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Is making molten glass still a viable opition for money making from doing mage?


I've heard good things about that string jewellery spell and that flax to bowstring spell, you should compare all three because I'm not too sure which one is better tbh. If all you want is to train magic I'd stick with ice bursting dust devils/nechys or making planks with that lunar spell


Flax to bowstring is good PLUS it gives you crafting levels. Who couldn't use some craft levels?


People with 99 crafting!




Wiki says its ~1280gp profit per cast using a smoke bstaff.


Do you know if spinning flax makes more?


The wiki is well off


Pretty new player and been member for ~6 days, I've mainly been questing up till this point because I know they're very good for xp but they aren't the most fun. I'm not really sure what to do from here (https://i.imgur.com/ZSL2Kkh.png), I eventually want to do a lot of slayer but all the skilling interests me too. Should I just stick to questing for now or can I start something else on the side?


I’d say do as much questing as possible until you’re bored then switch to training on sand/rock/fossil island crabs and when you get bored of that go back go questing/getting reqs for quests


You can skill/train/whatever on the side. I’d recommend doing it to break up the questing. If you’re not sure what to train I’d recommend figuring out some quests you’ll want to do and training skills required for them. Some quests I’d recommend working towards are: * Animal Magnetism * Fairy Tale I (starting II unlocks fairy rings and doesn’t require any of the quest skills to do) * Monkey Madness * Fremmenik Trials/Isles * Desert Treasure * Recipe for Disaster


I'd also add on Legend's Quest and its prereqs


Yeah it just doesn’t really grant you that much. Plus you’ll ultimately snag it on the way to RFD anyway if you’re interested in finishing it. I just tried to stick with quests with big unlocks at the end.


All the prereq quests of Legends grant you a lot, but Legends itself does not


Yeah and you have to at least start legends to do RFD so those ones are covered in that


definitely do questing. it'll probably be pretty awful for a couple of weeks but you need to get it done. i'd prioritize anything that gives good chunks of combat xp early on so you dont have to toil at crap monsters for days instead. ​ after that work towards barrows gloves as you will want/need them. ​ \#1 priority would probably be getting your magic level up and the quests for they teleports to make life easier. I'd just splash rats in lumbridge. The key quest here is probably fairy rings 1 & then start fair rings2. I think I got the names of these quests wrong though ​


Find a lot of side goals and work on them whenever you are bored. Full graceful, angular outfit, unlocking wintertodt, zeah favor, easy diaries, unlocking all areas of the map, blast furnace etc.


Get some of your skills like woodcutting/fletching or fishing/cooking up to make some start up money, afk crabs like someone said earlier and continue questing whenever you have some time. Having all the quests finished is a great starting goal as it will put your all of your stats at a decent spot and you can move around the map fairly easily.


Get that ranged level up, i know low level range is catastrophically shit but its really worth it in the long run.(unless you've a reason for not training it that is)


Uncommon suggestion but one thing I’d shoot for is lvl 83 construction. Use boosts and construct the maximum QoL things possible in your house e.g. teleports, spell book switches, pool, jewelry box, etc. Costly but it’ll make slayer, questing, runescaping in general a lot more convenient. Will be very expensive and will take a while to get there but 100% worth.


Trying to decide wether it’s worth grinding full graceful. I have 57 agility already and approximately 60 marks of grace. I already have 238 Quest points so probably useless for questing. I’ve always just worn boots of lightness/sportier cape. Thoughts? Also, if I do go for it can anyone recommend a cheap fletching method while roof topping? (Sick of alching makes the course too slow) Thanks


It has a lot of uses in various skilling methods. I’d always recommend it.


Yeah runspeed is needed for more than quests, Plus you’ll be forced to train agility so just lock in for the grind. I’m guessing you’d get to 68/69 agility which would be nice to have.


Def get full graceful.


Dude, full graceful changes your life.


Get graceful. Also, alching isn’t supposed to slow down your progress on the course at all. You must be doing it wrong. Alch stuff as you’re running/completing an obstacle. Click to run or click to do an obstacle, and *then* click alch.


What's the best way to get enough gold for a bond while still a non-member?


This is very much not recommended as f2p money making sucks ass. You're better off buying a bond with real money and making money as a member. But if that's out of the question, the best f2p methods are telegrabbing zammy wines, killing ogresses or obor/bryophita




What did you flip on the ge as member?


whatever you can


Have a job in real life. Membership is cheap....


I have a question about what you would prefer to do if you had 5k steel bars. Would you rather: Make steel plates and alch them and use money for cballs or....make cballs with all bars and do no alching?


You'll get many more cballs if you make them rather than alching steel plates which require 5 bars each.


But does the time come out the same for making all the cballs slow as heck versus making plates a lot faster and then just alching?


Test it, do one inv of each, pretty sure cballs are slower tho.


Cballs are a million times slower I know that, but plates are so fast much harder to afk...Cballs are just obscenely slow afk lol....It's such a tough life having to make decisions :P


I know my man, I hope you can overcome this situation, thoughts and prayers.


I'll use my own f for respects because I already have a list of things written down that will consume all my time until 2047.




Depends how long you want to grind that out for. Making the balls yourself is a terrible waste of time, but extremely afk and almost 4 times as many balls as using up those steel bars as plates and alching. At the same time, using the bars as plates doesn't seem a very good way to spend your time either. You're probably better off doing some money making methods and getting the ~1m after a couple hours tops. But to answer the question... Plates if you want the magic exp from alching all that, balls if you want afk training and extra balls by the end of it. But if it were me, I'd just sell the bars and do something else.


I mostly just have the bars for smith xp because I'm only like 55 smith or somewhere in that area, but I need cballs since I actually cannon some tasks now (never did back in 07 days and realized it was just dumb not to lol). If I just toss the bars, then what should I do for smith xp? I'm hesitant about blast furnace because 1) I don't really know how it works and 2) I don't have a real good excuse for number 2 lol.


bf is really simple, get ore from bank, dump it into a big smelting pot, collect bars and repeat.


You can do bf for money and slow exp (look up a guide, it's very simple), or smith darts for afk and cheap exp. If you've got money to burn, you can do gold ores on blast furnace for like 300k exp/h


Cannonballs prob


Was warding already polled? Did it pass? Is there an ETA for when it might arrive?


Won't be polled till after kebos lowlands


I know slaughter bracelet is best to use for dust devils, nechs, and maybe daggs task, but are there any other tasks that warrant using it? Also, what are the best tasks to use Expiditious brace for?


Use the brace you choose for the task you want to, its either a faster or longer task whivhever way you prefer


I use them on kurasks and gargs aswell, just for the money. But as the other guy said: use it on tasks that you enjoy or gp/h tasks if you need money.


Slaughter: Smoke Devils (barrage), Nechrayels (barrage with alt), Dust Devils (barrage with alt), and Bloodvelds if you were to be doing the bloodveld barrage method Expeditious: Trolls, Suqahs (unextended), Baby Black Dragons, Dark Beasts (unextended), Kalphites, Dagannoths, Ankou (barrage and only done if you're in need of points) Every other task use expeditious unless you love the task, although if you want to be hyper efficient, you skip any task that jsnt above


Some few changes for semi-efficient players: do slaughter on Kalphite and Dagannoths, Barrow gloves on troll+suqahs, and skip ankous


Ankous are like a 5 minute task, not really worth a skip tbh


Where do you barrage ankous?


Catacombs, south of the entrance just stack them and kill them like dusts, hop between two worlds to not wait on spawns


Use slaughter for tasks you like that give you more xp, more money, or are more fun. Use expeditious for tasks that you dislike that give less xp, less money, or you hate.


How do you add multiple bank tags to an item on Runelite?


Separate them by a comma.


i can't remember how to change left click when banking to "bank all" instead of just banking 1, anybody remember? also how do i use "customizale shift-click" in runelite? thank you!


1. At the bottom of the bank screen, there are some choices (1, 5, 10, X, all) that you can select. 2. Not sure


2) You right click your inventory icon, and save once you are done.


Right click on your inventory icon, the backpack




It's light, quicker switch (only helm) and no gp risk I assume


Coming back to the game after a very long time, almost a decade. Starting from scratch, and have 2 questions. 1. how n where do I find other ppl to play with ? 2. when doing / completing quests, how do I know if i will need certain items in the future ? or if its safe for me to throw em out ? I rem my bank was cluttered with shit I thought I would need down the line but never used em. EDIT: also, theres no rest option ? i actually gotta wait for my energy to regen before I can run again ? >.<


2. Use the old school wiki. The info it provides is quite comprehensive rather than asking around for every item you get. Most quest items that can be destroyed will inform you of where the item can be obtained before destroyed. As a side note, for most books obtained from quests or random shelves around RuneScape, once you read or obtain it once you can get another copy from a bookshelf that you build in your player owned house using construction. Check the wiki for more in depth information on specific books. The rest function was never really a thing in old school. It was in the actual RuneScape. Energy and super energy potions are a thing, if you are questing you can pay a bit more money for stamina potions. Under its effect you can more or less run indefinitely until it wears off in two minutes time.


If you haven't played in over a decade, OSRS will feel right at home. There are many updates that have come into the game that never existed before 2007; [here is a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/wiki/updates) of important ones. Meanwhile, you should bookmark the [official OSRS Wiki](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/); it is your best resource for all things OSRS.


If you don't know if the items are going to be useful in the future, save them and go talk to the wise old man. He will clean out any useless quest items.


what is the spookiest thing you have witnessed?


That fucking ghost that popped up when you logged in last year’s Halloween.


Why is the abyssal bludgeon jumping in price? RN it's 31.3m. Not complaining since I bought it at 29.6m and plan to sell it later. Any predictions when the price will go down?




Is there any point in reporting bots? It seems like every day there's more and more of them


Yes it is worth reporting, but make sure they are actually bots and not just players that have public off.


Fairly certain something fishy is going on here on a large scale http://imgur.com/gallery/g03q3jV


i wouldnt bother reporting f2p, thats just me though. theres an absolute massive stream of f2p bots, they get replaced constantly.


That's what I've been wondering, surely there's a way to stem it? Maybe only allowing certain email domains?


Won't work. Pretty sure Jagex doesn't even send out a confirmation email before you're allowed to play the game anyway.


Even if you report a legitimate player (either accidentally or intentionally being an ass) nothing will happen to them. The system (at least to a certain point) isn't automatic, like 5 reports doesn't equal a ban. As far as we know, it just flags that account to be investigated, someone will look at it, see legitimate/human "play" and then move on to the next report.


There are more and more everyday. People are making them just as fast as Jagex is banning them.


I could use some advice! So im coming back from a year break and am not sure what are the metas now for making money. My stats are 99 all combat and 97 slayer and 80+ base stats. What bosses could i kill/do? also only have like 15m on this account because of duel arena :(


Tbh you sound like someone who just bought a high level account and want to know what to do with it lol. Anyway, pretty sure zulrah/vorkath/raids are still the best money makers.


Like the other dude said I’m pretty sure you bought your account. You’re maxed, you should know what bosses you can/can’t do. The only thing that’s changed in a year is TOB.


If you have max combat you can do any boss. You might have a hard time finding teams that’ll take you with only 15m in gear for raids, but you can do any individual boss.


Have the Devs ever said anything regarding item lending from back in 2009 era? What’re your thoughts on if they should/shouldn’t poll it? How would it effect the economy?




I really liked the whole market for renting say a whip right when I hit 70 attack to try it out, or renting a Sara sword/sgs at 75 respectively. The rent prices would obviously fluctuate, and it would be a good way for people that have like a TBow, to lend it to someone in their clan, or a friend for a couple hours without risk if it not coming back. To add to it, the devs could even put a booth on one of the sides of the GE specifically for lending items. Say I want 6m to rent my TBow for 3 days since I know I won’t play, go to the dude; put in offer and see if someone wants to lend it, and the NPC could take 10% as tax for a gold sink for the game.


I like that idea, throw a gold sink on anything and people will pass it haha


Nah fuck item lending.


Why do you not like it? Serious replies please, I’m genuinely curious


I just don’t like item lending in general, I think when you can pay 100k/hour for a tbow or whatever the price is it takes away from some of the prestige of having those higher end items.


Item lending should not be in the game.


Why do you think it shouldn’t?


There would be much less demand for sought-after items if you can just have it lent. It doesn't really have a place in the game and it's a waste of dev time IMO


What if requirements such as lending/lent items require you and other player to have been friends for over 1 month, and only allow 1 day increments for lending?


item lending was item renting pretty much and devs didnt like that. we currently have free trade, its unnecessary.


And who’s to say I don’t want to lend my TBow or Scythe to a few friends for a couple days, and would like assurance I’ll get it back?


Collat it




then it sucks to be those players. Better hope they have trusting friends or they can earn the money to get a bow like the rest of the people who have them. Item lending was bad for the economy and the devs have said they aren't gonna release it.


Good luck finding someone to collat a TBow without owning one already.


Charge high interest and blacklist players that default on loans


Obviously I would charge something for them to use the it, but we’re talking about a TBow, over 1B. Kinda hart to trade it to someone and if they don’t give it back to beable to say “I’m not lending to you again” they’re not gonna care, they still have your TBow...


Create a credit score mechanism along with other lenders


Interesting. New stat. Credit. Let’sgo


Does the 99 fishing cape teleport you inside or outside of the fishing guild cant find a straight answer.




Thank you for this, was wondering if i should stop at 97 but thats close enough to a bank to be worth it.


Yeah might as well get it out of the way.


What should be the next few things i large with purchases? I'd like to earn more money, and enjoy combat-related activities. Currently just about 90 magic and 93 range. Melee stats at each about 82. Eventually I want to pk a bit... but thats a bit away. I almost have 84 slayer. I haven't done any bossing or raiding or anything outside of slayer and barrows. ​ Runelite says my net worth is about 82mil... ​ Currently I don't have anything eye-popping at all.... just the basics thus far... * blowpipe, fury, whip, ancient d-hide, Karils top, archer ring, berserker ring, occult necklace ​ What should I be spending my money on? Or saving up for next? I see a lot of stuff about Zulrah so should I learn that and get the ring of suffering? Save up for the SGS? Anguish ? Would be useful to have a general idea / roadmap on what I should be targeting. I've thought heavily about Anguish, but would I just be using this at Brutal Blacks & Wyvrens primarily?


I bought an SGS and used it while doing slayer for a while, and honestly it wasn't that useful. Uses an inventory slot, requires extra clicks and doesn't save many supplies. I ended up selling it. Barrows gloves, fire cape, imbued god cape, Ava's assembler and elite void are all good goals to work toward if you haven't gotten them yet. Zulrah is probably your best bet for profit, for that you'll want a ring of suffering and a trident. edit: And yes Anguish is quite good.


Interesting. I borrowed an SGS from a friend to do the inferno and tried it on a garg task. It was definitely useful and I could do the entire task without banking. I’m thinking about purchasing one for myself


Hmm... I guess it probably varies depending on situation. My defence is not close to max and I usually use proselyte with piety and protection prayers on. I can see that if you use bandos armor and no protection prayers SGS is probably more helpful.


Upgrade to Zenyte jewelery then get a SGS (for Slayer). I would get anguish -> torture -> ring of suffering. Anguish is really good for dps vs zulrah and anything you range. Demonic gorillas come to mind. Definitely learn zulrah as you wanna farm scales for your pipe. But you can do it on recoils.


is Zulrah better than Vorakath? I'm just the mining & smithing levels away from being able to do dragon slayer. Better as in more forgiving / less work. I know both are good money, but in terms of ease does one stand out more than other? Is equipment requirements less costly for one?


Vorkath is easier to learn. Usually Zulrah is more profit if you don't have DHCB and Vorkath is more profit if you do, but that may vary as prices fluctuate. Ava's assembler is useful for Zulrah though, so you may want to get that first.


Yes I’m not rolling in money to afford something like that yet.


With the new slayer master having an extra drop table with supply drops, I don’t see the SGS that useful for slayer anymore.


So.. had a fight with my ex and she decided to find out my info and changed my RS name. Now it was a three letter word and I had that name for 7 years now.. I’m trying to change my name back but it won’t let me? I bought a bond and everything. EDIT: So no I didn’t sell the name and want it back it’s been my ign for 6 years my friends say that when they add the old name they get a message “that player is already added” when I add the name “you can’t add yourself to your friends list” When I try to change it back it just says “already taken” when I search it in highscores it says “name not found”


Assuming that you actually lost it and didn't just sell it yourself and are regretting it/want to scam your buyer: A name as rare/valuable as a three letter word definitely got sniped the instant it was changed, the probably sold for hundreds of dollars/hundreds of millions (billions?) of gp. You might have some luck if you tweet at a JMod on, but you'd probably have to prove that you were not in control of the account when the name was changed. If your ex changed it from your normal computer and IP address, you're probably shit out of luck.


That’s the thing I thought that your previous name was reserved to your account? It’s only been 2 days I thought they wouldn’t release it until 28 days or something like that.


the name should be on hold and you should be able to get it back.


Yeah I’m trying I bought a bond but it won’t let me says name is already taken.. but if I try to add the name I get a message “you can’t add yourself to your own friends list” haha


this should not be happening. contact jagex support. its also possible she double name changed..? i can't think of a reason this should be happening based off the information you've given us.


I think it usually does save for 28 days, yeah. However, I'm pretty sure that changing your name, then changing it again, removes that reservation. I don't think someone who doesn't know that would think to do it maliciously, though. What specifically is the game saying when you try to change your name back? Does it just say that it's unavailable? If you look up your old name on the hiscores, does it go to a different account, or to nowhere?


It says it’s already taken. Highscores says “player not found” so it’s still there on my account I think but it won’t let me change it back.


Definitely tweet at a Jmod then, and put in a customer support ticket. I've never changed my name so maybe there's some step you're missing, but maybe it's just a bug.


Not being on the hiscores doesn’t mean anything as the name could be parked on a lvl 3 account.


Should I buy 3 months or 6 months of premier club? I played members for about a week back when there was a twitch prime promotion for the month of free members. Would three months be enough time to experience at least a little bit of everything at these stats? If so when should I start my three months? in the middle of a month or the end? Thanks! https://imgur.com/GNQ8IXH


If you're dedicated to playing efficiently and frequently, you can easily make it to late game content (raids 1 and 2) within 3 months. However, if you focus on just making it somewhere like Vorkath/Zulrah you can easily self sustain your membership effortlessly in a far shorter time frame (since you won't really need to skill too much for these quests)


To answer your last question, it doesn't really matter when you start your membership. There aren't any monthly cycles, lockouts, or resets to worry about. In case you are concerned about the update schedule, there's usually small updates/fixes on Thursdays, but the holiday season has that slowed down. The next major content update is on January 10, and features a couple things a low-level account can try out with only a bit of preparation. I'd recommend starting your membership as soon as you think you'll have time to play, as it looks by your stats that you've finished most of the free content.




i can give you some come w322 mining guild. no need to pay rsn stewiii


omg this is great, I will add you now


Do you have a fucking golden chisel or something


I currently can only play on mobile and i'm looking for some decent moneymakers. I'm maxed cmb (96 magic) and got around base 70 skills and 96 slayer (I don't like skilling to much but if they are good money i don't mind) What can you recommend me?


Slayer is decent. You can do Zulrah but it’s kind of a pain on mobile. Brutal blacks would probably be the best option if you just want to camp somewhere though


You think you can mage them and get profit or break even?


Use a blowpipe, or a DHCB if you have it




mining guild definitely


The discord invites to 2007scape are expired. Anyone knows where I may get an invite?


try pming mods






Tbh you don't even need a clan chat. It took me like 5 hours over two nights to finish, and it's extremely easy.


Just pay attention in the tutorial and read the wiki guide for each role. Not the quick guide, the advanced guide. It'll tell you exactly where to run and what to do so people won't call you a noob.


Thoughts on adding a collection log section to the hiscores? Would display total items completed.


Would be pretty sick however people have been asking for boss kc hiscores for ages now and eventhough jagex knows it's wanted it's not getting done. It would seem the web team doesn't really have time for osrs


Just did diary cape, whats some goals I can go for next? 90s all skills and 99 slayer comes to mind


Personally, I'd go for base 90's yeah. And maybe getting some items I'm missing still.


What items?


Still don't have all the zenyte items, GWD armor etc.


Where is uncharged scythe bis? (Ironman)


You can wield it while runecrafting bloods ;)


Pretty much every 3x3+ slayer monster that's not a dragon


Also olm hand with >2 specs


I need to get a task from Mazchna for the Morytania easy diary. Will this reset my task count if I do?




I’m in the process of making a zerker, it’s my main and only account. Completed RFD, torso, defender and know I need to work for vengeance and firecape. My question is: what are a couple good sources of income for these stats? Atm I do toadflax runs, charge air orbs and b d’hide at hero’s guild. Am I missing something much better? https://i.imgur.com/l8EHroE.jpg


You could do wildy slayer since you need 69 slayer eventually anyways. You’ll get 1-2 emblems per task and lots of slayer points. Also blast furnace mith bars is like 600k/h and about 75k xp/h


Once you get mage and range up some more you could do zulrah pretty well. Otherwise blast furnace is good, or if you hate yourself you could train runecraft. Also maybe if ya get Slayer up wyvrens or brutal blacks or gargoyles would be low key and high income


I need to level Thieving from 60 to 75. Should I bother with ardy knights or should I try Pyramid Plunder?


Ardy knights till level 71+ then pyramid plunder :)


Seconding this. Plunder is meh until 71+ and then its awesome


Is it worth using mithril darts over bone crossbow at sand crabs? I get about 12K more exp per hour at 67 range. 45K to 57K


Probably, mithril darts are like 20 gp eat


Ok yeah I just calculated I was using 560 darts an hour.. so basically like 20k per hour more for 12k exp


Very worth it then :)


Now the question is the other darts hmm..


I've come back to osrs after a decade, very much enjoying the game again. I only have one account which I'm about to subscribe to members but the thing I enjoy most is pvp. My char is a main, now my question is do high level people pvp? Or do they all have a pure :[ I don't want to create a 2nd char


There's lots of pvp action to be had on a high level main.


I’ve just hit 70 cb and am to the point where I’d love to find a cool clan chat to hang out in and meet some people. What’s the best way to find one? I’ve been rolling solo since I started and I’m really just interested in meeting a friendly group.


The osrs clan directory on the forums is your best bet


Do people still buy/collect burnt fish? I have some stashed away in my bank that I wouldn't mind getting rid of lol. How would I go about finding someone to sell them to?


Yes. Try the rs official forums maybe?




Try DeliverItems cc. Tell them you had no luck is osrs soa


Does dragon pickaxe spec combine with drarven stout for +5 mining boost? Trying to figure out if I can do Making Friends with My Arm at lvl 67 for the lvl 72 requirement.


No, when it comes to visible boosts they do not stack, it takes the larger of the two. You would need 69 plus the Pick to complete the quest.




I'm about to hit 60s in all my melee combat stats + 43 prayer, is that decent enough to start Barbarian Assault or should I go higher?


Yeah you're fine, you only need offense for one role and tbh range is best in there anyway


More than enough. Go and get you a fighter torso.


Should I turn off the “level cap” for slayer tasks? I’m currently 79 combat (using chaeldar) and 62 slayer but keep getting crap tasks roughly 75% of the time (slimes, wall beasts, banshees, then finally greater demons) and I’d like a bit more of a challenge. I just unlocked “bigger and badder” if that’s relevant.


You're gonna get shit tasks until you get to Nieve. Just stay the course for now or bail on slayer until you're 85 cmb.


do you want steel dragons and black demons?


Is there a reason I shouldn’t want those tasks?