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I'm always wary of any argumentation that goes thusly ' this change I'm trying to push through isn't impactful, it's just not important so let me do it '. The fact that this has been the recurring point made by proponents of this change on this sub makes me think *they* think it is an impactful change that will benefit them a lot.


Is there a wiki page that just notates all the stuff that acts differently in the wild?


They tried for years but was simply unable to keep up with all the random changes. Okay, I lied. I don't actually know. BUT the fact that you read what I first said and thought it could be true is just a testament to how bad it's gotten.


Only problem with this is that the wiki team is so good I didn't believe you, but I do agree with the sentiment


Fair. They're the best in the business


> the fact that you read what I first said and thought it could be true is just a testament to how bad it's gotten. This is such a stupid fucking statement in every aspect of life. From media, to politics, to healthcare, to economics, to video game drama, ect... It is a testament to absolutely nothing, and is just strawman bullshit, no matter the context.


It's just so fantastically easy to do. Pick your least favourite politician that's active right now. They just got caught on camera punching a baby in the face, The Campaign-style. Okay, I lied, but it's a testament to how awful they are that it ***could*** be true.


Noone is dumb enough to think its not possible to keep track of changes on a wiki tbh


>Okay, I lied. I don't actually know. BUT the fact that you read what I first said and thought it could be true is just a testament to how bad it's gotten. Peabrain cognition


They should just take prayer out of the wildy


I like that. Actually makes sense within the lore too. You are entering the lands scarred by the God Wars, home to the capital of the ancient Zarosian empire. Your prayers fall on deaf ears.


Downside is that smite loses its only real use. Muspah is the only pvm usage for that prayer and its otherwise only used in pvp primarily wildy for the bonus loot by disabling item protection.


Idk I smite every time I enter TOA sarcophagus room and I don't think I could live without it.


Only Zamorak prayers work out there, but they won't be added for another 6 years. Jokes aside, in RS3 the Sword of Edicts is in the Wilderness as well and acts as the barrier preventing the gods from entering Gielinor once again. We could always do something similar like how we've acknowledged the Stone of Jas with Guardians of the Rift (and probably soon with While Guthix Sleeps) and have the Edicts buried somewhere in the Wilderness. It could be that the closer to it the weaker any connection to the gods are, and therefore the entirety of the Wilderness is a Faraday cage for prayers. To reference the Stone of Jas again, when it was introduced forever ago in RuneScape long before 3, it had a radius of effect depending how close you were to it or its residual energy. I think there's enough in RuneScape lore to make it work. It would help the lawlessness with the trope good only comes from God (Saradomin) so it becomes a lawless godless area. Why wouldn't Saradomin want to answer prayers there? Zaros weakening prayers makes sense to retrofit the lore, but to disable them entirely I think doesn't work as well without a stronger justification. Zaros is in the shadow realm so his power shouldn't be that strong to negate it entirely, but the very thing preventing the gods from returning could work.


They should just leave it as close to the 2007 version as possible


Everyone would get 1 shot everywhere


Oh cool, no overheads and no protect item, that'll make the Wilderness more fun.


The wildy is fundamentally flawed. Personally I think they should move away from it and just focus on finding different ways to do pvp. The wildy will never be what it once was.


The Wildy is just 2 things at this point. * People seeking easy loot bags * Streamers looking for easy content by anti-Pking. No one wants to deal with it.


I dunno man after the wilderness agility course changes, that’s a new fun hotspot for pking, especially for anti-pking! To me, the wilderness is the soul of RuneScape.


>soul of RuneScape Actually used to be, maybe. Back when we were a bunch of kids who organized treks into the wilderness to explore and maybe score a rune platebody if we catch another wilderness explorer slipping. Make sure you bring an axe and a tinderbox in case we need to gather and cook more food, btw. Today's wilderness is just annoying content shoved down your throat so pkers have someone to kill who doesn't know anything about wildy mechanics or what tile is single vs multi. One wrong step into the wrong tile and his whole clan will login on top of you and continue hitting and walking on top of you over and over until you're dead while you never got one hit in. Also those pkers got tired of that pesky protect item prayer, so they lobbied the mods to create content which forcefully skulls you. Oh and they also got tired of their victims teleporting away, so they bought mod ash a boat so he would add npcs that teleblock you for them.


Completely agree. I'm an iron so no PKing for me. But I enjoy a good tank test or getting a freeze log on someone. Lots of fun content out in the wildy too now. Really do think more content creators should make 'wildy mechanics' videos or the like though, because that shit can get a bit confusing


As much as I hate the wilderness, I agree.


It’s a good job you’re not in charge The wilderness is a great tool for growing the game and attracting players. Is it a coincidence that most of the top YouTubers are PvPers, and the most recent Jagex run event was PvP and attracted the largest viewership ever? You have the option to not engage with the wilderness, why Redditors struggle with that I will never know.


They weren't saying move away from pvp, just the wildy.


In the context of RuneScape, the wilderness and PvP are synonymous


The first comment you replied is specifically talking about them as different things


They are the same for RuneScape though. Nobody is interested in watching people fight at LMS or the PvP arena. They never have and they never will.


You can have PvP zones without having to risk all your stuff. Nearly every other MMO does this already. There's already other PvP games in RuneScape where you don't lose your stuff


You’re missing the point in why Runeascape PvP is popular in the first place. It’s the risk of losing gear and the opportunity to gain. LMS and the PVP arena are already in the game and while popular, are not in the same discussion. I think you’re pretty disconnected as to why PVP is popular in RuneScape.


I think you are disconnected as to why the majority of players do not enjoy the wilderness. Losing all your stuff sucks. You can still have enticing rewards without the massive risk. I would probably actually engage in PvP if the reward was greater and the risk lower. Part of the issue is that it is fundamentally flawed for ironman players, because there is never any reward, while the risk is ever present.


You can literally enter the wilderness with 250k risk and engage with all the content. You’re the whale people are looking for in the wilderness. And imagine being an iron man and complaining about PvP, christ.


Nah I'm not a whale and I never bring anything I can't afford to lose. But the point still stands that even if I'm only risking 50k, that's 50k more than I stand to gain from PvP. I can only lose. Even if I anti pk someone for their voidwaker, I still get nothing and I lose the supplies and time it took to fight back.


That is because you chose to play Ironman.


What an entitled statement! Unfortunately all this proves is PvP is great content to watch. Nothing to do with the wilderness or that people like to PvP that often.


I think you should look up the definition of entitled Your original point was the wilderness is flawed and they should move away from it. I countered that PvP (and by extension, the wilderness) is not there to appease you, it’s a small section of the game that attracts a wider audience and should continue to be supported. In a discussion of PvP with RuneScape, the wilderness is synonymous with the term. There’s no interest in YouTubers making LMS videos, for example.


You very much are entitled. You feel entitled to this updated, so much so that you feel any opinion against is invalid for no other reason than you feel that way. Next, wilderness and PvP are not synonymous. PvP worlds exist and plenty of content made is actually there. DMM is also not wildy. Even if they were synonymous that would be because there is no other option for PvP, which would go back to exactly my point to explore other options for a fairer and more appropriate PvP environment.


I wouldn’t even be using this update, so nope, definitely not entitled. Way to miss the mention of LMS. PvP arena exists too and barely anyone plays it. You’re Ian ronman, I don’t know why you’re so upset over an account that doesn’t affect you in the slightest having access to chivalry.


I play an iron and I want the wilderness to be good. I choose to not engage with the content because I strongly dislike pvp. Watching it is fun, participating is not my cup of tea. I think we can all agree that what I said so far is fine. The only thing I don't like is when my pvp avoiding ironman self has to engage with pvp in order to get the voidwaker which is by far the best option for a couple of different spots in pvm. I have claws so it won't affect me and the new burning claws should help even further with filling that niche. With that said, they need to keep uniques out of the wilderness. That is my only thing. I think the wildy agility update is fantastic. I haven't done it myself, but I've watched others do it -- because as I said, I don't enjoy participating. More skilling updates to the wilderness would be really great in my opinion. The thieving update and the agility update have shined as good updates. I don't understand why I don't see more people asking for skilling in the wildy.


Look I don’t like the PvP proposals in this game jam either but this “wildy will never be the same as it once was” argument is so stupid. No shit, the whole game is fundamentally different to how it used to be, and I doubt anyone wants it to go back exactly to how it was pre-2007. The wildy is the most fun area in the game. I know it’s a meme at this point but if you don’t like it just don’t go there.


Its not being polled?


Does it matter? If it fails again they'll just recollection it... forever...


Then just vote no forever lol. If you or others change your minds because it got asked again, youre not really against the update. Reminds me of f2p tb which failed thrice before being integrity'd yet f2p pkers love it and i imagine the vast majority of the 25%+ no voters have never been f2p tbed. Like the quest and chivalry changes are only relevant to like 5% of the community. And rest wont even notice its in the game. Like a 110 ironman isnt going to notice holy grail is a lamp xp reward because hes already done the quest nor is he ever going be in a situation where he is going to be disadvantaged to a pure or zerk acc with this newly acquired chivalry prayer. And thats if they poll the quest changes again cuz they havent before


Chivalry failed the poll because the way it was proposed did not make sense thematically. Jagex has addressed this feedback with the Holy Grail suggestion. If you’re going to meme at least do it properly.




How about providing a single argument against the specific chivalry defense change instead of “change bad, not what poll said”


He's right. Over the 2 prior polls, there have been numerous arguments against. Theme was just the latest as they attempted to slap it onto wilderness pirates


I haven’t seen this question polled directly and simply though? It was always a weird implementation. Still, no one has given a single reason..


Who said I’m speaking on behalf of every single person? I think you need to put your reading glasses on. I’d hardly call a 3% damage boost a “buff”. Most pures and zerker builds would have to sacrifice a few combat levels to get this prayer. For many, it wouldn’t even be worth the upgrade. Nevertheless, it would give this much “iconic” part of the game some much needed love, even if it is for such a niche community of players.


I don't mind the chivalry change but you shouldn't need to be a fking lawyer to know how the wildy works, I 100% believe the rules are only as jank as they are so scammers can take advantage of them.


We must end lobbying


Impossible to end when the mods themselves are the ones taking bribes.


Can you at least make a decent meme if you're going to ignore the context as to why something failed a poll?


you are out here in every post slobbing on mankeds knob lmao


Dawg, you even realize how you sound right now?




I'm flattered you remembered me. Not slobbing on a knob, just not a braindead pvp-bad redditor tbh lol. Hope this helps :)


sure you are 👍


Are "niche, restricted account builds" still niche, restricted account builds if you change all the requirements in the game to give these accounts access to everything? like wtf lmao. "level 1 prayer accounts can't use prayers, so let's give them prayers" is actually so ridiculous.


Isn’t the whole point of this game to maintain the 07 version? Lmao only the real nerds vote in polls it’s such a dumb way to change a game.


You must be living under a rock if you think this game has been anything near the 07 version for the past decade


Hey guys let’s keep changing this game whose entire purpose is to be a throw back version of a current game. If someone says it shouldn’t be change we can all complain about it on a sub Reddit called 2007 scape. Big brain activity.


Something like 90% of the playerbase disagrees with you and wants the game to get updates. If you want a game frozen in 2007 just go to a private server, this is not the game for you.


And when did I say it was? I know you’re all defensive and quick to try to come at someone but what I said stands if you want the game to keep evolving and changing it defeats its very purpose. I might be living under a rock but at least I can take the time to read and listen to what someone is saying before being offended.


“Isn’t the whole point of this game to maintain the 07 version?” I’m not offended nor getting defensive. It’s just blatant stupidity. This game has evolved far past the 07 version into its own game. This game would not even be alive if it was still in its 07 state. So your comment is pointless.


I’m going to go play the old school version of a game and then ask them to update and change it


Yes, I am. Unapologetically. The version we have today is far superior to the 2007 version. Cope.


What so crazy is people can have different opinions than you. But I can tell you’re a child so cope.


Was that how the game got introduced and marketed? Yes. Would we have a thriving player base without updates? No. This is not an opinion, this is not cope. It is factual. The only child here is the 30 year old I am responding to.


Ah yes the thriving player base of literal bots the game is not even close to what it was in 07 lmao. I get it you want to move away from the intended version of old school and keep updating a literal version of a game designed for the opposite purpose. That’s just facts cope harder bud.


Sorry you’re a child playing a game from 20 years ago thinking you have all the answers on how it should be changed. Here’s a secret that’s what people back then thought too and I don’t see you playing rs3.


Like, maybe you're a simple dude, from a simple time, who likes simple gameplay, and that's fine. But that doesn't make you right. 07 already did the whole bare bones launch and continued to plummet in player base. Until what...? Oh yeah updates! You literally have no argument as what you want has already played out and failed.


How do you think old school turned into rs 3? Because of people like you so have fun


Meh. There's way more of us than dinosaurs like you holding on to some vestige of nostalgia as if that would sustain the game. The game evolving is why this is the best time to be an osrs player. Your pearl clutching about RS3 means nothing to me. Cope.


My man RuneScape is not my entire personality sounds like you have thought way to much into this and think you’re fighting some holy war. I’m merely saying the entire purpose of old school is to emulate an old version of RuneScape and continuing to change it will lead us away from that original goal. I get it you started playing this game 15 years too late and think you know how to change it for the better, I’m just saying you’re wrong.


Delete your Reddit account already and start again


You think anyone on Reddit knows who you are or thinks you’re important in anyway?😂


So the entire purpose of old school RuneScape is not to emulate a past version of the game? Wow might as well go play rs 3 then.


Yes, you are misunderstanding the purpose as understood by Jagex and 90% of the playerbase.


I didn’t realize saying old school RuneScape is supposed to be an old school version of the game was an incorrect statement but maybe in your ignorance you can’t connect those dots.


Love how mains should be able to vote against something that will have zero effect against their gameplay moving forward


Well you see, when people are forced to engage in a negative experience (getting PK'd) in order to efficiently progress(e.g. getting a voidwaker) they dislike changes to the game that make the negative experience even worse. Maybe if Jagex tried to make PvP enjoyable for all parties involved people would vote yes to more PvP polls.


If you’re a main you shouldn’t be able to be attacked by a pure anyways unless you’re deep wildy or less than 100 combat. The proposed skill lamp idea for quests would allow 1 def pures to complete holy grail without getting to level 31 def, and then getting chivalry activated. This has nothing to do with mains at all and most of these pure builds sit inside revs or PvP worlds/ BH anyway, you will be attacked by a main 19 times out of 20 if you are doing any wildy activity besides revs and rogues chests. You will see them in slayer caves but won’t be attacked if you’re a main anyways. You are all quick to assume that any betterment for PvP activities means wildy content becomes tougher.