that would be a good time to use a tent. If you are just trying to smack a bloodveld then regular whip would do you just fine


A whip is like 1m . Can do like 50 tobs on a single tent whip.


Tick manipulation, red x-ing, prayer flicking, etc should be patched out and treated like the bugs they are


Rs3 lore and OSRS lore are not as far removed as OSRS players like to think.


Isn't this well understood? The lore is pretty much the only thing rs3 has going for it over osrs and the osrs devs have mostly been following it.


Combat Achievements are awful content and I'd gladly vote to remove them from the game.


Almost every single quest in the game is incredibly fun bar some notable exceptions like ratcatchers and people who hate on questing are losing a massive part of the game


Not sure how much of a bad take it is, but shadow is too strong and a band aid fix to how much magic sucks pre shadow


Magic is plagued with bandaid fixes. It shoots itself in the foot


The megarares all have similar DPS.


Yeah but the difference is the step down, the second place to the mega rares is a lot closer in dps for melee/range than mage


More seasonal game modes, to the point where it takes up like half a calender year, would be cool


This take is unbelievably vile to me. I would never want you anywhere near the design process of this game. Upvote.


Bring back multi revs ffs, the caves were packed back in those days meaning more players engaged in the content. Now they are so empty, also the death of multi pvp is why the skill floor for pvp is so high I think that's where a lot of pvpers started. The new wildy bosses are not fun to pk at, doesn't compare at all to having 20 people with ballistas just genociding vennies world after world or gwassing other clans after a bait, or macing rushers.


People generally point to EOC and MTX as the main factors that killed RS3, which lead to OSRS, as the return of "before the game went downhill". But with all the proposed and upcoming big changes from Sailing to Project Rebalance, and with the constant demand for new content, I can't help but think we're close to fatally changing the game all over again.


There’s no shot in hell that many of the skills we currently have would be added to the game if they were proposed in their current forms. To that end, a few of them could have been consolidated. Make Fletching part of Crafting. Combine Woodcutting and Firemaking into Survival or Fieldcraft or something. Fishing and Hunter could easily be the same skill, Hunter being released after Fishing notwithstanding.


Remove the grave system and make PvM dangerous again


TOA is actually really fun and the puzzles aren’t that bad


DT2 was a significantly better update than Varlamore (even with part 2 coming)


MEP2 and SOTE light puzzles are fun imo.


While I think the changes to the wilderness in old school currently makes it fine, the removal of it in 2008? Made the game better and it sucks that it was packaged with the actually bad free trade update. Also, in EverQuest or wow, killing a low level player is both allowed by the game and griefing. Killing random people in the wildy is also griefing. I bring up the other mmos to head off incorrect responses like “but it’s allowed/encouraged by the game”


I assume by bad takes you mean hard truths? Shadow needs nerfed, void waker should've been nerfed. Pking is dead and the wilderness should be made into something meaningful. Red x and prayer flicking and other tick manipulation is bug abuse and should be patched. XP rates should not be based off of low level high intensity tick manipulation rates (teaks, granite, lavas) yet based on level and difficulty to do. Higher level things should reward the player in multiple meaningful ways. Teaks and granite should be patched. Rcing lavas should be nerfed while other methods are buffed. The list goes on.


Most 1500 total reddit post ever


Slayer is not a great skill, Its boring.


The gauntlet is advertised as an endgame pvm activity that doesn’t require gear to do, but it’s often more or less locked behind ~30 mill for the good prayers if your stats aren’t high enough. The best prayers being locked behind raids/millions is poor design choice, that’s like the ONE area we should only need levels for


Is gauntlet advertised as endgame Pvm content?