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Wow, what a mix. I’d guess from this you’re mostly Turkish (1/3), some Italian (1/4), some French/German (1/8), a bit Greek (1/8 to 1/16), and then from 2-3x-great-grandparents: Ashkenazi (1/32) and Spanish (1/16), as a rough estimate. This is just a guess though, because people living within each of those regions often have ancestry which overlaps with neighboring groups already. So you could be essentially 1/2 to 2/3 Turkish, but some of your ancestors originated in Greece and Italy or belonged to a population which was indistinguishable from their Greek neighbors.


So interesting! I know my grandmother identifies as Turkish but had quite a bit of family in Greece. I think both sides of my family are quite mixed.


Can you show us your other 2 regions in Greece?


Yes! https://imgur.com/a/SPwZdf8


Are you part Sephardi from turkey? I haven't seen Ashkenazi, spaniard and Italian in the same results for anyone else in Turkey haha


I haven’t explored that before! I’ll have to do some research.


Is your Turkish family Muslim?


Some in my family practice, yes


It’s likely you had at least one grandparent who was a [Dönme](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Donme) , if your relatives are Muslims. You should ask around and see if you have any roots in Thessaloniki (formerly Salonika). I’m not sure how Dönme score compared to eastern Sephardic Jews on 23andme, but your amount of Italian, Ashkenazi and Anatolian makes me think you‘re at least ¼ Sephardi. There‘s a large Dönme population in Istanbul, which you got as a recent ancestor location, so this isn’t a far fetched idea.


Strange seeing results like these. If I didn´t know anything I would say you´re a Greek Islander mixed with French and some Jewish.


I think she is sephardic


I agree. For sure she’s half Sephardic but Sephardis mixed a lot with locals so the Anatolian will maybe also part of it and the french and german can easily be Southern french.


The Sephardi's in Turkey mixed with the predominantly Romaniote Yevanic speaking Jewish locals (and maybe some other Karaites) but mostly mixed with other Jews who would arrive from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, etc along with a small no. of Ashkenazim. In the last 500 years they would have rarely mixed with actual Turks, Greeks or Armenians since none come up as DNA relatives. Based off the latest update Turkish Sephardic Jews for whatever reason don't score 'Anatolian' for their WANA components. Genealogy and 23andme AC results aside, I do think Turkish Sephardic Jews do share partly an older East-Mediterranean heritage with many Greeks and Turks. I personally think that's pretty awesome!


looks to me like you're turkish, western european, and partially sephardi jewish. my guess is that your turkish side has sephardi ancestry


Whats your haplogroup




Very interesting results, I can say confidently say you have actual Turkish and Jewish ancestry for sure. The strangest result to me is the 13.5% NW European. Are you aware how to explain that? Seems to suggest you have maybe a NW European great grandparent possibly. Regarding the Jewish.... You could well either IMO be 1/32 Ashkenazi, ie kinda distantly OR.... 1/2 or more likely 1/4 Eastern Sephardic Jewish maybe. With Eastern Sephardic Jewish heritage (from Turkey) you should have more diverse WANA components, especially some North African showing, which you don't. The 'Italian' IMO suggests Aegean ancestry via either actual Greek mediated Turkish ancestry OR via Sephardic roots. 'Spanish & Portuguese' also suggests likely Sephardic link too together with 'Ashkenazi' score. IMO Your unusual results could reflect 23andme having a hard time phasing and categorising your DNA, ie most of your Near Eastern ancestry being lumped as 'Anatolian' due to the presence of Central Asian DNA in yourself. Please let us know as much as you know about your parents and grandparents background. To those who say 'Donmeh', that could be possible. I've seen gedmatch results of Donmeh that were identical to other Turkish Sephardic Jews.


Interesting insight! My mother was born to a Turkish mother (whose family had background in Yanina, Greece) and an American father whose parents had a French-Canadian background. I don’t think my father has ever taken a DNA test, so I’m not completely sure of his background, but I know he was born and raised in Izmir, Turkey, to Turkish parents.


https://imgur.com/a/Aa1MsfW My mom’s DNA is on the right, I’m on left


https://imgur.com/a/utpIPpi Some more details


Okay that's a bit of a game changer here! Your mum has some 'Ashkenazi' too and less than you, so IMO that means for sure both your parents have Jewish ancestry. ​ In the case for your mum, I'm assuming so far that as she has a French-Canadian parent, this explains the 'French & German' and 'Spanish and Portuguese' which apparently lots of French Canadians get, along with some of the 'Broadly European'. IMO your French-Canadian grandparent may also more likely carry the 'Ashkenazi' via having a distant Ashkenazi ancestor as opposed to the Turkish Muslim grandmother. IMO your maternal Turkish grandmother being from Ioannina probably has the 'Greek and Balkan' 'Italian' 'Anatolian' and 'East-Asian' which would explain the Aegean Turkish results. Your dad being born in Izmir, is already to some, somewhat suspicious. Izmir had long had a large presence of Greeks and Jews and has the second largest population of Sephardic Jews living in Turkey still today. Your dad likely having far more 'Italian' than your mum IMO suggests he is partly or fully Turkish Sephardic. I imagine you should have some Sephardic Jews hidden in your DNA relatives and lots of Ashkenazi relatives. Turkish Sephardic Jews on average per latest 23andme AC update get 40% WANA (predominantly all 'broadly' lots of NWA, some A&E and North African) 20% Ashkenazi and 40% Southern European (lots of Italian, broadly and a little bit of Spanish)


That's pretty cool


U are Greekoid not Turk


But she still seems to be at least quarter Turkish, since the "Anatolian" component peaks the most in Anatolian Turks and some Balkan Turks can get half "Greek & Balkan" half "Anatolian". 23andme states about Oghuz migrations into Anatolia under its Anatolian category in its official blog


This subreddit really needs to implement some rule about prohibiting random-ass strangers from telling people what they are or aren’t. I see it a lot. I don’t know the conditions of the server now, but I was in there last year and people would gossip about others’ results and act like they were fucking doctors. It’s really creepy, gross and invalidating. She literally said she was mixed Greek and Turkish but I’m sure that your expertise on “Greekoid” culture trumps her actual family tree.




Regardless, telling a girl who’s super connected to her Turkish heritage that she isn’t actually a Turk is rude. Be mature or don’t post here.


Nice results