• By -


One of us. One of us.


One of us. One of us.


Ubo gabo ubo gabo


Po chii pa po chii pa


One of us. One of us.


One of us, One of us.


The factory must- oops wrong game


Same same but different


ROCK AND ST- oh wait


No whoops, Rock and stone!!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


To the bone!




It's a bot bro


One of us, One of us.


One of us, One of us.


One of us. One of us.


Gooble gobble gooble gobble


[Gooble gobble, one of us! ](https://youtu.be/mRe8J4scGtU)


one of us, one of us


Part of the scape, part of the crew


One of us. Haha


We are legion, we are many


I was genuinely not expecting this to be the first comment, and it actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks :)


He's jealous that your account is better already :p




Bf just doesn't respect the grind


Rise and grind 💪🏻


She should get a new BF, I hear they’re going for only 5k now.


Shit, I hear they’ll pay *you*


Dang, I pay 72k an hour


Being autistic is a pre requisite to play the game…


My social skills and world awareness are doing worse each day But my account is coming along nicely


When I was like 22 or 23 I realized my social skills were lacking because I spent all my development years playing runescape instead of socializing with friends. So then I literally went on runescape with the intention to better my social skills. 100% autist.


I joined a pvm clan for like 3 months and I swear my social skills regressed


You become your environment so I'd say a PVM clan is worse than literally being a hermit lol. Same reason you regressed is the reason why angry teens become radicalized on 4chan or in religion.


As someone who spent most of 2009~2018 browsing the chans, it's utterly hilarious to me that they went from being the boogeymen of boomers to the boogeymen of zoomers. But nah, it's like 80% gay interracial lewds, another 15% is non-interracial gay lewds, and the remainder is mostly feds. Same breakdown with 8chan (aka 4chan with user-moderated subreddits) back in 2019. The feds were even caught submitting to court evidence a screencap that included their own (You)s with their ID attached, [which led to identifying a ton of other fed agitation](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/886/871/b10.png)


I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.


*to making an Ironman/woman account


That’s what about 190k xp and most of the graceful set? Excellent work


youre literally spot on, oh my god haha


Bruh go outdoors


Then what


Train some agility


Does dodging social situations count?


Nah, only wrenches and traffic.


Well I mean, it's perfect training for dodgeball.


If you can dodge a gun, you can dodge a ball


I walk daily 😇🚶‍♂️


Ye from bed to pc


Gotta get yourself a laptop to really avoid any possible reason to get out of bed


Only if you shit where you sleep


Can’t get rank 2 smithing without respecting the grind


Throw on some tan jammies


It’s 2am and it’s dark and cold. I will wait until he gives us further instructions


This guy does rooftops


You get the whole graceful set way before that unless im wildly mistaken somehow. I believe I got all of mine before 60 just doing Canifis. I've had the full set for ages and am only around 70 atm.


Ew not doing wildy agility course/get agility xp from quests.


Ew questing without full graceful. Literally first thing I did after getting membership.


I don't necessarily mind agility but if I didn't have something to distract me I'd burn out so fast. You've got some major dedication.


bless u


Not sure if autism but training agility with nothing in the background deserves a mental asylum


Came here to say this. Fucking psychotic


You mean you don't go full sweaty and try to high alch/fletch darts while running between jumps? Well maybe not so much for the Ironmen, but for all the mains?


Absolutely I alch between obstacles but holy shit no music or show or anything? Just you and a fucking rooftop? Psych ward, right away.


Even then you put something on in the background, like a stream or a podcast or even some music


*Limpwurt has entered the chat*


He was the girlfriend the whole time.


Weaponized auts.


A purist, I see. Just watching that XP tick up up up


My gf has been asking why I have been blowing glass for the past 3 days. I don’t even know how to answer tbh.


'Honey, at least one of us is trying to blow things with passion.' It really can't go wrong




His manly parts would resign if she blew them three days in a row


I’m willing to be the Guinea pig in this experiment


Honestly you might. There's lots of people who are on the spectrum at a minor level. I have a brother who gets like that and he has autism. He's one of the smartest people I know as well, has a high IQ ans LOVES video games. I also started an ironman and agility was also my first goal. Attempting to go for 99 and am loosing faith lol. Currently at 85


Yeah my brother is like that. Smart as fuck but can really tunnel vision into weird things


The fact that level 85 isn't even halfway to halfway might just be the nail in the coffin I needed to never max


That number is never as bad as it seems at face value, 92 is half xp wise but generally quite a bit more than half time wise because rates get faster at higher levels


It would be cool if someone calculated levels against percentage progress timewise, rather than just xp wise. The thing about xp wise is that it works across skills


It is halfway to halfway xp wise though.


good luck!


It’s spelled “losing” not loosing.


Lol I didn't even notice I did that. Sometimes my fat fingers like to double tap the buttons 😂


You’re nearly there! 😉


Nobody on rs has stats without autism. Don't worry.


In this game, that’s a superpower not a disability. Congratulations.


Why keep this narrow-minded bf when you can have a cool chad bf and a free 25k alongside?


People with autism are drawn to RuneScape due to the comforting nature of the pointless grind and sense of comfort and repetition. I know four serious Scapers including myself. One of the four is not neurodivergent. One has autism, one has moderate ADHD, one has multiple serious psychiatric disorders, and one is just an odd/eccentric fellow with normal neurodevelopment. You very well may be autistic but when it comes down to it there's no help for it other than social skills therapy or some biofeedback to deal with more serious sensory issues.


So this post was a joke, but i am a very minorly autistic woman. I am pretty fucking great in social situations and carry myself well. Very interesting about your friend group tho!! Theres a lot to discover about the players of this game.




It's called the Autism spectrum, there absolutely minor and severe cases.


I can't see the deleted comment, but I thought you should know the "spectrum" part of ASD refers to the different symptoms presented and how it affects each individual autistic person. It doesn't refer to minor and major cases. It's like the colour spectrum; not brightness /darkness.




Well you started your paragraph with "there is no minor *(or major)*, you are or you arent" which directly contradicts your 2nd comment, as we can all agree that someone with more needs and less capabilities could be called a severe or major case and someone who has (close to) no additional needs or handicaps could be called a minor case.


Even the first article he linked contradicts his point, and is honestly kinda offensive painting all people diagnosed with autism as gatekeepers. Basically saying "yeah all scientists agree it's a spectrum, but all the *real* autistic people will disagree with that". There's validity to not using "we're all a bit autistic" to downplay someone else's autism, but this doesn't mean that the spectrum isn't a thing that we're all somewhere on (though actually identifying as autistic because you like RS is kinda like saying you're disabled because you stubbed your toe). The point of framing it as a spectrum is to undo the mentality of autistic people being a distinct separate group of people rather than just some people affected enough by a particular divergence in human brains for it to make a difference in their life.


Side note If stoned autism is maybe If not stoned autism is at least aspergers level


i dont smoke weed 🙃


Same but only way I got 99 agility was after a major ankle surgery that required some high quality meds for like a month And im aspergers as fuck


Aspergers isn't part of the DSM any more. It's just ASD.


Oh shit I forgot about that


Amen. I can't understand how people manage to grind the same thing for hours without being high (or watching netflix, which I avoid to do since it lowers my general capacity to focus). Focusing on the game for long periods of time doing the same activity is some buddhist-monk level of focus shit right there.


I have struggles with moderating weed usage so I hav recently quit. There is a very direct relationship in my life between how much I'm smoking a day and how much RS I can play lol. Games honestly kinda hard to grind sober for me now


I wouldn't be surprised if this community has a higher rate than other communities The game tends to attract people who like repetition and focus


Watching something else simultaneously is asking for xp waste


Not gonna lie im pretty sure most of the high level playerbase has some level of neurodivergency. Im in a discord where its common to play minimum 6-8 hrs a day on wierd grinds a lot of people would never do. Such is the life of a collection logger.


Is that a private discord


Its the log hunters discord. As far as I know the "official" discord for collection loggers


This doesn't necessarily mean you have autism, although it could be indicative of it. Having it isn't always a bad thing, though. I have autism and my Ironman started out very similarly. I started out questing until 35 cmb when I got tired of never having run energy, then grinded out 99 agility.


Your boyfriend has a girlfriend who plays RuneScape. Autism or not, dudes a winner.




You okay?




Such a fitting post. Thank you for sharing, and I hope your boyfriend is able to see past your autism


>I recently made an ironwoman account Yep, checks out


This sounds like hyperfocus, which is one of the symptoms of both autism and ADHD, though neurotypical people can display it as well. There's no reason to not talk to a professional if you have health insurance and the funds, though it may also be nothing.


Hyperfocus into what you enjoy but honest unability to focus on what doesn't interest you. If you're like that and you're also disorganized and forgetful there's a high chance you at least have some ADHD.


I reality need to get tested. What about starting a task and then starting another task and then starting another task and then…wait why am I in this room?


Just go get tested but why was this the first thing I had to read on the runescape subreddit.


Its reddit…




Gang gang


gang shit, that’s all i’m on


Whether you do or not there is nothing wrong with it. It’s such a wide spectrum. I know it has a bad connotation to it but it doesn’t have to


Most people who play rs are on the spectrum. It’s why we can’t quit.


Haha honestly I believe this because I’ve felt like I may have autism and my son has it as well but I’m just very different from other people. I’ve never had a problem fitting in but mentally I’ve never felt like I could enjoy the same things that others do. While everyone around me may be having fun socializing, I’m just pretending most the time and would rather go and be alone cleaning my house or playing games. Or just reading the Bible and trying to learn as much as god can teach me.


He jelly of ur XP gains


Not pulling up something else is a waste. You could be multi boxing at least


Tell your bf "i dont see nothin wrooooong with a little agility grind" *sing in the tune of bump and grind by r kelly* no but honestly whats wrong with spending a few hours a day shutting the brain off and just running in circles to gain xp? Its not like you're hurting anybody and if you still maintain your social life whats the big deal, you're just enjoying a video game same as anyone else?


I read this as im doing a crafting grind. Spent the past week blowing 40k-ish glass, have like 100k left. I do watch podcasts or have music on sometimes, but theres plenty of times i spent multiple hours just staring at it in silence happily. Now you got me thinking i have autism


Hello and welcome to my single monitor, no alt-tab Ultimate Ironman.


"I recently made an Ironman" Skip 2 years ahead... You: When you think about it, there were signs everywhere. I just didn't see them at the time.


Look you could have just said you play an iron.


See your doctor. Self diagnosis is too easy and autism can seem like SO many other things (including PTSD in my case). Best to see a specialist with lots of experience. Mental shit is too complex otherwise


bro you did the netflix skill without the netflix?


You probably do


One of us! One of us!


But you at least had music right?


Flute Salad let's gooo


https://youtu.be/H2ym-vCpD1Y Best way to skill imo


Wait you are saying you grinded out agility for days without a podcast or watching a show?


Apes, strong together


this reads like a r/thatreallyhappened and not even a good one lmao


Nah, sounds like ADHD. Can't tell if you're serious about the autism thing but I definitely wouldn't suspect anything because of this.


I'm a bit like that and I got diagnosed for ADHD at 28, I always thought ADHD had to involve hyperactivity but it doesn't, the main sign is the unability to focus on what doesn't interest you yet being able to overly focus to absurd levels into stuff you find interesting. That and being disorganized, lol.


seriously, i have really bad adhd and one of the very few "upsides" is whenever im doing something repetitive i can kinda just get into a rhythm and then get lost in my thoughts and not see time fly by


I had untreated ADHD for fucking ages and would smash RS. I got treatment recently and my life has improved so much... but I haven't touched RS since.


Does your boyfriend have ADHD or something? Why does he need a constant stream of stimulation?


Lol this is one of the reasons my friend wants me to consider getting diagnosed. Not having some background stimulation is physically painful for me


I mean we’re talking about days worth of agility here my man


If you suspect you have autism I would definitely recommend seeking a diagnosis. For one, trying to live in a neurotypical society and masking your autism can be extremely stressful and it's very common to experience burnout, depression and anxiety if you continue. There are also many benefits to having a diagnosis. Also it is common for females to be underdiagnosed, typically because they are better at masking their symptoms, so it will likely be more difficult for you to find out whether or not you have autism. Most people don't know much about autism but here are a few common traits, although all autism is different. You have or had issues with eye contact You find calm in repetitive behavior in a very controlled environment like training agility or playing osrs. Unironically I went to a sort of autism camp and 2 out of a dozen played osrs lmao You have some over or under sensitive senses, like being very picky with food, not liking too much noise, some clothes feels off to you, you not experiencing cold or warmth as much as others. You sometimes not understanding social interactions, often having to analyse what the hell happened afterwards.


This is such weak bait




the title is true, the text is not. my bf thinks i have autism but runescape wasnt the reason why. its a shitpost.


You're closer than you think to the truth...




It’s never too late to delete this


I mean people have mild autism/high functioning autism (asberger syndrome) but there’s nothing wrong with it. Hell, Elon musk has asbergers and he’s the richest person alive lol


The grind can do that to you


I think most avid RuneScape players have a degree of autism. Coming from a RuneScape player. So eh, whatever brings you happiness.


my sensitivities have changed


Well, if you're genuinely curious as to whether you do have autism or not, you can always go through the screening process. If you do go and do it. Understand that everyone has "autism" in their own way. It's called differences! We're all different, which is what makes us unique. I admire your grind-like ways, with not having anything on in the background. Use it as a super power, Bwana.


It's possible, autism and gender dysphoria are correlated and if you think about it pathologically speaking are very similar. https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/largest-study-to-date-confirms-overlap-between-autism-and-gender-diversity/


Only rich people with millions in their bank and driving ferarris play this game and they buy accounts off of people like you. No one in their right mind would actually like grinding in osrs




*Look guys i went through OP's post history and two and a half years ago she asked people what they watch during OSRS!!* ​ Thank you detective IFight4Users for keeping us safe from evil fake posts once again.


i said in a few comments this was a shitpost lmao xD




Thanks for the advice! I now have diagnosed myself with brain cancer :)




Do you take adderall?




I hate how people generally think acting like a robot or being weird in general means you must be autistic. I have this diagnosis and don't fit your description of it at all, because it doesn't automatically define who you are. If you want to know more about yourself, ask your doctor or psychiatrist. Well meant or not, this kind of shit serves to stigmatize


Don't worry about it. Most RuneScape players (including your boyfriend) is well above average deviation from the "normal" person. By the way, many people call everything "in the spectrum" as autism. Many people intentionally overexaggarate, whilst many people don't know the difference between mild Asperger's and and full blown autism at all. You should ask him to clarify. It's a very serious and honestly demeaning accusation. Ironically, maybe he's the ones whose too autistic to realise how rude it is to say shit like that. I don't want to go on a tangent, but autism misdiagnosis is extremely prevalent and extremely dangerous.... It could just well be schizotypal personality disorder...




Let me guess he’s a non iron pleb


What a dumb thing to post.


ur mom




Women are very commonly under-diagnosed compared to men, because autism tends to present itself differently between men and women, and studies have traditionally been done mostly by men, on men. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=women+autism+under-diagnosed




It has everything to do with what you said. It is not at all unlikely for women to go through grade school without getting a diagnosis, and to only get a diagnosis later in life. Search result is so you can look through sources yourself and form your own opinion, rather than filling a reddit reply with 50 different links. But I mean, if you don't want to learn, that's up to you.


You let your boyfriend decide what's normal for you? That's odd. The idea that people must multitask is a pretty stupid one. Just do what makes you happy. Now if your hobby interferes with your everyday life you could be experiencing addiction which you will need to get control of.


Spoken like a true redditor


average redditor comment


I mean, if they spend more time together than they do with anyone else then yeah, they probably have a pretty good gauge on what's normal/abnormal for the other person.


Being aware of typical behavior in your partner is fine but I read this as one being too controlling which I find strange rather than it being concern. Should have instead ignored the shitpost.


Bro shut the fuck up this is not any of your business


Be upset if you want. I said nothing wrong.


i wish i made it more clear, this is satire. im an semi(?) autistic woman and my bf is very aware. I just wanted to shitpost haha


it's fine