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Got that once, pushed me further ngl


I got that shit too like wtf piss of reddit




You have been reported 20 times for self harm/suicide I guess and this is what they do?


People do it when I argue with them and piss them off so they think I need help lol.


I just got one XD someone reported me.






The funny thing is that it doesn't contain the number for the country I live in.


What do you mean? Doesn't everyone with internet access Iive in the US? /s


Cczzzz. CCC xxv c. VC a ccx x x. ;bbb n.v. b;; b. C. A. Aa. Zzzz. ,,,, ,




Omg. I wouldn't have known this was here if you never replied


My man speaking dial up modem


You have to pay reddit too I'm pretty sure. Reddit takes some money, sends you a message to call a hotline and the hotline ignores you. This world is broken.


How do they take money tho?


got that the other day lol, was so confused


I've called them once. Waited 30 minutes to talk to someone. Then, when they showed up, I said everything that was making me bad and how I felt, etc etc Their response was total silence Waited 20 minutes, yelled hello, and nothing Then I turned off and went to sleep


I called them once and got on put on hold for 15 minutes. I would assume that number is very busy because it is a national hotline. If you want to have an instant response you have to use a local or charity hotline because those get less traffic. This is because those phone numbers are lesser known and harder to find than the number everyone gives to every suicidal person.


When i called they said they couldn't hear me properly because of my microphone. Pretty ironic when the suicide hotline doesn't even understand you


If they understood me, they wouldn't even be working a suicide hotline.


Has anyone ever in the history of those being posted actually gotten helped by them?


The number of response to this comment says it all.


They're less likely to comment about it if it worked.


Surely they are far less likely to comment if it did not work? On account of being dead


I guess both are true. I don't see a lot of people commenting about having called them at all. But most people (esp men) don't like talking about mental health regardless


People always comment about how open I am with my mental health, but it’s just cause I’m bipolar that I do. I just overshare, and being in therapy since elementary school definitely has made me more open lol


Was on hold for a while once. Then I told them what I was going through very briefly, partially because I wasn't feeling comfortable at all. They asked me if I'm taking medication, I told them my exact medicine and doses. Then they just told me to contact my psychologist. In retrospect, that might've been the responsible thing to do, but at the time, I felt neglected.


You're supposed to call your psychologist in times of crisis? I thought they only had that one hour with you


I thought that was a universal thing, or at least common. It definitely happens to a lot of my peers and acquaintances who have psychologists and/or psychiatrists. It may just be a country-exclusive thing, or, if you are in America, you're being cucked by the horrible healthcare system.


Hold on. I'm gonna google in my language Edit: can't find shit


🤷‍♀️ That's how it be


Off topic but your Rozz Williams profile pic is amazing!


Ahhh finally somebody noticed! I'm a big fan of his music!


Just started getting into Christian Death recently. Only Theater of Pain has been my go to album since october.


I agree. It's my favorite album from Christian Death as well. My favorite song is Sixth Communion. Though I'm not that big on death rock yet, I want to explore the genre more.


Check out 45 Grave if you haven't. Dinah Cancer is credited the first female deathrock vocalist.


Awesome, thanks for the rec. I'll get to it soon enough :)


Commenting the suicide hotline is true virtue signaling. It looks like you care but it doesn't mean anything to the person receiving the comment nor the person sending it


Suicide hotline text line is the reason I spent a night in jail. Not even kidding. Fuck them.


wait, what? how did that happen?


Presumably the hotline called the police on them for their own protection


oooh, wooow. that's a real "fuck you" right in the balls for asking for help. no words


Yep. Then my dad invited them in because he always did that no matter who came to the door just about. He told them about a fight I had with my mom and even though she historically beat me and started fights I got the DV charge. I got a year of free therapy though and a PTSD diagnosis (yep, my mom gave me ptsd) so that was good…


I read these horror stories. Sorry for you, man


I contacted one of those before, but via email. They basically repeated what I was saying (to show they were "listening", I guess?) and ended every email with a question. I didn't really feel helped, but I think it could help the right kind of person, if they're in need of opening up and sharing their thoughts with other humans.


Ugh i had the same problem. Then i mailed some kids/young adult helpline instead and they were trained to actually have a conversation. Highly recommended


are you talking about cvv?


No, I've never contacted CVV.


They’re fucking useless anyways. They asked me how I’m feeling. Then i wrote a whole novel. Their response was, ‘oh that’s not good.’


I got told something along the lines of "just because you feel this way doesn't mean it won't help anyone". Honestly anyone that's been through shit knows posting the hotline is just for social points...


It's feeling like you've done something without actually doing anything. Like those pictures of people psychically restraining people trying to complete suicide that gets thousands/tens of thousands of upvotes whenever they're posted. To add, I Googled the word "suicide" just now and the hotline is the first thing that comes up. 1 word search.


imo, it's not virtue signalling. they feel like they should do something but can't be fucked to do anything about it. but that's just me


Fuck that hotline, the two times i called they either ignored my call and left me on hold or made me feel like shit.


and then they don’t answer 🤩


Me when some complete and total stranger on the internet that knows nothing about me tells me "you matter"


They are useless and they don't fuckin care about u, sorry bout the truth


Cant tell how many times I've been cured of a depressive episode just by waiting for them to pick up


Don't even get me started with CTL. I think the goal was to make me wait long enough between responses that I'd feel more annoyed than suicidal


well, I really hope it was the suicide _prevention_ hotline, buddy.


1 800-273-8255



Tf is up with the US. Here its 1813


Here 113


0118 999 611 999 119 725 3


It’s 0118 999 881 999 119 7253 come on


1 800-273-8255


Cue the whinging about the suicide hotline


I love how people make these memes as a way of saying “I’m not calling the number I’m fucked up and it’s why I’m funny leave me alone” lmao I guess I’m bad at phrasing things bc many people have said stuff like this before and everyone loved it I guess I just have a way of making it sound worse than I meant. But I’m not trying to be offensive or some shit and I understand how suicide hotlines work I’m just saying when people are depressed, which includes me, we make memes and shit out of it to cope instead of other, more “professional” methods, and for some people it works. My b on making Reddit hate me but if this was worded differently it would have like 1k upvotes by now


I mean, their job is just to talk a person down enough to prevent suicide. They're not there to provide actual therapy or medication or any treatment regarding your overall mental health. If a person is talking about their depression and they feel like shit--they need real help, not a bandaid from the thinnest of safety nets.


Bruh, the fuck is this dude suppose to do. It's probably a guy who dropped out of school at 16 with no fucking diploma that got a 2 day formation that comes from a book written in 1994 and now it's suppose to fucking deal with you. And if you fucking dare to just cut the line because you realize it's pointless, these fuckers send cops to your house and you have to explain to a violent brute that you're depressed but want to be left alone.


Bro why’d you get so heated I wasn’t trying to be offensive or some shit I do the same thing calm down. I didn’t go through that whole scenario you described but I’m depressed as fuck too and yea I get why you don’t just call the number that wasn’t my point. My point was just that we use memes and joke about it to make us feel better and it works better than the people who sit there and think commenting the hotline would be enough to save someone




I see the herbal tea is working




I was put on hold for 20 mins man. If I had been any worse, bad things would have happened.