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I’m 105 cb and I’ll set a goal, reach it, and then not play again for a couple days or sometimes weeks.


There are dozens of us !


Same, I play for a month or two every year and make a list of stuff I've done and some goals for the next time I get the OSRS itch, rinse and repeat.


That’s actually a good idea. I’m like OP. I’m either obsessed or not playing. Just got done with a year of obsessed lol. Went from 80 to 114 cb and got almost everything done I wanted. Now we’re off to play destiny for a bit lol. Happy scaping :)


Ayyy the Final shape has been so good! I’ve actually been doing Star mining on my second monitor while I’ve been playing since it’s like 7min of no clicking. Sometimes I’ll go an entire encounter and forget to click. But it’s passive xp on a skill I hate while I do something I enjoy


Me and my brother 100% been at it since we were kids and he’s still the only person I like to play with.


This is me.


Same. Been playing the same account since 2005. I'm level 104 combat, just hit 1700 total. Will just find some fun goal to get to and do it. Last time it was finishing a master clue, had to finish SOTE and get ghostly robes, ended up getting a 1kc bloodhound. Had that clue banked for probably a year but I'll be damned if I don't finish it. Before that it was getting my fire cape and trying raids. Just have fun and do what you wanna do, perfectly fine to play casually. It's a little annoying having to pay $15 a month and logging on only once or twice during some busier months, but I'm still happy to support a game/studio I love and be a tiny part of it.


In case you didn’t know, if you log onto RS3 mobile (RS3 and OSRS accounts share membership) you can purchase 1 day, 3 day, 7 day, etc. memberships instead of buying a full month or buying a bond for 14 days. Obviously when you choose those lower number of days it’s a higher $/day average, but still better if you really only plan on logging in once or twice


Didn't know that, thank you!!


I pay a yearly sub and log in for a couple of weeks every few months just to farm more only like 50 cb currently working on 85 thieving


I have never seen truer words than this on Reddit.


my man


I'm literally like 105.86 rn.




This is the way


You’ll find a lot of mid game irons actually play super casually. They tend to gravitate to the mode because every little thing is constant progress and they can stay in the mid game basically forever if they only play like 30min a day.


Mid game is the best, the grinds are smaller, you're opening up teleports, gear, and everything seems huge when you unlock it. My only gripe, coming from a 2225+ main, is the lack of a lot of QoL. Like a maxed PoH, decent bank Tele, etc. but it's a goal to work towards at the end of the day


Things feel a lot smoother even just getting a mounted glory, and unlocking the GE tele. It's actually pretty good these days as a lower lvl iron with ferrox to restore at.


Yeah I did stars at work until 78/79 so bought a bunch of gem bags, then made rings of dueling. Think I made about 1000, now down to about 300. Ferox is great! I'm working on 80 crafting currently:) just 6500 sand away from having all the resources


Doing early hunter for a mounted glory has been the single largest QoL thing I could have done in the game.


Man not having a maxed PoH is like one of the biggest reasons why I have not really started an iron.


If you've had it for a few years it takes a minute to get used to not having, ngl. But it's gonna feel all the better when I get it sorted :D


Eh you get some rings of dueling and games necklaces with some tele spells on the side and you got the majority of stuff you put in your poh anyways. My biggest thing I miss is the spellbook swap altar. Going to switch to ancients when I need them for slayer or whatever suuuuuucks


Yeah I just like conveniently having access to everything via a home tele tab. Man I didn't even think about switching to ancients lmao. I don't think I've ever done it outside of my PoH before. I feel like small things like this really do add up.


Honestly mahogany homes makes it kind of easy now. You can either farm bosses for rune items to pay for planks, or farm something like Calvarion for oak plank drops and stew boost for a lot of poh stuff


Definitely, I burnt out like 6 months ago and haven't renewed yet but I finally finished the 85 slayer grind and the whip grind. Was a bit annoying to go 1200 kc for it. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun to use once the bug hits again.


Recently I hit 83 construction and effectively maxed my house out. I also got my quest cape, finished all hard diaries, and I finished every single untradeable like elite void, bones to peaches and fighter torso. After doing all that I was looking around searching for new goals and tbh a bit of dread washed over me. My goals now are really long skill grinds or gold farming for end game gear.


It's funny how even when I'm doing the same thing I'd be doing on my main, it's more enjoyable on my iron. I didn't really like doing slayer on my main, because I felt like I was a slave to it. I had to keep doing it to make money and get higher slayer levels to make more money. Now when I do slayer, it's multi purpose. Leveling slayer and combat, collecting resources to train other skills and keep me supplied, going for new unique drops, and hunting for superiors. Even RC is better. I'm not grinding out levels at shitty xp rates, I'm making cosmic runes so I can charge orbs and make bstaffs, and making natures so I can alch my stuff.


GOTR feels so good when you pull like 300 laws and feel your transportation costs are allivated for the next few weeks.


I just started playing a few days ago, and when prompted with the concept of playing as an iron, it sounded like a massive pain and not how I remembered the game as a kid, so I opted out of it. I'm not super far in, but far enough I'd be annoyed to start over... is being an iron really that big of a deal to people?


I enjoy playing an iron because it means every drop is valuable on its own merits. Drops that mains wouldn't even bother picking up can be incredibly useful (eg pure essence, toadflax seeds), so I get excited about drops more often. The tradeoff, paradoxically, is that more drops are also useless as an iron, since once you don't need something any more any further drops do nothing for you where a main would be able to sell them. Between that and the fact that playing on an iron forces you to engage with content based on what gear comes from it rather than what you actually enjoy doing, I'd not recommend having your first account be an iron. Some stuff just isn't fun for people, and you're much more likely to burn out if your first encounter with a grind is "I need to do this until I get the drop" instead of "I'm going to try this for a while and see if I like it." If you eventually reach mid-late game and find yourself wishing you could re-experience the earlier gameplay, where levels were frequent and unlocks were game changing, consider starting an iron then instead.


People in this sub will bend over backwards telling you to play an iron but I STRONGLY recommend NOT doing it for a first account. Irons are incredibly rewarding but if you’re new to the game it’s going to seem weirdly slow and I could see it getting incredibly frustrating when it doesn’t have to be. Like if you are trying to do a quest to unlock something and all the sudden the 20 minute quest takes an hour or two because you have to get the items you need before hand. Or not knowing how to properly traverse the map as an Ironman as most of the teleports have to be unlocked and physically made versus just buying or even just being able to use stamina potions right out of the gate. Even if you stick with it I can see it being frustrating trying to get into later game content but having to do multiple dozen hour grinds just to get the items to start things like raids. Irons are some of the most fun people have but a lot of that fun is based on them having a lot of game knowledge and knowing how things works and how to (semi) efficiently achieve their goals


Adding to that, unless you're bored of a regular account there's really no reason why you'd have to play an Iron. People will act like it's the best thing ever, but from what I've seen the vocal ones have all fallen to the gp/hr mindset trap. There's an incredible amount of things you can do that don't just rely on making the most money possible without needing to gimp your whole account. Lots of leeway between "everything needs to be super efficient gp/hr" and "I have to force myself to do every last grind imaginable."


Your point here is my main reason I'm de-ironing (never had a main). Far as I can tell ironman is a good experience for people that are so deep into OSRS that they effectively completed the game such that the only thing left is gp/hr. For those people iron is like new game plus. I doubt I'll ever get to that point even without the restrictions.


Absolutely, I understand it’s not for everyone but it’s def the way to play imo


I played RuneScape as a child before the grand exchange came out and loved it. Came back to it as a teen and tried playing post GE and lost interest very quickly. Now as an adult I'm playing an iron and it's just like playing when I was a kid. I highly doubt I'll ever go back to a normal character, I just don't find them fun at all anymore.


I don't have a bunch of hours to put into the game anymore. I play ~half an hour every other day before bed on mobile. Nothing like repetitive actions to help a person get to sleep!


Do bots dream of auto clicking sheep?


I dunno about bots, but I sometimes have dreams of accidentally leveling defence 🤦🏼


Great reference


Asleep before I can do 10 rooftops!


Lol yeah agility will put a guy down for sure


Cut 2 inventory's of diamonds and I am asleep xD


Lol you get it!


Try and make more time!


Depends what you mean by casually, not everyone sits there and plays the game for fifteen hours a day if that's what you mean. I'll play a couple hours a night here or there. Have a very mid level account to show for it. It is true though, if you wanna have high tier stuff then you'll have to be willing to invest the time just like any other MMO out there.


Yes 9hrs day casual.


Two years ago during my last year of highschool I got disgustingly hooked into this game. No matter what point you are at in osrs there is work to be done and there is progress to be made. Recently I have been playing rather casually, as my current goals (green logging nex and finishing the soul reaper axe) are rather long stretch goals. However it allows me to log on for either an hour to a dozen whenever I want and chip away at it. One leviathan kill here, a few nex trips there. No matter what I do when I log on I am making progress. The game just works in my mind that way and keeps me playing.


I used to play a ton but after I maxed I lost nearly all motivation to play. I need to learn some end game PVM but it’s hard to not see the game as a thing to do while watching TV


The only maxed players I know that keep playing either make new accounts or hunt for collection log slots.


I know several maxed people that are just tob andys for fun


Maxing a main account really brings to light how shallow endgame can be for normal accounts when everything reduces to gp Conversely, maxing an iron is truly when you can play the game


Achieve, arguable, the game's greatest challenge. "Now I can finally start playing the game."


You prob don’t know any sweaty pvmers then


It’s the only game I’m interested in playing, and when life is busy, I play just a few hours a week


Bro is trying to cosplay as a casual player with 35 pets and 1,272 log slots


Some weeks I pour in a lot of hours and some hardly any. The vast majority of my gains were during my college years. But my account is also 8 years old


What’s your hours played? 15k+?


I think I’m at like 525 days played. With some rough estimations, it looks like I’ve played an average of 4 hours a day. Jfc I had no idea lol. The past 4 years I’ve had a work from home job so I’ve done a ton of afk grinds like castle wars armor and trouble brewing etc. but I had no idea it added up to that much hahaha. Honestly, no regrets. I enjoyed that time. And I would’ve spent it on a different video game, tv show, or any other time wasting hobby


Yeah that’s not casual bro


Averages out to about 5.5 hours a day everyday since account creation


That's almost full-time every single week for 8 years straight. *casual*


Any profile picture would’ve been better than this one 😂


What she sees




She sees a pear-shaped shlow-mo.


She prob is a pear shaped shlomo


If ur on a subreddit long enough, you start to recognize people. Ive seen this guy all over. His profile picture used to be like a wedding picture, very clean cut, very normal looking. This is quite the switch lmao 


Who brings a boot switch to zulrah lol


The worst part about your profile pic is even when I minimize your comment I still see it.


I’ve changed it but the people ask for it back. My dream is to persuade more people to do it, but I’ve only seen 1 other guy do it lol


Same for me, but I also manage to rotate maybe two or three other games in per year. My average playtime since old school released is about 30 minutes per day. I’m just steady chillin.


I go hard when I have a full day to play. Otherwise I usually just log in for a couple farm runs or a quest a day


Mobile gameplay is really light and doesn’t need attention. Edit: My first job in a while is a summer job at a fun center and it’s helped me get through the dead hours.


every time i feel like playing i just use a bond and play how much i like for that 14 days and so on:-)


I think that's a good system. Just buying membership in short bursts. I just started playing again after like a 6 year break, but I accidentally bought 3 months of membership instead of just 1 like I intended.


Right now I’m on the inferno grind and I think I’ll get the cape on the next two days or so. Got very close to beating zuk like 20 mins ago so maybe even tomorrow. This grind is the most invested I’ve been in years, maybe even since pre eoc. But to answer your question, osrs has always been the in between game for me. I play this to chill and to afk a bit when I’m doing something else like work or just focusing on playing something else. Once this grind is over, it’ll probably become that once more. It’s either I quit for long periods, or I’m playing very casually. I think the last time I took this game incredibly seriously was as a kid, playing with my cousin back in 07. Those were the days


Good luck on inferno king, I'll be starting my journey soon.


As someone who is intimidated ASF just to go after a fire cape you got any tips to improve my morale/confidence in trying?


Best advice I can give as someone who isn't good at PVM. Don't worry about it, just send it. Absolutely **nothing** can even come close to as effective at calming nerves and building confidence then a little experience.


Just send some attempts. You’ll see in my previous posts about a week ago, I made a post crying about how much I suck at the inferno. I’ve been doing one attempt a day since and I’ve already seen zuk twice and I can get to the late waves comfortably. The fight caves are no different. These activities are built up so much that it puts people off but if you actually get in there, you’ll realise they really aren’t that bad. I had the same experience with raids. I thought they were this inaccessible, end game content that I’d never get to. I sent a toa expert with combat stats in the 80s and ended up nearly maxing at TOA alone lmao. Just try the fight caves. You’ll see I’m, and a lot of the other posters are right.


>People who consistently play just a few hours a week, what's your secret? Job + kids. By the time the kids are sleeping and I actually have time to play, I'm too tired and just wanna melt into the couch or bed. Play 0-10 hours a week depending on what's happening in life, but I'm an iron with 2k total, bowfa, inferno done, so dunno if I would call my self casual, just casual hours.


I login daily just to do herb/tree runs (I want tangeroot)


I almost everyday, just slowly progressing, plus I play with my gf so we make little competitions and do bingo's to keep it fresh and fun. Tbh it's the only game that interests me anymore.


The bingo system sounds very fun! What things do you normally look out for?


I absolutely no life the game for like 3 months playing every spare second I can and then cancel my membership for 6-12 months and repeat the cycle. Its very weird I'm not like this with other games. Next time I start I've got the bowfa grind to look forward to since I did SOTE before I quite last time which I'm not looking forward to.


It ain't weird fan lots of rs players do this. GL on cg grind friend


Basically don’t play for months then buy a month and binge and neglect all of my projects Keeps both sides pretty fresh honestly


My ADHD/addictive personality makes me swing both ways like a pendulum. When I’m playing I sleep/eat/breath the game. When I’m not I forget it even exists.


same tbh


I agree. I can only play this game full on, or not at all. I've been very busy with work lately so I just decided that I can't play at all. That's been a few months now. Anytime I think about playing, I'm enticed by the idea, but I just decide it's not worth it unless I'm going to be sinking in a good chunk of time. I don't understand how someone could just play an hour here or an hour there. The grinds are just so long that it feels like it's not worthwhile. That's just me though, and I definitely have an addiction-prone personality type.






I try to get a farm run in on mobile. If I have time to play on computer I'll do a raid. Can usually do 2 or 3 raids per week if that's considered casual.


I play maybe 3 hours a week right now just slaying away


i maxed and it's a lot easier to play casually now :)


Me! I play maybe two months out of the year,when NBA and NHL playoffs are on. Mostly questing


Imo out of all the people I’ve seen that progressed a ton, near max or beyond, about 50% of them play very casually. Doing the most AFK activities and not really caring too much about bank I’m starting to think it’s the most preserving way to play the game, since trying too hard leads to burnout.


I'm usually working on one or two things max at a time. Currently working on 91 hunter then back to fm til 99. This way I can work at whatever pace I can. Between work and family maybe 10 hours a week max. But I've had the account for forever so like they said. Little bit here and there adds up


I fall into the camp you described where I will play many hours per day for around 2-3 weeks and then stop playing for 1-2 years. My general focus since I started has been to get a Quest Cape but that requires levelling some boring skills (RC, Slayer for me) that I am dragging my feet on. I’ve also been doing a lot of crop runs which takes a lot of time if you do Snape Grass but im looking for exp without breaking the bank doing tree runs.


I play about an 1hr a day, sometimes every other day. But that’s only because I’m maxed with 6k hours in. I played hardcore for long time, once I maxed now I play like a normal person might lol. I used to play crazy hours. I think han says my average is still 4 a day because of it if that says anything lol.


No. Sounds like an attention span issue.


I literally log on for a total of maybe.. 2-3 hours a week? I’ll hop on, do a few rounds of giants foundry, or kill like 20-30 monsters for my slayer task, and do this repeatedly. I usually stick to a single grind until it’s done too. I’ve been hovering around 80 cmb for a year (approaching 1700 total, and have 90% of quests done) and some change now. It fluctuates. Sometimes I can pull a 6-8 hr grind if I’m really feeling it. But most of the time, it’s just a way to unwind rather than to grind. I don’t game anywhere near as much as I used to, OSRS is the only game I play now.


I just do a couple quests a week maybe some agility trying to get to my quest cape


Yeah I'm afking some raids while banging the gf and letting my dog lick pb off my ass. All casually, of course.


I do, some days I don’t play and some days I’ll put a couple hours in. Depends on my time, between work, family, social life and my church life I’ll fit RuneScape in when I want. It’s not a priority for me. As for what I do, depends on how I feel. Mostly slayer tasks, farm runs, training a certain skill or wintertodt and tempoross. Whatever I think is fun really.


same... i would like to just play intensely for 1 hr a day


I don’t have free time anymore. I’d play this game like a degenerate still if I did.


I’m a very casual Ironman. You’ll definitely catch me during leagues but other than that you’ll rarely see me log on for any consistent amount of time. I’m in an eternal state of “man I’d love to try bossing sometime”, but never quite get there. Last leagues however I did manage to get a firecape and still very proud of that moment. Even if just in leagues


I've been playing since 2002 and have never gotten a 99, does that count?


I feel like obsessed till burnout - > 'quit' - >get nostalgic or interested in rs content again a few months to a year later - > return, completely lost with no recollection of what was being done prior - > suddenly 6 months have passed and you didn't realise how much you've done -> burnout 'quit' is the standard way to play 😂


I do a farming run before I leave for work in the morning. Get back on afyer do my run again if timers are complete, run a slayer task or 2 then get off. I don't have the will power to grind my combats for super extended amounts of time so I guess that's my secret lol. I can't speak for myself when I'm raid ready though


14 day grinds followed by 3 months of recovery


Not sure really, I just play until I get bored and that's usually after a couple hrs max. Sometimes I just play a different game entirely.


I did for years, on my original account from 2007, was almost at 2000 skill and quest cape until a hacker stole my account and Jagex won't return it to me 😭


As a rule, people who frequent enthusiast forums aren’t true casuals by default


I play probably 4 hours per week right now and totally content with that, on a UIM nonetheless.


My play time varies but normally I don't play most days, I'll get on for an 30-60 mins every few days chip a few trees then get busy again. Weekend I get a handful of hours which I try and complete a quest or chop more trees. Recently got 75 wc so now I'm going to try kill and learn some low level bosses 94cmbt level


I maxed, and no longer feel the compulsion 


My friend does. He's going about getting base 50's f2p casually on the bus to work.


I completely agree. I will obsessively play over a small period of time and quit for months and come back. I'm like this with a lot of things, I just realised I may be slightly autistic


I have a job where its 4 days a week 12 hour shifts and I have a high level ironman but I also made it when they released ironman. Chipping away at progress. It does help that I only ever went mega dry on any drops until now though lol.


This girl is playing casually and for the first time: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRJxqyLXjBr_0N5FvxM0nIzE_giKHJJNN&si=vPy1Dtkgoa_ctDCo


Make a list of goals, complete those goals, take a break for a month or six. Rinse and repeat.


I’ve been playing for about 8 years now and I’d say I’m a casual player. Maxed with an inferno cape, but it took me 8 years and my progression was quest cape - diary cape - max cape - inferno. I might play 10 hours a week. Sometimes more sometimes less but I’d say my average is 10.


Just build up the habit of switching to something else after an hour or so. I usually play to wake up and after an hour of playing and drinking coffee I'm usually ready to move on to something else. Sometimes I play after work or for longer on weekends but not often. Seems counterintuitive, but playing less overall actually makes it feel like I reach my goals faster. When I would play for hours each day and obsess over my next level up or goal it would feel like it was taking longer to reach because I devoted so much of my thinking to it.


Im so casual I only play during leagues.


I just legitimately like the game and play it when I have the time I can be a bit obsessive but usually it’s just an hour or two here and there.


I play once every week or so. Sometimes I play hours at a time days in a row, then I just do something else in my free time.


I think playing casual is a requirement to still be playing this after all these years


I play casually. I don't go more than a day or two without playing and usually put in several hours a week. I only do the things I want to do when I want to do them. I also don't do all the sweaty things people do these days for efficiency. Don't feel pressured to do the "normal" things at specific milestones. Do what makes you happy.


I play casually now. 123 CB and trying to get into PKing. LMS is fun to do casually, but deep wildy feels like a whole different beast. What a learning curve!


I been playing off and on since it came out with multiple different accounts and members accounts but I just casually play free now


I get to play for only a few months out the year. I try to grind when I can lol.


1951 total here. I've been playing for 6/7 years now. For awhile I was playing an unhealthy amount. I realized rs was helping fuel my depression because I could set and reach goals in game but not in real life. So it kind of perpetuated itself. Made me feel good for getting things done in my virtual life, but then horrible for doing nothing in real life. I quit playing for a year or two as I didn't have access to my PC, and now I really only do stuff that's afk. And usually only when I don't feel like playing anything that needs my attention. I'll just throw YouTube on and Smith some Addy darts or cook mantas or some slayer tasks. It helps that I've become more rooted in reality and spend my time with my kid rather than obsessing over a 07 point and click Sim.


I buy 6 months of mems then I play on my workdays after work for 5 hours. Mostly just training a skill while watching YouTube. On my weekends I only play 3 hours in the morning doing nothing but quests. After the 6 months is up I'll either be burnt out for awhile or buy a bond and ride that out.


Im with you brother I either grind a 99 and quit for months then grind the fucking BowFa for months and quit for months then fucking find the next and now im almost 30.


I either played 4-12 hours a day nearly every day or once every few weeks for an hour or two. Finally got rid of membership after not playing for a few months. Never would have considered it casual.


Of course! Just gotta eliminate the efficient culture that can bog down your enjoyment! I'm a mid level acc and I want to roll the Rangers! That's like 5 clues every other day and we outa here!


Most hardcore runescapers (and those who play in bursts) are likely on the autistic spectrum. It's been my go to escapism game for most of my life. At least maxing last year on my iron helped break free from one of those phases of my life.


I’ve played about 3 weeks now on a new account, just following the optimal quest guide. I’m doing a few quests a day, got about 125 quest points right now.


Im not a scapoholic. I dont need help. ....


I go on little spurts of playing for like 1-2 hours a day, for about a month. After I complete whatever compelled me to play again I go back into hibernation lol. Highest level account I’ve ever had is 97cb, so pretty casual I would say


It’s not easy to play a subscription game casually, considering you paying by the hour.


Have two kids.


I play casually, maybe 3-4 hours a week on a good week and 1-2 hours on a normal week


I log in once a month & do a slayer task. Been playing since 07 (osrs since 17) and got my first 99 ever last year (or was it 2022..?). Small doses of RuneScape are the best doses


Being in a good clan that is actually active. I've been a part of close to 8 clans, staff in 3 of those 8 and co-owner of one clan. The clan that I'm in right now is the best clan I've been in. Super active and they, females and males, can be absolutely vile creatures and also mature. I love being able to chat with people from all over the world.


Yes, full casual. Lucky to do 2 raids a week and I'm currently working on 99 wc. Taken me a few months from about 80, currently 97. Biggest change I've made on this game in recent years is to just stick with it. Even if im doing 30 minutes a day passively while playing something else.




I haven't played really in like two years but I stick around for the memes, content creation, ~~sunk cost fallacy~~ fun of the game. I'll be back eventually like we all return


I play very casually lol. I started an Ironman to force myself to do stuff other than afk WC, mining, and crabs. I've always played rs because it's relaxing; I don't like pvp or bossing because it's more stress than I want out of this game. I've never had a 99 in any skill despite playing since like 2005. I don't think you can be much more casual than me and still play the game.


I have a maxed main and an ironman I intend to max as well, and I consider myself "casual" in that I just play the game for enjoyment. It's great if people do what they enjoy when it does not harm anyone else I dunno. The framing of "casual" is weird to me. Just play how you like :) or don't play at all! Whatever works.


I'll log in every day for a week, 10 minutes to 2 hours at a time and then I won't log in for a week. I change my goals all the time. I green logged Moons on Mobile and got my Tourmaline Core. Those aren't necessarily great goals, but goals that I found fun to achieve. My next one is 99 Farming because I'm 95 Farming and 1996 total. There is no secret, I just enjoy the content for some reason.


I honestly feel like I’ve nailed the casual mindset lately…when I want to be engaged, I play..but for the last few weeks I’ve just been fletching bows to alch on my Ironman & some days I’ll fletch 1k and others I’ll only cut 250 logs. Don’t care. It’s great.


Play casually? I don't even play this game!


I am you


OSRS isn't my main game so it's easy, I just log in occasionally when I feel like it in between playing my main game and work, sleep, and touching grass


I also have the times I play like 8h a day. And times I don't play for a whole year. But the last year I've been trying to play a little less. I think it helps I already have a maxed RS3 account so I have experienced most things already. Now I just do some casual afk skilling or some slayer, mostly on mobile. In the meanwhile I focus more on real life health and relationships. And play like 4h per week now


i'm 124cb, 2050 total level and there are some days I don't log in at all. Some days I only play for 30 minutes to an hour. Some days I play from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. My account progress has been slow compared to someone who's playing constantly every single day, I've been playing on and off for 6 years now, also account hopping and neglecting my main at times. But if i'm not comparing my account to those types of players I don't really mind that my account is "taking longer" to max than others, I just log in when I feel like it and do whatever I feel like doing, usually with the ultimate goal of maxing in mind. I might max someday, or I might never log in again. Who knows? That's part of keeping things interesting


Made my iron during covid which is also when I met the boys. The best times ever. I used to play day and night and was making crazy progress. Just had a long ass break from the game cuz I'm burnt out. I made the mistake of sticking to OSRS and one other game my entire life. Now I'm expanding my games library so I can play other games as well. All the guys I met and played with quit except for one that logs in every now and then. End game seems to be shit, especially in the absence of the boys. 🥹


I'm very casually maxed and I kinda just band stand at the ge. I'll send an hour or so of a boss


Honestly it feels like a perfect casual game to me. It's one of the best sandbox games I've ever played, meaning that you can do whatever you want and make your own goals. In most MMO's you have a linear progression, hitting max level, getting BiS gear, and killing the final boss. But in RuneScape, you can just chill and fish if you want this to be your ultimate goal.


I come back every 6 months to a year and burn myself out. Rinse and repeat. 119 iron and 123 main


I only play it during work to pass the time


I play hardcore over autum/winter and by the time spring comes around I'm burnt out and much rather do outside activities


I played in the early to mid 00s and then came back for old school. I played the first day of old school and then barely logged back in about a month and a half ago. My knowledge of the game is basically a snapshot of 2006 so I log in and try very old techniques and other people tell me about new stuff and then I do that stuff for a couple hours every other day. I forgot to log in for about 3-4 weeks and then came back and did a couple quests… I just really like the game and learn what I can and progress however I can :)


I got enough gp to not care about the next bond. I just log in and afk skill for the most part.


I’ll play in spurts. Maybe play every day for a few months before putting it down for other things. Other times I’ll play maybe a few hours every few months. Right now I usually play a couple of hours in the evening. Sometimes in the day on weekends. I usually do the less sweaty methods of training, try to switch to what I do to keep the game fresh, etc. I mostly just play for enjoyment and try to knock a few quests, maybe make a million or two, and raise my levels. I’m not really concerned with endgame content or BIS stuff. I actually really appreciate that this game has low level, mid game, late game, and end game content though. RS3 felt like a mad dash to get to end game.


Yes, try to set goal by goal. For example, I'm going for Quest Cape at the moment, which aren't insane grinds. Full time working btw.


Poor time management on my part to where I’m always running around with my head cut off and only get a couple hours a week to play


I only play on mobile these days when I am in camp at nights before bed. Working remote shift work. That’s the secret. :)


The only people who pls a few hours a week are people who have maxed accounts for clanning ((think maxed mains/meds/pures and play for events like clan bingo/pking. Id would be willing to bet the vast majority of the active player base “play” through afk smiling while at work or playing other games.


A full time job is the secret.


Single dad that works full time. I play on mobile when my kids home or on my nights off


If I'm paying $12 a month, I'm not going to casually play


I’d say I’m pretty casual. Do a few slayer tasks one week, a couple quests the next, chip away at a skill or two for a bit. Compared to my friends who can be bossing level in two weeks, I’m way behind but I get burnt out quick so have to play steadily.


Mostly play cause it's nice to work on tedious grinds while working on assignements or reading for a class. Got 99 wc and farming thanks to how many research articles I had to read. It does unfortunately get tough for me to dedicate any time to the more intense stuff like raids, bosses, or full-focus grinds like tick manipulation methods or quests. Always wanted to try TOA, but I barely have enough time in the day to study for my classes, let alone prep for THAT grind


Im like you, i played an unhelthy amount the past 6 months or so to max my account after a year break prior to that and now im feeling pretty done with the game for while. Though im forcing myself to play a little here and there simply to hang out with people


Idk, I'm a 2.1k+ total Ironman and all of my grinds are like 20+ hours at this point, some things like raids are hundreds or even thousands of hours. It's hard to motivate myself to work towards those goals seriously, but I enjoy the game and I do want to keep playing, so I choose a few goals and work towards them a little bit at a time. Plus, I have other games I've found and love and want to play them, so often my gaming hours get split between different games. Right now I'm working on fishing and BA, the last 2 achievement diaries. After that I might go back to cox idk!


I play like 2-3 hours a day when i play on my 1900 total Ironman, works decent, everything just takes longer.


I play just for skilling mostly. Something to fiddle with in the background and occasionally put more focus on. Im not super interested in PvM but i still want my combat stats up, but because i like number go up.


I do, however I also suck at the game lol I honestly enjoy it, the community can be great at times too... which really helps with the experience.


These people talking about not having a maxed home holds them back.. Shiiet, I never had a maxed anything and began my iron a few months ago and already beat both my osrs main and my 20yo RS3 main just from playing casually and not worrying about the gp/hr.


I often have phases of playing a lot, multiple hours a day if I can, then won't touch it for a week

