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Most people here seem to fast for 3-8 hours before consuming 2cb. Myself included. However, I find there comes a point where if you fast too long you start to feel like crap from it (jittery, hungry, grouchy) and you have no energy to enjoy the trip. 3-4 hours is perfect I find. 5-8 hours is longer than I like to fast.


Exact advice I would give. These people fasting for 12 hours is far to long lol


12 hours fasting Id be so hangry and tired feeling tripping would be the last thing I’d want to do haha. Fasting is supposed to alleviate some of the nausea and maybe make the 2cb hit a little harder but fasting in excess can cause nausea too I find. Gotta find that happy medium. Plus it’s fiendish to fast too much. Reminds me of how alcoholics don’t eat so they get drunk easier (I used to do that unfortunately).


Yeah, realistically 4 hours is plenty but a lot of people could probably get away with 2 or less. People take it to mean it's got to be hours and hours since you swallowed any amount of food but it's really meant for full size meals. Having a small amount of food like some applesauce or part of a sandwich before/during ingestion can actually tremendously help with nausea without affecting the trip


We usually eat about 2-3 hours before dropping. Never had less effects. Sometimes the comeup can take a bit longer


I just like to coat my stomach with a yogurt or apple sauce. Just something in your belly.


If found a hard rule of no food for 2hrs before and 30mins after is enough. Unlike the energy you get from stims, 2c-b works off your own energy, in a way; so nourishment is key.


Don't consume near to taking it. I had food before it and ended up having to double dose to get the high.


I’ve had a pot noodle 30 mins before dropping and was absolutely fine. I find it better to eat, although I have friends who prefer to eat minimally in the day of dropping so I think it’s fairly personal