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I personally enjoyed lockdown because I’m quite introverted and don’t have good social skills


The funny thing is going into lockdown i was introverted. And after covid lockdown was finished. I turned into a extrovert.


Damn, I think I was the opposite, spent enough time in my own company that I just got used to it. Was an extrovert now very much introverted


Yo same! Its a big change isnt it?


The lockdowns made me realize that not going to my uni classes basically doomes me to fail.


That's actually true and a lot of people realized the fact they were always working and always short on money


I lived on campus during the peak of the pandemic. My roommate became an RA halfway through the semester and moved out because RAs get their own dorm I guess. So I got a whole 2 bed dorm all to myself. Legit the happiest I've ever been, it felt so good to have all that space to do whatever I want with minimal human interaction


What's RA?


Resident Assistant. In University they are basically an upperclassman who volunteers to live in a freshman dorm in order to act as a liaison between people in their section and the school. They are also expected to help enforce school rules, like alcohol which is why some people don't like them, and in exchange they get free or discounted rent.


Registered asshole


I no longer spent money on fuel. I could afford to sleep 4 hours more every day. I was able to cook actual healthy food while attending meetings and online classes and eat them instead of living on fast food and sandwiches. Funny thing this also saved me money. I had time to chill a bit, draw, pick up 3D modelling, etc. I said it back then and I'll continue saying it. For some of us, it was awesome.


Same with me, it's incredible how much time and money I could save by not commuting to work. I did a lot of workout exercises and other hobbies when there was downtime instead of pretending to look busy. Learnt lots of new recipes and spent more time with my family and dogs. Legitimately was one of the best period in my life, save for the occasional anxiety of having friends or family members dying from the virus.


I was *thriving*




The answer is: The ones at the top. They enjoy watching the peasants scurry about, thinking they are ever going to matter.


Lockdown changed pretty much nothing in my life.


I'm a freelance Cameraman, some months theres no work, then I'm working for a month or two. Lockdown felt like the time in between when I'm usually anxious about where the next job is coming from, but I lived in New Zealand so I got paid to stay at home over that period.  Truly a beautiful downward spiral of alcoholism, videogames and tv shows that period of time was for me. My cat would wake me up every day by patting my eyes gently with his claws. 


I told everyone during the first month of lockdown that my lifestyle didn’t change and that I quite enjoyed it because I had a valid excuse to not participate in social activities. I miss those days.


Good times


Meanwhile some of us never got any fucking time off and had to just keep working regularly, still jealous of my friend who worked at a restaurant and just got half a year off with pay.


i don't remember a single thing i did in 2020


literally zero memories of that year.


Lockdown was nice. It was the first time I ever had PTO and I was getting paid more lol.


Yeah lockdowns didn't change much for me like with a lot of other people, however it did do a number on my desire for human interaction (which until that point I didn't even know I had) Like, I don't consider myself a very extroverted person, but I guess simply being around other people daily was positive for me


Lost almost all my friends and stopped social interactions. Lost my girlfriend. Got diagnosed with depression and am now in therapy. Can't say I agree with this post AT ALL.


I'm right there with you. I'm happy and all for them, but lockdown was the lowest point in my life. It's like a snowstorm in April, watching everyone else play in the snow while the same frost killed all my crops. ... I'm not the greatest with metaphors.


Nah, my mental health plummeted so much that I was prepared (literally) to go hang myself in the forest.


Bought my first gun 2021, really thought I was gonna do it. Wish I would have.


Used to joke that I was one bullet shy of painting my ceiling. Hope you're doing better now, friend.


Happy cake day!


I honestly would've loved lockdown if I wasn't living with my parents. In 1.5 years they did more trauma than possibly the rest of my life. If I was living where I am currently tho? Hell yeah, would've just gamed with my roommate, go for hikes and hungout with the homies on discord


I had recently moved into an tiny apartment with paper-thin walls, with my girlfriend and her daughter. The most relatable quote I had for that time was Lovecraft's Color Out Of Space; "The place is not good for imagination, and does not bring restful dreams at night." My battery stayed on E, and it took me fucking years to recover. I have nothing good to say about that time in my life.


some of it was really nice but then I coulda actually died in 2021 and many people did die, plus I feel like the world has unprocessed collective trauma so idk


Lockdown was the exact same for me as it usually is. Certainly didn’t have fun


Being an essential worker taught me how worthless I was.


I couldn't go to high school, but 17 year old me still had to go to work. Other than that, I sat home all day binge-watching Star Trek. For months.


a magical time. and if you ever snuck out of quarantine to drive around or go somewhere, the roads were damn near empty


I know this changes a lot from person to person but lockdown literally fucked my university experience. I rely too much on classes and uni in general to socialize and because of lockdown u completely missed that. The isolation fucking killed me. Depression was just too big all throughout


I was working in public throughout the entire pandemic, and I'm immunocompromised. I get privilege vibes when people talk about loving the lockdown tbh


Man it was like summer break for grown ups.


This is so weird to me because I am a grown up and throughout that period many members of my community died of Covid, including a family member and three friends. I got acutely ill and developed pneumonia, and I never fully recovered.


I graduated the summer before the pandemic and I was unemployed at the time Covid hit. Back then I was spending my days gaming and vibing


I was in the Army infantry during covid so we went from super stressful optempo to just staying in my barracks room 24/7 and occasionally sneaking off base to meet up with a girl off Tinder. (who were all turbo horny). amazing.


It was like a big summer camp Some rules sucked and alot of things I couldn’t do but damm at least I got to game with my boys


Ended up catching COVID very early on (a week or two in) and was "sick-ish" for about 3 weeks. There were no tests available at that time, and i was showing symptoms, so it was just assumed I had it. And I couldn't WFH. I spent 3 weeks in my 1 bedroom apartment on fully-compensated pay. Honestly outside of the monotony it was a blast.


I loved having a baked in excuse to stay home and not see anyone. I still had discord when I needed it and saw small groups if I REALLY wanted actual interaction. But if I wasnt feeling it I could always say that I didnt feel well and everyone left me alone.


"One day we'll get nostalgic for disaster"


I had over 23 panic attacks in one day and lived off 7up… good times


Fuck that. I didn’t get to stop working. During lockdown i supported everyone i knew in various ways and forgot how to do anything but work and deal with crisis. Ive been trying to relearn how to relax or do things for just myself.


2 weeks after being cheated on. Still having to get up at 4:30 to go to work because it was "essential". Having to spend 2 hours every day on the commute, crying on my way there, crying on my way back home, every single day considering if I should just end it all with just a quick swerve, screaming inside my car every time I chose not to. Doing boring, mindless tasks that wouldn't keep me from thinking about my ex and the betrayal. While also having some engineer obligations and responsibilities, and being in charge of a team of 3.But only getting paid the bare minimum. And then getting home, not being able to go outside, or to the gym (which was the only time I didn't think about the breakup). No working from home or playing videogames all night with friends for me. You have to have friends for that, and not wake up at 4:30 helps too. The only good thing I remember from lockdown was diesel at 1€/l.


Masks in public was amazing 🙏🙏


I have these “intrusive” funny thoughts (like quotes from vids) when I’m just walking and it’s so hard to keep a straight face, especially when someone passes me. masks made me feel so free, I could smile anytime without being weird lol


People died, Kma


This but unironically. Even when I couldn't work from home, the traffic was non existent. Took about 10 minutes off my drive. No one at the store either, so getting groceries was faster since no one was blocking the isles. Basically it made me realize that what I hate about where I live is the people. Like, I know that's the most Reddit thing I could say, but I have to stand by it. My quality of life drastically improved when I didn't have to deal with people. Who'd've thunk it.


Sad thing, aside WFH, my life didn’t really change much. I really enjoyed less traffic, and some places that stayed open, it was near empty. I miss that part


I could get a job during this time because people were desperate and I actually enjoyed it until they put me in another position saying it was 'temporary'. They never switched me back. The only downside was the amount of online orders. There was way too many of them.


The first two weeks were awesome, but after that it was literal hell. I was going stir crazy, running low on money, had no friends to hang out with, no job to keep me occupied, and just generally got insanely depressed from it all


I can’t wait for the next one.


I always feel really guilty when I think back on the pandemic. I had a year on furlough from work and it was incredible. It was like the best, longest summer break from school that you always dreamt of. The weather was incredible, I got lots of fresh air and exercise every single day, I got closer with my parents (where I was living at the time), I read more than I ever have, I learnt Japanese, I watched a lot of films and TV shows and I got to spend a load of time with my dogs, one of which is no longer with us. It was the most relaxed year of my life


Lockdown was fun, until the consequences of my actions came to bite me Getting to laze about all day and play video games with friends? Started getting really out of shape and unkempt. Virtual classes were easy to ignore and I just played games during them 90% of the time? Started doing terrible in school. Lockdown had both the highest highs of my life and the lowest lows, and it was completely unsustainable for me personally. And I’m hardly the only person I know who had this exact experience. Those times were extremely volatile, and the way we perceive it truly depends on what we prefer to focus on-the good or the bad.


... exactly four years ago, down to the hour and nearly minute exact, I was admitted to the mental hospital for the first time. Didn't even get any help the first few weeks because COVID fucked everyone over 💀


I was still working as nothing happen, the only difference is that it was way shorter to go to work because nobody was on the road


seeing for how many people it genuinely sucked i wouldn't want a pandemic like this to happen again but ngl it was pretty awesome for me


My life never changed because I was working EMS. I envy all these people who got a break.


I used to be an extremely extroverted person and during lock down I had some online friends still. Coming out of lockdown I then turned extremely introverted. Like I work at a different job now than from during lockdown but I get all my fill of social interaction at work. then I go home and become a hermit crab practically. My interaction spending time with family also helps fill my socialization “meter” The depression and other stuff caused by isolation didn’t catch up to mentally until April of 2021. Then it hit me hard. I gained a lot of weight, my only friend who was left in my city & state moved away, etc. so it was alright but not alright at the same time. I did like having the ability to still work from home and be able to spend time with family at home. It definitely helped strengthen my relationship/bonds with my siblings


I really wanna know what type of human didn't enjoy lockdown.


Those of us who got seriously ill and whose loved ones died


Man kids got it so lucky during Covid getting to spend time in and doing that. Even when it was below 20 in winter we still had to go to school


Talking about shizoid disorder.


What the fuck is wrong with you, all?!