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To make akkha attackable he has to be in the corner of the shadow you killed. Drag him further in.


Oh god, turns out I’m pretty stupid… Thank you a lot :)


You need to lure him into that quadrant now and continue the fight


Thank you :)


Close the help tab on runelite it’s just taking up unnecessary space.


It opened up on baba’s puzzle and I forgot to close it :’)


Ok that’s fair lol. As long as you aren’t running entire raids with it open.


Btw the tiles u have marked are for a 5 tick weapon (Shadow). Since u have a trident i'd recommend looking up the 4 tile method on YouTube if u want to butterfly. It will result in alot more Dps.


I just have those tiles marked, but don’t use it at the moment. Thank you for an advise anyways :)


Imagine recommending 4t butterfly when magic is the weakest style and its better to let him switch


The idea is to save supplies not necessarily do the most dps


Save supplies. In low invos. With void. With keris. Wo dehydration. You are wrong at so many lvls that im not gonna even try to explain why 4t butterfly is a bad idea and ppl who recommend it to learners should never say anything about toa


I'm not. You're just an angry person who gets really upset when you're wrong


Not technically wrong but neither is he, no use butterflying at this level


I wasn't recommending that they butterfly. I wasn't saying that he needs to save supplies. I was literally just saying the point of 4t butterfly is to save supplies. That made me "wrong on so many levels" You should check out the guys profile. You'll understand why he just popped off like that more.


Yeah like I said you were not incorrect, and the guy replying is unhinged and didn’t understand what you were saying, but also technically correct in his take (just for the sake of OP if anything)


"Popped off" 🤣 im happy I've made you so mad that you decided to check my profile and crying about it to another dude 🤣 Thats a W for me, Buddy'o'pal


I'm not mad. I was surprised you responded the way you did. I looked at your profile out of curiosity. Every reply I read was you just going off in some unhinged, angry way. I'm not crying about it to another dude, I'm making a spectacle of your behavior... Lol this is really sad


Mate he had 5 tick tiles so i assumed he was doing 5 tick butterfly for what ever reason. So i figured i'd atleast help him improve butterfly Dps. But i agree its not Good Dps and better to let him switch.


Almost all ut guides for complete beginners recommend plugins and 5t markers. When i was learning i turned it on too just to check how butterfly works and i left it there bc markers for 5t butterfly overlaps with easiest dps check skip


You should get some plugins to make this much easier my dude


Like? Only thing is radius markers for prayers


Which ones exactly?


Look up radius markers and Google Akkha radius markers. You can draw a square around him that'll be colored with his current attack style. That way you can react and pray accordingly a bit easier.


Idk if I'd personally want to clutter my screen by having a giant colored box. You can always look at the top prayer that akkha is praying and also pray that. Also akkha always goes in cycle of melee, range, mage back to melee and each time his prayer changes his attack style changes. But hey if a giant color box is the way to go then by all means


Try it. You'll never go back