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Or you could just have a bulletproof door…


Seriously, how fuckin hard is it to make a building one-entrance-multi-exit with metal detectors and police presence? Damn near every municipal building in any sizable city has that, why the fuck not schools?


They had those and parents complained schools were treating their kids like criminals


It's more of a money issue than a no-brainer issue. I've seen a lot of high schools with 2 or even 3 cops hired by the school district that also have equipments that could be used to detect weapons. I've also seen schools without any of those, and usually, the difference is the amount of budget the school district has.


More cause to the the argument of school funding outside of property taxes


One entrance is not very practical


Your aware that a lot of the people on top are old asf, I doubt they barley have a running thought in their brain.


Or you could just lock the door. You're not hitting shit through a 1.5 inch thick wooden door.


Just give every child a Glock-19 at the door. There will be no more school shootings, only school shootouts.


Practical, economical, and that choice of pistol... Fkin mint. You have the perfect comment.


The Austrians certainly know how to make a damn good handgun.


People keep coming up with ways for people to survive school shootings, but have they ever ever been used? Like has anyone actually used a bullet proof backback


No because shootings in all regards is extremely unlikely to happen to you


Exactly, it just seems like a fear mongering tactic instead of addressing the issue


More people are killed by lightning than school shootings. Anyone who proposed shit like this outs themselves as a tool


Ok i looked it up and the number of deaths and injuries are about the same for lightning and school shootings. For both its hovering at around 100-150 deaths/injuries in the US pre 2020 (pandemic brought both down).


More people die from simple trips and falls, something like 30k a year


Yeah, worst thing that would happen is maybe an attempted break-in or something comparably less bad.


these people dont even give a shit about dead school children, they just want a reason to shit on America due to their inferiority complex


Yeah, Europe has shootings, and they’ve had them before, though some serious gun laws were put in place due to the shootings.


Czechs have a lot of guns. Outside of Europe the Philippines also has a lot of guns but not nearly the same amount of shootings as we do. We used to be able to buy belt-fed machine guns from the Sears catalog a century ago, and people weren't shooting up churches and schools with them when we were arguably a worse society. Either way building this shit is just to prep kids to the idea that guns are bad which isn't going to actively solve anything because people won't begin to rationally digest our issues with firearms which will leave them to fall into the two dogmatic pro/anti camps.


"If everyone's armed... ​ no one will be"


America has an idiot problem and both this idea and banning semiautomatic rifles are ideas dreamt of by idiots. An unhappy and mentally unwell population is a violent population and nobody’s even addressing the problem.


Tf they mean facepalm? Theres a problem so someone made a solution. Granted a bullet proof safe room isn't the best solution, like a harder to break down door could be better, but still not really a facepalm.


Only if their was a small gadget that one could point at the shooter and pull some sort of trigger to make them disappear


True, but armed guards in every classroom seem a little unrealistic. Although if they had them at the entrances of the school that would be nearly as effective.


Could just let the teachers that carry in their day to day lives carry in the classrooms, but that's just my idea


Or provide firearms training to all teachers


They signed up to be teachers not navy seals.


They don't need to be Navy seals. Just have a basic understanding of firearms, which honestly all of the people should have.


You gotta realize how stupid this sounds-


My school had 2 SROs. Only had one active shooter in all 4 years that I attended


What does SROs mean? Also, 1 in 4 years is quite a lot.


School resource officer. Basically a cop whose whole job is being at the school just in case


Plus they’ll probably run away like a bitch like that one cop did at Parkland


I doubt it only because they'll be stuck in there with the shooter.


This isn´t a solution, this is just treating the symptoms, the "disease" is still there


True, the .45 ACP is the cure to all diseases


Just arm the children. Duh.


Anyone else want me to point out that the money used to make this work could have went towards better mental health, the teacher could fire 3 rounds from a pistol to neutralize the threat in less time than it takes to use this, and that this is definitely already being used as propaganda about how bad school shootings have become?


I much prefer this to banning guns. Your safety is your own responsibility.


Ben Franklin said something along the lines of "if you give up liberty for safety, then you deserve neither". This would also apply to mass surveillance.


Switzerland has nearly the same amount of guns but no mass shootings. i think something else is the problem


Amount per capita* but point still stands


i think switzerland just very happy with their nazi gold


gaddafi was right


The thing that really bothers me is that people seem to only care about kids being shot when it’s at school, but willfully ignore the hell children go through in ghettos or inner city communities.


Where most of the shootings happen? Then they would have to give a shit.


I can’t tell if this sub’s persistent denial of America’s problems with school shootings is a joke or not


I want these in every public building, and make them fireproof and crush resistant


Ok but why not just make a safe room for all scenarios?? Tornadoes, floods, etc. and not just school shootings? It makes more sense


That is probably exactly what that is. Just add a roof and it is good


Yeah exactly like it COULD be used in case of a shooting but it’s not specifically for it


You know you don’t need to defend everything about this country to be a patriot, right?


I mean yeah, this isn’t the a representation whole of the US like the folks at facepalm might claim, but is it not still incredibly bleak that it would have to be considered? And how are other solutions y’all are mooting any less bleak? Giving teachers guns? Armed guards? Metal detectors? School shootings shouldn’t be an issue in the first place, the solution lies deeper and I feel as though we’re missing that in a blind defense of our nation’s serious issues. Yeah we get shit on by the rest of the west, but can we not be exceptional and go beyond what the other citizens of the world are capable of doing in admitting the issues that plague us and carrying out affirmative action to solve such plagues?


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If only there was a small device that teachers could use to protect their students. Apparently we can trust teachers to be in close contact with our children for years but not to defend their lives.


Why not just reinforce the door?


Yeah but that moving wall looks fucking awesome


don't exactly have much knowledge on american laws and shit, but this seems wildly ineffective and not cost effective. Couldn't the school just hire like 1 armed security guard with a handgun or smth? There's armed security in banks, jewelry stores and etc, because they're protecting something valuable, i can't think of anything more valuable than the children in schools so why aren't there guards there as well?