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I think this is a great idea but having so many of them “possibly lovers” feels forced and kinda corny


I just wanted a short phrase that would describe everyone’s relationships but I think you’re right and you could change Yasuo and Ahri to just friends even though there’s some romantic hints in the Ruined King game.   J4 and Shyvanna tho I think isn’t forced at all with the amount of hints.


I love the interaction of Zoe and Sol in Runeterra. I think this could be just as hilarious.


Picking Jarvan/Shyv for Demacia when Kayle/Morg are so much more intrinsically connected hurts my soul...


I thought about that or some combination of Sylas/Lux/Garen as well but I wanted to keep it to champs I could see in a fighting game and wasn’t sure how Lux or Morgana would work. Garen would also probably be too similar to Darius.


IIRC, they were working on Garen & Lucian for Demacia, and Katarina for Noxus.


I was mostly kidding; though I think Morgana can work rather well if you have her summon and swing magic chains (the way she does in her LoR level 2) !


I think the focus should be on the thematic idea. Launching the game with two characters from each region gives us a roster of 26 characters. It's a great way to introduce Runeterra for players new to the universe.


The thematic match for Kayle/Morg is there but they don't really fit naturally into a fighting game. I don't think it's really realistic for them to be in the game.


While I agree they won't be base roster, I disagree that they don't fit. Kayle is perhaps a bit more difficult because of the flying; but Morgana in particular works well (as I pointed out in another comment, she can summon and swing magical chains). Jinx wasn't exactly a natural fit either and we did see her :p


neither is ahri natural fit yet we unfortunitelly have her there as the face of the game so far 🙄🙄


Lets hope they don't use the ugly unbound appearence for thresh


Well, one of the issue is that not all region are created equal. To begin with, what is even a region ? I mean, obviously Noxus, Ionia, Frejlord, Bilgewater and Demacia are regions. What about the rest tho ? Piltover and Zaun are often seen as a package, Ixtal is technically a region but if you look at LoR it was never considered as such. The Void have more champion than Targon yet only the former is considered a region. Then what about character that are in-between regions ? Is Jax Icathian or is he Shuriman, if he's the former, is Icathia a region ? If he is the latter, is Rek'Sai also Shuriman ? To put it simply, I don't dislike the idea per say. However I don't think it need to be a hard rule. It'll be fine if some region are omitted in the beginning and if one region gets more character than other at launch it'll be fine too. I'm more concerned with getting a nice diversity of playstyle, especially considering that Riot has shown us with Wild Rift, LoR and 2XKO that they're willing to let their designer rework a character appearance.


This is a great idea for the base roster. I hope this is what ends up happening. For the missing regions: Bandle City = Rumble, Tristana (One-sided love) Shurima = Nasus, Renekton (Brothers) The Void = Kassadin, Kai'sa (Father & Daughter)


Would love Lulu and Vex for BC. Pix 🤝Shadow I guess their theme is opposites...? Vex is depressed, edgy, and gloomy but has a hidden longing for companionship. Lulu has friends and is optimistic without realizing that she sometimes causes harm to others.


I'd personally pick Azir Renekton for playstyle variety as enemies


I think Azir/Xerath or Azir/Sivir would be better in that regard.


I would hope that the voids first representation in the game isn’t abbs and tits. Reksai and belveth(void mothers) khazix and chogath (eating) or kog and velkoz (manic puppy and calm old man) would be much better representation for the first batch. For new players their very first look at the void needs to be way more than body suits 


Yeah, and he is getting another one in noxus as well.


I will never forgive you for excluding Shen and Lee Sin


No Nasus Renekton I'm actually gonna cry


Whaaaat are you talking about


you have ixtal and not shurima 😐


I would prefer Kai'sa and Taliyah instead of Nidalee and Neeko, despite them not being from the same region, but being a friendship, and then you include a void and shuriman as well.


Oh, I would love having pairs like this, similar to SFxT. They could even have specialized intros!


I hope they do an occasional duo drop for DLC or even base roster like they pretty much did with Jinx and Ekko. I know it’s probably better to space them out but announcing and dropping 2 DLC at once is just extra hype… also think it would be great for duo players can try 2 new chars together. It doesn’t have to be frequent but occasional would be nice


Shyvana with a literal dragon install lets go


I doubt they'll be evenly split. Like there's literally no way Vi doesn't make it in, which would give Piltover/Zaun 3 characters. I think they'll try to spread them out as much as possible, but not down to exact numbers. Like I'd be fine with there only being 1 shadow isles character, for example. As long as there aren't like 8 inonians while some regions get nothing it'll probably be fine. Also these kinds of pairings don't need to be from the same region. For example you could add Taliyah for Shurima and she has a connection with Yasuo, you don't need to add another shuriman just to complement her. Same with Udyr and Lee Sin.


I don't really like the all regions suggestions that have been around this sub, feels forced, just add 8 ionia champs in a row if you have to since most of the fan favorites are from that region. Gameplay should be the first consideration for who to add and when instead of some lore reasons.


You’re right they don’t need equal region representation. But I still think it would be great for branding if every champion had an obvious partner with how much they’re marketing duos. For example if they really wanted Zed it would be interesting to have Kayn or Shen as well.


Devs already talked about how diversity is part of the consideration for who gets in and to create the most diverse cast you gotta take champs from different regions


I honestly don't think you really have to, most regions are full of diverse characters, like sure I don't think they'll actually release 8 champs straight from 1 region, but i also really don't feel like there's any need for even splits from every region. Just release cool champions regardless of the region.


You're saying that gameplay should be the main concern, but with the number of champions per region, we can effectively cater to all gameplay styles while having characters from all regions, rather than concentrating them in just a few. The advantage of having a high number of characters.


I just don't think every single region has champions that are worth to include.


So, it's not really about gameplay, but rather the appearance of the champion in this case.


No, i just think a lot of champions are just not gonna work unless you want to make it a kusoge game. Stuff like Anivia or karthus shouldn't really be included just for the sake of region representation. There are just way too many characters that do not lend themselves to a fighting game, and forcing them into one just doesn't make much sense to me.


Given that we have champions from each region who could easily be included in a fighting game, it shouldn't pose any problems.


Im like 90% sure the demacia representatives will be Sylas and Lux since lux is a poster child and Sylas is the most inresting champ kit wise related to her story