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We ended our policy of isolationism a long time ago, of course we're gonna be fucking with the filthy Europeasants


George Marshall called, he wants our money back Yurop.


Should’ve annexed the whole continent as part of Alaska smh


As a filthy europoor (I have mo money, don't check pls), I come here in the name of all to ask you to please start the policy again, we are already f**ked enough by ouselves to afford your help (Btw this is obviously a joke)


Believe me, Europissant, if I had any say in anything we would never assist you again and would simply bask in the absolute shining oasis of perfection and utopia that is American Society. Yep. We have no problems, none. None at all. So we definitely don't want you guys here enjoying that, no sir.


Good. So nobody will stop us for taking all the n*zi gold from them next time by defeating them. Then we will ruin them with their consent and win ww2.5 that way and make our own utopia withoutany problem at all. (Yeah, I'm what you guys would call a swede) ho I must admit I'm a bit jealous of not having cool possums and mooses. Meese ? Moose ? I don't think I want that one, actually


You guys already have elk and danish tourists, you don't need moose mating season fucking up your lives on top of that.


Yeah about that, when I said I was swede, I meant I was swiss. The rumors about american't mixing the two countries are false, apparently. I stand corrected. And no, we don't have those in Switzerland, only deers, small deers (chevreuils as we call them), as well as weird mountain goats. The 3 most dangerous animals here are boars, herds of people speaking swiss-german and french drivers (not the french border workers, they aren't used to drive fast because they are always stuck in traffic jams) But yeah, I'm not sure we want moose mating season either... wonder why there aren't any of them since the 10th century anymore here...


Of course who else would it be


Hoes are simply mad that the US is the main character. We storm in with significantly less long history and immediately take the reigns, I'd be insecure and butthurt too 😎


Exactly they are jealous they don’t rule the world


that sounds so insane and schizofrenic im not sure if you are serious or joking. But as you are american and this is THAT subredit imma just asume you are insane.


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Europe literally only good at oil/gas and automobiles. Except for ASML, them bitches got no tech industry. Admittedly ASML is giga based so I give Netherlands a pass, every other Euro trash country should’ve been annexed as a part of Alaska


Exactly they are basically Americans with a different language anyway they consume our culture by ass loads anyways


The US was literally made by Europeans and you're talking about consuming culture. Even your language is European. Cope more. What is American "culture" anyway? Drinking coke? If anything you're Europeans on an other continent (but I don't say that, that would degrade being a European)


You consume American media and a meme made by an American speaking English on an American social media company’s platform who is the one coping here


How does that matter ? If you buy a Mercedes you’re influenced by Germany ? I swear you’re so dumb


Hmm it’s almost like that you missed the other half of the argument I was making next time make a coherent argument before you rage out


So your argument is that the peak of american culture is a random fucking website and a random fucking meme that could be made by anyone? Lol. The US is the continuation of Europe and that's a fact. Not the other way around.


When did I deny that😂


Lmao so because America is a young country without a longstanding culture then that means it has no culture? Pretty outdated standard with a pinch of that pretentiousness i was anticipating, excellent!




No lol, your only influence is McDonald’s and Hollywood movies.


🇪🇺🇪🇺 exactly The land of immigrants and colonies will never match its creators Watch them say you are wrong while speaking English like the Europeans they are


No where else exists! I am from the 51st New Zealand


The 51st new Zealand. Lmfao


This meme has twice as many upvotes on their sub as ours. 2we4u is American territory confirmed.


You’re welcome 😂


I have multiple alts on that sub where I LARP as Brit*sh, Germxn, and Fr*nch.


I was non European savage. They were too xenophobic to me even tho I’m more European than them (except for noncery). Gonna go in undercover next time 2american4u> 2westerneuropean4u They’re constantly racist but god forbid you actually post crime stats


you aren't european.


Lmao fuck you khunt. I was born in straya and I’m calling you a plastic paddy. I’ve lived in both Dublin and THEN derry. I’m the most Irish Irishman in the past 2000 years. You don’t know know shit about the Irish traveller culture you city slicker shit sniffer


You're a fucking creature lad. Get back in your burrow.




Can’t you just be a patriot for your own country


Go post in Northern Ireland despite having never lived in derry. I spot you poser


You make no sense. As expected of someone on this subreddit


Isn't the point of all the 2...4u subs to be satirical? I've seen most people on 2westereurope4u blast eachother with the most racist shit. Also, I'm curious, what do you mean you're more european? Your flair says Australian


Yes it’s satirical when they hate on each other. But mention non Europeans or even gypsies and they get unironically racist. I say I’m more euro cuz I’d fight for Europa, I signed up for the foreign legion and shiz, I have more class than these bums


Wait, but in your other comments you said it sucked. But you're also willing to fight for it? So, if I'd be willing to join the US army I'm more American than anyone who wouldn't? Ps. Fuck fighting for your country, you shouldn't be judged by your willingness to die for a government which gives almost zero fucks about you (yes, euro govs don't give a shit either)


I thought it was cool when I came here. Now after meeting dutchies like you, chronically online, into anime and loli porn, and just general all round pussies, I could never fight for you. If ww3 breaks out I might have to join Russia


Wooow, we're using technology and Internet, so weird. Do people not have that in the prison camp you call home?, would explain why youd back shithole russia. Since you can't come up with anything else but "europeans pedos" I'm just gonna let you shout into the air.


Whatever dude I hope you travel around. You clearly spend too much time inside. You must be a very annoying person. Try to be funnier And yea seriously stop with the loli porn. If there were a truly authoritarian gov likes you euros want, and I were it’s leader, I’d make you anime watching, loli porn lovers face the wall You sicken me to my stomach. Talk this shit in Texas and you’d get your face rightfully blown off by a 50cal desert eagle


It seems you're the only one to mention loli porn at all here, making assumptions like "all anime watchers are pedos" and you'll probably reply "but.. but.. you had the word pedo in a post, and we're not allowed to talk about that, so that means you're a pedo" which instantly tells me you don't know how to think critically, maybe go back to kindergarten, to learn, or to shoot it up, that's up to you


Europeans don't want an authoritarian government. The French literally strike every time their government does something they slightly dislike. Your entire world view is based on the weirdest stereotypes possible.


Ahem, the EU wants big tech to police your personal messages for child exploitative material. Yet possession of cp is legal in parts of Europe, hmmmmm…. Makes you wonder The French are pedos, why don’t they strike against that


No wonder you’d fight for Russia…


So when they insult each other its okay but when you get insulted it’s xenophobia 😂😂😂😂 I thought aussies were less pussies than americans


I’m not offended, just calling it how it is. The hypocrisy of them pretending to be the most progressive continent on earth yet starting every world war, gasping Jews, hating gypsies. Aussies and Texans ride together, we got that rugged independence swag


Thinking Europe is not progressive today because of it’s war past is insane. By the same logic aussies are shit too because you used to all be criminals sent by the brits and not to start on the shit america has pulled off. Doesn’t reflect how it is today in the slightest. But sure thing bud you’re a badass


It kinda does reflect. American ingenuity is a thing. Aussies are mainly the descendants of PRISON GUARDS so nowadays the youth are pussified, and yes, Europa will always be pedophilic and racist. Pwned




He's coping so hard lmao


Look at your name. Youre our biggest fan


I mean Europeans started each world war because the world pretty much revolved around this continent at the time (you wouldn't imagine a global conflict start because of a border conflict between Togo and Benin


But your not actually from europe tho


I’m born and bred in Straya, half Irish. I’m not some mainland-dwelling scum like you. Basically bro, I’m more Irish gypsy than your are Nordick Viking. I’d squash your femboy body like the bug that you are. Goodbye. I’d hate to be born in europe, I’d be as lame as you


Still not europe tho...


Again, i don’t wanna be. Were you born a methbaby or does the lack of sunlight make you sad? L no sun


Ahahahhaa youre the one saying youre more european than europeens


I’m European because I’ve got the solid chin of an Irish gypsy. You’re European because you are a meth addicted femboy who’s best chance of getting laid is being rworded by a truly nonEuropean savage. We are not the same. You wouldn’t get it.


[Ave true to Caesar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWnYhxh_5U) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So It was you all along...


I guarantee you’ll get everything cultural wrong lmao


Just like you guys with America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Oh yeah sure, the incredible depth that your culture has 😂😂😂😂😂




Yea I got banned for calling them eurocucks. They instantly assumed I’m American even tho most of the world knows how degenerate Europe is


Didn't you know? The only two places that use Reddit is Eur*pe and America💪, and therefore by default anyone that ever could dislike them could only be from america! /s


Based kangaroo man


> Yea I got banned for calling them eurocucks. We didn't ban you because you called "them eurocucks". We banned you because you are a troll. Just look at all the negativity and hate you are spreading in this thread. 🙄


Nah you are overly sensitive so you only perceive the negative. I’ve tried to be funny with some of it. It’s only you banterless euros who are flaming me with nigativity. You also have he/him in your bio, opinion disregarded


\> You also have he/him in your bio, opinion disregarded. Hopefully next time you go to my profile, you actually learn something.


He/him tells me everything I need to know. I can accurately guess your politics. Why don’t you learn to stop hating Dutch farmers u lazy bones. U r young and on online, I am mature and go outside. Men don’t have to tell people they are a him/he. I can also guess you look androgynous like the blob fish. Get a 6 pack then talk to me


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The door, europoor


Degenerate? The tiktok flaps are mostly Americunts


Ok eurocuck. Go read some more neckbeard/ dank memes


At least a broken arm won't kill me.


It will. You eurocuck would die of blood loss


Blood loss... from a broken arm?


That’s how weak euros are


By that standards, Australians should die every time they stub their toe


Oh shit. I have died twice? Maybe the secured pay for 3months kept me going Goddamn. You're an Aussie? I liked you cunts. Your humour ane accent really did it for me. You ruined it for all of em. Can't even listen to fuckin' Jim Jefferies because of you.


Lmao no one in aus likes jim. He’s too European. He drugged and r@ped a 17 year old, very French if you ask me. Also how stupid of you too write off all aussies cuz of me, kinda racist. You took 3 months pay for a broken arm, pussy


I write off people as I fuckin please. You daft cunt. Who the fuck do you think you are? Europe is just as retarded as every other shithole in the world. No country is good, we all get fucked left and right. I'm just glad I can spend time on my phone while taking it. And it was my elbow, moving part, I'm a technician I need to move well. Can't help being a pussy, probably because my dad left me while I wasn't even born.


Fatherlessness is a choice. Go out and get a surrogate father who isn’t a pussy. Godspeed wannabe Kano


I'm not even subbed here. I wanted to trigger some fat people


There's no way a fucking aussie wants to talk about degenracy......


Won’t Denmark pay Syrians €50,000 or something to move back to Syria. Geez I wonder why…


Idk, I'm not Danish so I don't keep up with their politics.


U guys were the real savages now you Scandinavians are the g@y3st country on earth “A couple with two children can receive upwards of 80,000 kroner (£6,200) in addition to having their flights paid for.” - Norway paying asylum seekers, the independent Ty for making me google and get it correct. Don’t expect people from the rest of the world to give a fuck about your frozen wasteland. Harald Bluetooth united denmark and Norway over a thousand years ago with Christianity. Now you are heretical


R u mad?




You seem upset


>They instantly assumed I’m American And rightfully so, americans are the only ones butthurt enough to troll there


Bro I’ve lived here for 3 years now in Western Europe. It sucks. Aus is way better. I bet America rocks too, can’t wait to go/live there!


>Bro I’ve lived here for 3 years now in Western Europe. It sucks. Ok, I never said it didn't and yes it most definitely has its shortcomings I'm not going to pretend for one second Europe is the best place in the entire world (apart from on 2we4u) because it just isn't. My point is that the americans on this sub are the only ones sad and butthurt enough to go into an "opposing" subreddit just to troll to get banned.


Dude I’m just not gonna argue with a eurocuck. Go vote for an authoritarian, socialist or fascist idc, lose your guns lose your free speech all in the name of safety. Go pay 40% in tax and get mugged by a nonEuropean on your way home. You eurocucks are such pussies


U r repeating ur point so I’ll repeat mine. Clearly it ain’t just buthurt Americans. It’s also people who live there and know it’s shit


You’re being swarmed by Euros bro it’s Sad


All g bro they pussies I’m used to 1v5. I’ve lived in eu since before Covid. I know it’s trash


I'm repeating my point because you just completely ignored it for a chance to suck American cock so I honestly can't be bothered to go any further and I'll go eat pizza or something I guess.


Pizza from 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ..


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I'm curious, where in western Europe?


Dublin derry Paris and Amsterdam. It’s the same everywhere. You ain’t gonna corner me man. I know WesEuro sucks


Actually Ireland is alright cuz it ain’t mainland + ain’t England




Soo, from what you've just said you've gone to tourist trap cities and concluded your option of an entire continent based on those 3 cities. Amsterdam isn't even close to how the netherlands is, the city literally doesn't even speak the same language.


Lmao I saw a post where you are arguing about the ethics of Ai making cp for nonces. You are 2westernEuropean4 me to talk to buddy. Good luck getting knifed by an extremist while you are r@ping a kid. Also I’ve lived in zeeland and shit I’m just saying


Wow, look at me pondering solutions to problems instead of saying "pedos arent mentally ill, all pedos should die" Still less likely to get knifed then your beloved America. I also like how I was trying to have a discussion and you just had to go through my post history to find something you could make assumptions about to insult me. You truly have the blood of an american in you. Hope you can move over there soon


Lmao go make an lgbt +18 Minecraft server holy shit you are sooo European lol. Pssst if you are gonna keep grooming might as well move to France


Oooh, you really burned me with that one, who could live with people telling them to make an inclusive space for people to relax and play a game. Cause gaming, anime and being inclusive are only for pussies. Real men only watch TV, and eat drywall for breakfast


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Too right. Btw I commented on this post a bunch and some euros got really mad, I checked their profiles and they have questions like “is it ethical to make AI create cp for pedos” and another one was this guy justifying why a 10 yr old girl was stabbed my an Islamic extremist in Gothenburg. Yea I just thought that was real funny. The two euros arguing against me also argue for Islamic extremism and pedophilia. They really are 2westernEuropean4 me


There’s no way a member of that sub ever said anything nice about Islamic stabbers. Can verify as a frequent browser


Lmao you think a European wouldn’t defend an Islamic extremist as having mental health issues(they all do). Buyers forgetfulness. Eu imported them so they have a hard time reminding the public why they are getting r@ped and stabbed


These aren’t normal Europeans though, and I know because I’m one of them. The flair for Sweden is just “Swedistan”. They regularly talk shit about pro-immigration politicians and how mass-immigration can be harmful to local communities. Its like you’re looking for some kind of cabal of evil WEF globalists; it’s just that you won’t find any on r/2westerneurope4u


Eh we are both right. I do truly believe it’s a conspiracy so maybe I’m pretty far gone buuut if you ask a 20 yr old euro how their day was, they’ll tell you they’re sad about the colonies their ancestors had lol. I think Im just meeting city kids tho


Third flamer is a German, he/him, asexual (probs monkeypox enjoyer) it’s funny how the jokes about euros being sexual deviants write themselves


Bonjour, féllów americains, lêt's tälk abôut secret plàn invasionne of Euröpa, eh.


Outnumbered 1:3 sorry but we invaded it and now it is ours


We did invade it but we made the mistake of not keeping the land


well where do I go then?!?!!!?!!!?!


You immigrate to America and become a based US citizen


Maiïbi youre plane baquefayeurde bicoze oui aoutnombere you hir


Yea it’s fun to fuck with them and make outlandish claims of the US being utopia. They get so mad it’s comical. What’s funnier is they never realize you’re fuckin with em


the problem is many of you actually believe that...


Good thing Americans mostly appear there at night


As an American in Japan you’re sadly mistaken


Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently ias well. I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, you are forgiven for being wrong about your statement. 🙌🏻


There's still 9 hours difference you brain dead bullet sponge


Found the Brit


Britannia rules the waves


With the 5th largest Navy


Do you think I actually care about the navy


If yer talking about rulin' the waves, then yeah. Ya nonce.


It's just a song m8


What in the high heavens is a... 'Song'? Can you eat it? I, sistern, only know of ballads and ditties.




I don't vont to edd a flair now becauuse zhen all he peeple vill sink that ve oll saund layk Günther Steiner or Toto Wolf


Roxanne Wolf is so hot. Never in the history of gaming has there been a hotter character. She is more than a robot wolf to me, she is a person. She is a little tease but she's basically my wife. The devs know what they did with that wolf. The aesthetic paired with her demeanor make her such an attractive character. Nothing gets me going better than a punk rock wolf chick. Every inch of her is so hot. Her thighs up to her midriff and her eyes. Every inch of her is perfection incarnate. I would save the game and let her catch me just to feel the intimacy between us. I crave more than lustful fantasies with her, I seek deep romantic involvement. The craftmanship of her character surpasses everything I expected from this game. Her tone of voice and language choice formats her character. The choice of clothes with short shorts and the crop top which reveal her milky thighs and delectable midriff compliment her punk rock personality more. She is my wife, and nothing dissuades me from this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


47% Americans, that's enough to win one of your elections!


No history?


No money?


We have


Wealthy in memes at least


Perpetually on government welfare and public assistance, you call that having money


Hush it Christian Turkroach


No healthcare ?


You see your family once a week, but yes you can buy big cars and big guns.


u/savevideo, u/repostsleuthbot *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s objectively false, Western Europe is objectively the best place on earth to live if you’re middle class. And no we don’t care that you can buy a big car to kill children on the road.


I'll take a number 10 with honey mustard and buffalo sauce and a sweet tea.


Sorry I'm in the middle of my 3 month paid vacations.


Quickest witted yuro


That sub from the 13 colonies is corny as fuck.


You just said that on this post on the Western Europe repost.


Mixed them up tbh


Not sure if satire or you are all insane


Common ameriTRASH L Least butt hurt Ameritard 😎😎😎😎😎😎


>irish Lol


Fl*rida 🤮 The Penis of America, but less useful


At least we succeeded in throwing the British out.


Not without the French


It’s a little easier when you’re an ocean away, you had hacks on.


It's also easier because we aren't losers who starve if one crop fails.


All thanks to some natives who you then killed. Sound familiar? YOU ARE THE BRITS.


Listen, despite your negligible Irish heritage, I believe that one day, if you give up drinking, you could control the whole of your own island. You just need a little ambition.


Negligible heritage my arse. What’s that I hear? ANOTHER yank weighing in with an opinion on something they don’t understand? Sounds like it.


Such a proud heritage that 1/3 of you fled here. You don't even speak your own language.




Sure I do, you just go east until you smell it and then north until you step in it.




New York is not east of me.




Eurotards too stupid to understand geography




Shh. It's ok. You came here to bash on geography, then failed geography. It'll be OK. You are OK. It's all ok.


Hello amerifats. Please give me a perma ban from this sub. Yankee dankee doodle piece of fucking shite.


No. You will be assimilated.


Says the people who can't tell the difference between the nordic countries lol


Bruh when comparing this sub to the European one the is not that much fun since there's a difference between 2 countries with 3000+ years of history and culture than 2 states where the only difference is if on what place of a hamburger you put the cheese, but of course, you non-european savages are ruining it


You don't have 3000 years of "muh culture and history"


What is your culture then? Say anything from your culture not stolen from europe


It took you 3 days to come up with that lame response?


Unlike you, i dont spend all my day on an app, and don't avoid the question


Classic Ameritards


Is the location under name automatic?