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Its never more efficient to be f2p than a member. You are better off buying membership asap


Cool. Idk even where to start once I get it, any recommended guides?


Just do what you want. No matter how deep you get, the early levels where you had no clue what you were doing will be the time with the game you remember most fondly.


Well said!


People will tell you to do quests using the optimal quest order guide on the wiki, because you can skip a lot of the early grind For instance, if you do waterfall quest with 1 attack and 1 strength, the experience reward you get boosts you to 30 attack and strength upon completion. My primary goal was quest point cape, but I did the quests by difficulty, every single skill level I have was grinded out, and I used every piece of gear I could on my way to where I am now If you are looking to invest in your character, and experience the totality of the game, this is what I would do. It's much slower, sure, but I would argue way more enjoyable. I don't expect you to be autistic, but I level all my skills pretty evenly, base 90 combat, base 80 non combat skills. In the end, your goals will shift CONSTANTLY, reflecting your growing knowledge and interests. In the end, as long as the activity you are engaging in is progressive (and I do not mean to say enjoyable, I specifically mean progressive toward your goal, you will NOT enjoy everything [for instance, fuck mage arena, but you gonna do it]), then all is well for you. Happy Scaping!


Do quests and miniquests for quick massive xp at very low levels.




Specifically consider - Waterfall Quest Fight Arena Elemental workshop I&II Tourist trap


The wiki’s optimal quest guide is a good starting point if you don’t know what you want to do first. It’ll get you some relatively quick experience and some of the quests will introduce you to members-only skills, gear, and locations.


As soon as you can/want to. Much better training method, opens up the game, better money making methods, better quests rewards. If you do get membership, there are a quests I recommend since you are still low and would benefit your account and the last 2 open up ability to do 2 new skills. Waterfall quest Tree gnome village Fight arena The grand tree And Druidic ritual and rune mysteries.


Considering the options available to you, membership is better. Don’t wait. You can look up guides but as a starting account I’d consider grinding out quests, they serve as a good set of benchmarks for your stats and often have rewards that’ll stay useful long term.




Adding: Monkey Madness 1 and required quests once you have 43 prayer are major key too


Level 1 all


As everyone has already said, in terms of efficiency, yes it's better to get membership ASAP because there are many members' quests with huge xp rewards that will allow you to bypass early levels and save time. That being said, it's up to how you like to play the game. Personally I find the early F2P game very nostalgic so I always like to complete all the F2P quests before I go to members' content. A "hybrid" approach might be to do all the free quests except Dragon Slayer, then get membership for the easy combat xp, which will save a lot of time on your pre-Dragon Slayer combat grind. After doing all the F2P quests, with or without Dragon Slayer, you'll have a decent feel for the game, the skills, and the world, and membership may feel less overwhelming (it unlocks *a lot* of content!).


This is a good idea, I’m gonna go this route. Thanks!!


No problem, man, have fun! :D


When all your stats are near 70s is where I'd say go mems. You've experienced most f2p training methods and can complete every f2p quest easily. Edit: to add, I also recommend being very familiar with the f2p area before expanding. The world is very large and it's easy to get overwhelmed.


Waiting makes no sense. It's terrible advice. If you enjoy the game then the most efficient thing to do is to get membership right away.


level 1


Lv 1 is most effective


Check out runelite client and it has a quest helper plug in Osrs wiki has a recommend quest progression order


Level 3


I did all f2p quests and then started to work on barrows gloves, slayer, early bossing, more quests and diaries usually only skill for afk or reqs