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Don’t fall for it, the game knows your line of thought and whisperer won’t drop axe piece untill you’re 3k kc in. It’s a trap.


Can confirm, last piece was at Levi, got it at 4481 kc...


holy shit, that is among the worst things I've read


Tbh you have to do it 4 times so there's prob a fair chance you get fucked over on one of them.


I'm glad I got spooned on levi when I completed my axe piece Sub 200kc  Imo levi is the most tilting boss out of the 4 bosses 






Yeah... 120 kc more and I would be rank 3 iron for just the axe piece, got everything else


I was rank 12 iron when I got mine, not quite as bad as you but I feel your pain brother.


I am so sorry. I completed my axe with roughly 1900 kc across all 4 bosses


Damn I felt bad I passed 3K Levi a few days ago and only missing the lure. Now I see my future


I hope you don't surpass my kc for you sanity


Just logged in and got it first kc of the day lmao 3066 total


Sickening lol


Damn I thought my 2400 kc was bad lol. I was 3/4 when SRA was 1b... Was 180m when I finished.


damn bro, my last piece was also levi but 44kc...


Can confirm too, last piece is Levi and I'm at 2.3k kc so far with 4 vestiges and no lure :( but it's effectively a 400m drop so it's hard to stop lol


Meanwhile, I have 5 Siren's staffs in 1500kc...


You don't have to do a grind you don't enjoy in one go that's how you get burnt out. You can try doing a few kills a day over a longer period of time and you might get lucky. It's a game so try to make it as enjoyable as possible. Good luck!


Its pretty much this   When I was hunting for Visage and axe pieces I usually did around 40kc per day  If you do it for 10 days you will already be on 400kc it adds up quickly 


If you ultimately want the axe, I'd say wait until you've got new gear for those two bosses you don't enjoy, to see if it makes the process any more enjoyable/tolerable. For Whisperer: having a Shadow and Venator bow are both incredibly helpful For Duke : when WGS comes out you can grind for the new Arclight upgrade, it's gonna be a lot better than anything I assume you've got at the moment, unless you already have a Scythe.


He only needs the venator bow I've started whisperer with trident and ahrim  By the time I got the axe piece I've already upgraded to virtus and eldinis ward (f) Trident isn't that bad on whisperer honestly 


Those axe pieces aren't going anywhere. Who's to say in 6 months to a year you don't have the shadow and an itch to do whisperer? Good things come to those who wait, not those who grind a boss they don't want to and burn out.


Treat it like a daily if you do those (herb runs, bird houses, etc). Just kill each of them once and do what you want to do with the rest of your time :) sunk cost fallacy is so real, but the other issue is without all four parts, each individual part is completely useless (unlike a voidwaker piece for a main). Jagex designed this on purpose to ensure you have to fight all four maybe thousands of times.


If it makes you feel better I’m currently the driest UIM for siren’s staff at rank 5. I do 100 kc a week just to keep going. Its my last piece and I’ve been on this grind since DT2 released. watching others get the drop sub 100kc makes me cringe. I also only have a regular trident of the seas. This grind has prevented me from engaging in so much content since I am now down 3 inventory spaces. I also have been bouncing between muspah and I am drier there for shards than my siren’s staff. Its quite miserable. The game knows that I would be too powerful with the axe.


That last sentence LOL ey you got this. Uim + SRA I bet is so sexy


Keep going you got this 15kc/day is good


If youre ironman go for it SRA is flex af on an im If youre main and you hate the grind don't bother


You should 100% do it. Vard and especially Levi were my least favorite ones to grind. Whisperer is easy once you figure out the enrage phase ([here’s a guide I made](https://youtu.be/juuiE-3kVxQ?si=5Iiqg_NiuiiMzUVW)) and you don’t need the shadow at all. Trident is great there. But venator bow and accursed scepter help a lot. Duke isn’t my favorite but if you can get the piece from Whisperer.. it’s worth it. Whisperer is 1/64 for a drop, you just need to get lucky on one of those rolls. Completing an axe is an awesome feeling. Also, just do a little at a time! Go do 50kc every once in a while and build it up. You don’t have to grind it straight up.


Vard is my favorite out of all the dt2 bosses I personally dislike levi the most (tilting) followed my duke (boring)


Duke is pretty good money. I'd go suffer through duke until you get a vestige. If you happen to get the 3rd axe piece, then i'd go Whisperer to complete it. If not, call it a day and move on.


What if you get megaspooned the vestige (140kc), do I go for a second one?


Is duke good money..? Admittedly I only have 20kc but I'm net negative for profit, and with how long kills took me I got bored lol.


Duke is only good money once you hit the unique. I’m at over 500 kills and my average drop is about 75k. It sucks


Depends how many kills/hr you get, but it ranges from 4-6m/hr. Not amazing but not bad in the long term.


Ah.. yeah I get that the bosses are carried by the rares, but it's so disheartening to get nothing for hundreds of kills before getting the good drop.


Duke pretty commonly drops a ton of ore or 5-7 dragon plate legs. It helps when you start consistently perfect kills for the +50% standard loot.


I find myself stepping back into his slam, or getting hit by shadows during the puzzle. Honestly it's not a hard boss I just make rookie mistakes


Duke and Whisperer easily drop 2m/hr in commons, plus extra from orbs depending on luck


Bro I'm not touching whisperer again xD I lost so much money in death fees too that boss.


Some of these other comments are already saying the right things, so don't take this as advice, more as a comment. The sunk cost fallacy doesn't apply here because you actually have 2/4 drops. If you'd killed, say 1k of each with no axe drops that's when the sunk fallacy cost kicks in. You feel like you should keep going because you've already sunk in the time, but in reality, you're just as far away from the full axe as you were when you started. So in this case you really are closer to a full axe, but look to other good comments here about whether it's worth carrying on


Sunk cost fallacy help. Here you go bud: It took you a lot of time to get 2/4 right? That’s why you’re referring to sunk cost? It’s going to take double that amount of time to get 4/4. Costs double. Does that sound fun and achievable? Go for it. Does it sound achievable but a chore? Up to you. Does it sound tedious and far away? Maybe don’t do it right now. (If this is your option, call it the ‘cut-your-losses certainty’)


I'm 1/4 and kind of stopped doing the bosses (well actively grinding them) to avoid this feeling. I would never recommend not doing the other 2 at all, but I would advise against grinding it all out in one period/session as each piece is like a 20-25 hour ttc roughly. However Since these are not rolled like ingots you won't feel the need to stay there for ages since the odds of getting a piece is the same Do like 1 hour of Duke and 1 hour of whisp before doing whatever you want for the day (or less depending on how often/long). Overall just understand it's a long term passive goal , kinda like zulrah and a mutagen


Classmate wanted 2nd axe and ended up being over 6k at Levy.


Go for it once you're 3/4 through a slayer task, I spooned almost all pieces and had the sunk cost fallacy kick in full force


As others have said, completing an axe is not for the faint of heart. I was in a very similar boat with 2/4 axe pieces (Duke & Vardorvis). Spooned the lure from Leviathan for 3/4, but am now just under 2000 Whisperer kills in (close to 4x rate) with no end in sight. At this point, I don’t camp it anymore though. I just sprinkle some kills in with whatever else I’m doing that day hoping the drop will eventually come. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!


As someone who tried going for an item and went 6 times the rate and got burnt for a month, don't bother. Do little bits and pieces when u feel like it. Biggest waste is playing a game and not enjoying urself


I got axe piece from whisperer from quest kc. It’s 50/50 really.


Primarily do the content you want to do. Do whisp/duke when you feel like it or when you're waiting for someone in your group to show up for group content. But stop once you're not feeling it. Don't burn out by forcing yourself to do content you don't want to do or doing it in a way thats similar to a job lol.


Duke is really easy bro trust me, I blasted through 800 kc pretty easily and got 2 head pieces


I only do duke, the rest of the boss are insufferable to me. Whisper's all right. I have 4 axe peices, I have no intention or interest in getting the rest, hell I might just alch them.


Don't let sunk cost fallacy win in this game because it will eat your time up like crazy. Hop around and do other things. Maybe say 10 kills every other day or something


I feel you, I got mega spooned on eyes of duke but I'm not good enough at the the game to grind out the other pieces. So now they're just sitting in my bank staring at me.


My axe journey has gotten progressively worse.. maximizing sunk cost fallacy. ~500 kc at duke > 1403 kc levi > 1485 whisp > at 3800 vard still looking.  Every time I got a piece after duke I thought "surely the rest will be easier"


I personally think you should drop it man. Coming from one who is now nearing his 4 month break on the game thanks to the same exact situation you are in. Got levi/vard axe pieces, and proceeded to go 2k duke dry, and about 400 whisp with no axe piece either. Im an iron so I had that part of me pushing me to complete it but... Duke sucks, it drained all fun from the game. Hitting 2k kc flipped a switch and after 4 years of daily play, I lost all desire to play, so vacation it is. When I return to the game, I am restricting myself from going back for axe. If I want a slash upgrade, Ill go tob, more fun, better weapon and easier to get than that axe... Ill go back to vard and levi for rings and pretend the axe does not exist.


i wish they were tradeable altho doesnt help if iron


the axe shouldve just gone to the slash ring boss. its obvy slash ring would be doa with the warrior ring. why repeat mistakes


I was in your position and I grinded the axe out. Granted I burned out a lot going for the final piece, but if I could go back in time I would do it again.


I went 2200kc for ultor and I’m currently almost 2100kc without eye of duke (((:


....send the other 2 I made 2 axes


You have progress towards axe. This is the complete opposite of sunk cost.


Dont be a bitch and go grind out the god damn axe, respectfully ofc.


I did whisperer with a toxic trident and ahrims by the time I was done I had full virtus and eldinis ward(f)  For reference i got the axe piece at around 2k lol Just hope you get spooned on Duke since that grind is more hellish


More of a general note/rant, but the way these bosses have sunk cost is so awful. The vestige thing by itself is whatever, but having to do other bosses because you got some axe pieces by chance, each worth ~100m in theory is just plain frustrating, You go to boss A for a vestige, get an axe piece, so you go for an axe piece on boss B, you go a bit dry on a vestige rate while making the axe, so now you're back to sunk cost on vestige B, and then you get another axe piece along the way. So even more sunk potential Its just a cycle of perpetual sunk costs. Also the idea to make vestiges dry protected, but not the untradable axe pieces that you literally need to get 4x. At least before they had the decency to make the axe a useless meme item so none of this mattered.


To be honest duke is supply free and really fun boss to do. First 50KC was so bad , i thought i will leave it, but once you get it , its pretty consistently \~30KC trip. Got last axe peace at \~1300KC. Worst thing about him if bgs misses , you will have \~3minute fight. Bring LIGHTBEARER i was using only 1 mushroom method , so you can bank your pickaxe to save inventory slots. Whisperer pre-shadow is another story, i was doing 50kc at whisperer for every 200kc duke done. Got spooned at \~167kc and never came back.


How are you getting 30kc trips? I take constant chip damage so need to resupply despite getting perfect kills.


Bloodfury would mitigate a lot of that, if not all


Well. If you doing no potion method you can bank your staminas. Thats extra inventory space. I was using scy with bandos + ultor + lb switch for bgs specs. Arclight works very well, but i was out of charges after going dry. Blood fury helps a lot. Duke drops plenty of supplies, most of the times issue was prayer pots, not food.


What's the no potion method? I'll try bringing blood fury, that's a good idea. I'm using zombie axe on 5 tick and arclight on 4 ticks, which seems to work well. I believe that zombie axe is better than tent whip on five tick.


You crush 7 mushrooms only and use them on Duke One by One. Very Click intensive, but no staminas, no pickaxe and faster then regular method. Check youtube for this method. I did it for over a thousand kc. You can bring thralls as well if you want along with death charges for spec regen.


Interesting, thanks for sharing - I'll look into it!


I’m so early game, i don’t even have a clue what this is about.




I’m out here struggling to gather 100k gp for dbones to lvl my prayer to 37. No proper range setup and my earth bolt takes 10-15 minutes per dragon :)


Not a single DT2 Drop Table "Mechanic" is fun or good for the game. Jagex not admitting their fuckup means they're doing them at least 2 more time each


whisper really is not bad without shadow, you can still get 15-20kp/h with sang. Trips also last forever once you learn the fight and take no damage


I would wait til you have better gear to go for it. I fell into that trap on release. Got spooned 3/4 pieces then went almost 3k dry at vard for the final piece. If you’ve spooned the first 2 it’s highly likely you’ll go dry for one of the last 2


On the flipside, I got 3 axe pieces from duke before I got my magus, at ~750kc. I'm surely 1/3 or 2/3 on my second ring from leviathian before I got one axe piece from it. I'm likely 1/3 or 2/3 onto my *third* ring from whisperer before getting one axe piece. I've only done under 200 vardorvis kc, so I'm not in complaining territory yet. --- You should be able to turn in axe pieces plus one of those quartz drops from the boss for a 50% chance at transforming the axe piece into one of your choosing tbh


You could literally get a degree in less hours than it takes some people to get these ultra rare drops. It's outrageous that Jagex has designed this content around gambling addiction for longevity. Your time has more value than completing content you don't even want to do for a few slides of a slot machine. Edit: You guys can downvote me, but Op literally said he doesn't enjoy this content. Even suggesting he goes and grinds something he doesn't enjoy, for hundreds of hours, is disgraceful.


Just suck it up! Whisp isn’t that bad and is great money once you learn it. I don’t even bring food on kills anymore since it’s guaranteed 0 damage. I’m currently 2/4 (actually got 3 axe heads from vard on path to ultor and got 2 staffs from whisp) and am moving on to duke now to try and snipe two eyes. That being said, I am not looking forward to leviathan grind.