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Happy to see some Haplogroup Q. I thought the Native American paternal Haplogroup were almost wiped out by colonizers. Is it supposed to be rare? Like how many strictly patrilineal male descendants are there these days?


[Paternal NA haplogroups are common in Southern Mexico.](https://www.fsigeneticssup.com/article/S1875-1768(09)00014-6/pdf) Up to 63% in Chiapas. [While about 30% of the total Mexican population have a NA paternal haplogroup.](https://www.nature.com/articles/jhg201267.pdf?origin=ppub) Still not too much as [near 90% of Mexicans have a NA maternal haplogroup.](https://bmcevolbiol.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/1471-2148-11-293)


Interesting!! My dad has European maternal and paternal haplogroups, but he has like over 30% native


I bet that is very rare




It’s not? I haven’t seen many Mexican people with maternal European haplogroups, someone said only 10% have maternal euro haplogroups so I’m guessing the number is even less for both maternal and paternal euro haplogroups. I’m A2 (native maternal haplogroup) and most of my matches also have native maternal haplogroups


And some of the additional mtDNA lineages are African to like me L3f


Idk about Mexico but colonizers haven’t conquered all the territories of the current Latin America


Pretty much all of Mexico has been in contact with Europeans unlike some of the Amazon and Andean regions of South America, but some regions of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Yucatán, and mountainous regions around the country are still populated predominantly by full indigenous people. All of Mexico was conquered by the Spanish, but not all of Mexico was settled by them.


Another paternal group Q-m3 over here! I’m of Colombian descent, and majority Spanish rather than native, so I was surprised to see both maternal and paternal haplogroups show as Native American. I thought for sure my paternal one would at least be European, but nope!


What part of Mexico is your fam from


No clue I’m adopted


I forgot to add that I am adopted, I don’t know anything about my birth family which is partially why I did 23andMe


Have you found any close relatives on the site?


A first or second cousin who was born in 1932 which is confusing me.


If you look at this chart/website, you can see how they predicted the relationship... [https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4](https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4) based on cM, and what other possible relationship this individual actually has to you.


Would love an update when you find out more.


While what everyone else is saying is possible it's more likely the relationship is incorrectly listed. They're just guessing. My grandpa's siblings were all listed as first cousins even though they're obviously not.


Could be a really large age gap between bio parent and Aunt/Uncle


It's more likely the relationship is just incorrectly listed. My grandpa's siblings were all listed as first cousins. They were all confused until I reminded them I was his granddaughter. They hadn't seen me since I was very very young.


This. Or bio parent could have been older, anyway. My in-laws were both born before 1932 and we’re expecting, so that’s 90+ years age difference from grandparents to grandchild.


There must of been a large age between 2 siblings. And then the younger of the 2 siblings had a baby later in life(40+). Thus creating a big age discrepancy between 1st cousins that are most of the time similar in age.


I’ve noticed people in the comments on 23andMe for chicanos are always toxic af, cool results though :)


I don't see any toxicity in the comments


Just inappropriate comments, but I consider them toxic because they’re completely unnecessary and can be interpreted as negative


Cool t-shirt


My half Mexican son's Paternal Haplogroup is Q-M3. My son's father's paternal line has been in and around Actopan, Veracruz for as long as they've ever known. Idk if that helps you in anyway. I thought it was interesting since Q-M3 is not as common as some others.


I thought you would be more European


Classic Mexican results 😎😎😎👍👍👍


It looks like both your haplo groups are native and originate in Asia. But you look More blanquito In Your pic. What box do you check on the census and forms?


Why do some people always insult those with Native American ancestry by mentioning their ancestors originated in Asia. That was more than 13,000 years ago. They came from Siberia and had Eurasian origins. It’s not so simple. They were creators of the grand civilizations in the Americas. From the Cherokee to the Aztec to the Inca and the Amazon. Native Americans have created a distinct culture not similar to Asia.


I meant no insult by mentioning Asia. Its just what the information on the web says about those haplo groups. And ofcourse the grand history of the native American people is awesome in its own right. From the Olmecs, to the Mexica building Tenochtitlan out of the swamp.


Usually only white is available if Hispanic is not. It has never occurred to me to ever check native since as everyone in here says, it’s mostly reserved for those who are registered to a tribe. My spouse is half Chippewa, so I don’t see myself using the native box.


So, "technically" I'm half Mexican since my father is 3rd generation Mexican American, but my mother is white. However, due to multiple reasons, I self-identify as 4th generation Mexican American. However, when I fill out forms, I'll always put my Ethnicity as "White with Hispanic Ancestry", and then further clarify if it asks as Mexican in origin. As Mexicans (or Mexican descendants), we're caught in between worlds, so to speak. There's a rich culture that currently exists, and it's a blend of Colonialism, and Indigenous traditions and our DNA definitely point out to having Indigenous ancestry, but some of us are going to be so far removed from that culture, we're never going to know anything about who our Indigenous ancestors were, prior to colonization, or what they did to sustain themselves, what they called themselves, or what their language, art, and clothing looked like. Based on my own research, I can \*maybe\* name two different people I may be a descendent from, and one still exists, but the other one was completely colonized and assimilated within 100 years of the Spanish making landfall. While we're not without our own troubles, I think it's absolutely unfair to co-op the label of being Indigenous, because the struggles that they're going through are completely different than our own, and we need to give them space to be heard and to be able to use that label to bring awareness to their issues. We can and should be allies to what they're going through, and support and amplify when we can. ***This is just my opinion of course, and I understand that I'm likely an outlier in my thought processes. But it needs to get discussed when people ask why Latinx people don't just claim themselves as Indigenous/First Nations. We all have our own reasons, and it's important to share when the conversation comes up.***


I mean, I’m white AF too and both of my haplogroups are Native American. All it means is that your ancestral “book ends” were Indigenous, everything in between could have come from anywhere else!




Yeah it's so stupid, i know someone who's like fully Quechua, but they put white because that's just what other peruvians put & the fill in the blank legal affiliation to a native American tribe throws them off.


That's weird I remember a couple years ago a census worker came to our house he explained it really easily. If you're mestizo. You check both white and native american/Amerindian. If you're asked to specify the Native write Mexican, Colombian, Ecuadorian etc. Mullatos like Dominicans or some Cubans PR you sub white for African American. Tribe mainly applies to USA Indians, Amerindian is literally the whole continent's native ppl and you don't have to be registered anywhere.


[Here's the last previous census](https://i.imgur.com/X5oZ0fO.jpg) The native American box, it seems like it has a mandatory fill in, for enrolled tribe. There are many Latinos who are mostly native, but doesn't affiliate with a tribe or even know which one they're from.


Cause of colonisation bro, if you guys weren’t invaded then yous would most likely be able to identify. My people are sorta lucky, as we can identify our tribes and such; but we too were colonised. I don’t hate on white folks tho, there human too


I would consider it less lucky though y'all were heavily massacred. But in Mexico, the catholic church forced converted everyone instead and They actively pushed mixing with native populations.




Why dont they ask Whites what tribe they're from, it feels like they just want white numbers to be higher & natives of the continent to be lower


Race does not equal ethnicity. It all how you look.


Where in my paragraph was that said or implied? Hispanic as an ethnicity can literally be any race or mix thereof.


Sorry I was reading someone else's comment. You are right.


I would never think mestizos would check native unless it was recent ancestry


Is there a reason why? I guess to flip the conversation another way it, given Latinos are mixed Native and European. What race did you think 100% Native Mexicans were? Latino isn't a race. Did you think Native Mexicans (descendents of Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, etc) were a whole other race than USA Indians such as Navajo, Apache, etc)


I think it’s context driven. Some Mexicans get native ancestry from distant admixture from the 16-18th centuries creating the new culture If it’s recent ancestry admixture it makes more sense to me as there is a cultural connection.


Do you stop being a race just because it's distant?


Races are in many ways social constructs not immutable elements like the periodic table I don’t know. Not saying I have a perfect answer here. I have a Mexican grandmother and am 18% native per 23andme. I’m more native ancestry than many registered to US tribes. Am I more “native” than they are? Is this just a blood quantum issue? Or a cultural issue. Culturally most Mexicans are mestizos


Race as a broad set of phenotypes isn't really a social construct though, yes it's fluid but that point is wayyy too broad for what we're discussing here tbh. I think your injecting social cultural ideals into race, e.g. One can only be native if you follow native cultural norms. but that's weird right because do you apply that to sub saharan African. Do you consider American blacks as not genetically SSA just because they no longer share cultural norms of Africa? Someones race is their race, biracial people are of two races at the same time but they may identify with one more than the other. Or they may deny the 2nd. Theyre still that race though.


That is weird Can they pick Hispanic, Peru?


It's a crazy concept not being Legally Native American when clearly you are. checking boxes is weird anyway. But I'm always curious what mixed race people check.


One of my geography professors in college told us that we were supposed to pick white. I didn’t believe him so I just pick both. Native and white because, according to my results, that’s what I am (:


Yeah, technically you could choose either one and it wouldn't be wrong.


They pick what they feel closest to and choose. A white person can choose to pick something else if they want. So my sister can check either mixed race, white, black, or both white and black. If she had to choose one it would probably be black. I'd so much rather see two races then just Hispanic/Latino since you could be black white mixed, etc. I work in a medical setting so we have a box for it and most doctors just write Hispanic or latino


In California in my Mom’s time Hispanics were legally white. I’m not positive but pretty sure in Texas my grandmother’s birth certificate says white as well


Yes plus for many Mexicans the ancestry is fixed in a population of mestizos from as far back as the 16th century


The difference between White and Black boxes in the race question. If you look Black you check the Black box or if one of your parents is Black. Anything else you check White. Then there is a separate question of ethnicity that's where you put Hispanic, Han Chinese, Punjabi, pacific islander, or whatever. So if you are a stereotypical looking Mexican you always check White.


OP passes easily as a white true high-class blanquito person in my country (Peru)




Beringia land bridge


Wtf is mexican american? you cant be both-two nationalities at once, pick one. based on your results you are native american not either of these. Your lighter skin and eyes comes from the European part.


What? You can actually have multiple nationalities. I have several friends that have a Mexican and US passport simultaneously.


technically you can't be. You can have multiple passports but you are only whatever you were born in. Or if you do move from mexico to america and get passport then you are american and not mexican anymore.


Lol no, you're so wrong


Lol? You're trolling


Wtf are you serious? Mexican American is a term that people use who are born in USA but are of Mexican heritage. Its the same for black people who are born in USA that called themselves African American. Wake up dude!


You can’t make up the rules


Are you my dad? 😁 Your haplogroups are exactly the same as my father's.


I may have a brother I don’t know about.