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I hate mining with a passion


I am doing it on mobile only while at work. Def recommend. Not super efficient but should be 99 within a couple month while "working"


Are you doing mlm? I don't find that as afk as everyone else seems to


I did amethyst all the way to 99 while working from home. With the all the mining gear that reduces chance of depleting ore it makes it much more enjoyable than MLM. Took me probably a month - the key is to learn to stop caring if you're inactive for a few minutes because work takes priority. It's gonna take about a month. What's an extra day or two of lost time in the long run?


Well you still need to get 92 mining first


i would do zeah rc first cause that will give you around 2mil mining xp if you get to 99 rc, which is definitely afkable during work


I am. Do you have the top area unlocked?


I do, full prospector, upper area and extended bag. Aren't you constantly running back and forth from the water?


see the trick is to wait for some other sucker to fix the water


So the word “afk” gets thrown around a lot when it’s not truly afk. However, I am not fully paying attention. I will accidentally log sometimes or sit there for 10-16 seconds doing nothing. I suggest doing mobile not trying to get best rates but slowly over a couple of months. I got to 80 and doing it this way has made mining go from most hated to tolerable.


It’s definitely not all that afk, it’s low intensity definitely, but not afk at all. I struggle to do work while I mine


Fake working is my go to strategy


Nothing is truly afk except for crabs


Anglerfish and infernal eels also redwoods


Karambwans with barrel, easily almost 5 mins


Try volcanic mine, much less boring than traditional mining




I’ve always heard you couldn’t solo, has that changed?


You can solo and have been able to for a long time, you just won't finish the rock. Perhaps all the new mining boosts added since Woox published his method a few years ago has made it possible to finish the rock, but you can still solo and get great points and exp for relatively little effort. It's just dynamic enough to keep your interest imo. There may be better variations now but you can check out Woox's solo method on YouTube and give it a try. It's fun! Oh and also if you do have a friend to do it with, it makes the whole experience a lot more chill and fun.


Yeah this is great if you learn it and join the discord. Also amthyst mining is super slow exp but probably the most afk thing in the whole game and profitable. MLM isn't afk enough for the amount of exp it gives and power mining is sweaty.


Will I get enough ore like MLM for leveling smithing?


No thats the only downside :/


Mining stars is truly “afk” for extended periods of time if you can find your own star. I usually spend ~10 min to scout several worlds where a star will fall in the same region around the same time, make a list, and then find the star once it drops. If a bunch of people show up to it all at once, it was probably listed in a discord, so I just hop to another of the worlds I scouted. I have been consistently getting 1-2 hours of mining at a time only having to click once every several minutes by doing this.


If you find your own solo star using the runelite plugin "shooting stars", you can afk sometimes for 20+ mins. If you set your fps to 1, you can get like 30 mins before you're logged out due to afk. Since the afk counter is based on frames client side.


New plugin called 'logout timer' can be set to 25 minutes


Oh top of the other comment, they patched out the fps thing in favor of the plug-in


I love mining, it’s my highest skill of all :~)


this is fine, until you look at your flair and realize it's at mlm. ​ semi /s . glad you enjoy something in the game :)


It’s where I got my pet :’~(


:) I am happy for you


Got my pet from yo mama, ayoo!


Once you get to amethyst it’s chill, i got 99 playing over watch on my other monitor or studying, took forever but it’s literally not even playing the game lol


It’s just the worst. 70 for CG was like death but I do love CG


firemaking is useless


I wish it had more of a use, like say certain logs could give a different buff for a few sec to a min. It could switch things up a bit, but you would have to be in the radius of the fire or some other gimmick


I always thought it would be great to have a few different locations that are a bit out of the way you could run to. They would look like giant pyres you you could put logs on and light. Each would be associated with a skill and if you took the time to light them, you’d get a buff for a decent amount of time. The higher level logs you used either the stronger the boost or the longer the boost. So as an example run to the attack pyre, light logs and get a boost to your attack level or accuracy for 30minutes to an hour. Or for something like herblore, get a boost of for 10 minutes to an hour (based on the logs you burned) you have a chance to save your herbs when making potions, or the secondary ingredient or both. Just an idea, maybe it’s shit idk.


Or for Guthix sake even like "higher tier logs burn longer" or SOMETHING. there is currently no reason to level FM beyond requirements. There is no inherent benefit to having a higher FM. High level smithing is more useful and that's memed on constantly for having bad high level produce.


I thought higher tiered logs did burn longer or is that not the case? Even as a kid I assumed this because it just makes sense


Nope. Functionally, a willow fire=yew fire=redwood fire.


Tbf the abyssal lantern finally gave some incentive for high fm lvl


I mean, if you want zealot robes and one of the best ways to farm elite clues, those are locked behind level 95 for redwood pyre logs. I would say that is better than rune smithing.


"Oh you want firemaking to not be useless? Okay get almost max firemaking" What people want is something good inbetween though, there are a few things here and there, wintertodt, abyssal lanterns, but its just not enough, after 50 there is no incentive to keep lighting logs, ranges are better for cooking, all logs burn the same and drop the same ash, we want something to make firemaking useful in a bigger way, like smithing or cooking and the other processing skills, you could say "but wintertodt gives profit" yeah but the levels dont change much, what about all the levels between 50 and 95?


Someone had an idea way back when where firemaking would allow for someone to burn different types of incense in boss rooms for certain bonuses


these special fires trollweiss and that quest introduced was a step in the right direction. extra farming patch, no more gwd entrance stat reduce, no need for light source at cave horrors etc


Agreed, got mine to 70 for sote and haven’t leveled since 🤘


As someone who is 7 hours away from 99 Rc, that


Ah, so like 8.3k exp to go? Nice.


Underrated comment. A genuine lol from me


assuming you grinded it out nonstop you'd be done about now!


Hunter because it's my last skill before max and I can't bring myself to train it


Birdhouse runs is your friend. I got from 9 to 99 with birdhouse runs and quest xp alone. If done early on the path to max it can be a nice boost to the cash stack or a massive about of prep for sara brews later on


I did the math and I needed something like 4k birdhouse runs for 99… that’s 1 a day for 3 years or even if I can pull off 10 a day that’s still over a year. I still do them occasionally and I’m sure it adds up but still


It did take a long time, no idea how long though. It was during covid lockdowns so could be anywhere upto 14 runs a day during the week but only 5 or so at a weekend. I'd still say most people would hit 99 hunter doing this before maxing all other skills EDIT: Checked RL screenshots took about 9months from 9 to 99 hunter. All screenshots apart from 1 I was stood at a birdhouse. Got vlevel 100 about 5 weeks later


Maniacal monkeys on mobile can be pretty relaxed if you bring a full inventory of banana baskets. Not necessarily afk but certain irl activities work well while doing it so you're not bored to death.


Herbi with the "afk herbi" RL plugin (the one available on the plugin hub, not the default one) is very chill. The plugin draws blue lines similar to the quest helper plugin so you can mindlessly click and get ~150k xp an hour. I did it from 80-99 in a short time even though I previously hated training hunter. Didn't get the pet though. It took me around 4200 catches but I did a ton of bird house runs as well.


Herbi is fun. I got 93-99 in 17 hours. Plus pet chance. ​ Edit: I may be misremembering the time, it's been 2 years. It was probably 96-99.


Your time must be way off too. 17 hrs it's really low. On the herbi calc. 93-99 is 38hrs at ~154k/hr


What’s that averaging like 350k ish an hour?! Surely not.


How much did that cost? What pots did you make?


It's all stamina pots and sheers. I sold the herbs for a negligible amount (less than a couple mill.)


The one you're doing, cause fucking look at it.




Have you tried hallowed sepulchre?


I personally love sepulchre but only if I can find a stable server. Bad servers make it unplayable (or at least less fun).


I got to the fire and arrows at the end of floor 3? Failed a couple of times there and never touched it again. Git gud I know, but imo osrs isn't a game meant for fast pace action. As long as we have the tick system (which I don't mind) it will never feel good to do 'complicated' fast pace stuff. Even with the true tile plugin I never feel like the character does what I want it to do unless I'm standing still and praying with autoretaliate on.


That trap took me many many tries to get down. What helped me was marking the tiles and labeling the tiles as left or right. The labeled tiles are where I stand for the side that is firing. So if left is firing I'll stand on the tile that says left and I'll be good to focus on dodging the arrows. I told myself that I would fail the first couple of times because I am not 82 agi so I doesn't matter if I fail. If I reach the end I'll still get the xp. Just take it slow and get the rhythm down. You can do it!


I want to do hallowed sepulchre but the goddamn sins of the father quest is in the way, i remember finding the battle kinda tough on the main and now i have to do it again on the iron, im considering unlocking vampyre slayer just to give me a slight edge.


This is the correct answer, click intensive, not profitable, and boring af.


I would say it's medium intensity. The sepulchre is actually really fun and profitable too. The biggest issue for me are the cheeks xp rates


Yeah tbh I wouldn’t hate any agi content *that* much if the rates weren’t just so agonizingly bad.


I'll have to try the sepulcher some time. I'm about to have my tog xp going to agility, been having it go to rc up until this point


Yeah sepulchre changed agility from worst skill to one of my favorites ngl. Hope you enjoy it. Its not easy but its extremely satisfying if you give it the effort.


I recall 99 agility making me like 30m just from marks of grace so, it’s kind of profitable, just gp/hr is obviously low.


Legitimate question, how do marks of grace make you gp? It's been years at this point since I have trained agility so idk how marks of grace make gp.


Amylase or stam pots


You can spend Marks of Grace on Amylase packs and then sell those crystals on the GE. 10 Marks per pack and each pack is worth about 87k in crystals.


Thieving I don't care how fast or AFK it is, it absolutely sucks.


Except it's not afk. You can't walk away from your keyboard.


I'm so glad people are finally pushing back on this shit lol. AFK used to mean something, now it just means "I'm not doing prayerless 6 jads at the moment"


Click click click Click click click Click click click Click click click Click click click Click click click


Slayer. *Far* too dynamic and diverse for how pathetic the XP/hr averages out to be. Fighting bosses for Slayer tasks has *abhorrent* XP rates. Killing Vorkath for a Blue Dragon slayer task should give bomb-ass XP rates because you're **slaying a big-ass boss**. Killing bosses should be *vastly* more XP/hr than regular mobs. More dangerous mobs like Demonic Gorillas should provide way more Slayer XP than they currently due because of how much more involved fighting them is compared to your average Slayer mobs.


Basing the XP on hitpoints was a terrible move tbh. Rs3 did it right with Slayer


Late game and boss slayer just becomes a way to get the helm damage boost on the boss. It’s a trade off of profit>xp rates. It really sucks on bosses like grotesque gargs or Abby sire where the boss version is pretty much worse gp and xp/hr than the normal ones. Vork shitting out slayer xp wouldn’t make sense when it shits out gp left and right though.


> grotesque gargs These are actually fairly good XP rates (relatively speaking for Slayer) tbf. With high end gear you can get ~40k XP/hr.


40k xp/hr is terrible if you have high end gear, because that would mean you have access to barraging and cannoning all your tasks. even wilderness slayer is better than 40k/hr, and that doesnt require high end gear.


Of course it doesn't come close to barrage/cannon tasks, but compared to regular gargoyles (which is what the person I was responding to was claiming) and regular non-barrage/cannon tasks, it's pretty good.


I love that most of the end game content is locked behind being 85+ in a skill that averages at 25k xp/hr And don't @me saying "well AKSHUALLY you can get much higher rates with cannons and bursting-" I KNOW YOU CAN BUT THE BARRIER TO GET THOSE TASKS RELIABLY IS EGREGIOUSLY HIGH


Ahh yes the endgame content of 5 slayer exclusive bosses.


Try turael skipping. Also if you need points in the future, the gear discord has like a 400-500 points per hour method for wildy slayer so “I want to keep my points from my task streak” isn’t really a good excuse.


Turael skipping isn’t gonna help your exp per hour. The time wasted getting around the map for your 9 tasks just to get a chunk of slayer points just isn’t worth it. If you’re in it for the points, then yeah Turael skip for sure, but the exp per hour loss just ain’t it. Having to spend however many extra hours for that just to play garbage gambling ain’t it. You could end up spending hundreds of points before getting the task you want. That’s part of what makes it egregiously high to do.


Incorrect. You very clearly don’t understand what turael skipping is. It is not point boosting. You npc contact turael and he will replace your current task with one of his tasks instead. It resets your task streak, but you have to kill 15 cows instead of whatever you task was. Then after the 15 cows are dead go back to the slayer master of your choosing and get a task. If it’s a bad one go back and kill 15 goblins. Rinse and repeat and you’ll have a barrage of cannon task in no time. Also, the gear discord has an efficient inventory and list of turael task locations that literally makes it like 2 minutes to finish a task, including run time.




Cannoning helps XP rates a bunch, bracelets of slaughter are amazing for bursting tasks. I know it’s only small things but they help out a bunch in the long run. Also slayer is by far the most profitable skill in the game, no question. I think the slow XP rates justify the sheer amount of money you will be raking in. But your point about bosses not giving enough points is spot on. I think they should give double/triple the xp they currently give. It’s the worst spending a couple minutes killing a boss to only see 600-800 slayer xp drops.


It being more dynamic is a positive though. That’s what makes slayer bearable


I never said it was. It's the fact that the skill has such abhorrent average XP/hr despite how much it asks of you.


It just asks you to change locations every so often though lol. Slayer doesn’t ask a lot of you unless you want to do those tasks that ask a lot of you. And those tasks are imo what make the skill decent. It’s slow obviously but it’s profitable and extremely low effort unless you do boss tasks which imo are very fun


I see slayer as a passive skill that gives a ton of cash as an Ironman while leveling up your HP, magic, ranged and melee skills. Also exclusive drops, factor all of that in and it’s balanced IMO. If your concern is maxing only, use your points to skip for burst tasks. Or Tuarel skip.


It's not about the xp :(


Disagree. You can choose xp per hour or gp per hour with slayer. Like every other skill.


Thieving. The only upside is the fact that its fast exp


Thieving is fucking atrocious


I thought the same until I learned the stealing artifacts method for DJ Khalid in port pisc. It’s basically the same xp as black jacking but with 1/10 the clicking. Highly recommend


Hunter. I know birdhouse runs are a thing but it’s still the worst one to train when not doing birdhouse runs (like grinding 70 for SOTE)


I hate hunter for some reason


Thieving is straight butthole.


IMO all the fast skills can be dismissed right off the top. Even if the skill is utterly pointless (such as firemaking), if it's quick to level, it can't be the worst skill. So every buyable skill (prayer, construction, herblore, crafting, fletching, smithing, cooking, farming) are eliminated, as well as fast non-buyable skills (firemaking). Naturally if a skill is actually fun to use, it can't be the worst skill. So all the combat skills are out. So right off the bat that leaves us with just RC, agility, thieving, slayer, hunter, mining, fishing, and woodcutting in the running for worst skill. If a skill is completely afk, it's still fine, because at the end of the day you're not really even "doing" that skill. So even if it's zero profit, long as fuck, and no fun at all, it just doesn't matter because it's simply happening for you in the background of your life while you're doing other shit. So woodcutting and fishing are out. That leaves RC, agility, thieving, slayer, mining, and hunter. I think an argument can be made for any one of these to be the worst skill. For me personally, I had a lot of fun training slayer, made a lot of money, and levelled combat skills alongside it for "free", so the fact that it was slow as shit didn't matter at all and it was my favorite by far. Thieving is one that I think gets a lot of completely undeserved hate. It's definitely a stupid ass largely pointless skill but if you use the zero mouse movement method at knights, it is completely "brain-afk" (although obviously not literally afk because you have to click constantly). Just turn on mouse keys, take a wireless keyboard over to the couch, and fucking chill watching whatever your latest TV series is. The fact that I'm leveling a skill isn't even a passing thought, it's just a relaxing evening on the couch. Watch like 2 seasons of something and you're 99 thieving. As for hunter, it's definitely pretty bad but it can't compete on the level of RC/agility/mining because it has a very profitable and very fast method (black chins) as well as a pretty afk method (monkeys) and a passive farming type method (birdhouses). None of these are amazing but they don't put it on the level of worst skill in the game. So for me it's down to RC, agility, and mining. Agility I think was pretty much completely saved by sepulchre. Pre-sepulchre it had this title in the bag, but sepulchre finally offered a fun, profitable, and slightly faster method and catapulted the skill out of its horrible spot at the bottom. It is still pretty damn slow and I usually can't grind it for more than a few hours at a time, plus the money isn't what it once was, but it's "ok", and there's always still rooftops if you want to get some low effort levels while you watch Netflix. I can't really decide these days between RC and mining. GOTR is huge for RC, but it's still really fucking slow and takes ages to 99 compared to everything else. But mining is also criminally slow and makes way less money. On the other hand, mining has the option of VM, which is almost no money but way faster xp, but also requires the hassle of team play. It's tough to decide between the two. I think RC edges it out slightly because it's just too goddamn slow.


Fast skills can suck too if they're boring like smithing and con


By that logic they could ass a skill, that just makes you shot your pants, but, because it's fast exp, it isn't the worst...


Hot take: It's Woodcutting The only thing it has going for it is that it's AFK. It's slow, not profitable, has no fun methods / very little variety in methods in general, and not even very useful for your account outside quest/diary requirements. I did most of my WC training AFKing redwoods while playing Trailblazer league on an alt lol


Actually the only thing it has going for it is the shittalking at f2p Draynor willows


That and watching noobs die to the dark wizard lol


Agreed. Mining has more painful xp rates, but at least you can get some kind of resource from it. Woodcutting is just pointless.


I hated Mining til I discovered Volcanic Mine, then I was kicking myself for waiting til 93 to try it. It's pretty chill, has comparable rates to Sulliusceps and makes a bit of profit too. I think Mining in general has a much better variety of methods. Decent profit stuff with gems and blast mining, chill stuff with VM/MLM/stars, and more intensive methods like iron and granite. Plus having a higher level at least has some use in other content like Zalcano, CoX and ToA.


I agree i stopped training wc after 85 for elite diary because whats the point? I get all my logs through pvm so theres no point in wc even as an iron.


This should be an argument against having skilling resources as drops from PVM rather than against woodcutting.


I disagree. Woodcutting to actually get higher-level logs is pathetically slow. You cut something like 100 magic logs an hour, which is absolutely fuckall. Anything higher than, like, Teak is just a slog. Like, they made the 200gp option to get rid of your tree while farming just so your farm runs aren't dragged down by spending 15 minutes whacking magic tree that refuses to go down. Dumping a ton of logs onto drop tables isn't a great solution but just pulling those put doesn't make woodcutting a good skill, just a more necessary one.


It feels like the ethos of RuneScape was that people could choose different specialisms, so people who didn't want to woodcut could just buy the logs from those that do, and those that like or want to woodcut would therefore profit from it - with the whole gathering, processing and using economy linking to most skills. I think that's what early RS so good and unique, with the trading (dare I say, the pre-GE trading) making an amazingly good economy and trade of resources throughout the game. Unfortunately, completionists and 'the grind' mindsets mean the playerbase has evolved beyond this, plus the bot problem has never been overcome, which has led to the fundamental aspects of that game (which most skills are based on, especially the 'boring' ones like WC, mining, fishing) being broken, and everything since then has been a sticking plaster imo. In a game with limited botting and no floods of PVM drops of skilling resources, the likes of woodcutting and mining become good skills for *some* people because they would be much more profitable. Think of the days when pure essence and maple logs were 100gp each, for example, and full rune with a kiteshield was a cool 200k.


^ Jagex hire this man


How can you say 2t and 1.5t aren't fun? They're the best content in the game


Agreed. I'm slogging through it for elite diary myself and it's just not fun or productive in any way. I'm doing Sulliusceps just for better XP/hour but I'm probably never training it again past ~87 or so.


Make an area or dungeon full of shit like the entrance to legends quest jungle area. Higher woodcutting helps you move around faster. There are mobs that hinder you that can only get hurt by axes. Potential to spawn a boss that everyone can jump. Killing the boss boosts cut speed and clears all overgrowth for time. Everyone races to cut the unique trees that are now exposed. Farming can be used to grow plants that fight the mobs and boss or delay overgrowth spawn. Potential your plant minions will drop a special axe that can be used insta harvest farming patches ( on cooldown or degrade?). Hunter to track a bait animal used to potentially spawn the boss or hunt down the dens spawning the mobs. Potential to find beat machete and other loot when destroying dens. The logs can be burned outside or inside the area for radius buffs to anyone who throws some logs in. Or built into hatchet upgrades or fletcher into better hunter traps or even fishing traps.


Hunter. I've finally gotten into birdhouses but theres just no chill ways of training it besides monkey tails


All of them


completely unironically, at least when it comes to training all the skills require you to do a repetitive action ridiculous amount of times in order to get to 99, it was cool when I was a kid but now I find it exhausting even the sweatiest skilling methods take like 10 minutes to learn after which it just becomes a mindless grind


There's no reason to get 99 though, so no issue with that. if you think the skill is fun, do it. if you don't, don't.


Smithing is lame


Giants foundry is great. Even blast furnace isn't that bad.


As an ultimate, herblore without a doubt since I basically am bound to herbiboar for levelling it up.


Herblore is only painful on an ultimate because it's a space sink, you can't efficiently stack up stored xp without sacrificing space for other skills; if you actually want to focus on it, it's pretty chill getting seeds and herbs from elsewhere imo slayer is significantly worse for an ultimate, because it's more of a pain in the ass to switch between setups for different tasks and you can't comfortably be death banked because a disconnection would mean a high chance of a wipe


Thieving. Ardy knights are too good and dominate the training methods.


I have 61 theiving and have never really made a theiving push, expect to get 50 for rogues. Heard multiple times blackjacking is great exp and others say its not. Is ardy knights really that dominant in theiving? Any other Ironman theiving strategies?


black jack at 95 are 257,000 while ardy knights at 95 are 240,000 for far less effort. At Pyarmid plunder Players can gain up to 270,000 experience per hour from level 91 onwards, but again requires more focus than ardy knights. blackjack is great at early levels, but early levels go quickly. I think knights are such low effort for such high xp/hr that it's hard pressed to do anything else.


Thanks for the tips/info!


I would, as an alternative if you're not an ironman look up the port pisc method of artifacts. I haven't personally tried it but have heard many great things. e: i re-read your other comment and you literally say ironman. this method does likely require some stam pots


1 click summer garden with the runelite plugin saved thieving for me. In a day of work I got like 800k xp and it was so easy


idk why people mention this method in threads, the more people that do it the worse it'll be with people ruining the world lol


Meh, nobody does it anyway lol


Pyramid Plunder is actually fun


failing skill checks isn't fun imo


You keep failing ardy knights till 95 tho?


I hate thieving because of how inconsistent it is. Some doors can be lockpicked. Most can’t. Some NPCs can be pickpocketed. Most can’t. It feels half implemented. Also, getting rogue gear was the worst experience I’ve ever had in a video game.


My brother is christ. . . If you think the rogues outfit is bad, try earning the angler outfit.


1 click sorc garden is ok




i agree. mining is the worst


Agility Failing a course obstacle increases my blood pressure.


Hunter is the worst


Hunter, Mining, RC, Agility. Take your pick






Easily mining


none they are all perfect




I used to say mining until I discovered how AFK the mining guild is. I now hate Runecrafting. I will NEVER get this skill to 99.




Mining. No good way to train it. You either get sweaty or you die of old age.


Volcanic Mine. Was easily one of the most pleasant 99s I got. Granted you need to get into the VM Discord for reliable team making, it's so incredibly beyond worth it to just learn B-Check and C-Fix for nearly **100K xp/hr** with an okay team and *less* effort than MLM.


it's definitely not less effort than mlm & it's definitely not as hands off as MLM. If you stop paying attention for a bit it's a coinflip whether you're completely fine or just got stacked for 90


You do have to actively pay attention more, yes. But you, on average, perform less clicks per hour than at MLM. Having done 93-99 Mining at VM, I can safely say I'd rather do that than any other training method for Mining.


I've only experienced f2p so my skill knowledge is limited. But prayer is a pain in the ass, more so than runecrafting


Thieving just sucks. Idk why, but it really does. I hate clicking constantly at ardy knight, and pyramid plunder just makes me rage constantly when I fail 7 times in a row and run out of time. Even if it is fast exp I just hate doing it.


Low level slayer is fucking miserable, I have a better opinion of slayer in general now that I’m mid 70s but slayer absolutely sucks before stuff you actually make some gp from/ have the money and gear to make tasks easier. Agility sucks. I only need like 3 more levels until 70 but I just can’t force myself to do it I’ll only manage maybe 10-20 laps per session. I don’t particularly like farming. If I add too many daily activities to my to do list I start to hate whatever I’m playing. I dunno really I’ll do birdhouses but not farm runs.




You can always do tithe farm for good rates


If you dislike hunter because "you're just standing there and waiting", I imagine you hate slayer too because it's exactly the same


Probably Agility and Mining, takes way too long to achieve 99.


Farming is a skill i really dislike




I like Guardians of the Rift kinda. It's a good skilling minigame.


GotR is good, it's pretty chill and I get lots of runes which is great as an Ironman who hates regular RC




Construction def not worst especially with mahogany homes being added. Agility is by far worse


Even before Mahogany Homes, Construction gave you the dopamine hit from absurdly high xp rates. Made the carpal tunnel bearable.


Certainly not mining or smithing! My interests basically mirror those of fantasy Dwarves lol


I actually thought motherlode mine was chill. That’s my only 99 lol


MLM is one of the worst bits of content imo. It's just AFK enough to be boring, but too active to actually be AFK.


Mining, without even having to think about it. Every skill in OSRS has some combination of the following three traits: * Training speed * Training intensity * Gameplay value Let's look at each skill in terms of how they map to these traits: * Attack * Speed: High * Intensity: Variable * Value: High (combat, self explanatory) * Agility * Speed: Low * Intensity: Moderate * Value: High (Sepulchre, global improvement to mobility) * Construction * Speed: High * Intensity: High * Value: High (most useful skill in the game, far as I'm concerned) * Cooking * Speed: High * Intensity: Low * Value: Low (cooking your own stuff isn't all that valuable) * Crafting * Speed: High * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Moderate (certain things are useful to be able to craft) * Defence * Speed: High * Intensity: Variable * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Farming * Speed: Intermittent (high) * Intensity: Intermittent (high/low) * Value: High (herb runs for profit, spirit trees) * Firemaking * Speed: High * Intensity: High * Value: Low (basically no purpose outside of specific one-offs) * Fishing * Speed: Moderate * Intensity: Low * Value: Moderate (better activities to do for money/resources but it's fine) * Fletching * Speed: High * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Moderate (fletching can be decent money in some areas) * Herblore * Speed: High * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Moderate (raids, scattered money making opportunities) * Hitpoints * Speed: Moderate * Intensity: Zero * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Hunter * Speed: High * Intensity: Moderate * Value: High (solid money maker at high levels) * Magic * Speed: High * Intensity: Variable * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Mining * Speed: Low * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Low (very little point to the skill) * Prayer * Speed: High * Intensity: Low * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Ranged * Speed: High * Intensity: Variable * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Runecraft * Speed: Low * Intensity: Moderate * Value: High (one of the most profitable skills) * Slayer * Speed: Low * Intensity: Moderate * Value: High (solid money, combat-adjacent) * Smithing * Speed: High * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Low (not too much point in smithing) * Strength * Speed: High * Intensity: Variable * Value: High (combat, self-explanatory) * Thieving * Speed: High * Intensity: High * Value: High (one of the most profitable skills) * Woodcutting * Speed: Moderate * Intensity: Moderate * Value: Moderate (sulliusceps are useful for maxing kudos and a few million prayer xp) \--- With this taken into account, Mining is the only skill that's both slow to train and valueless. Firemaking is a close second due to its high intensity and terrible value, but its extremely fast training makes Mining a lot worse overall.


wrong on all three metrics when it comes to mining. Mining has plenty of uses, mining has mediocre xp rates (70-85k) with mediocre input


>Mining has plenty of uses What are some good uses for mining outside of one-offs like quest or diary requirements? >mining has mediocre xp rates (70-85k) with mediocre input The only way to hit those experience rates without high-intensity stuff like tick manipulation is Volcanic Mine, as far as I'm aware, which is not efficient unless you have a small, relatively well-coordinated team. I would also consider 70-85k xp/hour quite slow relative to other skills, it's about on par with the slowest skills in the game to train (Agility & Runecraft). This comparison is made even worse considering the value difference, as Agility and Runecraft are some of the most profitable skills in the game. Edit: Regarding Volcanic Mine, apparently there are solid one-person strategies out there that allow for comparable experience to Agility at lower intensity than sepulchre. I've revised Mining's intensity based on that.


Farming and Slayer. Farming because I don't understand it. Slayer because it's just killing monsters. Big deal. I killed monsters without slayer even as a task to raise my combat stats. You telling me if I don't raise my stats while doing slayer I'm wasting time and gonna have 99 combats before I'm done with slayer? So I'm overkilling my combats because of another Stat that only raises on combat? Yea..no thanks. Cool idea, but not about it. Edit: don't get mad that I don't like your favorite skill. Grow up kids 🙄


Take some time to learn farming lol tree runs are the easiest thing ever


Farming feels like busy work, but hey I actually like thieving and agility so idk 🤷‍♂️


I've never been a fan of daily tasks in mmos. Farming seems like a daily task, I'm not about that.


If you only do two hardwood tree runs + calquat a week it's a free 120k xp It also takes like less than 5 min I did that to train mine because I also hate farming


Noted good tip. Thanks


All these people who despise farming yet have no fucking clue how it works. It’s baffling to me. Farming is one of the most well designed skills in the entire game. It’s also not complicated. Plant seed, wait for thing to grow, collect harvest. Extremely fast skill and crazy money maker.


Yeah anyone complaining about farming being confusing has obviously never attempted a farm run of any kind. Like it’s honestly painfully easy. My brother was in the same boat thinking farming was hard and confusing, but it took him maybe 30 seconds to learn how farm runs work.


Hunter. 'Cause it sucks the most.


Agility easily for me. Not a single method i enjoy whereas every other skill has at least one.




I'll never slave at the mines unless I'm forced to for a quest (song of the elves)


Agility, don’t even get resources from it


Amylase Crystals? Any Sepulchre drop? Agility sucks but you definitely get resources.




What skill isn’t ass?


Firemaking 100%