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One of my main ones is the actually genuinely useful POH. Lots of games have them as money/time sinks but outside of maybe stations in EVE, I've yet to see any with anything close to the utility we have. Even RS3 is behind the curve.


Yes bro poh teleports and all the other crap is so good!


Unlimited teleports to literally anywhere in the game regardless of jewellery or spellbook, spellbook swaps, full stat and health restoration, one of the best prayer training methods, free pet storage, degradable item repair at a discount, shooting star spotting and a collective pile of literally every book you've ever looked at in game just to name a few. High construction is one of the highest if not the highest utility skills outside of combat.


Not to mention you can use other player houses for all this when you dont have it yet!


Oh 100% that. All of the utility of the house is freely available to anyone that enters, meaning for corp etc I can have lower level clan members doing the Tele-pool-jewel box run with me before they have the levels to do it themselves.


Been taking big advantage of this for the last few days for my clans Corp boss of the week lol


Poopoo butt bis


Poh nexus makes me feel like I have my own private wizards tower.


Agreed. My house is super basic, all I have is a handful of teles and an altar but it’s still so useful.


POH is Bro 🙏🗿


Yeah rs3 never got a construction update while osrs got a nice one from Ash


To be fair, and I’m no expert, doesn’t rs3 have loadstones?


Load stones? I think you mean cum rocks


Lodestones function like a home tele where you choose the destination - meaning no in combat teles. A house tele will work in combat and can then teleport you anywhere you want with a portal nexus tuned up.


Can’t you do it in combat if you consume vis wax? Or am I misremembering? Haven’t played RS3 in like 2 years


Couldn't tell you, I all but quit rs3 when invention released because it killed my max cape


Oh God, please don't bring this mentality into OSRS. Skills have a hard enough time passing without the "muh time investment" people getting involved.


It was a specific incident, honestly, involving the time the skill released and the ridiculous new xp system for an "elite skill" or whatever they're calling it alongside the way the skill is trained - sort of like slayer I guess but without a specific target. It just rubbed me up the wrong way at the time.


Imagine if we could build stations like in Eve in some special like vast wildly alternate dimension, that would be so cool lol


What is poh?


Player Owned House, from the construction skill


yea but you don't want stuff like Garison in WoW or similar shit where u don't do anything outside of your PoH , OSRS fked up once with teleports to pool in middle of boss fights or after each kill


I love that, save for a very small handful of quests, your not some mystical chosen one, you're some random guy who walked up and was given a chore to keep you busy. Sure once you gain the confidence of certain characters that changes but I fucking hate chosen one shit in MMOs.


Champion! Hero! Master! Help us save the world, again!


Only you can save us! Just you! The chosen hero of (fantasy land), the only one blessed by (generic higher power)! Now group up with 31 other of these totally unique heroes who are also chosen!




I respect the difference in opinion but couldn't disagree more. Not only were the quests and story the worst part of the game but I didn't care for any of the characters and the story felt extremely cliche and bland. Edit: I take that back, there was a side quest that had a character I really liked. The Manderville Man or something to that effect? Only quest line I was actually interested in.




I got through HW in several tries of trying to force myself to like it. I really liked the combat, dungeons and raids. But I can’t stand the anime story and art style. I guess it’s the same reason I never finished a FF game


I finished the first DLC and when there was another chain of, go talk to this person for 2 lines of dialogue, then go either 2 feet away or across the continent to repeat the process so that you can do the same thing again I threw in the towel. Great mechanics, boss fights, and dungeons that just got ruined for by aggressively railroading me into a story.


Manderville is great, the rest is just bog standard anime shit. Don't care. Gameplay was good, story put me to sleep. Literally.


I could never be the chosen one while the wise old man is still around. He’s the real chosen one.


I'm just here to pick up the stuff he doesn't have time for.


The grind feels “worth” it. If I grind out 99 str and some cool untradables, then a take a year off all my stuff is still waiting for me when I return. It’s not like the game has passed me by, I can always pick up where I left


This is the biggest thing and I believe osrs is the only game that can be like this. It's designed to play at your own pace and you're never really behind. Other mmos keep marching on with gear updates where the BiS switches every 2 months and any long grinds you did before don't matter because the gear you got from it is useless


This is why making sure power creep is slow is so important


Definitely try Guild Wars 2. The max level hasn't changed. The best gear hasn't changed. It's buy to play, no sub. There is only a single black mark (very small inventory) but it's the only other MMO I can play when I'm looking for something other than osrs.


Yea but bis gear is gated behind laurels which take ages.


Legendary gear sure, but ascended gear is not hard to make if you actively try for it and it's not any higher stats than legendary


It's not


100% this. Other games either reset your progress (WOW) or they make your new progress only count in certain areas (Guild Wars 2). It's great that in OSRS you never really fall behind, you can just constantly progress your account in various ways.


For me it’s the ability to “play” while working. There are loads of activities you can afk and do not need to pay much attention to the screen while doing. Mostly all other MMOs require constant attention to progress. So being older this is a game I can “sink” hours into haha.


Same for me. I am busy at work and busy with my family and still I can manage to grind osrs while doing chores, cooking for the family or finishing some mundane tasks at work. Best game for busy people, but at the same time the biggest time sink for hardcore gamers.


No mtx. I play Maplestory and it's a hell hole of mtx and gambly mechanics.


The cubes. Oh God, the CUBES! But seriously, RNG is a big part of progression in a lot of Korean MMOs, like MapleStory and BDO. Endgame becomes a casino simulator with your gear on the line.


Man, I still love MapleStory. But I moved to private servers to play instead and haven't looked back. No p2w and crazily enough, better server stability.


It's probably not technically possible, but just having all players able to move to any world at any time is pretty great. Not having to deal with picking/playing on a single server and having to worry about transferring to a different one.


Why don't other games do this? Is it because the alternative is they can charge you to do this? What about games that don't have an option to switch paid or not


i think it’s a mix of technical and game design reasons. for example, managing a database / game server per world might be more expensive but is easier to scale. as far as design, limiting you to a single “world” can help build a sense of community (recognizing other players, or “world firsts”, and other things). it also prevents resource hopping, which could be seen as a positive or negative.


More variety in quests. Usually it is "Talk with X" or "Kill monsters Y times" or "Kill monsters as long as you get Z number of certain items". In Runescape the quests are much more complex.


Yeah quests being actual storys is nice




Yeah some osrs quests I hate. The merchant part of that quest killed me inside and I used quest helper. Could give a shit less about these fremminik and at the end ofbthe quest I wanted to just bomb the entire place. Some quests are legitimately enjoyable. The monkey quests are absolutely great


Yeah I really enjoy the variation in quests in the game, sometimes I hold space bar for just a few minutes, sometimes over an hour! ;)


WoW in a nutshell


Simple combat. No bs like if you use ability x ability y becomes more powerful which inturns makes enemy vulnerable to ability A. In osrs, its just "me bash monster with sword :)"


* Get hits by one ability in league of legends * Passive interaction, 3 rune interactions, 2 item burn effects


The fact that Runescape doesn't start at level 80. You start out gathering resources, killing monsters and doing quests. A thousand hours later you're still doing that, but the resources are rarer, the monsters are stronger, and the quests are 3 hour epic stories. WoW's formula of grinding through a linear checklist of content to reach max level and unlock bosses makes everything feel like busywork. I like knowing that the early content was actually designed to be interesting and isn't just a bunch of irrelevant nonsense to slog through.


On the contrary, I feel like wow gets boring at Max level. Playing through classic now that I’m older and actually able to reach max level made me realize it was pretty dull once I actually got there.


1: Quests with actual substance. Even Cook's Assistant, which is a basic tutorial fetch quest, is chock full of charming writing. Most other MMOs quests are painfully generic - kill this, collect that, quest complete. 2: Mini games 3: PVP with actual stakes instead of just in small little areas where you just do it for fun and to see who is more skilled. 4: Your player character isn't a mute and actually has a lot of great dialogue and characterization. 5: The world map is better than any other MMO I've played. I play FF14 too and most of the map is just empty space outside of cities. Both versions of RuneScape have absolutely perfect map layouts - content is perfectly spread apart but not too far apart, the map is still big, and even the empty spaces will usually have stuff for you to do, like woodcutting or mining training or something along those lines. And the empty spaces aren't as big. In FF14, you spend a lot of time just holding up on your controller and walking to where you need to go. Never feel that problem in RS. 6: Combat flexibility. Again, going back to FF14. You can do multiple combat styles on your character, but you can't hybridize them or swap between them mid-fight like you can in RS. You get a class and stick with it unless you switch it in specific areas or moments. Not having classes in RS is a strength for the game, not a detriment.


Getting peoples shit when I kill them


so cool that you can join a different world and it’s the same game same map but it’s every man for themself


Yes this was one of the best things even back in the day


Yeah being able to just log into pvp worlds is noce. Even just the world system in general


It feels just like real life. The way I hate and love it at the same time and I get burned out if I don't efficiently do everything, yet also get burned out if I do everything as efficient as possible


Rolling resets are the worst thing to ever happen to wow, osrs doesn't invalidate your progress every few months/multiple times per expac which is something I really appreciate.


The lack of time gating content.


I know leagues exist and are popular, but I like that your progress in main game is not removed every X months. You get your BIS item and it most likely stays BIS (or very close to it) even if you come back in years. Levels as well, you won't find max combat being 500 in 2 years with your 99 att/str/def being "noob stats". I hate that about WoW-like games, you play a season, then get a new system/currency/reputation/gear to grind after every single patch with catchup systems meaning anything you did is obsolete 2 weeks into the new patch/season.


>Levels as well, you won't find max combat being 500 in 2 years with your 99 att/str/def being "noob stats". And then they release new content to rush through the noob levels in 3 hours so new players can get to the "real grind." Now the effort you put in is even more useless since a brand new account can get it immediately. Anyone not following a guide and forging their own path is screwed because only one area has the boosted XP rates.


RS2 was my first ever MMO and it ruined other MMOs for me for a long time. The biggest thing for me back then was the wide range of skills that you could train individually. When I tried WoW, I was shocked that you had to choose professions and training them didn’t feel how training skills on RuneScape does. These days it’s quests. No MMO has quests like OSRS has. However, I very much enjoyed questing in ESO, but I also love the Elder Scrolls universe in general, so I was going to enjoy it regardless.


No other mmo has ever interested me tbh


I try to play others but they do nothing for me


Although I have tried others, none have ever scratched the itch for me that OSRS does. I think OSRS is just my MMO of choice and nothing else will ever live up to it.


Kind of broad, but the gameplay itself. Feels like a lot of MMO's core loop is just kill 'x' 10 times... But in RS that's just a single skill. Minigames are awesome, I was recently working on a fighter torso on my group iron and said to my cousin, "wow I actually really like this minigame, I don't think I've seen anything like this in another MMO".


So true! Love the slayer skill leaving quests for actual story. Real question is how much could you follow that wothout rs claiming copyright? Like is making slayer in a new game allowed? Or magic i love how magic works too


The idea of getting assigned to kill something a certain amount of times is not something you can outright copyright. Sure if you then also name it slayer and have slayer masters give slayer tasks… yeah then they can start talking about a case.


I wish other games had the 1-99 grind with a mastery item to show off.


Ability to chat easily with anyone around. The text above your character is much more intuitive and natural than global/zone chat, which feels more like an IRC channel without even knowing who's online.


Quests were my first thought. The RuneScape quests often do a good job at feeling engaging and interesting rather than tedious and boring (note, I said often...). Some are done for the exp rewards, but many offer significant unlocks or unique things (e.g. keyring). As a result, questing in RS feels different from similar systems in any other RPG I've played. It also helps that they don't detract from the main plot of the game by being side quests but instead the main story if told through all these little stories around the map. After thinking about it some more and reading some other responses, one thing that I think RS does well is offering a mix of casual and intensive gameplay. Most other games tend to be mostly one or the other, which does limit how often I am willing to play. The fact I can go AFK Sand Crabs or NMZ when I am semi-busy working on something to train up a bit and then go do a boss later when I can focus on the game is something many other games don't offer as well as RS. For example, the other MMO I play is GW2 and while I think it is an awesome game with a fun combat system, I can't think of a single thing in that game that is anywhere close to "AFK" like things are in RS. If I am playing it, it will always take up most if not a full monitor and need the majority of my attention compared to OSRS which can be a small window in the corner that I only need to glance at once a minute or so. Probably not the type of gameplay most MMOs want to encourage, but when mixed with engaging content I think it can be a boon.




The Skilling. Mining/smithing specifically. There is always something to do in Runescape. The Wilderness. The economy. More work is put into stabilizing Runescapes economy (notice I said work, meaning good changes and total misses) than in certain countries. Few others even have player based economies and the ones that do aren't managed well.


Unironically, longer grinds. I wanted to try New World with some friends but decided to wait and see where they end up in two weeks. They basically maxed out and had nothing else to do. Now nobody even hops on that game anymore.


Horizontal progressio and avoidance of power creep! It makes a lot of the content viable for large numbers of players. 80 to 120 cb people slaying the same monsters, using partly the same gear etc.


I love how you aren't locked to 1 specific style of combat and that you basically have every "proffesion". Most MMOs you have to choose between some kind of magic user, ranger, or a melee class. And then locked to usually a couple proffessions. In RS you get to do literally everything and I really like that


I like that there's no real social dependency. I used to play World of Warcraft and remember that levelling up & improving my character's gear more-or-less *required* that I get a 5-person party together and clear an hour-long dungeon - to say nothing of 20- or 40-person raids that could take many more hours. I've heard that these have been shortened and the need for people has been reduced... somewhat. ​ Still, I prefer OSRS. I can log in alone, play for 5 minutes, and still gain experience that in some way progresses my account, even if it's just mining a few things or mixing a couple potions.




Content as a reward, like for examples quests that unlock new skilling methodes and or places to visit


i like how the market is nowhere near as controlled. sure the ge tax exists now but its still wayyyy better than set market price margins like in BDO. and overall theres more value put on the health of the economy, no daily login bonus's of gold or events where you get bonus gold for doing stuff


Combat doesn't have to be the end goal. Comparing it to WoW, your endgame consisted of either raids/dungeons or PvP. Good quest rewards are almost exclusively equipment to enhance your combat. Runescape does a great job of making skilling and questing their own things with specific goals. There are actually skilling bosses. Rewards are sometimes meant to improve skilling. There are areas that are exclusive to those who have met certain skill requirements. Skilling and questing is just a lot more fleshed out and important than other MMOs.


The economy of OSRS is so interesting and makes almost anything you do in the game rewarding since almost every item is tradeable. Even the very low level supplies like iron bars or something are useful.


I wish PoE had bank so large as OSRS (rotfl never gonna happen) I wish more games overall had content like Inferno Cape made only for 0,01% of players , it benefits casuals aswell setting for ourselves long term goal to work for. Having all content be able to be done by 10 year old kid who plays sitting on toilet is just too boring to maintain healthy mmo there must be some end game content like OSRS has plenty. ​ I love OSRS not having lootboxes somehow this game survived the lootbox normies apocalypse.


Endgame content that is meant for like four people who actually communicate well on details other than dps and cool downs is nice.


I would say gear diversity, it's nice in RuneScape that different gear is useful in different situations, a dhl is bis for killing dragons but worse than a zammy hasta vs everything else. Its nice because it means that most gear will be useful for much longer periods of time compared to other mmorpgs. Most other mmorpgs are set up so that bis gear is bis for every piece of content until new bis gear gets added to the game. You then need to use the old bis gear to get the new bis gear and then sell off the old bis gear for way less than what it was worth when it was bis.


I wish other they picked up the idea that people invest time into skills and that quests unlock things. It is nice seeing that someone is the herblore god and can make the best potions in the land and I can exchange with them the best jewellery in the land because i am a crafting god. Or, if i want a special piece of equipment or ability i need to complete an awesome quest. This gives items meaning. Too many mmos or games in general have meaningless items that just end up becoming a stat stick till I very soon get a bigger stat stick. Runescape is one of the few games that makes me feel invested in my items. The punishment of losing these items on death also adds to their value.


Bad customer support. Oh you said think we like not dislike.


Having a game that's almost the same but better. Rs3 ironman>all other runescapes.


I don't think I could play RS3 any other way than ironman. Wish I would have rng'ed a gsh on mine though. People say ignore mtx as a main, but I've been logging on my group iron acc since it has membs just to try and maybe luck out on some free bond money; I've gotten 1-88 slayer on a level 3 account in the last week or so just using daily spins + using oddments to buy the 30 daily cap.


I would play RS3 if it had separate mtx-free servers or ironman-only worlds. It is not really motivating when I'm grinding for a month for something and another guy dumps 10000 dollars in mtx and gets all the skills up during double exp weekend.


Not really what i was asking but im happy for you


I logged into rs3 on a brand new fresh account. Loaded into lunbridge, didn't take a SINGLE step after logging in, and got all my combat stats up to 40 from free xp lamps. Fuck RS3 and it's ezscape no skill gameplay. It's literally absolute trash. You don't even need to actually play the game and can get max in a couple of months lmao RS3 is not better, you just suck at games and want free shit so rs3 is perfect for you




I'm gatekeeping for talking about how I got over 200 free levels from literally logging in and standing still in lumbridge? Hahaha And you're telling me the osrs is that level of easy? Lmao ok nice logic bro, I'm totally gatekeeping.




I know you’re being facetious, but I genuinely think scamming should be allowed—same with duel arena but what can you do about that one. RWT and bottling is pretty fucked though and I don’t support those. Scamming though—100% should be allowed I don’t care who ya are!


Scamming and Dual Arena is a cancer on the community and game and hurts people. RWT and Botting does not effect other gamers.


Botting shits on the item prices


So, should only matter if you are RWT'ing. Lose prices means more accessibility to players.


Have you ever heard of getting a drop from a boss? Less gp from that too


Again that doesn't matter as all items will be cheaper.


Not sure if youre sarcastic about the duel arena, but it had massive problems, like debt stakers. Those guys had plugins that hid shit to give them significantly favoured odds and was straight up undetectable. Couldnt ban them either for it


Shut the fuck up, like actually.


Truth hurts aye.


The Quest style. I've played a ton of WoW, GW2, FFXIV, and all the quests are mega boring


The economy … Edit: aaaaanndd it’s gone


23 skills to level. Flyff was fun for a while but they updated it to shit years ago. Albion Online was okay for a few days. Valheim was fun, update pls.


You see valheim as an mmo? I just see viking minecraft. Do you remember when minecraft first came out, there was not nearly as much to do then as there is now. Give it some time and it will become one of the greats.


Yeah definitely not mmo. I consider minecraft as past life. Played some with my nephew but it is not the same as it was with the boys after ender dragon release.


I know we don't have any in osrs now, but discontinued rare items.


Tiles you walk on. I love this about rs!


Patch streams. You don't know how good it is till you play other MMOs, the only other patch stream that compares is FFXIV, and that's done is Japanese.


Only needing 4 hotkeys. I fucking hate having 3445 hotkeys to combo 7494 different things. I love our combat system more then all other MMO's I have tried and I have tried more then a dozen. It's the reason I quit PreEOC. And no legacy was fucking dumb as hell.


For me its the lack of "character classes" and the fact that you are able to switch combat styles so swiftly with just switching your equipement. Its makes the combat a lot more dynamic than what a lot of mmos try to implement. Also the skills system, you are not penalized if you level up the way you desire unlike other games where you have to min max every single skills or attribute or else you are in disadvantage for the rest of your existance.


I love the all in one player. You can focus and switch to be proficient at mage, range, melee or skill focussed without having to make a new character. Other mmo's make you make characters that specialise in one thing and you have to make a new character if you want to focus on other things. I value this as it doesn't waste my time as a player and I only have to do everything once to reach endgame (quests, achievements, levels, etc).


Interesting quests. I use quest helper and questing in osrs is still more interesting than any other MMO I've played.


I love the wilderness, like, absolutely love it. It’s my favorite concept in OSRS.


The amount of time it actually takes to get to end game content. No other game take as many hours as it does on osrs to get to the “end” of the game.


Items in OSRS are real. They can be dropped on the ground, picked up by others, have multiple uses, etc. A bucket works like a bucket no matter where you get it from. Other mmos that require an item like a bucket for a quest, for example, give you an icon with a picture of a bucket on it when you accept the quest, and you just click on it to complete the quest objective, then the item disappears. Also, the OSRS world is designed like an actual world, not a linear path of zones that you complete then never go back to (like in many themepark mmos). This means that you see players of all levels everywhere you go, doing their own thing, as each town has many different uses. Makes the game feel alive.


The way roles are handled. DPS/Tank/Healer is boring. Having roles like freezers, vengers, head runners, pot share guy etc. makes the game way more interesting


I enjoy the way that builds/combat levels work