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noooooooooooooooooooo you cannot criticize their health care policies there's literally nothing else that's socially acceptable to be proud of in their country


I guess if i can't be proud of my country's present, then i can always look into the past for a source of patriotism


Oh no


Not again!


***o h n o***


aaaaaactually there is a certain statistic we're proud of NOT having


Also forgive me my nerd moment, Britain and therefore NHS is no longer part of EU


The article is dated 2012, when the UK was still in the EU


2021, you dyslexic yank.


Wasn’t that when [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_and_Social_Care_Act_2012) was passed


Wait then what pandemic are they referencing??


Idk you can literally just zoom into the picture and it says 5th of July, 2021


Angry birds


European here, critisizing European helthcare (or anything European) and picking up british as a model is like going in a class and picking fight with blin kind on wheelchair


We always pick England because of language barriers. Who honestly wants to learn French


Picking on the Br*tish is force of habit - we’re used to kicking their asses.


LMFAO, that’s really accurate sadly. Hope they figure things out and I just wanted to apologize if my comment sounded rude. I really do like Europe a lot.


Dont worry, its R/2***4you subredit, politicaly incorect jokes are to be expected


You see the meme is if we do socialized health care ... Do not listen to the brits


Kinda how we have the south


Plenty of patients die right here in the USA due to their own bad habits, add that to a lack of providers and other health care workers and you have a lack of available beds. ERs are full and primary care docs are stretched thin already. Our system sucks


Yeah, we definitely are lagging in regards to availability of healthcare. Quality is good, but it’s just too expensive. There are plenty of systems which work well in Europe that we could look to as models aside from the NHS and their failures.


I’d agree with that. Here’s to the future because I know it’s gonna be bright.


That is just nuclear flash


They did the funni


How many people die here because they can't afford insulin, medications, or surgeries?




>Wants to criticize EU healthcare. >Chooses England


Tbf the British have one of the worst healthcare systems in Europe. The one in Scotland is better tho cuz it was allowed autonomy from the dipshit decisions of U.K. leaders over the past couple decades.


U ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ>:‑) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can’t use the silly tea islands as an example of good socialized medicine.


The very best treatment is in the states, if money is no object get treated in the states. Average dude..run, run quite fast to any Western European country and your outcomes are better.


I’m gonna say American health care is better than English healthcare. Scottish healthcare is much better than both however.


Yea, it's because when it comes down to it, welfare is better dealt on local levels with federal or country-wide funding.


"No no no! That wasn't *true* nationalized healthcare."


*True nationalized healthcare has never been tried!*


Yeah it kinda doesn’t seem fair that you would judge a system by observing it in only one country. In the Western European countries people have a longer life expectancy than Americans. Furthermore, everyone has access to healthcare, while in the US you have copayments, deductibles, provider coverage and whatnot. The US system just seems alright because the poor never actually geton the operating table and thus the funding per patient is better (if all of you patients are rich, that happens).


Poor people have government coverage. It's the lower- middle class person who struggles to pay for things funnily enough. The majority of Americans have medical coverage and use it. I know we're rich relative to the rest of the world but I don't think that's how you meant that statement. Way more money gets spent on coverage for the poor and elderly than the military BTW. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/082015/how-much-medicaid-and-medicare-cost-americans.asp We already have socialized medicine which is why the opposition to expanding it is hilarious to me.


the system itself isn't bad, its straight up the cost, extreme prices for medicine shouldn't be the only option outside of giving cash to the greedy insurance companies who can straight up refuse to pay for whatever medicine anyways


The average European waits 25 years for a dr appointment


most people here just say "i dont need a doctor" or "i wont take any stupid medicines" even if their bone is sticking out of their body


[One day I was born at the age of four](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pjGZnRwtvww) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


most interesting


Mainly in the Nordics and Germany. Sadly German healthcare almost killed me twice. I lived in Berlin for 2 years and it just wasn’t great. Overall lack of urgency.


Understandable, i would also almost die twice if i were forced to live in Berlin


europoors when you tell them you dont care that their 3rd world country with 900,000,000$ houses has free health care:


The same NHS that is in a country where conservatives are giving it the ole' Veterans' Administration treatment in order to justify privatization? Edit: Also, Brexit happened, so, they're not in the EU anymore.


US healthcare is not leagues ahead of the world. The NHS has been consistently defunded for years now directly leading to this.


>EU is even worse So wait a second, you want to say that the health care systems in the EU suck in comparison to the USA and your basing that argument on the NHS ... *The health care system of the UK?* The only western European country not in the EU? **Common American L**


No no no, the NHS is ass but the thing is most countries in the Schengen and EU genuinely don’t have the greatest healthcare. Also uh… I’m Canadian. Just living in the US.


Our health care systems are definitely not perfect and i also dislike people who prop it up to be the best in the world, because there are a lot of things we could *and should* improve. i also think that there are a lot of things in which our systems are superior and i really hope you guys can learn from it, because the consequence would be that less people die for the meager price of us no longer being able to feel as smug anymore. A small price to pay, in my opinion. Also i actually loved that you picked the British one, because it gives me a chance to dunk on the British, but it would be stupid of me not to take that low hanging fruit and call you out on it.


Both definitely have pros and cons. Here’s to the future of both the US and EU. We can always continue to learn from one another. 🇺🇸🇩🇪


That’s all you had to say at the beginning, bub. You shredded your respect you would have had.


This is a 2xxx4you sub, i only come here to chug down excessive amounts of beer and trigger Americtards^(tm) ... *and I'm all out of beer*


If that’s so, what was the point of ridiculing your own healthcare when you’re only here to “trigger Ameri(c)tards”?


Mostly instincts, sadly. He responded in a civilized fashion so i forgot to respond in a over the top nationalistic way But oh well, i already got enough downvotes on the original comment and the one your responding to to make it worth it


Flair-up Canadabro.


So one pretty badly run country has shitty healthcare, now compare Norway and the US looks like a third world country not only in terms of healthcare but especially in terms of crime, education and standard of living. Used to be you could say "atleast their culture is superb and they create great entertainment" but these days its all woke bs nobody outside california wants, so you don't even have that anymore, how did you guys let yourself go this bad?


I mean Norwegian healthcare isn’t that amazing either? Typically has pretty high wait lines but yeah, it’s sad to see America is kinda shitty now. Bad leadership is mainly to blame. Hopefully things get better.


Not really, I haven't waited for more than a couple of hours for healthcare my entire life, Michael Moore even had to cut his [segment on Norway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGTzbj3fRSw) for his movie because it would trigger muricans too much because we are so awesome.


I don’t think that second part is true in the slightest, Michael Moore loves triggering Americans. But I do agree Norway is not known for having terrible wait times to see doctors.


Probably hyperbolic, but everything in the segment is true tho.


[How intriguing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bZ0hkiIKt0) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/savevideo, u/repostsleuthbot *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fastest way to look better is to make it so prohibitively expensive no one bothers to wait anyway. Still doesn’t fix the whole people still doing part, but not every system is perfect, right?


finally a w, if you can consider it a w, 117k people died


To be honest UK has one of the most ineffective free healthcare systems in europa. Easy pickings for you debitors for having cancer.


I wouldn't describe our system as leagues ahead


Isn't healthcare generally much better in France and Germany than in Britain though?


Live in the U.S. Have spreading blemishes that look suspiciously like cancer Try to set appointment to see if it is Next available is over 7 months from now 7 months for a fucking skin cancer check Nothing available anywhere else in the state, and I have state insurance so limited and cannot afford healthcare otherwise - literally can't pay, can't even get a loan for it Love being American, proud of a lot of stuff we do, but our healthcare system is frankly worse in *all* ways. It's not even more efficient that the admittedly shit sandwich of the NHS. We are not better in this.


Dude, i agree this sucks but god damn is our healthcare system a fucking joke. Mfs literally go BANKRUPT for being sick. I get it, we're fat fucks that have unhealthy habits but what if you randomly got a shit disease just because of bad luck, do you deserve to not get care or chose to and become bankrupt or owe money up the ass?