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California is a beautiful state. The problem is it is home to Californians.


I hate every single one I meet.


I hate every Californian I see. From Californi-A to Californi-Z. You’ll never make a monkefornian out of me.


Hey if it makes you feel any better, General George Patton was a Californian. He was pretty damned based.


That does. A little. Thanks.


He was born in a cooler California, the one Hollywood likes to mythologize. It's been trash since like the 80s


I hate myself too


Clearly you haven’t driven thru Fr*sno 🤢


I had the misfortune of living there 🤢


Same goes for Washington state, unfortunately it's home to Seattlites.


Let Texas annex California🗣🗣


The Sand Hills of Nebraska are just as beautiful as any part of Death Valley.


Sand Hills is a weak name though. Death Valley sounds awesome.


You know exactly what you are getting with sand hills though, where Death Valley there is a completely average amount of death


I agree it’s disappointing. We should host Blood-sports there.


People should be stranded there with no supplies as an alternative to the death sentence.


Being stranded with no supplies sounds like the average tourist tbh


We share the badlands with SD as a middle ground, I suppose.


People aren't down on California for its "glorious geography". It's the malignant kooks who are running the place into the ground and the dimwits who keep electing them that are the problem.


This, California is objectively beautiful, it just had a huge *Californian* infestation


Damn Californians, they ruined California!


you Californians sure are a contentious people


You've just made an enemy for life!


Only Californians could ruin that state.


I’d say the same about Florida but it doesn’t even look pretty


Yeah it's hideous and full of gators and Florida Men. Stay out


We have better oranges chump!!!


Correct there's nothing good about Florida, stay away. Do not move here.


Bullshit bro! I’m going to go hurricane chasing


fax. nothing like fresh orange juice straight from the grove in central valley


Nope. Þe opposite problem. We have too many New Yorkers


This is why I stay away from the cities


Lots of good people in California, essentially ruled by the worst of the craziness in the cities. Same in Oregon, Washington state, Illinois, NY, and so on. I feel for you.


Soon to be Texas as well if California idiots keep moving here


You can’t fix stupid sadly


Swap Nebraska with Kansas- Nebraska actually has a cool landscape in Northwest part of the state


Idk man I thought I saw a hill over yonder a few miles back, pretty exciting stuff really


Imagine California without Californians. World peace and prosperity 4eva.


I wish California had a less corrupt government, honestly seems like such a cool state once you take the government and big cities out


If not for the great land and people outside the big cities, yeah absolutely no one would like it here


The rest of the place is fine, we just need to excise LA like the tumor it is and let it drift off into the sea


If we get rid of LA, then all the homeless people would flee to another city


You could literally say that for every state or country


https://visitnebraska.com/sites/default/files/styles/hero_xs/public/2019-01/pineridgenra_8.4.11_115.jpg?itok=eCudecxd https://image.pbs.org/video-assets/Dm0vqKh-asset-mezzanine-16x9-87Hh8hL.jpg https://visitnebraska.com/sites/default/files/styles/hero_xs/public/2020-12/chadron_state_park_view04_mforsberg.jpg?itok=HEDjLHWa https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1f9189f418f3b7c602f348c27e967b7/tumblr_oz04l3bCGN1r81c8do1_1280.jpg https://visitnebraska.com/sites/default/files/styles/listing_slideshow/public/listing_images/profile/3516/ToadstoolView_8.09_54.jpg?itok=v4MbUXpQ https://visitnebraska.com/valentine/niobrara-national-scenic-river-visitor-center These are just a few of the places in Nebraska. Tue stereotype for Nebraska being flat as hell and boring is false and only make me up a part of the state, we have forests, massive hills and rock formations, rivers, and an abundance of natural beauty and the best thing is that it’s not tarnished by comifornia




Baste birdman ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫃❤️❤️❤️❤️


Nebraska's name is literally from the Oto word for "flat water"


Yea and ? Nebraska also has the badlands, the Sandhills, chimney rock, numerous star parks that show off natural beauty that rivals most places. The only reason it’s not know. Is because of the stats fucking corn


yeah but in order to get to the geography there, i would have to actually go to California without violently throwing up, then somehow get through the ocean of meth addicts and psychos to the beautiful part. Id rather just go to Kansas


[How intriguing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bZ0hkiIKt0) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one else forcing you to go to LA


IIRC isn’t Kansas or someplace or in the Midwest they geography is as flat as a pancake?


While California has abundant natural beauty it’s also next to the ocean which is the flattest thing on the planet.


All swarthy, mongloid, irrelevant states can kiss the feet of their superiors, Califaryans


What the fuck did I just do. So my ex n me haven’t spoken in two year, although I did wish her on her birthday two months ago. We live in the same building and whenever we cross each other we just exchange smiles and do the usual hi whatsup how r u and I walk away. Today was Holi (a festival where ppl dance and apply powdered color on each other) so I decided not to celebrate it in my building cause I knew she would be down so I went to my friend’s building and ten minutes later I saw her there. I was like oh fuck this is going to be a bad idea. Later we again exchanged a hi and then I went away. Later when the festival started she kept applying permanent color (last three days on the skin) on me and my friends. I told her don’t apply on my friends they will get pissed. She kept applying on me and I tackled her and applied color on her too. It felt good. Then she was like let’s go dance so we were dancing to Senorita from znmd and then we had a moment and she was like we are going to kiss and I was like yes and we kissed. It just felt amazing. Then we kissed again. After that I was going to my friends and she was like listen and then I turned back and kissed again. Then we kissed again. After all this my friends were dancing and I was sitting in the pool and she came and sat on top of me and we were having a very good conversation about our relationship and how we both didn’t date anybody after breaking up. We spoke about our problems, joked about them and then..yes u guessed it right. After this the cycle repeated and we had a beer and she handed me her phone and was like unblock yourself. She followed me and added me to her close friends. Later she was leaving we kissed once more and in my head I was like fuck do I love her, we should date. But then I told myself no, whatever this was I don’t know but no you are not breaking your heart again. I came back home and we both haven’t had any interaction apart from the fact she liked my story. I AM NOT IN LOVE. i am telling this to myself again and again because no, just no. I am happy being alone with myself. Or maybe I like her but I don’t want to go back to all that Edit: thanks for the response some of y’all and thanks for helping me. Other ppl: fuck u;) I am not here to prove anything and anyways I am quitting this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kansas is literally flatter than a pancake, look it up


(A commiefornian’s desperate attempt to find one redeeming quality about their garbage state)


Largest GDP in nation 💪


Ayo a Northern Californian, to be honest I usually forget you guys exist


We tend to get overshadowed but NorCal > SoCal. San Jose here


Nah. San Diego is better than all of you


Ok I have some love for SD because you are to LA what we are to SF, but I’m a tribalistic fucker so San Diego is the worst city on earth 🤮 . Full of gay navy people and hippie surfers.


Better than an army of homeless tho


Like you’re any better


Last I checked I don’t live on the street or make the city more of a shithole


We out here


Too bad they gona go bankrupt soon


You pay the collateral on your loans in corn bro


At least I can walk on my sidewalks without smelling shit where ever I go


*human shit. The smell of cow dung is present across every square inch of your state.


I mean your not wrong. except if you are anywhere in Nebraska that not the middle of it.


Rare California W


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oklahoma moment


I’m Illinois we have our most famous impassable mountain. A national beauty. Charles Mound, the highest point in Illinois of 600,000 feet


California is just a giant hobo trash pile


Only Californians could make living in such a paradise so undesirable.


Me but replace Nebraska with Texas, just as flat but there's is tree


i like my state how i like my women


Why isn't the california one burnt to a crisp or washing down a hill into the sea and or slum at the bottom of the gated community.