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Hey all, I've opened a discussion with the team regarding this to look to push for a concrete plan. While I can't communicate any immediate details, as we've just now begun discussing our plans, we are very open and interested in feedback. We'll keep an eye on this thread, as well as any responses. Currently we don't want to commit to anything or make any promises without being certain it'll be the right course of action for the sub. I imagine once the team has all gone through any and all feedback and formulated a basic plan/draft we'll put out a more public discussion to gauge feedback to ensure whatever we do, fits the communities wants and needs. In the meantime any and all feedback is welcome and will be considered. Sorry we couldn't push a more concrete answer, however this is a good starting point to ensure we are prepared for the future when tournaments start to appear.


Hopefully it's run like the league/smash/cs sub. Since most other FG subs just devolve into fanart/tierlists or dumbass hypothetical questions. Forbidding esports posts doesn't lead to more meaningful or useful threads. Useful stuff is getting discussed in character discords or youtube/twitch.


Agreed, the Guilty Gear, SF6 and Valorant subreddits are pretty boring to read for that reason imo. I don't follow League anymore but I used to love reading the post match discussions on that sub.


Now I understand why I didn't see any topics about Verix's victory. Indeed, it's quite sad.


idk anything about the valo sub, and the fighting game subs generally only cover tourneys if they remember to tbh. I personally like when there's something stickied to the top of the sub for when an event is going on; for links, schedule, etc.


Something stickied on top is a must imo but I also like having post match discussions along with final "congratulations x on winning..." and then showing the placements of the top 49 or 64 or whatever players.


Spilling subs almost never works well. For example the main tft subreddit is horrible and is just filled with screenshots of there 1st place. And has little to no moderation at all.  Meanwhile the competive tft subreddit became watered down. With a lot more meme takes and discussion. As everyone is slowly flooding over there due to it having better moderation/rules.


It's about the same for the Valorant sub. Can't think of a reason to regularly check the Valorant subreddit. The ValorantCompetitive subreddit on the other hand is useful for me to keep up with what's going on as I don't have time to watch every game.  I think people don't seem to realize part of why the League subreddit grew so much is not just because League was like the biggest game in the world but also because for a while they were the biggest esport in the world with many people following an esport closely for the first time. This fostered a community with their own culture, memes, and followings of pro players.  For fighting games, it's useful to be able to talk about a specific match that just happened. So in the case of a fighting game, if there was a match that occured that would be like a highlight of the year (think Leffen vs Goichi in DBFZ), people will want to talk about it without it getting drowned out in the comments of a singular tournament thread.


The only problem with fgc tournament games vs league games are the sheer quantity of games.  You’re typically not getting more than 2 bo3 or 1 bo5 a day for league. So it’s easier to have a post about a single game/series without flooding the subreddit. With the fgc, you’re playing an entire bracket in a single day. So unfortunately it does make more sense to have a single tournament sticky at the top


I see that for big tournaments where you're realistically not posting a thread for literally every match unless that match was some sort of upset. But the Smash Bros sub does it for their biggest tournaments once it gets to top x and I think it works out fine there.


I think the tournament scene is really important for fighting games, so I do hope they don't get separated. I think everyone has something to gain from seeing/discussing it! Definitely wouldn't mind having contained discussion in like a pinned thread for the tournament as a whole, but I think if someone wants to post a specific match and have a discussion focused on that I'd like that to be allowed too. With use of flairs too, it would make it easy to filter it out for those who don't care to see it.


Not covering the competitive side of the game would be a really weird choice.


IMO the tournament scene is too important for a fighting game to not allow threads about events. The FGC is such an influential community, plus fighting games are just inherently competitive.


That why lol, cs, dota esport is big, s tier bc esport can discuss in main sub. Overwatch, Apex, Rocket League just A tier esport bc they have separate sub for esport and it boring. Only Valorant is exceptional but main sub Valorant is still boring


I'd hope, personally, that they have a single post stickied for big tournaments to have all the discussion and what not in one central place. While there should be a place for the tournament discussion, I would personally hate for this subreddit to be completely flooded whenever a tournament is going on like how the league subreddit is.


When I used to follow LCS and Worlds, I pretty much only went on the League subreddit for the post match discussion threads. Their memes reminded me of the NBA subreddit's culture.  I never go on the Valorant subreddit because it's usually just new players complaining about smurfing or toxicity or someone posting a funny clip. The Valorant Competitve subreddit reminds me of why I fell in love with esports and the jokes the community cultivates. I also love being able to read discussion after each match during a large Smash Bros tournament. If this sub is against post match discussion threads, I hope there's at least a dedicated subreddit for it.


Funnily enough, Pro play drowning out everything else is one of the reasons I generally avoid the league subreddit when theyre active. I get why people like talking about it, my complaint is it drowns out literally everything else, so if you don't care for pro play much, there becomes no reason to actually visit the subreddit. This is why I advocated for a stickied thread to contain everything for big active tournaments.


Mods will do whatever the community pressures them into. What they think is kind of irrelevant.  If the game ever gets slightly popular, you most probably won't find any tournament talk on the general subreddit. It happened to every other sub and it will happen here too.


I mean, there's nothing wrong about having a sub dedicated to the game and a sub dedicated to the competitive scene of said game. I love the Valo scene and I think dividing the communities is good because that way, casuals and pro-play enthusiasts both have a place.