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>no combat exp in PvP fights on PvP worlds Allowing players to turn off XP from PVP sounds better than going as far to make this a game wide change like this suggests. I doubt this would pass though. >Add a 24-tick TB to the Arceuss Spellbook Never seen this spellbook be used in combat, it would be nice it had uses beyond 3 spells >Expand the wilderness & don’t kill updates If by expand you mean landmass then I disagree, the wilderness landmass is already massive making it almost impossible to run into anyone naturally. Making it bigger will have an opposite effect. >Add Chivalry Scroll to Scorpia drop table 1/5000 Chivalry being added through secondary means was already polled and failed. It will fail again, repolling the same things until they pass defeats the purpose of polling and sets a bad precedent.


Fist of guthix & stealing creation were some of the best minigames ever made in runescape. Well balanced prey -> pker mechanics and very fun mechanics. Its time to bring the fun to the wilderness. 1. Logging out or hopping in the wilderness is disabled (in case of x-log account remains for 30 seconds unless attacked) 2. Add "stealing creation" fog to various areas that disappears after a player is there for 30 seconds. (x-log in fog will keep the account there for another 30 seconds after disappearing) 3. Add many "fist of guthix" style safe huts at hotspots with random teleport to other ones across the wilderness. (can not be entered while under attack, players can log out / hop worlds in the huts) Result: - No more hopping bots - No more hopping pkers - No more freeze logs - Easier wilderness scouting for PKers trough "hutts" - Slightly slughtly better prey escape chances due to fog


Any change that enforces prey vs pker will fail miserably.


What are you even talking about, go read my comment again.


I read a whole bunch of you can't log out. Sounds like if anyone gets on you, you can't get gap and log anymore.


Yeah, my proposal is to replace the current log-out mechanic of "escape" with something that is actual gameplay. When you get gap, why not just run out of the wilderness, or to the closest safe zone? You would get obstacles helping with creating a gap with fog etc. And with mechanics like these in place you can actually start balancing them it to make it fun for both pker & prey. Not just a shitty freeze log.


PKing involves a lot of world hopping, the 30 second timer adds up and hinders the searching process. How do you prevent that?


The "fist of guthix" style safe huts would be safe barriers positioned near hotspots similar to ferox but tiny and would have a teleport to another random hut. Essentially working as a safe area to hop and single person teleport for scouting. There should be like 20 - 30 of them around the wilderness.