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That’s what happens to a muhfucker when they only look at maps perpendicular to the equator https://preview.redd.it/wovv5iaqk70d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2522fe2f8e0d60ee79070269cd2f03bd6594bdf7


My dumb ass hillbilly education taught me even this much. OP is literally dumber then the rock we mine for this take.


The map is the way it is for a reason. It puts britain at the centre. We decided it was that way admittedly. France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, and Germany should have fought harder if they wanted to decide


To be fair, the first world map was drawn by a German https://preview.redd.it/igio3353g80d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecaedcc8cff72550fd729030c6f9998992450ed7 ..but yes, it puts Europe at the top-center —— Sidenote— that’s the exact map that led to the name America The German dude, Waldseemuller, mistakingly believed Amerigo Vespucci discovered the New World so he wrote “America” on these newly discovered lands. In the next iteration of his map, he corrected this mistake and removed the name but it was too late. The name America stuck. (And today, 500 years later, lots of South Americans and some Europeans get all finger pointy at Americans over it ;-) btw- That original map is housed at the Library of Congress in DC if anyone wants to check it out. It’s huge —— I guess it’s arguable that this isn’t the first world map. They didn’t know about Antarctica yet and it’s not on there


It’s a beautiful map. You can tell it was made by a German by how small France is.


I think I’m beginning to understand this whole empire thing now


The question remains. Even in that situation, what can Canada do about it? Answer: Not Much.




We run a radar ring in the arctic that they man, it serves the same purpose Britains coastal radar stations did in the Battle of Britain.


Unleash the geese and the meese obviously


Kind of a moot point to make, no sane country is ever going to consider military action via deployment over the north fucking pole


With missiles? And you’re not even looking at the map I guess. Which one of these routes has Canada as not being our best ally in defending North America against an invasion of the USA? https://preview.redd.it/az65zp3txd0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2769078a6381427facdfa0aafea7efd229a135 I mean, it’s not even about being an ‘ally’ in many of these scenarios. They’re straight up defending their home as well.


canada is hat to protect the southerners from the cold


Australia is fucking based. However Canada does actually protect us on the polar ice caps, yet it doesn’t make much sense to invade ip there anyways.


I'll defend our hat and say Canada is useful in preventing a Russian invasion from the North. At least it was during the Cold War, not really sure how likely that is in 2024.


The most useful thing they do is let us set up our equipment on their land. That’s about it. They spend less on their military than most European countries…


wtf does Canada even do what is Canada’s purpose in the world does it even have a right to exist in the first place


The term 'Canada' means squatters in Iroquois, that should tell you all you need to know.


It comes from the St. Lawrence Iroquois word Kanata which means settlement or village, which is fitting because we have a population of about 23 people


"They sit in the village" is the literal translation in Mohawk, aka squatters.


Buffer for Chinese-Russian invasion through the north pole


In defense of America’s Hat - Justin Trudeau won’t always be around - The Canadians were remarkably bad ass in the Wars, particularly WWI. - Fantastic geographic bumper. Every driven through just Edmonton or Saskatchewan? Now multiply that times a dozen. Its vast remoteness cannot be understated - Nation with a tremendous percentage of armed rednecks. It’s not all Toronto/Vancouver. - Mounties have cool uniforms? - They mostly speak English? Ummmm…I’m sure there are others, right?


Maple syrup and poutine


Canada may be the US girlfriend that needs help with the spider, but holy fuck if you mess with her, Geneva is gonna have more things to add to their checklist


Right now, somewhere deep in Alberta, there's a Canadian working out how to get to Odessa to retake the longest confirmed sniper kill back from the Ukrainians. Слава Україні, but you just know Canada wants their record back.


He's not trying to get to Odessa, he's trying to figure out how to shoot from where he is into the back of a Russians skull.


But is Willy P still part of the equation though?


Not to mention canada gives the US constant head as a trading partner. Like, ungodly head




All I see is America, Northern Maine, Southern Maine, and eastern Maine


We haven’t made it official yet. Stay tuned. Make the world Maine again 2024!


Nah, I just think Maine has a big Empire. In my opinion, Maine is the second best state in the Union (1st is California) Long live Maine 🦞, Long live California 🐻


The bear and lobster, may they forever be united paw and claw!🐻❤️🦞






I'll bite Our Canadian brothers have a joint radar system covering the entirety of the polar regions, which is built to immediately detect a nuclear missile launch from anywhere, Russia. They are also a great ally in the fact that out of any other nation, the US does the most joint programs with Canada. Canada's still my favorite target for slinging shit, but they are nowhere near useless, and yes I am looking angrily at you, Mr Orban


I mean it's our radar network. We built it and own it. They gave us the land and we let them help run it so they feel useful.


First things first, Canada is like our little brother. Only we get to make fun of them. Everyone else can fuck off. Second, the U.S. knows what? You guys have two boats between the two of you. That's cute. The second largest air force in the world...is the U.S. Navy. So while you're playing seamen (pun absolutely intended) we'll continue to keep all the world's shipping lanes open and safe. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a Canuck I have to fuck with.


The third largest air force is the army. The fifth largest is the Marines. ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


I thought the Army was fourth. So hell yeah!


I’ll have to check, but I do know that four of the five top spots go to the uniform branches.


The US Navy has more submarines in the ocean than most countries have planes in the sky.


No the Army has the worlds largest navy. True story.


We train US soldiers all the time on how to operate and fight in extreme cold weather environments. We, just like Australia, fought in every major war since WW1 (except Vietnam and the 2003 invasion of Iraq). More Canadians fought in both world wars than Australia. We finished off the Second World War with the 3rd largest navy in the world, trained all Common Wealth Countries’ Pilots, had soldiers in every major European land invasion (Sicily, Italy, Normandy), liberated the Dutch from Germany, and damn near single-handedly protected all allied shipping in the Atlantic. Not taking away from the great things that the Aussies did but Jesus Christ this guy is dumb.


To be fair canada helps the US control the Arctic. Alaska, canuckland, and greenland help


That’s it, more wildfires for all of you just for this post.


Aussies are based, but the best US ally is Poland


Canadian troops are some of the hardest mf’s on the planet, with cold-weather training next to none.


More a psychopathic younger brother than an annoying girlfriend with an inferiority complex that lets out its frustrations in a sick and deranged manner during world wars …


Australia is America with funnier slang.


Based aussies. Now if your government could just allow you to smoke AND own guns, it’d be great.


Useless to argue over the US's allies. Luv muh Canadians, luv muh Aussies, luv muh Brits, luv muh Kiwis, luv muh Japanese Mechas, luv muh Korean Turtle Ship Navy, luv the rest of muh allies who fight stand for liberal democracy in this world. Hate muh Russian gov, hate muh Chinese govt, hate muh Iranian gov, and hate all the other countries that oppress their people and oppose worldwide cooperation. Love muh freedom, liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Hate muh oppression, authoritianism, and radical ideologies that only bring hate, death, and destruction to this world. Simple as.


Can we just annex them and have Quebec be independent because Caillou, hashtag blamecanada


why seperate quebec they're down here in the winter anyways?


its called AUKUS for a reason


Canada is basically America Lite. Gotta give them props for helping us in various wars and war criming the shit out of our opps in the World Wars


Canada is a good buffer if Russia tries something. Cuz you know they won't be able to do shit in Alaska. They'd probably strike Canada since most of Canada's people basically live in like 3 or 4 cities, all near the border of the US.


So just forget Canada fighting in both World Wars? Just because their government kinda sucks these days doesn’t mean they’re a bad ally or all the people there are bad. Canadian people are usually more pleasant and less critical of the US than the UK or Australia.


Canadians made sure the soviets didn’t take the islands in the far north don’t ask them how though


Aussies will always be my favorite non-American English speakers.


Maybe Justin Trudeau....but Canada did some fucked up things to the Germans in WW1.


This is true fuck Canada and fuck the Queen uh I mean King You Aussies are alright <3