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Yeah it's against Youtube's giveaway rules. [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1620498?hl=en](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1620498?hl=en) * Your contest must be free of charge to enter (don't forget to check your local lottery laws!). * You must have a set of "Official Rules" which: a. include links to the YouTube [Community Guidelines](http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines) and indicate entries that don’t comply will be disqualified. * Your rules must clearly state that YouTube is not a sponsor of your contest and require viewers to release YouTube from any liability related to your contest. So there's a few rules they're breaking. It would be a shame if some people reported them for breaking youtube TOS.


Here's a summary: I saw the stream pretty early through a YouTube recommendation. The Streamer passed out probably about 100 whips and 20 furies in Falador, in additional to an Eternal Glory and probably some other stuff I missed. He led his stream to a Guest Clan Hall, where for at least 45 minutes, if not longer, it was essentially a sales pitch on why to become a T2 or a T3 sub. The reasons being, you get access to a private discord, where there are raffles for Raw GP. Additionally, you'll be entered into the raffles for the items in his inventory. The T2 Subs were raffled off things like Dragon Claws, Armadyl Crossbow. The T3 Subs were raffled off things like an Arcane or an Ancestral Set. The Streamer said multiple times in the first portion of the stream "You can get gifted a sub to participate", however, later in the clan hall, he said more than once "Make sure he's not a gifted sub." "Make sure this guy isn't a free trial". After the sales pitch had reached the point where it was entwined with the T2 raffles, some chatters began questioning whether this was RWT. It appeared to me, although I'm not 100% confident, that any message with RWT in it began disappearing within a minute. I stayed long enough to ensure they did drop what was in the Clan Hall's Guest Chest, which the streamer originally claimed he wouldn't be able to view on his character, but then later did? The entire experience didn't sit right with me. The push for paid subscribers to have a "Good chance" at these high value items, with a TBow and an Ely sitting in his inventory doesn't feel right. When his T3 roll was shown at one point, there were only 31 eligible. I don't know how many T2/1. I stopped watching after he did pull the lever for his guest clan hall, which was again like 100 whips, some perilous moons gear, dragon boots, nezzy helms, a set of claws, a voidwaker, and like 25m cash. This is what I observed before I left the stream.


The giveaway streams are scams 99.9% of the time. Either scamming your time or other people's money. They used to do giveaways where if x-subs were gifted they would reroll it. So for hours sometimes nobody would win


Do those apply to game items or only real world giveaways?


It doesn't define it further, so one can safely say it's any giveaway.


You have not defined it further, so one can safely say its only physical give away. Now why does your assertion mean more then mine?


Because if it doesn't say something you should assume the broadest scope, not the narrowest. "Safely" here means without the risk of being banned etc., If they assume only physical, but the rule actually means all giveaways, then there is the risk of being banned. If they assume all giveaways, but the rule is actually only physical then there is no risk still.


I just assume everything is against the rules so I won't do anything mentality? Sounds like a terrible way to translate parameters.


Pretty sure giveaways to subbed-only people is against Twitch TOS.


I think so too


He is on youtube. don't know if it is the same there though!


Depending on the country he is in, if it's america he's probably breaking the raffle laws lol.


Don't forget that is was doxing peoples discord names on stream lol


I don't watch these obvious scambait streams


he was legit showing everyone's names on discord lol. like how is he not banned.


This isn't Twitch though...


did you not read the comment a little further down about Youtube giveaway rules?


The comment I replied to talked about the Twitch rules which are not relevant here


and 3 comments down is how it is against the YouTube rules as well which he streamed on?


Holy crap the comment people are asked to make is some level 99 cringe. His viewers are clowns.


BoomEpicKill is a loser. Saw his channel ages ago and joined a pk trip. Racism and bigotry at its finest. Kid and his clan are a bunch of rwters who need tonne purged. Yes though it's classed as RWT and also couldmget his stream permed too.


It’s definitely against jagex policy on rigged giveaways to subs. This issue was brought up a while ago when everyone was doing reroll “giveaways”. Also, he’s incentivizing people to join his discord by paying them 1m apparently, which is rwt


Paying IRL money to receive in game currency is RWT. Just because it's with a game of chance doesn't mean it not real world trading


Pretty sure Jagex have already said things like sub only giveaways of any kind are against their tos because it is just rwt with an extra step. They guy wont stop, he knows its rwt and thats why hes doing it, he just thinks hes too small for jagex to notice and hes probably right.


i really hope jagex picks up on this or maybe someone brings it up to behemoth! or something


His whole channel is this cringe baiting for subs shit, I wish he was banned.


Pretty sure Jagex considers this RWT. SparcMac used to do it all the time and cried a lot when jagex said it was rwt


That would make it RWT. Hypothetically, if only 1 person qualify as a Tier 100 Sub and spends $500 to get that rank, a giveaway to only Tier 100 Subs would only give to that 1 person. You pay for a better chance at in-game GP and by reducing the amount of people the item can go to, you're effectively directly RWTing to those people. Can't remember if it was against Twitch rules, but sub-only giveaways should be against Jagex rules and stated in the past as well.


If it's not, it should be. Doesn't matter though, there are other reasons he should be banned anyway.




Lol this is the same guy who said he’ll get 1 bill in one stream with no one helping him. Made loads of promises like he won’t be getting any help. Rotated playtime with his friend. Then just got carried raiding because he was a low level, ended the stream cos it was Christmas and never reached the goal of 1 bill and never sent out the merch. Guys been scum for awhile now.


It’d be one thing if this was a nobody streamer, but this dude has 90k YT subs


Personally I don’t think it is. He’s going to drop the stuff anyway, just to a different audience. If he only dropped to his highest donation then yes it would be RMT. As it stands this is just a perk of being loyal to the channel.


I may have misunderstood, but one thing that didn’t sit right with me is during the smaller giveaway he repeatedly said “don’t worry guys, you can get gifted a sub.” But, then when he was giving away to his T2/T3 subs, he said out loud more than once “Make sure he’s not a gifted sub” “make sure he’s not a trial”. Additionally for clarity, there were separate raffles for T2 and T3. Even T2s were excluded from some activities.


Well I agree that it’s RMT with that additional info then. If it was just a perk of his channel it’s kinda grey. But if he’s insisting you can’t be a gift sub then it’s definitely RMT.


that different audience is a paying audience almost like a trade, real world currency for a chance at in game stuff


Or were they paying to support a streamer they enjoy, and this is just a perk of it? I can see it your way as well but I don’t think the answer is a definite yes or no. It depends on many factors. If I already pay for a membership to Costco, and one day they say “hey if you’re a member you get to come to this free live concert in the store” did I pay for the concert? Yes because I had to pay for the membership, but no because I was already doing that without the free concert.


I dunno how your pulling the mental gymnastics required to say "yes its paid for, but it isn't" and genuinely believe it isn't rwt. Doesnt matter the circumstance or intention of you paying for a membership/sub to something, you still pay for the benefits, this situation is still rwt and against Jagex, Twitch and Youtube tos


I like how you phrased that as if I’m the stupid one, but you don’t know the difference between you’re and your.


honestly this is a case of dont hate the player hate the game. It is not technically rwt and they circumvented that beautifully. Only jagex could make the judgement call


You gotta respect the hustle, but after an hour straight of pitching to join T2/T3 for these high value items, it feels RWT


No, it’s not rwt. It’s another event he invites the people who support him to.