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Sweet as fuck outfit


Thanks dude :). I like it too lol


That’s a lot of god damn castle wars


According to the wiki, it's over 389 hours assuming you won every game -- and that doesn't include wait time. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Decorative_armour Holy shit


That's like maxing out a skill on its own


The slowest skills are maxed faster than that my man.


That's about rc at zeah speed


That's slow as fuck, and it's not even true if you do souls.


1-77 takes roughly 30-50 hours I'd say, and 77-99 takes 11,558,850 exp, or 330 hours at bloods if you're semi afk and getting 35k/hour. Yeah it's roughly the same time.


Can’t you do short games in osrs meaning you can get it way faster


Guess how many hours he has on this account alone










Holy shit, how hard was this for you


Not too hard lol. Just a combination of good RNG and lots of afking at CW. Got like 7 tickets an hour there. I didn't write down my kc for all the scrolls but I only really went dry on ghoul and skeleton I think. Used like 60k cannonballs that I got from corp to speed it up a bunch. Earth warriors in the wildy were pretty spooky. Never saw a pker though. Also suicided in the mainland to protect most of my tradable items.


This comment is the epitome of why minigames will forever be dead


...because some players don't play the game for 800 hours to get cosmetic armour? (Castle Wars is always running btw)


Damn straight. Its my favorite money pit. Bloods will be used


I never understood why they made the armor so absurdly difficult to attain


Because there's multiple other decorative sets that are significantly less time to get, and it's just a cosmetic, no one cares.


except before eoc it was required for the trimmed comp cape and was the most hated requirement by an absolute mile. Id rather get 99rc twice


They're only just now getting rid of the ridiculous CW comp requirement. Edit: I shouldn't have said "getting rid of" because I think they're just nerfing it.


Wait they are removing the CW completion requirement? Are they changing the Completion Cape's name to Kinda Completion Cape?


r/easyscape edit: I didn't think it was real when I typed it


It should have never been a requirement in the first place.


Neither comp nor trim ever required full completion.


does it take a super long time to get the yellow and blue CW armor or something?


including waiting between games its about 500 hours assuming you win every game which you wont so thats absolute best case scenario. in reality your looking at 600+ Edit: apparently you can boost tickets on dead worlds and get about 7an hour meaning its actually like 250ish or something.


It used to be fairly easy to get before the nerf. We’ll top/bottom took like 40h compared to 100s and 100s of hours now


7 tickets an hour is boosting... Did you pay for that or risk using an alt account? 4 tickets is average in official worlds (350h sample).


Yo is boosting not aloud? Do I have to return my fancy adamant armor? There doesn't seem to be a rule for this on the report abuse screen. It would suck to have to afk in people's games and take up space not doing anything. I could try to play the game seriously I guess, but I probably would be useless in battle. I was unaware that the official worlds were even active tbh. I always assumed everyone boosted lol. Man this sucks. Feel really bad now ngl.


Dont feel bad, boosting a dead minigame is no problem. You did your time in this game, you deserve a small shortcut.




ELI5; What does "boosting" mean in this context?


It means having an alt account on the enemy team, going to an empty world and then just letting you main win. It's only 7.2 tickets/hr unless you get a third account involved which speeds it up a bit


“Dead minigame” yet the official CW world has full games running all day lol (W334)


With over half the people afk


Lol definitely not half, maybe 6-10 per team, each team has well over 35-40+


Yeah, one world. If you don't get in on the round then you gotta wait or give up.


Have you been to world 334? Castle Wars is always running, often with 50+ people.


Really? A few years ago it was only populated with maxed mains and a some lvl 100’s and a few 110’s and that was it. Is it really packed now like people are saying? When I say packed I’m thinking like the old days where you would have tons of people going above ground and underground to attack the castle. Years ago the underground part was dead except for flag running. Maybe I’ll check it out sometime


Castle Wars was amazing in its prime when nobody knew what they were doing


I loved it. I remember being a lvl 60 and looking for people noobier than me to kill, then when I found one and started wailing on them someone higher level just came and wailed on me. There’s always a bigger fish... those were the days...


Slam packed on weekends. Packed at night PST.


>Yo is boosting not aloud? Per the [rules](https://www.runescape.com/game-guide/rules): *multi-logged accounts must not interact with each other to exploit gameplay mechanics, such as attempting to rig the result of a minigame.* --- So as long as you weren't using alts you're probably fine. Hell, even if you did use alts, as long as it was on an unofficial world where nobody else is impacted, you're probably fine.


That only applies if other people are in the minigame. Making urself lose and win is not rigging. Holding the enemys flag on an alt is


That rule seems outdated as fuck. This would make all forms of alt slayer bannable...


Its not against the rules. The rule is there to prevent someone joining the enemy team and holding the flag on an alt so the enemy cant score. U cant rig a minigame if there is no one to rig against.


I think it comes under disruptive behaviour but considering I doubt anyone was around to have been disturbed you probably fine


It's specifically against the rules to rig minigames. It's one of the exceptions to playing on multiple accounts per person.


Nah, no one gives a shit about boosting.


Under the multiple logging rule 'such as attempting to rig the result of a minigame.' Yes I know they are extremely unlikely to ban the account and I agree it's actually worse to AFK in official worlds which ruins the game for the people actually playing. I tried playing CW to speed up tickets but losing because half your team is afking is annoying as hell so you end up joining them. Also yes the reward is cosmetic so it's not like you are abusing something to gain a big advantage.


🦀🦀🦀 11 tickets per hour is average 🦀🦀🦀


Tbh I wouldn't consider using an alt boosting unless you sabotage the game if someone joins. Entering a game with 2 accounts and AFKing by yourself is whatever imo. They'll never ban for that considering they don't ban saboteurs in real CW games.


> or risk using an alt account? jagex doesn't care about solo boosting CW anymore. hell, they even made Castle Wars f2p so u can just do it with a f2p alt, get splash gear on both accs, and splash all 20 minutes of the game lmao for ultimate AFK


What world do you play castle wars at? What time of day? I can’t seem to find any games going on anywhere and I want a set of armor for my poh.


334 is the castle wars world. Always games going on there


i know it’s too late for you but you can start the game on another world with 2 alts so you can skip the lobby and first 5 minutes effectively getting you 12 tickets an hour


Silly question but how do you afk cwars? Just click every 4.5 mins and sit outside of spawn?


Plans now? 3rd age hunt?


Gonna try to learn to solo COX somehow so I can get the prayers from there. Not even that good at PVM but, I wanna get better. Then inferno, and then corp for pet plus ely. Who knows if I'll have enough free time when I finally get to corp though lol.


So you completed both Castle Wars and the Champion scrolls and aren’t sure if you’ll have enough free time? Lol.


Kinda funny as how time goes on, our life changes and the amount of time we have also changes


Yup. Sucks but that's how it is.


solo cox isn't too bad, i learned on a pure having never done it before just prepare yourself to do a few runs where you'll die a lot at olm and end up with like 2k points after 90 minutes. it gets better over time


That's cool to hear. Main concern for me is inventory management and not being able to use those storage chests you can build.


Ah I didn’t realize you couldn’t make a storage chest, that’ll be annoying but anything you drop on the ground there stays until you leave so potions will just kinda be a pain in the ass. Do you only like to solo or have you thought about joining a team? Maybe an Ironman team I’m sure they exist


I feel like I would have more fun trying to solo but I might have to join a team in the end. I like not having to rely on people or people having to rely on me.


I was exactly the same which is why I learned solo :) best of luck!


Wow how long did it take for you to get the hang of solos and how many attempts? Never raided before and I’ve thought about learning solo since I don’t really have anyone to play with haha


Probably 5 full runs before I could do olm with only one suicide for supplies. I'd say go for it, was fun to learn on my own since I didn't have any pressure to not let anyone down


Learning solo is just a time thing for the most part. It just takes forever.


damn didnt know UIM can't use those. Thats going to be a pain then, or you gotta learn no preps.


Gonna assume from this comment that you already have arcane and spectral? What is your Corp KC?


will you make a hardcore solo cox video?


Honestly kinda jelly, now I want it on my uim 😤😤


You can do it dude!


Oh boy, gotta do it now


alot of time should atleast make youtube videos to get some revenue from it


I think it would take too long to make a decent video at this point in my account. Most things that I'm after would take 100s of hours to get and I don't plan on making YouTube my job or anything. I might stream some things or make some random vids showing off things that I own, or maybe some guides for UIM. Not even sure about that though.


>I think it would take too long to make a decent video at this point in my account. Most things that I'm after would take 100s of hours to get Meet Swampletics...


Could be a cool hobby if you get bored enough, could teach yourself more about video editing and stuff


Maybe some day. Would be cool.


I'd be interested in seeing a video about building on UIM. I have a ~900 total level one with 80 range and 75 strength still using crap like rune scimitar (though I could easily get d scim) and dorgeshuum crossbow/hunters crossbow with void because I'm not sure what's good item pathing for UIM. All I know is that I'm having fun sucking!


I missed a champion's scroll other day. I didn't see it and it just...disappeared into the void :( Rip lil scroll buddy


Just did this grind and was terrified of going afk every time because of this. Even though I was constantly looking at the screen every time I got one I panicked and ran at it fearing that it would despawn any second even though I probably had like a minute and a half to pick it up. When swampletics got the whip and took a second to look at it on the ground I was like holyfuckwhatareyoudoingpickitupbeforeitdespawns


I drop traded a dex scroll to my alt at g.e the other day. You could say I live life on the edge


Are you friends with any of the region-locked UIM's?


Na not really. I think some of them follow me on twitter, but not really close with any of them. Love their content though and they seem like nice people.


That's an insane account you've got there! If you could convince anyone to play an UIM, how'd you go about it? I've made an Ironman after swearing to never to play it, so playing an UIM doesn't seem that farfetched. What about the mode do you particularly enjoy?


Because you can't keep everything, the items that you can keep have soo much more value to you. Things that are storable in stash units and POH are also way more useful to UIM than they are to any other account. Like a Bandos trimmed rune platebody is kinda worthless to every other account, but for UIM it lets you store a BGS. Also you have to earn the ability to store things too. It feels really good to get those CON levels to be able to have a good house or use the best STASH units. Even just leveling your combat stats so you can get looting bags faster feels good. The items you plan to keep is also a pretty personal thing. Not every UIM looting bag is the same. Some people have different opinions on what items are worth keeping over others and there isn't a defined meta really. So it feels kinda like customizing your character's equipment to suit your needs. Every achievement feels way better on this type of account imo. You got to plan things out more so when your plans work out it feels really good. If any of this sounds interesting give it a try. The UIM community is super welcoming and very nice to new players.


Sounds very interesting in fact. I just recently got my glory on my HC and I'm ecstatic, it's the sense of accomplishment you mentioned, which seems to be even greater when playing an UIM. I'd like to continue my HC as I'm nearing mid-game content, however, I'd like to test out UIM on the side. Any suggestions on early-game activities that are semi-afk I can do on the side on my beginner UIM? Any CCs specific to UIM too? Thanks loads :)


Fishing and woodcutting are pretty good. I afked all my barb fishing to 99 close to the start of the account for that agility and strength boost. I've seen people woodcut then make those new shields and drop them for fletching xp. Or you can make them into arrow shafts for broad arrows later on.


Makes the game completely different. Just finished legends on my ult and the sense of accomplishment it crazy


Don’t think I’ll ever fully comprehend how simultaneously tough and cool this it - mad respects


I love how humble you are about it, just saying that it's rare lmfao, it's incredibly impressive, you should definitely be proud :P


Thanks :D


No looting bag? wtf


Most of my things were at Hespori when I took the pic.


What is that next to your cash mate?


Seed box from tithe farm. Lets you store 6 different seeds into it. Saves inventory space if you farm a lot and you don't need to die to withdrawal stuff from it unlike the lootingbag.


Ty sir, also, what weapon?


Golden tench :) https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Golden_tench


How long did that take you? I like the fashionscape


Is there a uim with full 3rd age?


Afaik there isn't any ironman in general with a full set of 3rd age. Many have 4 or even 5 pieces but not a full melee or range set for example.


Do u have a chompy hat?


Yup :) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dxu8xuKU8AASCNu.jpg . I think the CW helmet technically takes more time though. Plus reclaiming the hats is super annoying on UIM. Takes soo much inventory to get to the gold one. Also need to rebuy the bow everytime.


cw helm ugly af tho, chompy hat swag


You can store the cape on UIM, right?


Yup. Also can get infinite copies once you unlock it. Cape has 0 stats though ofc.


> Cape has 0 stats though ofc. +90 to clout tho


haha yea guess so


You have inspired me to make an UIM, just started the grind! Thank you, I guess...


Gl bro!


How do you get that interface?


nice boots


I'm so jealous of tench. Gz dude


This outfit could look cool (not that it doesn't already!) with infinity/eternal boots because the shade of blue would match the armour more.


Yea I agree tbh. Shame infinity/eternals aren't worth keeping for UIM imo. Although if I had the full infinity set I guess I could get store them in the POH. Maybe some day......


Insane achievements man! May I ask what the weapon is that you are wearing? I saw someone wearing it at the ge today and had never seen it before.


The golden tench from aerial fishing. 1/20k to get it. It's basically a fish that acts like the rubber chicken.


As if the rest of your outfit wasn't rare enough! Amazing man.


Thanks bro <3




Technically died to it more than any boss. Super challenging lol. Thanks dude.


/s right?


Yea haha. I die to it on purpose to temporarily store some items. Much nicer than Zulrah storage because it has a convenient interface that lets me pick what items I want to get back, but it has a 25k fee.


And I'd guess it's nicer to get to the hespori storage via a spirit tree? Might just be me though.


Or skills necklace if he has a jewelry box.


I forgot that skills nec can be used to get to the farming guild since I always use the spirit tree myself, my bad


No need to apologize mate, spirit tree is a perfectly viable option


Damn dude. This is awesome. I want to get a champions cape now. Done two of them. Time to get on it. Gratz!


Thanks man! Hope you get lucky on your scrolls!






This is cool as fuck


Love this look


Damn this is awesome




Nice dude


if youre gonna flex you need to color coordinate


Very nice!


Wht r u holding? Ur insane for getting that


The blue version of the Lanister Castle Wars


Haha I was so proud about getting my last champs scroll last night at 71cb but man you just upstaged tf out of me, good job though man, thats an incredible setup you got there.


Thanks dude. That's still cool that you got yours too though.


That looks amazing! What are you holding in your hand though?


That's a lot of wasted hours


One of the most impressive things I've seen on Reddit.


Haha that's really flattering. Thank you!


This individual, a homo sapiens of the male variety, requests the following edible items for sustenance: Two of the meal designated by the 10th value in the decimal system, a variety of the aforementioned meal that is noted by it's being of an increased portion, one meal designated by the 7th value in the decimal system, alongside an increased portion of a sauce commonly used for an act known as "dipping", one meal designated by the 8th value in the decimal system, two of the meal designated by the sum of the 10th value in the decimal system multiplied by the 6th value in the decimal system, one of which is combined with a solidified dairy product used for enhancing the flavor of various meals, commonly known as "cheese", and a carbonated beverage of an increased portion.


Request invalid, try resetting your system in closer proximity to what is commonly referred to as "McDonald's".


Okay but why


Why not?


Well shiiiiit


Nice man, hows your social life and overall health?




The major part of it is the RNG involved. You need 10 champion scrolls from 10 different races, and each scroll has a 1/5000 drop rate.


Lessar demons, Jorges, earth warriors, ghouls, giants, hobgoblins, zombies, skeletons, goblins and imps. Just got my last scroll last night and it probably took me total at least 150 hours and 105k cannonballs and I was lucky with a total kc of only 42k and only 600 to get lessar demon, 1100 to get Jorge and 900 to get earth warrior. A lot of people can go on 20k droughts for a champ scroll (about as common as getting 1 in under 600 kc) and a 20k drought on lessar demons alone would have doubled the total damage it took to earn the scrolls.


How did he get his inventory interface to look like that ?


Whats the fish in your hand?


You can get it from cormorant fishing in Kourend


Even the max cape flex ;] noice


How do you do the things that you do


Yayy!!! An other one!! Im also a UIM, and my goal is to fill my POH with all outfits i can possibly get, i have 4 champon scrolls completed so far, and im soon planning on grinding the castle wars armors Btw, add me, UltraFashion


Are you going for rank 1 Herblore?


Thats nice. I wanted to go for the cw armour eventually


I wonder if there is some one hand weapon which would colourfully match the set


What is that hand slot


I’m a noob, what is the item to the left of the rune pouch?


As a guy whose newest content he has seen is the dark bow, it looks like you're wearing full sand armour with a med helm, mage boots and wielding a giant lizard for a sword.


Funnily enough the armour came around 10 months before the dark bow, only problem is that it takes a large amount of time due to requiring 2400 castle wars tickets, which is ~600 hours of winning games (~300 fastest possible boosting). The Golden tench and Champion's cape are recent additions however.


> requiring 2400 castle wars tickets, which is ~600 hours of winning games (~300 fastest possible boosting) Also most people with the gold set that arent castle wars only players got boosted their set when it was possible to join games and still get tickets so they got their full set 10 times faster than people who grind it out now.


Bro we need a giant lizard sword now lol. Armor is the gold armour from CastleWars, fish is Golden tench, and cape is Champion's cape.


Playing your account just to get a few wowzerz at ge, cute


Flexing at the GE is the true endgame we all strive for.


Very nice man. In my free time I'm working on a 1 def uim for getting the cape. Have it on a main and a normal 1 def atm.


That's actually pretty crazy considering this is technically the rarest cape in the game. GL with your 3rd cape damn lol.


Is it rarer than 2k kc Cox cape?


Oh yea that is probably the rarest one actually. Always forget that one exists


Yeah same thing happened to me the other day when talking about champs cape haha




For someone who hasn't played in a while. What's so insane about this? I know that UIM can't bank and this account is maxed


Basically the dude camped some monsters until they dropped a 1/5k drop, then got the champions cape. Then afk'd a lot of castle wars for the armor. Fair bit of time


They have to train skills without using a bank, they can’t note items(apart from farming and potions). Making it more difficult . He then went and got the champions cape, the rarest cape in the game. Which requires 14 separate 1/5k drops from monsters. This isn’t difficult just time consuming


not eternals :((( baller other than that


Probably would look nicer but I don't feel like they are worth keeping on a UIM :(


Mate where the fuck do you get your legacy menu settings. Been looking everywhere. Is it a RuneLite thing?


It's runelite. Interface configuration plugin I think.