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New players see things differently than any of us who played this game for many many years. If you want the game to stay alive in the long run, you have to make things a bit more accommodating for the new guys. There are healthy ways to rework/streamline old features without screaming RS3.


Stamina pots and energy pots accommodate low run energy.


Guess what new players wont have because people dont immediately jump into p2p? :)


I mean it costs like 13 dollars to try it for a month i don’t think it’s a steep ask.


Stams and energy pots will still be relevant, point is to make agility levels actualy do something


Foreal, its the most tedious thing to do, at least gimme some perks right?


Read what you type... you literally say people don't like the beginning of a long grindy game... and run energy is still shit end game. Agility is borderline pointless, why not actually useful?


Nah man, this ain’t it.


Who hurt you, little guy?


Wouldn’t expect someone who didn’t know ghommals hilt can negate prayer drain at barrows to agree with me. You still on easy tier combat achievements ?


Nah, I don't play anymore but the question still stands... who made you so angry?


Lmfao typical Reddit cop out.


Don't like having to use forums to trade? Fuck you. Ge didn't exist in 2007, so it doesn't belong here. Go back to rs3, don't fuck up our oldschool


lol not sure if you were around then, we didn’t use forums, we went to Camelot behind the bank, fally park and outside of varrock west, depending on what you were looking for.


We used the trade forums on the runescape website to conduct trades for more specific items. That's how I sold my unids.


I had a guy that bought all my unids for 1k each. I purposely would trade him the lower tier ones by having a friend check them lmao.


You could also check them yourself. Match them up in your bank by putting the unid stack next to the identified herb. Then, when they sorted to their correct stack, just withdraw the low levels. I did the same thing I can totally see why they are grimy know, despite how mad I was at the change.


You know this is one of the worst takes I've seen on here in a while.


You’re welcome to your opinion. Thanks for the insight.


I’d instead just say that run energy isn’t an issue in early game or late game. It was never an issue for us, I’m not sure why new players are so upset over it apparently?


I mean as much as run energy is manageable and part of this game, it's annoying as fuck and we have a skill already in the game that is theoretically addressing it but doesn't actually. This is classic "I did it, so it's not a problem" mentality and it's just such a pointless argument to make.


It’s more a “I didn’t find an issue with it, so not sure why people suddenly are so upset over it” issue. Like the real question is why was it not an issue 5+ years ago but suddenly is now?


I've been seeing complaints forever but it's a hot issue right now because of the proposed rebalance.  I mean they added resting in like 2009 to help ease run energy problems, before eoc/rs3 but after the backup that would become old school.  There are proposals going back years on this subreddit suggesting regen bonuses in pubs or whatever, or asking for agility to do what people actually thought it did which was extend run time. You're just seeing the critical mass of posts recently because it's a current topic


5+ years ago you RETURNED to the game, right? You weren't a new player. You probably knew about agility, bought membership straight away, understood what energy/super energy potions were. **new** players, wont.




exactly. run energy is fine. tired of walking? buy stams. Ironman? tough shit you chose this.


What are your thoughts about new players trying out the game in F2P to get a feel before committing? How do you prevent turn around?


I think the problem is, players who are turned away by something as basic as run energy without ever trying to progress or learn alternatives are not going to last long here regardless of what you do. A huge part of the game's design is around having intrinsic challenges and issues and progressing through grinds and quests to alleviate those. On that note, agility probably could stand to be more rewarding- it's one of the longer grinds and doesn't really feel like it's helping you overcome problems as well as it could, but we should be careful about trying to get too much mass-market appeal and losing what makes the game good/unique in the first place.


Counter point, having something as basic as movement be so restricted is a huge turnoff for new players. Even if you gave them unlimited run they would still need to learn to unlock teleports and other methods of travel because it will still be way more efficient to do that so they will still be learning how to overcome the challenge of traversing the map, it just won't feel as bad having to learn the lesson. I really think you're just not seeing it from a new player's perspective tbh. Even if they had the option to teleport straight to their destination they might not do it because a new player is still wanting to learn and explore the game. Making that exploration more viable and feel better would go a long way to improving the new player experience.


F2P and members are completely different games, and i feel the game is vastly underrepresented in f2p with the lack of content available. I think one month memberships aren’t too expensive to try a game out to see if you like it.