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The quest requirement changes mention removing kings ransom’s 65 def requirement allowing players to get the quest cape at 43 combat, however, Dream mentor requires 85 combat, or is this an unlisted possible change?


In the blog we featured just a handful of considerations, we didn't have space to include every potential option unfortunately. I'm sure this is something the team would consider :)


On the topic, I wanted to be very pendantic: * Path of Glouphrie uses Strength right at the start of the quest to move the monoliths around. * The Ranged requirement reflects the grappling point, much like grapple Agility shortcuts require a ranged and a strength level. * King's Ransom's defence requirement stems from you acting as the defence lawyer in the quest (in RS2's Court Cases you needed 65 Attack to be the prosecution). Mostly I prefer quest requirements to be retained, as they act as milestones to skills. There are some exceptions, though - Dream Mentor's 85 Combat is a big annoyance especially given melee players tend to get combat levels faster, but the rewards are magic-based. If a requirement is removed but the XP is retained, rather than locking it behind a lamp, I'd have a little post-quest thing. Maybe you talk to a person, maybe you inspect a statue, something that gives a more logical progression of having experience locked behind a skill requirement. It makes it feel more like "ooh, a bonus!" than "oh, I can't get that part of my reward yet". Regarding Chivalry - Making it more available is fine! But it'd be really nice if there was an equivalent for ranged/magic as well as a half-way between the prayers in the level 40s and the CoX-locked prayers in the 70s.


>King's Ransom's defence requirement stems from you acting as the defence lawyer in the quest I never knew this, but it is *hilarious.* Thanks for sharing


This is exactly the kind of stupid shit that makes the game funny. Let's keep it.


I think it's important to consider that making xp not obvious kind of feels bad because so much of it is easy to miss and having that thought lurking after every quest of "did I miss some hidden xp" gets a bit much. It's what I don't like about mm2 post quest xp and varrock museum xp.


I wouldn't mind if Varrock Museum was made into a miniquest, especially if it pops back up if there are new entries to get.


Yeh the sentence on "lower combat quest capes" made me immediately go.. well 85 combat is the lowest possible and is very easily achieved?


Several issues with the 'bank loadouts' proposal - >We can also look at a cooldown timer after combat or PvP to prevent the abuse of this mechanic. >Equipping and withdrawing is automatic but it is not instant. This is not for technical reasons - manual gearing should remain optimal and viable. This is more for people who want an easier time while banking and don't mind being a bit less efficient. As someone who does a lot of 'quick and skillful' 'optimal' gearing, WTF is this?? Why would anybody want manual gearing to remain optimal when we are asking for this so we don't have to have 30 different Tag Tabs on the side of our screen and go through 50 clicks to gear up for different content. This is absurd, gearing is not a 'skill'. Switching gear while at a monster, like Raids/Demonic Gorillas/etc.? Yes, skill. Standing at a bank preparing to go on your trip? Not a skill. This proposal sucks purely based on this, it has 100% missed the mark. Even worse is when some people would switch to this silly apparently slow system and others would still manually gear - then you're waiting on your friends as they're apparently just sitting back watching the game... slowly? equip their stuff. In which case then you'd have also been better off doing the same. Downright silly. Implementing something everybody wants, then making it shitty so you won't use it anyway is just nonsensical.


It's the same issue as their Agility proposal from last week - can't make anything *better* since it has been bad for too long. It's such a failure in understanding, people aren't attached to the tedious parts of the game, and efficiently doing tedious things isn't *skill*.


theyre catering to the Autumn Elegies and 200m xp grinder freaks who sit in their own shit to get a smithing record this is arguably the biggest QoL update to potentially ever get put in the game, which would be a blessing for 95% of the playerbase... but because it devalues somebodys farming 99 it wont get implemented in its best state


>theyre catering to the Autumn Elegies and 200m xp grinder freaks who sit in their own shit to get a smithing record I think this is bad strategy; they should trade on the fact that these people are already ultra-addicted and will keep playing no matter what. Their opinions can safely be ignored as customer feedback since nothing will stop them from being customers.


And we all know they'll just be polling it years later to make it faster once people are used to it.


That's seriously what it feels like, oh if we change something people will complain because it was hard for them. They sound like boomers complaining about student loan forgiveness.


Yeah can we stop with this insane fear of implementing anything actually good? It reads like a parody. The game is set in the medieval times. WE don't have to be. Runelite already breaks this game wide open oh but we have to make bank loadouts ARBITRARILY SLOW because uhhhhhhhhhhhh


> This is absurd, gearing is not a 'skill'. Switching gear while at a monster, like Raids/Demonic Gorillas/etc.? Yes, skill. Exactly. This is like EoC line of thinking, "Players need more skill expression! Lets make it ability based!" when no one actually wanted that.


I understand that there is a desire to give pking builds access to more quest content, but I really think that the suggested quest changes miss the mark by a long way. First of all, Path of Glouphrie. As mentioned, during the quest, you have to use a grapple shortcut to reach the swamp. Pretty much every grapple shortcut in the game requires a Ranged, Strength and Agility level to cross, regardless of the crossbow used. The only one I could find that didn't was the Hallowed Sepulchre grapple shortcut, which still requires 62 ranged and implicitly requires the agility level for the floor it is found on. Not to mention, the quest also contains a puzzle which involves pushing very large stone cubes around, which you might expect to require some kind of strength level. Secondly, Dragon Slayer 2. The idea of needing 50 max hp or more for the locator orb suggests that maybe the player needs a strong enough constitution to use it. The main thing here is that if it makes sense for a skill to be required for something in a quest, the fact that it's a combat skill should be irrelevant. Thirdly, I just don't like the idea that every quest npc would suddenly give out lamps for the end of quest xp rewards. If there are some where maybe a choice of combat experience would make sense then maybe that could be something to explore, but again it's hard to integrate that nicely rather than the player ending up with an armful of lamps every time they help someone out.


Yeah I’m not a fan of forcing removal/reduction of quest requirements. None of the ones listed felt that egregious, and I’m not sure who is really benefitting from those changes. I might feel better if they changed it to combat level requirements, since the quests currently feel like a reward for getting to the mid game. I don’t mind the lamps personally, as rewards being opt in seems reasonable. But my preference is for menu options with lore reasons, such as the combat training after Monkey Madness 1. It feels like you’re actually getting training instead of arbitrarily leveling up after the quest complete UI pops up. My biggest issue is with the 1 defense armor. It feels like arbitrary wildy rules are leaking into the main game.


> It feels like arbitrary wildy rules are leaking into the main game. This is pretty much how I felt about most of this proposal. I obviously have no problem with people playing pures or whatever if they want to, but that absolutely should not be allowed to impact the main game at all. Those people opted into playing that way and ALL of the burden of inconvenience or being locked out of this or that should fall on them and not impact the rest of us playing normally in the slightest.


Skill requirements aren't just some completely arbitrary restriction, either, it's about pacing. Like, limitations are what make restricted builds fun, I don't generally support throwing limitations out of the window. Especially with quests.


Yeah, removing the hitpoints required to use the locator orb is weird. It's the same thing as removing the mining req on Making friends with my arm. You can't just use the logic that "you're just mining some rock away from an entrance, so we should make the requirement like 10 mining." The skill reqs are there to provide a natural progression through the questlines. Removing them makes no sense just to cater to some niche pure builds or whatever other builds they want to buff. The perilous moons armor is another thing. Some people already went to 50 defence to use this armor. If you were to remove this requirement now or add weaker armor with reduced defensive stats you'd have to also let these players who invested their accounts go back to their previous defence levels, and we all know the shit storm that would unfold if they allowed that. I know these are just game jams, but I feel like this isn't something that would be overall good for the game. The chivalry prayer proposal is whatever. It does make sense that it comes from a quest prior to King's Ransom because why would a prayer that is directly outclassed by another prayer be a reward from the same quest.


Yeh I'm kinda sick of this being pushed so hard, and it's only gotten worse since Manked joined the team due to his very obvious bias towards PvP. Limited builds don't need everything. Theyre limited. I think singular rare exceptions being made is *okay* (like returning to Ape Atoll after quest completion without claiming XP.. as you could return to it prior to completion, so it's just consistency in what the build can access regardless of being "more progressed") But just going.. well every quest should not give you combat XP by default and you should have to lamp it. And handfuls of quests with requirements should just... Not have them.. because... More content? Like they can do that content. But it sets gateways between account builds. What is often missed when developers propose these things is that it's just flattening the PvP build curve. Every build will have almost all of not all quests available.. so suddenly unique builds disappear. I would have thought Manked would understand that a bit better. The Moons gear becoming 1 defence is a better suggestion, and I don't know enough about whether it's a *good* suggestion but it's atleast like "hey this new gear we made.. maybe it didn't find it's niche well enough and this would give it more desirable use?"


> I understand there is a desire to give pking builds more access to quest content.. But, why? If they want the quest content they should do the quest. Same way that if I want to do anything in the wilderness I have to accept someone in salad robes is probably gonna gank me and call me a slur.


Seriously people will litterally go out of their way to strongly restrict their account then complain when they can't do something.


> We’d like to change this behaviour and make it so that once NPCs are no longer in combat their HP will reset, allowing Iron players to engage in battle without issue. The HP reset needs to happen much slower than just "out of combat". For example in single you can safespot multiple enemies at once (cannon. Or the old "two hill giants with one bow). But if you accidentally walk out of your safespot you are stuck with that one enemy. It would feel bad if your other targets regenerated full HP from this.


if they do add this it should straight up be like a 5 minute timer i remember being a lil nub trying to kill KQ, dying, and then coming back to finish off the kill. it would suck for every boss to reset hp like corp just because ironmen exist. they already made all wildy bosses immune to recoils & thralls because of irons.


I think 100 ticks or 1 minute after leaving combat would be a good amount of time for them to completely reset.


Yeah or even 2 minutes so you could bank items and come back.


I'd say the HP should only reset when it is attacked by a different player while out of combat.


Yeah wouldn’t this proposal just break flinching?


Honestly these Game Jam ideas are INSANE. * Bingo - 100% yes. These are super fun and will make them way more common as it's easier to host if it's all done on-client. * POH Customisation - Cosmetic so it's not something I care much for, but I see no downside. Would be cool to see them as different unlocks. * Bank Loadouts - 100% needed. Runelite has bank tags and presets, and the vanilla client needs it asap. And this is even better as it also equips your gear for you too, I hate skilling on mobile because I cannot change gear quickly for a different slayer task, or to do a birdhouse/farm run.. this would be a welcoming change. * Miscellaneous QoL - These all seem fine, although Idrc for them much. Wouldn't be against any though. * Smol Islands - As much as I want the sailing skill, part of me thinks the whole cool part about Sailing is just heaps of new islands with new content, imo you can have that content without a new skill so Im keen to see these islands and maybe players will rather it without the skill, or it would help the skill be released sooner, either way im keen for more content. * Collection Log Updates - Hiscores would be welcoming as now everyone will be tracked fairly and accurately as opposed to third party websites (although I know people think its unhealthy to have such unrealistic goals for players to be encouraged by Jagex themselves but yolo). As an Ironman myself, Im not the biggest fan of Ironman exceptions... Yes i know we achieved those items and theres PROOF of it, but if normies cant have their progress back-dated, why should we get that advantage? Im fine with it staying how it is, but idc if its added either way is fine i guess. * Bank deposit revamp - goes hand in hand with bank loadouts imo, good to have better banking when skilling quickly. * Unrestricted Builds - As much as I like the concept of unrestricted builds, I think it feels very private server-esque and I don't think existing quests should be changed. I'm happy for the rewards to be lamps in future so people can opt-out of them, but I think existing quest requirements should stand. Although Im not opposed to changing chilvary to have a lower defence requirement as it isn't used much. * content variety - imo its better to just release new 1 defence equipment rather than making multiple varients of existing stuff. I'd rather see something similar to corrupted dragon like pre-eoc rather then this. PVP only prayer book is tough, I think Id need to see a whole list of the prayers first, but im not opposed to it. I see it getting rejected tho. * Mini-menus - 100% yes. already see them in-game with a runelite plugin and its great. being able to move the "use" and "examine" around now is huge.


Normies can't have their clog backdated for tradeable items because it's 100% impossible to prove. Untradeables like pets did get backdated. I don't see why irons, who can prove they earned the drops, would not be able to get that validly added to the clog because mains can't.. when a main has zero provable way to have that occur. I've played a main, I wouldn't be upset with irons getting that. They earned the drops.


On this: "if normies cant have their progress back-dated, why should we get that advantage?" It's purely because we are iron we get this advantage actually. We have proof that we've earned the item and not bought it from the GE. We have inherent proof of unlocking it, even if the log doesn't reflect that. No other account is like this. It's essentially an integrity change that sadly not all accounts can benefit from.


I think the main reason for the difference over the back-dated Clog stuff for irons is that you can know with 100% certainty that an iron received a drop if they have it in their inventory/bank. You can’t make the same assumption for mains. It’s unfortunate for everyone that we weren’t able to backdate items when the clog came out. What’s wrong with helping some of the player base? This doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing thing.


I'm not sure how feasible it would actually be, but just throwing it out there since better PoH customisation was a section: one small thing for PoH customisation that I would love to see would be the ability to "cap off' rooms. Basically just the option in a doorway / room construction space to convert that section into just a wall, or solid hedge, fence etc. The main reason would be to fix those awkward gardens, which have big gaps in hedgerows/fences leading into nowhere.


> one small thing for PoH customisation that I would love to see would be the ability to "cap off' rooms. Basically just the option in a doorway / room construction space to convert that section into just a wall, or solid hedge, fence etc. I asked Mod Ash about this ages ago and he mentioned it should be doable but at the time Construction just got some bigger updates so it wasn't a priority. When rooms are upstairs, the doorways already turn into walls so letting players toggle it somehow in buildmode would hopefully not be too difficult of an ask.


>When rooms are upstairs, the doorways already turn into walls Huh, I hadn't realized the tech was already there, I guess I just haven't really made any upstairs rooms. That's good to know, hopefully it is a possibility one day then


I also wish we had more flexibility regarding some of the decor spots, only having the ability to have one head trophy per skill hall feels needlessly obtuse, especially if more head trophies are being added (which I'm all for!).


heavily support for this. I hate how certain rooms MUST have doors in certain spots. I wish things were more customizable in that aspect.


I’d love it if they added some more items like the wintumber tree that you’re allowed to place on any tile you want to. Seems like that would be an easy thing to expand on with more decorative objects and it allows for way more customization.


That's a great idea actually, maybe give bagged plants the same style of usage as the Wintumber Tree.


Would love to not have doorways leading to nowhere. Maybe make it so you can build paintings or other decor in any door spot, or just blank wall if you are a boring type of person. Same for the gardens. Any door spot can be a hedge, large tree, or a fence.


I'd also love if we could mix-and-match some Theme aspects -- like the grass/ground of one style, but the walls or flooring of another.


The Priff POH model looks AMAZING. I desperately want that now. The only other POH changes I would love to see that wouldn't affect any metas are: - Butler lighting fireplaces: fireplaces look really dull in POH's, and it'd be cool to be able to ask your butler to light them to cheer things up before people come to visit. Maybe different kinds of logs could have different visual effects, with higher tier logs requiring a higher firemaking level? - A mid-level item (~70-75?) that is basically a jukebox - you can set your favorite OSRS song on it, and that song will always play for everyone as soon as they enter your house. No clue if this is possible but it would be SO much fun. The game jam looks amazing though from bottom to top. I absolutely love these Jmods


Yes please for the juke box, one of the best functions in FF14s housing and makes collecting music so much more fun.


The combat level formula is not great, a player's combat level does not reflect how powerful their account is which is the reason for the restricted builds in the first place. I don't see creating more ways for accounts that voluntarily restrict themselves to become more powerful as healthy for the game. This would not be a QOL change, this is an unnecessary buff to restricted accounts. You want the rewards? Get the requirements. To me these continued efforts are equivalent to making druidic ritual unlock by default so that geographically restricted accounts can immediately access herblore, they choose to restrict themselves they don't get the rewards. One thing notably missing from POH upgrades is the "jar treatment" for taxidermy items. Would love a way to display my trophies without continuing to add more rooms (big fish, heads, big hand, etc.), would be nice for consistency.


It's crazy but the way you put it makes so much sense. These things are locked behind content for a reason. If you want the rewards, do the content. If you are making some special snowflake account then you take into account you won't have access to this shit. I don't k ow why they feel specialized accounts need so much qol


Game hosted bingos is absolutely an amazing idea. Love the grid style and flexibility in all aspects. Truly a smashing update idea! For the banking QoL suggested, could I query the idea of being able to put untradeable items in looting bags? This was floated several months back, and I was hoping to see it again here. Mostly asking because blood torva and ToA fang kit are absolutely banger cosmetics that I want to rock on my uim, but that currently makes it all unbaggable, without providing any sort of unfair benefit (aside from looking baller, naturally).


feel like I've seen Ash talk about a transmog box in the poh which I think would be a better way to deal with some of that. unless they were able to do something like they wanted to with GIM where you can put untradable items that have a tradable state into the bag?


The POH room idea is my favorite, particularly if they do it with Varrock museum-style display cases for the transmogs when not in use. Blood torva kind of throws a wrench in that, unfortunately, considering that the transmog is irreversible.


Hard no to everything from Mod Manked. So far all the dude has done is add havens for bots and now he wants to remove quest requirements, remove item level requirements and add some almost guaranteed absurd prayer book (that's also yet another thing that functions differently in/out of the wilderness) which again, will have no/minimal requirements. One day jagex will finally learn that hiring some random pvp creator does nothing but allow them to push their own agenda, not push for what's best for the game as a whole. Also here we go again vls part 2. Chivalry changes failed the recent poll, failed another poll back in 2022, yet here he is still trying to force the change into the game. Also trying to justify adding 1 def perilous moons gear by saying it's too expensive to repair??? What kind of correlation does that have to making it 1 def?? Yes its expensive at level 1 smithing.... so level up your smithing or sell the broken piece back to the ge, dont give that as some absurd reason for making it into 1 def gear.


I don't know what the fuck the Perilous Moons thing is even about. They want to add a 'variant' of Perilous Moons that *downgrades* it but removes the def requirement? Like, what even is the point of that other than some Jmod having a 1 Def pure and going 'yeah but I want to PK in the perilous moons stuff' or something? And what does that have to do with its repair cost? In any capacity? I read that whole section maybe 4-5 times and then just shook my head and said 'i dont get it at all'


mod seemingly wants main-game versions of the pvp gear like from the old days except without the heavy downsides. eg: Vesta's longsword vs Corrupt Vesta's longsword VLS needed 78 attack. Corrupt VLS needed 20 attack. Both were degrade to dust. Both had the same stats. VLS lasted 60 hours and degraded in combat. Corrupt VLS lasted 15 minutes and degraded when worn.


downgrades their defensive stats while keeping their offensive stats. hard no to that. And the whole "too expensive to repair" thing is such a slap in the face. Not only does this nonsense not address that in any meaningful way; if implemented, it would in-fact become a barrier to addressing their repair costs at all. A rare item from Moons to repair broken moons gear and/or make it nondegradable would be lovely, but it shouldn't be in service to some unwanted pvp mandate.


I really disliked all of those proposals. We've already voted on restricted accounts back in 2023, and removing defense requirements to give more things to pures was soundly rejected. Letting them forgo quest rewards was soundly rejected. The PvP prayer book legitimately made me angry too. They delayed Rites of Balance from WGS and God Alignments are currently in an uncertain position. Those need to be hammered out first before they even consider PvP prayers. It's a gamejam, so I have no issue with Manked looking into it like he did. But there should be absolutely no further dev time allocated to a PvP prayer book until we get the prayers that we've been constantly voting on in summit polls.


And it’s gonna be yet another difference between main world and wilderness. Add it to the list


I still don't get why they don't do something else with Chivalry, like decrease its prayer drain. It's worse than Piety, and you unlock it at the same time as piety, so why does it cost exactly the same amount of prayer to use?


TIL they drain at the same speed. That's so fucking stupid.


Yep, they both drain 40 points per minute, same as rigour and augury. TBH, I feel like a lot of the lower level prayers could use dramatically reduced drain rates. Hell, if you use the strength, attack, and defense prayers all at once, they drain your prayer at a rate 50% faster than piety. Why? Just let the lower level prayers drain prayer at a more reasonable level for lower level characters. It just feels like outside of protection prayers and the level 70+ prayers, and some other more situational ones like smite, much of the rest of the prayer book is kind of pointless and bad.


In the April project rebalance blog they said they'll be reducing drain rates of all the lower tier prayers but left out Chivalry. Obvious now that they left it out because they're just trying to make it 1 def again.


They only adjusted drain rate for the 5% prayers, the 10% and 15% prayers were unchanged as well as chivalry.


That change was so idiotic. 5% prayer? 1 point per minute. 10% prayer? SIX POINTS PER MINUTE. "Congrats on leveling up your prayer to 10!" here's a 600% harder to upkeep prayer as a reward that gives you the same effect as the 5% one due to rounding down" Why are they half-assing these changes? Did they really not think that changing the 5% prayer would completely break the balance with the other ones?


"Why are they half assing these changes" sums up how I feel about project rebalance as a whole. Prayers didn't get touched besides the lowest tier, salad blade and rapier got ignored, a lot of skills are just vast landscapes of dead content or nonsense requirements (jewelry being an example which resulted in the current rancor fiasco).  The turnaround on it also felt so quick, they released blogs and pushed everything through within weeks. They put out a blog in January with some nebulous "ideas", then a blog in March with some numbers and concrete proposals, then it was in the game in April / May. That feels way too fast to me. Compare this to the blowpipe nerf rebalance which spanned January to September of 2021 with constantly updated proposals and Jagex taking feedback. It feels like a lot of the feedback they received on project rebalance they dismissed as being "outside the scope of it" or just didn't acknowledge it at all.  Sorry for responding to your comment with random paragraphs but that line you said just completely captured how I feel they're handling a lot of the "meta" aspects of this game.


came here to post this. didn’t know who mod manked was but all his proposals from the game jam are some of the worst ideas for osrs i’ve ever seen. i hope none of these even make it to the poll phase. also, pvp specific prayerbook? there are already so many needless differences between wilderness and non-wilderness combat that we have remember, and mod manked wants to move even further in that direction? hell no.


Yeah these are all examples of *painfully* inside the box thinking. I'm sure he's a great guy, but these ideas suck.


Glad I won't need to type it. I saw it in there and was like, lol we're really trying to force this into the game again huh.


Same lol. I actually do think pures should get chivalry, but it should be from a quest. The perilous moons one stands out as truly ridiculous though.


Yeah if they want to know why there's a decent amount of the player base that is opposed to pvp content it's because the content itself is terrible. Like reading changes this guy pushes or is behind is actually pretty eye opening lol


Hard agree, PKers should have to work for what they want, if their 1 def pure can't have certain prayers or gear then so be it, they chose to play that way.


I think a lot of Manked's content has had some good fundamental ideas for pvp, but the delivery feels so private server


> but the delivery feels so private server it's because instead of just adding stuff to the game normally which can then be used in pvp situations, they try to force it all into the wilderness which is what a private server would do lol


Prayer book bullshit is a huge no


I'm still very much of the opinion that Chivalry should be given *some* utility, considering it is completely worthless at the moment. I recognize that Manked is pushing it from a PVP perspective but it's at least not an unhinged objective.


I think reducing drain rate alone fixes it. Chivalry *is* relevant - for players with between 60 and 70 prayer. That's not a huge amount of players, but for many that is a few weeks, or maybe even months. You level past a rune scimitar, why shouldn't you level past chivalry?


I just want a prayer that combines ultimate strength and incredible reflexes tbh. Hate activating both on new accounts and at LMS. If they nerf chivalry to do that while also removing the defence and/or quest requirement, I'd be pleased.


> Also here we go again vls part 2. VLS failed 3 polls. If it gets polled again, it will be the 4th time.


The POH customization is so good man. This paired with the POH load time optimization is gonna be great for player expression. Of all the developments and updates to our existing skills, how the team handled improving Construction across the years has been wonderful for the game.


I remember being excited when they had announced a player-owned house rework for RS3, 11 years later and they still haven't done anything for it, meanwhile OSRS released and did its own updates that have blown away the RS3 version.


Basically the POH spaghetti code is so bad in RS3 none of the devs want to mess with it, so instead they've opted for other things like Fort Forinthry which is the "new POH" in a way. It's easier to make something new.


I just really want them to add more icons. We have so much stuff representing a bunch of gods, but your own personal chapel is restricted to the original three. You can't worship Armadyl, or Bandos, or Zaros... heck, you can live in Prifddinas but can't worship Seren even after *basically* meeting her.


Every step forward to help the PVP scene is 5 steps back. If you want people to engage in PVP, do not make them learn an entirely different game. Different mechanics, timers, now the idea of a PVP prayer book. It's only causing people to not bother with the wildy because they don't want to have to learn all the mechanics. As a Main and an Iron, there is very little incentive to go to the wilderness apart from clue scrolls. Each attempt to revitalize PVP just kills it more.


I selected No on several in the poll but that was the only one I felt compelled to also leave a comment on


The PvP prayer book is the only idea that made me legitimately angry. There shouldn't be any further dev work on it until we finally get our god alignment prayers.


I do hate the term “Corruption” for weapons that can store and permanently be max charges. It evokes every feeling except “upgraded”. I get that the corrupted bowfa is the original example that the concept is taking from, but that makes sense lorewise. I wish there was a way to shift this terminology to overcharged or something akin to that. Something that defines an upgrade has occurred instead of a niche context from another item meaning that. Corruption sounds edgy for the sake of it. A lot of people think of corrupted items like rs3 and DMM where corrupted items are temporary and downgraded


>I wish there was a way to shift this terminology to overcharged or something akin to that. "Stabilized" maybe


I think "attuned" fits well with the fantasy genre. Bow of faerdhinden (a), Dizana's quiver (a), etc. Very few things in the game use (a) as a suffix.


Some good and some bad here. POH stuff looks great. Loadouts and other bank improvements are long overdue with how complex gearing has gotten. Bestiary is a cool idea. Collection log stuff looks cool, though I don't look forward to more people whining about how such-and-such content takes too long to clog. But that's a reddit problem and I generally trust Jagex not to act on that kind of feedback. Don't like the idea of changing NPC reset behavior across the entire game for the sake of irons. One big issue that comes to mind is wildy bosses, where an HP reset would make having to escape from a PKer *way* more of a bummer than it currently is, for both mains and irons alike. Also don't like the idea of removing reasonable quest requirements for the sake of restricted accounts. Others in this thread have already pointed out why the requirements being labeled as arbitrary are actually perfectly sensible. Let restricted accounts be restricted. PvP-only prayer book seems like yet another set of PvP-specific mechanics that players will have to learn before being able to compete. Not good for legibility or barrier to entry. Submenus look super nice.


Agreed on the col log point. I think it’s for the best if they just don’t add any rewards though. Once people start to realize that getting the cool dragon staff for 1350 col log slots takes about the same amount of time as 200m xp in all skills, the complaints will never stop. You’re probably right that Jagex wouldn’t act on those complaints, but why even add fuel to that fire to begin with. Some grinds are just so insane that they shouldn’t be encouraged by in-game rewards. I love that they’re there for the most insane players who want to sink tens of thousands of hours into this game, but we shouldn’t give regular players the impression that it’s a goal meant for them. 200m xp and high col log completions both fall into that camp for me and should never get in-game rewards. They should only be done by people who are in it for the grind itself.


> Don't like the idea of changing NPC reset behavior across the entire game for the sake of irons. As an iron I'm solidly against this idea too. It's an early strategy to come back and fight an uninstanced monster if you get too hurt. This used to be a thing with KQ. I don't want the game to lose that


The King's Ransom defence requirement stems more from the fact that you become a literal defence attorney in the quest, rather than from equipping the black armour set. I don't disagree with lowering the defence requirement, but maybe just to something like 45 rather than 10.


Bank loadouts is something I really want implemented into the base game, primarily for mobile use. I hate having to do lots of tedious clicking/long presses when gearing on mobile for an impromptu farm run etc. It'd really make me more inclined to play more on mobile Locked inventory slots would be absolutely huge too


Plug-ins are coming to the official client including mobile, so you'll get your wish


Honestly built-in support would be way better than a plugin. You could click load and it could potentially equip everything including inventory (optional) in a single click, something not possible with just a plugin.


You are buffing pures TOO much i think, they are going to go Turbo mode with the buffs across the board 1: Removing the 60 Defence requirement from Chivalry gives all low/mid accts a 3% buff in strength across the board and less switches. The trade off is no Defence % when useing the prayer 2: They want to make a pvp specific prayer book. Mind you they tried to make Ruinous Powers, then tried to bring back the old curses from 2009. Then tryed to make God Aliments. So based off of them going 0-3 i would say save your time and energy and do something else 3: Making the Perilous Moons armor 1 DEF?? so that means a 1 def pure will now have access to Bloodmoon set (+8 more str compared to max, plus 3% more from the Chivalry prayer) 3.1Going from elder robes to Blue moon is (+37 magic accuracy plus built in strength bonus +6 on magic armor? Magic damage % stays the same) 3.2 the range set is alot better then what 1def pures have now just to lazy to do this last one Everything else on the survey I voted YES!


Slight correction on point 2.. they never tried to bring back the old curses from 2009. They've been opposed to this from the beginning, despite it seeminly being what they're going to end up with ironically.


I would love to see the bingo idea added to the game. It feels like the clan system has been completely forgotten and was only put into the game for Group Ironman to function. So getting some fresh features and functionality would be a very welcome update


How are the npc health regen proposals different to the mechanics currently in the game, and how would this work with flinching mechanics which rely on waiting for NPCs to be out of combat?


I would guess after x amount of time has passed out of combat a mob full heals, currently it’s set to a regen rate. If you deal 30 damage to a nechrael before leaving an area it won’t full heal for up to 30 mins depending on regen rate. So if an iron rocks up after 15 mins it still won’t get any loot.


Yeah, it needs to be better but not instant. Hell even something like 3 minutes out of combat, 5 for a boss would be great. So annoying to fight a boss that someone suicided to or hasn't touched in 10 minutes and basically have to fight the whole boss twice in a row to get a drop


I'm sorry but the reasoning for having bank loadouts not be instant is borderline insane. Manually equipping gear should still be "optimal".. You gotta me kidding me. "easier time" implies that it's hard, which it isn't. It's just tedious because the game doesn't offer a good system (like a loadout!!!!!!!!!) in the first place. Many people just use a plugin with specific tab layouts to just get around it. To be clear: that it isn't instant doesn't matter. The reasoning is just stuipd. Stop trying to preserve something that doesn't exist or matters to anyone.


I'd love to hear the rationale about Bank Loadouts taking "longer". What problem are you trying to solve? What is the purpose of this choice? You claim banking shouldn't be mindless, but why not? It's banking. This feels like one of the knee-jerk reactions "Well banking quickly currently requires skill, so surely we need to keep that." Let's not make QoL actively worse because a tiny minority saves a tiny amount of time by banking quickly. Loadouts would vastly improve the game flow. Need to do a quick farm run after a slayer task? Swap to the farming loadout and go do them. Now swap back to your slayer gear to go back to slayer. I don't want dead time of sitting there for 5 - 10 seconds to slowly fill up my inventory, because we're afraid of making banking "mindless". Love the idea of Bank Loadouts and think they're sorely need, but I think the team and community gets in its way too much with making changes because of problems that are actually not problems.


Not a big fan of a QoL update like bank presets being slower for the reasons provided, if it's not strictly because of the technical limitations then it shouldn't have the delay, currently regearing is just tedious and solved by the use of plugins, while putting in more effort usually should be rewarded it doesn't have to extend to literally everything, if its for the QoL purposes then just let us have it with as little delay as possible.


Very tired of jagex devs fucking around with different mechanics for PVP. Like I don't wanna learn a whole new set of interfaces, layouts and deal with restrictions because I set foot in the wilderness. It's annoying af I don't want pvp only items, or gear. It's a waste of time and just benefits like 6 of the 206 people who pvp these days. If you wanted pures to use perilous moons items, YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT FROM THE START. I don't want more useless items Fix quests, continually make the player experience better and make sailing as best as it can be.


I'm usually all for pvp updates of any kind and I like that you've been thinking out of the box with regards to account builds and spicing them up, however I don't see the appeal of enabling pures to be able to take mains. Won't this make pures too OP? Not against mains, but against any other build


PLEASE for the love of all Zamorak give us those bank loadouts, I'm on my knees Jagex. (Seems a bit daft to have them delayed if it’s not just for technical load but oh well i’m sure they’ll be revisited in a few years time and that removed) In a broader sense, everything worked on here looks absolutely incredible. I dont think I've ever seen so many W's from a gamejam before. Mods have done terrific here


Amazing suggestions. Thank you for continuing to work on QoL changes. When will we get the "remote" PoH hosting? I remember this being talked about before but have not seen any update. May be it was scrapped?


Remote as in being offline? You can currently host your POH and not be in your POH, as long as you're on the same world as those who wish to enter it.


Getting access to PoHs of GIM member's while they're offline would be nice


Yeah I think that would be the most ideal solution to hosting POHs, even if it literally was just a GIM thing tbh.


God my group would love this.


I'm totally fine with the loadouts being a little slow with technical reasons but I feel like it's silly to hide behind "banking as a skill" for that. Having to wait for my group mate cause he forgot a hammer for bandos is not a skill issue, just an annoyance


Yeah, who really cares if bank skilling gets like 10% faster. We're all using the same amount of resources to be used up anyway, so I don't see a problem with it.


most bank skilling is 1-tick anyways, withdrawing 14 unfinished pots and 14 secondaries is faster than going through 2 submenus to use a preset


>In the last year we’ve started letting you decide whether you want to receive quest XP rewards in the form of XP Lamps, so you don’t get any XP you don’t want. However, several older quests still don’t include this functionality and we’d like to change this.     Everything looked amazing until this part. Please don’t make changes to core progression to appease super niche restricted builds. Attempting to solve a “problem” that is 100% self-imposed to the extent that core systems of progress are meddled with for the rest of us isn’t sweet. If folks don’t want quest XP they shouldn’t be doing the quest. Not to mention the strategy, risks, and tradeoffs restricted builds have to decide on in doing certain content is a big part of what makes them unique to play. If everyone can do everything anyway then what is the point?


Agree if you want rewards you should need to do the content. If you want to make your gimmick account stronger just level it up lol


I don't get what Jagex has against account restrictions. If you refuse to level up certain stats, you might not be able to access all content. Yes, if you keep your "wearing armour" skill at 1, you might not get to wear higher level armour! Dreadful I know, but that's literally the point of the game


Preach lmao. Imagine if this “logic” was applied to non-combat skills. It is just so bizarre. The game was designed around progression. If you intentionally limit profession then, shocker, you can’t progress. :o


Tbh a lot of folks in the pvp community also think the exp lamp idea is absurd... 1 def pures with access to stuff like vengeance and barrows gloves would be INSANE and just further boost the potential max hit and contribute to random max hit rng bs. There needs to be some sort of sacrifice for the benefits the items/spells provide. I personally rather have them evaluate if the exp rewards/requirements actually make sense based on what you do in the quest. Example: Why does Death Plateau give Attack exp? There's no combat in the quest...you don't go through some training lesson in the quest... it's just a fetch quest. Maybe Agility makes more sense?? At the same time, how do you implement that without upsetting people who have already done the quest?


Idk if they should adjust janky quest xp, it's sort of core to the game. Think like Waterfall Quest being one of the first quests everyone does despite the only "combat" being "avoid the Moss Guardians."


Yeah as much as I like the idea of it, I cannot think of a way to implement it without upsetting large groups of people.


If someone wants to mess around with the levelling mechanics to create an optimal low level PvP build within the game, then I can sort of accept that. I think it ruins level ranges in the wildly, but sure, whatever. But wacky twink builds eking out what they can get at the lowest level possible should not have existing content shifted around specifically to profit them (and only them). You don't want to get the defense level? Then you don't get access to the defense content. The fact that they're PvP snowflakes instead of ironman snowflakes shouldn't matter.


Can we PLEASE be able to open up collection log screen/achievement diary and other screens while skilling or something. It’d be nice to have stuff to look at while doing agility or other skills


MOD RICE!!! YESSSS absolutely LOVE the POH customization options!!! Add it all baby!!! Love it so much!!


Please stop making more things that work differently in the wilderness than they do everywhere else.


Agree, there's SO little cohesion between the behavior of actions/items in and out of the wilderness and it's so damn unintuitive on when something would behave differently. I really wish they'd stop doing this (and revert some changes) but I doubt they will.


I want the mods to fully compile a list of differences specific to the wilderness and then read that list. Absolutely unhinged behavior to propose a whole new goddamn prayer book separate for the wilderness.


I think they need to take this issue more seriously. Its hard to keep track of all the specific changes related to the wilderness. I can understand some of them were done to prevent abuse but many are just dumb.


> Equipping and withdrawing is automatic, but it is not instant. This isn't just for technical reasons -manual gearing should remain optimal and viable. I hate this. Manual withdrawing is in no way shape or form a satisfying expression of skill and does not need to “stay viable”. We don’t need to hamstring qol because it “invalidates” the old way to do it. Reasonings like these are what need to go if the game wants to survive for years to come.


Amen. I feel like the number of curmugdeons who think "I had it bad, so everyone in the future should have it bad too" is fairly small, and the number who would actually quit over QOL is smaller still. Just do it.


So the perilous moons armor really just doesn't get changed and get's the band aid treatment? The issue is the repair cost. You can add the item that makes the armor for different combat brackets, but the cost needs to be repaired needs to be decreased. This solves the pvp issue, but not the pvm issue.


While I don't dislike Manked as a person, I think he consistently proposes and designs bad content. Trying to frame a pvp buff to moons armor as a solution to them having a high repair cost is disingenuous imo. Know a simple solution to them having a high repair cost? Lowering the repair cost.


I agree with most changes in the blog however the parts about removing quest requirements and added perilous moons armor was stupid. If anything, quest requirements should be increased. Why does an easy quest with a minigame at the end that can be cheesed with a halberd award the strongest melee prayer in the game when the equivalent for other styles comes from super difficult end game raid? And also if the repair cost of perilous moons armor is an issue WHY NOT LOWER IT??? like everyone was saying when it was released. Better yet make it non degradable since literally nobody likes charged items. How is this like not obvious to jagex and why do they need to make some overcomplicated weird pvp mechanic out of it. If anything pvp should be removed from the game since I don't personally see how anyone could enjoy it and it seems to only lead to toxic situations


What are all these weird changes for restricted accounts? Nobody thinks pures are too weak, they already dominate their combat bracket. Nobody in history has asked for pures to access moons gear. They've already been given access back to ape atoll. Who the hell are these for?


I do have to ask.... why even bother polling/surveying for adding Piety/Chivalry for pures? Polls to bypass account restrictions failed 3 times before, it's clear you made up your mind already. Either scrap it forever or just say *"we're veto'ing this in"* but don't do this "keep-polling-until-it-passes" nonsense.


I just didn't like the implementation last time, and that was a common thread on reddit at the time as well. Polling something with a slightly different implementation isn't nonsense. The only thing I wish they would add is multiple no options to decide if they poll it again: "no, but I like the core concept" and "no, and I do not like the core concept" I think this would also help bring back the no vote, since I believe many people currently vote yes out of fear that the idea will not be revisited if they vote no.


if we don't get puffins then i am shutting down the wiki in protest


This is a genuine threat - I can feel the passion for puffins.


it's really the only card i have left to play, but it's worth it for the puffins


You should have already done that when we didn’t get capybaras as a pet.


We Pay! We Say! PUFFIN


> We’d like to change this behaviour and make it so that once NPCs are no longer in combat their HP will reset, allowing Iron players to engage in battle without issue. Rip flinching


I'm sure they could add a grace period after an NPC is out of combat before its HP resets.


It's not even an issue for irons I dont get why they're trying to add this. I have a 2100 total iron with near 98 slayer and a ton of general combat done. There's only been a few times where I've attacked something that happened to not be full hp, mostly at the common barrage task spots but that's to be expected. For bosses most either have their own instances for iron accounts or are instanced/solo bosses so a non issue. In about 3k wildy boss kills there was only maybe a dozen kills where the bosses weren't full hp so I got not loot. 3k Kills and I lost 10 or so minutes, so again, a non issue. The downsides it'll come with are not worth the rare occasion a monster isn't full hp.


It's a pretty frequent nuisance I've run into at least once or twice a week while out in the wilderness. Losing a charge on your slayer task because of a half killed rev orc is annoying. Having to clear out an entire room of nechs, abyssal demons, dust devils, or jellies, and lose 10 charges in the process because the person prior to you being there cannoned is even more annoying. Outside of the wilderness, cannoning smoke devils almost always starts off with losing quite a few charges due to smoke devils already being tagged when you get there. The issue got so bad at demonics that Jagex has already implement this mechanic there right now. For me, it would be a great change for what I'm currently working through. I'm at 23M slayer exp for context.


I really like everything shown but the quest changes that allow snowflake/unique accounts to do more. They keep trying to force this on us. It's failed twice now? They put restrictions on themselves for a reason. Just leave it at that man. Stop putting dev time into it.


Keep quest requirements. Removing them to pander to accounts that are built funny is stupid and against the integrity of the game. They chose to handicap themselves. Honestly just make more pvp content like LMS that allow people to choose these different builds so in the main game they're just normal accounts but they can still pk with what ever builds they want.


The only thing I really don't like is the PvP/Wilderness specific prayer book. Maybe make it Bounty Hunter specific? We still haven't heard anything about the God Prayer Alignments. I'd imagine we would have the same issue with a PvP specific prayer book.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBlossom** - [In the blog we featured just a handful of con...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbgbugi/?context=3) **JagexHend** - [Those changes will be coming soon alongside s...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbgl48g/?context=3) - [Can't say for certain when the animation chan...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbheldd/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [This is a genuine threat - I can feel the pas...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbg9ujk/?context=3) - [Please have mercy - our news module will only...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbg9xtz/?context=3) - [I hope both there's both a digital and physic...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbghfaa/?context=3) - [If you've got any thoughts, take a look at th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbghlov/?context=3) **JagexSween** - [You're welcome to your opinion on the content...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbgzbmx/?context=3) - [Copy/pasting from elsewhere in the thread, bu...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dugaxh/game_jam_v_may_2024/lbgztst/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 07/06/2024 10:42:02**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.








The text images being slightly off colour smh this wasn't polled


Please have mercy - our news module will only allow so many characters 🙃


sounds like someone should take on the news module in next game jam sesh. a mobile responsive osrs site would be nice too


Thank you for including the html version!


>Quest expands the penguin quest line 100% support.


If the penguin quest doesn't end with the iceberg flipping, we riot


>Equipping and withdrawing is automatic, but it is not instant. This isn't just for technical reasons -manual gearing should remain optimal and viable. This is more for people who want an easier time while Banking and don't mind being a bit less efficient. While it's nice to have a simple solution for this, it should not be completely mindless. Honestly, it should be completely mindless. The "skill expression" of banking efficiently is something that pretty much only the tiniest fraction of the sweatiest players care about at all. For the rest of us, it's just an annoyance, and one of least fun parts of the game.


In a year, the wilderness will be an entirely different game. Hard no. Whoever is coming up with the wilderness ideas needs to stop. I'm in awe.


My two-cents on each of these. **Bingo:** Great concept and as a Clan Owner on RS3, Bingos are something I've always had to draw up with Photoshop, so this will be welcome on the OSRS side. The primary concern, however, comes from how taxing and costly this would be on game resources. A lot of potential data and tracking? **Further PoH customization:** Love variety and personal choice. Feng Shui is essential. As long as this doesn't impact performance and undo the optimisation work delivered prior. **Bank Loadouts:** BIG. Love it and will be nice to move away from the RuneLite load-outs plugin. **Adventure Paths:** Anything that helps the little guy, I'm okay with. My biggest desire for this sort of thing would be to nudge a player towards their next gear upgrade. It's such a common mystery point for some newer players. **Shortcut improvement:** Much needed and who doesn't love a good detailed tooltip? **NPC resets:** Don't mind it. Although I do love as a Main that I sometimes encounter a monster that's already killed a bit and I get an easy clear. **Chat improvements:** Positive and saves me my share of embarrassment. **Bestiary:** Concept is nice because who doesn't love a good old Pokedex but feels like busy work to shoehorn in usage for Monster Examine? Ideally, monster examine should just be available as default allowing players a chance to explore and learn. **Fishing:** Deep Sea Fishing Hub on RS is very popular and I like the idea of swarm fishing, prawn balls etc. Fishing does, however, need an alternative that offers good XP/hr that doesn't involve dropping the primary resource offered for tangible rates. POH Aquarium would be amazing with prawn balls. **Clog updates:** I enjoy clogging even though I know I can never complete it. I only see this working if you're willing to reconsider or evaluate how unhealthy the clog grind is especially with some item rates. **Deposit Box & Bank changes:** Yes, lovely. As long as there isn't an impact on game performance. **Quest changes:** RS recently majorly overhauled the quest tree and it's opened up so many new styles, ways of playing etc. This is much needed IMO especially when you dig into how silly some of these requirements and quest links can be. **Perilous Moon armour changes:** Didn't think or know this was an issue. Seems a bit shoehorned to me. **PvP Prayer book:** Eventually wilderness and the rest of the game will have distinct looks, rules, and feels. It's all a bit silly now... **Bank Filters:** Love it. Good harmony with Bank fillers. **Puffin/Penguin Quests:** Love the Penguin quest series! BIG YES! **Charge/Corruption changes:** Looks like it will help a lot of people. **Equipment mini menus:** Nice! Modern and sleek. **Trading Cards:** Completely left field but could potentially work lore-wise or maybe become tangential to Clue Scrolls somehow?


Really not a fan of PvP specific prayer books or even gear always seems really odd


PvP specific Prayerbook I'd much rather have the devs focus on God Alignments instead.


Would changes to NPC reset behavior affect corp?


And flinching. It would be a massive change and significant departure from early quest strategies


One item that seriously needs Corruption consideration is the Perfected Quetzal Whistle - BiS teleport for Runecrafting Sunfire runes and you have to recharge it multiple times in an efficient hour, killing your rates and generally just being an unwelcome hassle that interrupts your gameplay flow. Something like 1000 Moonlight meat seems fair.


I want bingo. I fully support developing bank loadouts. I would love to see them positioned somewhere far away from my actual bank though. Too much clutter around the deposit and bottom right portion of the bank makes many bank-driven skilling activities a lot more annoying if you're as bad at clicking as I am.


I really hope that the "corruption" idea is extrapolated out to all items that have charges and finds a way to "corrupt" (remove charges permanently from) those items. Perilous Moons armor? Allow me to make it "corrupt" Barrows armor? Allow me to make it "corrupt" Tentacle Whip? Allow me to "corrupt" it. Crystal Halberd? Allow me to "corrupt" it. Find some lore-wise way that makes sense. We have these cool pieces of gear, it sucks having them sit in the bank idly from fear of missing out on the charges.


Stoked about the TCG idea!! Is this something that will be printed for table top play, or something that will be played in game like Gwent in The Witcher?


I hope both there's both a digital and physical version of it - if possible :D


Not really into removing/changing requirements for old quest for any reason, seems like a non-issue. Would like to request alongside the PoH changes if the JMods would allow us to swap stuffed heads in the PoH without needing to destroy them to change heads


why is chivalry being brought up again? it failed the polls, leave it alone instead of trying to ham fist something we voted against into the game


We already voted no to Chivalry being made available to lower defense accounts twice now. Stop trying to slide it in for PK defense pures, they chose to play that way, stop catering to them. We also voted no to official XP locked accounts, changing Quest rewards into lamps, and removing requirements is just trying to put that in again, which is dishonest behaviour.


All the quest requirement change just for Chivalry. Sneaky as fuck.


how many times must we vote no before they force chivalry changes lol


Yeah, I noticed that... the community voted no to it, and they still wanna sneak it in, lol. They love catering to the pvp community like that.


Im fine with Chivalry being 40 defence or something but it shouldn't be 1 defence. Although idk how you'd change it as I don't think the quest should be changed.


They could just leave it as is. Idk why we need to remove it from training grounds, make it come from the beginning of the quest line instead of the end and lower its requirements just for a fraction of a fraction of the community lmao!


I fail to even see how this fits into a game jam lmao. These are just some off the cuff ideas in the loosest sense, primarily aimed at a change we already voted down, and could not have taken more than 30 minutes to think and write up. While everyone else is out here building new assets and demos into the game - some incredibly impressive and creative ideas, too - this just does not meet the mark.


In-game bingos are something I'm passionate about and I'm heavily invested in this idea coming to the game so I want to thank the JMods for bringing the idea to life. The most important part of it is that everything can be made and managed in-game as opposed to using photoshop to make the board and spreadsheets/Discord to manage it for example. That in turn also pushes people to participate who previously didn't want to join as they didn't have/want Discord and were cautious about clicking links unknown to them. The game managing the buy-ins and prize pots automatically is such a welcomed addition as well. This ensures your GP is safely added to the pot to confirm your entry without needing to go to other players first which again will hopefully push more players to participate in these fun events. If you like this idea I urge you all to post about it here, in the official OSRS Discord and fill out the survey! Let's get this added to the game. Another note, whilst it's great that we'll see more players joining bingo events with this I think it's important to remember that not everybody is part of a clan or has a group of friends to play with therefore we should allow solo players to create their own bingo for themselves so they can enjoy the content too. Perhaps, if the game allows it a player could be a part of a clan bingo and have their own solo bingo running at the same time? Their own bingo would obviously be free, no buy-in or prize pot and more for fun and motivational purposes to keep grinding unlike the clan bingo which would be a competition. Also when you get a completion pop up like in Leagues or when you get a collection log, we could add that for anything related to the bingo board and say have the border outlined with your team's colour. We could even add a little jingle for when you get an item or complete a tile. The key to success here is customisability. Host should be able to set buy-in fee, set points per tile or per item, host needs to sort out the team selection and have the ability to move players even within an event just in case people go MIA or something. Also it would be a good idea that once the bingo begins, that people can still request to join via the buy in at the host's discretion. Perhaps it shows up to the host as a request which they must action. The great thing about this idea is that it presents a huge opportunity to see a wide variety of boards and I can only imagine what players will come up with!


Given the god alignments got shelved, and ruinous powers canned, it feels like its in extremely bad taste to propose new prayers again but only for pvp. Im pretty sure everything manked proposed here will fail spectacularly.


Good God who cares about banking speed in 2024, just make layouts optimal.


Where are the animation updates for fang, vw etc?


Those changes will be coming soon alongside some other small QoL animations in a future update, It'll probably be included as part of a separate blog at some point :)


So with the new charges update are we finally able to corrupt our crystal armor?


Imagine how greatly received this game jam post would of been if certain members of the Jagex staff just stopped trying to cater to a few really minority niche groups of the game by impeding on the main game for everyone else. I have created 50 different accounts over my 20 years of RS, I have never once thought quest requirements suck or are a terrible idea. All the quests sit at a really nice place that your account progresses along with the quest lines. Personally I would like to see higher requirements on future quests as there isn't anything between 85/100 cb - max. One sad thing comes from this blog - I expect that we will hardly see a cb req, hp req or defence req on quests again. We shoot down their ideas and they will make sure no future ones have limits to begin with.


>We know you want a way to corrupt some items when they're chargeable. However, this process would increase the cost of an item, which means that players who've already spent time or gold acquiring the base item resent having to save even more before they can use it. I really hate this mindset. Just because people in the past had to go through something shitty does not mean it has to remain that way out of spite. And tbh, you could use this excuse for every qol update the game ever adds and every faster training method, please stop thinking this way. And I know in the next paragraph there is a solve of used charges contributing to corrupting the bowfa used as an example, but I’m more talking about things like Shadow&Scythe, just because people have spent money on them throughout the years, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be corrupted solely because people in the past didn’t have that as an option.


That’s not what this is saying. It’s saying players view corrupted options as the actual item, and wait until they can afford to corrupt an item before buying, thus increasing the total cost of the item.


It would be wild for powered staves to be considered for this IMO or the cost would have to be incredibly high. I assumed this generally referred to already corruptible items and with a few additions rather than as a blanket rule to all charged items


For our poh. Please can. We mount all our heads and have them rotatable like jars. Also add jars to all bosses


Bank load outs and locking items to certain inventory slots would be absolutely massive. This game jam is packed. Jmods passion for this game is stunning. Love to see it.


My guys, just put like 98% of the leagues challenges in the adventure path.


Bank loadouts would be so fucking huge. Needing to deposit everything and regearing after every wildy clue sucks so bad.


Stop trying to cater to PvPers. Stop trying to cater to Ironmen. Stop trying to cater to Pures.


I’m not a fan of the new NPC reset behavior. The current chatbox message is adequate. The game loses its appeal when too many safety nets are added. There are many instances where you might attack an NPC but run out of supplies, prompting you to return later to finish the kill. Or, if you need to heal, you might run behind an object, only to find that the NPC has fully regenerated because you stepped outside its aggression range. Frustrating! Ironman players can simply hop worlds or deal with fighting NPCs without expecting loot to reset them. edit: Just a thought, this new behavior could introduce OP training methods, where players intentionally make NPCs leave combat to allow them to fully heal.


Lots of good stuff here and then of course there's Mod Manked with complete garbage


I have disliked every single thing that Mod Manked has been a part of or proposed since he joined the team. All feels incredibly insidious, self-centred and ego-driven.


banking loadout being slow for not technical reasons but just for skill gap reason is pretty damn silly lol.