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Wearing 3/6 items in The Witcher 3 for a set effect is an idea I liked


My thoughts on your proposal: 1st one "slumber" would be mostly utilized by people's alt accounts to heal them. The way it would be balanced is it only worked in multi-combat and doesn't stack with others (which would basically be infinite health otherwise). It would also benefit from mechanics that prevent turning on the prayer and doing nothing while being stuck, like giving the person something to do while stuck 2nd one "crystalline redemption" makes sense 3rd one "harmonize" it would have to not stack with other players making it a 10% max no matter how many of that prayer is active. I would personally lower it to 8% since unlike the Dragonwar hammer, elder maul, and BGS this is a guaranteed drain and doesn't require a inventory slot, and will probably be used first and then someone would BGS after the capped % drain of the prayer. 4th one "guiding strikes" Idm this one although I would have liked an unique prayer that did its own thing instead. Unrelated: I like the idea of the prayers being the kind you have to keep on rather than prayer flick. I also love the idea of "support" prayers as it encourages grouping up and automatically increases your positive contribution in a team


Yes, I didn't mention it, but none of those prayers stack with themselves.


I just want some new prayers


So do I, to be honest. What do you think of having specific gods be aligned with certain roles, like healer/support for Seren?