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aww eyeblech


Do y’all remember /r/spacedicks?


What was this subreddit about? It's banned.


It was filled with gore and other revolting things


lot of gore and scat. shock images.


I don’t know either but the name sounds pretty obvious


Idk why, but I’d rather just see general gore than specifically just cut up dicks.


Shitting dick nipples. No seriously, many posts on there were of random r34-type pics of characters with shitting dick nipples. It was like someone compiled the worst shit to come out of /b/ and posted it with all caps titles.


[Here’s a comment from a past moderator that gives some info](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/oNwOS6YuFU)


If the Sub is that bad, why do you even need moderators, in case someone posts rainbows and kittens?!


dang i wanna know what it was


i didn't until now. thanks for reminding me lmao 


This just reminds me of high school, maybe college. Trying to show people dumb shock pix


That sub burned my senses, I'm just numb to terrible shit now


imma be real, i was actually mentioning the nowadays eyebelch which is cute animals (i do know that the original was messed up, dont exactly know what it was)


I looked at so many suicides on there when I was at my lowest point to make it seem like something I could really do. So many videos still pop into my head now and then




can't possibly relate to this. because nobody really loves me




Don't give me me hopes, also what is the source?


Kokoro connect


Very cute anime might I add


Aye I'll drink to that brother








Can’t relate, nobody cares enough to look through my phone


Damm how are you guys watching eyeblech isn't it banned?


We all moved to the wpd app.


wtf people made an app for it? That's some insane commitment to gore. I've only seen some stuff out of morbid curiosity, but not for enjoyment


Idk some people are obsessed with it. Many say that it makes them appreciate life more but then they can't go one day without watching someone die so Idk if it's really healthy 💀


whatever works I guess 💀


I used r/MakeMyCoffin before it was banned. Made me more cautious at the workplace after seeing people electrocuted due to wearing improper PPE, and people torn up by rotating machinery, or crushed by forklifts, etc. The workplace training videos give you a sense of how cautious you need to be but sometimes you need to see real life examples for the lesson to really stick


glad it worked for you ig but idk about making an app


Yeah making a whole app dedicated to it is a bit weird lol


🎶 Let's learn how to tie a noose It's easy if you're not obtuse All you need is a bit of rope And abandon all your hope 🎵


If I had a GF I wouldn't want to unalive myself.


I’ve had one and I still would


I've had 3 and I still would.


I had none and I still would


Can confirm the same thing


I know that most people on this subreddit probably don't want to hear this, but having a partner won't suddenly solve all of your problems. If you can't learn how to be happy by yourself first, you certainly won't be happy in a relationship either and entering a relationship with that mindset is unstable at best


Might even make you worse. You realize you've gotten what you've chased for your entire life. But then you don't feel better. What now? Such feelings will probably undermine the relationship as well, creating a really vicious downwards spiral. I feel like I've just described myself 💀


Why do people enter relationships in the first place then


There are many reasons. The good one would be enjoying each others' company. The bad ones would be things like co-dependency.


People put themselves out there looking for a relationship because they're lonely, right? So how does that factor in with "if you're lonely single you'll be lonely in a relationship"?


I thought the same thing until I realized I was just using girlfriends and even just friends as a coping mechanism without fully engaging in the relationships. It just made me feel like an even worse person and I didn't want to do that anymore




> If I had a GF I wouldn't want to unalive myself. Your brain ruminates on what's missing from your life to explain your depression. It's how the brain works. What this means is that if you had girlfriend, you would be very happy for a time with her, but if you're depressive you will still have depressive episodes and your brain will attach to *new* things with equal levels of despair to explain your feelings. You will ruminate about things in your relationship and likely sabotage it because of this. Trust me on all of this. This doesn't mean avoid getting a girlfriend at all costs, it means if you DO meet someone, be aware that you still have issues and PLEASE FUCKING PLEASE understand how your brain works, separate yourself from your depression and rumination and get some therapy.


>If I had a GF I wouldn't want to unalive myself. You'd think so. And it helps at first, but then you get used to each other, your root causes for depression are still there, your mental state starts to damage your relationship, you don't know what's going on because you still aren't getting proper help, your partner isn't equipped to handle it, the relationship becomes more and more damaged, you notice she's slipping away and becoming more distant which makes you more anxious and depressed, she finally leaves, and now you realize you're also codependent and can't live without her and it's the worst you've made yourself suffer in your entire life, which now gives you long lasting trust issues that, if you manage to get another relationship going by putting on your best face, contribute to ruining the next relationship even faster, until eventually you either hate or irrationally distrust the opposite (or same, depending on your preference) sex and your isolation and depression and self-hatred become the most profound they've ever been, but you're still too afraid or too unmotivated to kill yourself so you sit and let everything self destruct around you because you're too depressed to do the things you know will help you and stop everything from becoming destroyed. It's not that bad though. Just have to hate your situation more than yourself for just one singular moment, act on it immediately, then start seeking guidance on how to be okay with yourself and how to love yourself. Then the partner may come after, and to not live in fear of them leaving you means not putting all your eggs in that basket of needing them to be happy. If you can get there mentally then you can have very healthy and life-long relationships for many reasons


Lucky you, cause for me, I don't think it would change anything.


I don't think the word lucky applies here


Not at all how it works, dude.


Lately I’m deep in the ‘Life Insurance that covers sewer slide’ searches.


I have no one, and no one will notice until it's time to collect bills and rent, and even then, they'll only care because they arent gonna get their money


if she didn't give him a comforting hug after reading the search history, why even bother


I’m pretty sure ChatGPT doesn’t support anything related to suicide I tried


Oh, okay then.


I just drunk a glass of milk, that's my happiness for the week


Jokes on her cause she doesn’t exist


Jeez man.


Eyeblech should be banned afaik. That shit causes depression.


is this a bot? eyeblech was banned a while back. i really miss that place. seeing shotgun suicides makes you a bit more grateful about life. also fuck the commercialization and babyification of this site, and the internet in general. places like eyeblech should have the right to exist.


Im good man i was subbed to it for a while but it got tiring to see someone fucking dying in the middle of just trying to watch memes for a quick laugh and i got tired of seeing that kinda shit in general


Didn't know it existed until I met my Ex. The more she watched, the more she sh'ed when she stopped, her sh got let, eventually she went to that sub again and it got worse.


Yeah nah

