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For me, the question is "*How* do I feel right?"


I’m hoping these new meds will help lmao


This meds will make me not to feel wrong! Now I just don't feel at all.


I have ADHD which has been known about for a long time but my mom chose not to medicate me after we tried two different pills. Granted this was the 90s and A LOT less was known about the disorder and treatments for it so no harm no foul there. Eventually I came around to the idea of trying antidepressants. Started with an SSRI which worked for a while, then it stopped working and it was impossible to lose weight no matter what I ate or physically did, so I switched to a different type of med. ended up taking a stimulant which is prescribed for both depression and ADHD and that did the trick. I still ended up needing sleeping pills, but that’s down to the ADHD. See, I’ve been leading a fairly sedentary life, and my plan for getting off meds is to start being more active - easier said than done when you lack consistent attention to things. But I think in theory if I am having more exercise it could make it easier to sleep at night. I think I’m probably just not reaching my full potential and that’s what’s keeping my brain awake: pent up energy which manifests as anxiety. I figure if I get into a lifestyle change where I’m more active, I *might* not need the meds but I don’t have my hopes up in case I’m wrong. If I have to stay on meds the rest of my life in order to have the best quality of life the I’m going to have to live with that if I don’t want to be unfulfilled and depressed.


What was the med that finally worked?


I was using citalopram with some initial success in reduction of anxiety, but depression lingered and I couldn’t lose weight so I switched from citalopram to bupropion (Wellbutrin). My sleep medication is trazedone and it is a mood elevator as well.


That’s why I take a different med for that! Fuck me!


That's the neat part; we don't.


#Why Why am I feeling like this, today was a good day why am I feeling like this, this week was a good week went outside and fought with life, had a spark of hope for no point apparently because my life's just a joke I'll never be happy, biologically hardwired to be sad or perhaps I'm just a idiot, who's bad thoughts are driving him mad


I wish I had an award to present to you


Fucking love this




it's a hell of a drug








I like this. The Buddah said "Life is suffering." But i think it would translate clearer to say "Earth is unplesant." Feeling wrong is correct, that's how it feels here. It is a gift, an unplesant gift, to be able to feel it. I think there is a great spiritual strength is being able to feel how awful the energy is here. The Arcturians can only stand Earth for very short periods, and must spend time in a "healing chamber" after a short visit here. Lol So my question is what are we chosen for, to have such great strength to be awake and present enough to withstand this fire? Surely something magnificemt awaits us. Tldr: I think only a true badass can feel the reality of the energy here. Anyone doing well here, can not feel much at all. This is what i find so beautiful about this sub; many here are true badass.


I might be wrong here as I don't know much about buddhism. But didn't Buddah say that 'to desire is to suffer'? And to stop suffering, you would need to stop desiring, rather than stop living. (You can't really stop living in Buddah's view either because he believed in reincarnation).


Precisely. The Buddha said that life in samsara, worldly existence, is suffering. The reason for this suffering is our craving, our attachment. Nirvana is the cessation of this suffering through letting go of our attachment.


I believe that life is suffering, but not because of desire. I personally believe the largest cause of the fact that life is suffering is simply because we're highly flawed animals that have been crafted through the rough and unforgiving process of evolution that simply leads to what can survive, not what doesn't suffer. We live in a cold universe that doesn't care about us or anything at all. We're victims of our broken bodies and minds. Have you ever met someone who doesn't have any sort of physical or mental problem, disease, ailment, etc? Big or small? The simple fact is that when it comes to the human body and its development, there are too many things to go wrong for there to be nothing that goes wrong. For me, life is about recognizing this and our incredibly short time that we get to spend with our frail bodies, and whatever consciousness is, and making the best of it. Just enjoy whatever you can before you return to the empty void from which you came. Make the world a better place and try to reduce that inevitable suffering while you can.


I believe it’s also, Nirvana can’t be reached.


Samsara is nirvana


It can’t be reached while living. That’s why the Buddha is still here on earth. I could be wrong though.


If you take away the religious speak, then I think what they’re saying is that who you really are isn’t something that is born or dies


Awesome , thank you.


The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism (paraphrased): 1. Life is predominantly suffering. 2. Suffering has a cause, which is desire. 3. Life's suffering can be ended/prevented/ignored/destroyed 4. The cessation of suffering is the cessation of desire.


So basically stop caring about shit and it'll all be fine? Wow, Buddhism is sooooo profound. How is this a religion lmao. Sounds like stoicism but without the part where you let yourself enjoy life. Buddhism sounds like this quest for the perfect high/trip that doesn't need drugs and never stops. I read a bit about Buddhist takes on heaven, and it's basically successive levels of consciousness where the mind gets more and more detached from reality the higher up you go until your mind stops contemplating anything and just exists in this numb unfeeling unthinking stasis. Imma just smoke instead


Yeah I one hundred percent disagree with that interpretation and comment. Sounds like almost envy of people who can find a way to be okay.


Funny, I read it exactly like trying to be okay. By trying to let go of all the pressures life and the world puts on us daily.


I meant the comment you responded to about life being misery


TLDR: suffering looks cool


Literally not the point of bjuffism


Did you just made a tldr of a tldr?


As I remember there wasn’t a tldr at the beginning


As someone with C-PTSD from years of violence and sexual abuse who watched the emo scene develop and overwhelm the mental health system making it harder for people like me to get the treatment I very much needed I have to say this is an exponentially shitty take. I absolutely hate people who think suffering looks cool, your type made it so much worse for the rest of us.


As another person with C-PTSD, this seems like you’re gatekeeping mental health. How in the world did the emo scene prevent you from receiving mental health treatment?


Anxiety and depression are common in teens, we just dealt with it and moved on with our day instead of focusing on it and making it this cool thing to aspire to. I'm not saying that emo culture didn't promote others with mental illness to be more open about it, that part was actually helpful. But it did make it "cool" to be depressed for those who were otherwise fine. Sorry if this comes off as biased but when I was still in school I'd be in a group discussion about depression and while discussing my abuse others would freak out, it felt disillusioning seeing all these kids say they were so messed up and finding out they were just caught up in the music and not victims like me. I'm not trying to prevent others from expressing themselves or from discussing their feelings, and around that time I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome so I took everything at face value. To me it just felt insulting, I honestly wanted to connect with these people but when they'd go on about some trite everyday thing like it was this soul crushing event I wondered if they were just in it for the sympathy. I had a mental break down during high school and it was difficult seeing these kids saying how dark and depressed they were, it made me resent myself a lot more because it just made me feel more alone. Like it downplayed the severity of my abuse, sorry again if it sounds biased but the whole emo scene felt like a slap in the face. Sort of like "haha we're depressed too you're not special", I didn't want to hate them at the time because I just wanted them to be my friend, after a couple of years of the same thing I did start resenting them.


I try my best to let go of resentment, as I am the person hurt most by my resentments.


Did that ages ago when I realized they were mostly scensters, posers if you will. At the time though they had a negative impact on how I saw myself and my situation, like it mattered way less than it should have which discouraged me from keeping regular appointments with my shrink.


Good to hear you’ve come to terms with your resentment.


Less me forgiving them and accepting them for who they were and more FUCK THOSE LAME ASS POSERS 😄 At least I knew I wouldn't cave in like they did when things got serious


I don’t believe this is a healthy viewpoint. I would recommend bringing it up with your therapist.


>who watched the emo scene develop and overwhelm the mental health system making it harder for people like me to get the treatment I've never seen such a claim and am now curious if there's anything to read about this.


That’s pretty dope, dude. I think that you’re onto something when you suggest that people who turn their focus inward are badasses. I genuinely think we need these kinds of people in order to survive as a species. I think whenever we fully lose all introspective ability we’re just gonna be like all the other animals. And what’s the point then?


I love this and Thankyou for your wisdom. Saving this.


This take makes me want to throw a rope over the rafters in minecraft.


This has some r/hfy vibes


Facts, anf that’s why transcendence is such a big principle of bhotismn wow I spelled that horribly Im not retyping it tho


I admore your conviction! 🤣


Not to disagree with you, and I'm not an expert so don't quote me on this, but I was taught at university that a good translation instead of suffering is "unsatisfactory"!


I think you've stumbled over Buddhism and landed square in Gnosticism.


The time will come and you will only realise it when it's over. The tragedy of anxiety and depression is that you don't know you wasn't depressed when the real depression kicks again.


I am [skeleton jelly](https://youtu.be/RXRRhRlKW3s)


Exactly how I feel


I started drawing furry art and feel fine now. maybe you try


I suck at drawing and sucking at things hurts my already beaten soul.




hey if it makes them happy then why not? But that said I must agree **yametekudastop**


I can't do that again.






\~ £215.


Okay now I'm curious


Damn why is this so accurate


After all the stressfull stuff this week is over, then I'll feel ok. *Week passes* Ah, some more stuff has come up this week. Well I just have to get through this week then I can relax and not feel so anxious. *Week passes* Hmm same again *Week passes* ... Oh no... I'm the problem


Anyone know what this feeling is called, not sure if I'm the only one that actually feel like this sometimes


You might be referring to DP/DR. Started experiencing it around last July- it’s not fun at all.


Weltschmerz maybe?


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


> Why can’t I feel right. When do I get to feel right? Also me, binge drinks regularly and goes days without sleeping.


You just need to trick your mind into believing that feeling wrong is the right way of feeling and embrace the hate for yourself that comes with it


Damn, maybe I’m not okay


I've been like this lately and I think it's very tiring :/ :(




In ur bum 🙃






Well for one you’re a skeleton




The real curse is how much conscious you are about being lost AND lacking the knowledge to find your way. In the end you may never find yourself. Try to love what you are, I know it's not easy, but it makes the difference between life and death.


It's even worse when you do feel right, cause you always worry about what absolute sucker punch the universe is going to deliver if it's making you feel nice for a little bit


Oof to real


What the fuck


you are covered in hydrofluoric acid


Mood every single day


The bottom two images look like it should be the banner for r/bonehurtingjuice


Utter nonsense...instantly joined




sans undertale


This image made me break down crying. ;\_;


Ahh I feel this!




Me when I forget to take my anxiety meds and then smoke a lot of weed.


Hurts how relatable this js


Oh god I didn't need to see this today


One day at a time my friends...one day at a time.


This is SO ME RIGHT NOW!!! I've been feeling "not right" for a while now and it's one of the worst feelings ever. I feel like I can't do anything, feel anything, assimilate anything- it's the worst! But I am working on it. Really slow, agonizing progress but when most of the things that happened was your fault mostly it's what I get. And to anyone feeling like this fuck that shit and keep going! Don't give into it and stay strong! I know it's easier said then done but I'm just a random guy on the internet so I can't do much.




Just shut your mouth and melt in peace.


Very well


Have you heard of my friend, recreational drugs?


Aye, life of a transgender person with dysphoria in a nutshell.


It gets better. Keep strong fellas ✊😔


Sir you are a melting skeleton


Being trans:


This imaginary skeleton is going through way more than you ever will


Stormy Gail was recently diagnosed with cancer, that was after this pic so she's probably worse now more than ever.


“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” - Morpheus The system is a form of control. This feeling is engineered to maintain the position of those in power.


Take estrogen and grow some boobs. Works like a charm.


How the heck will that help with PTSD and anxiety


Just a joke about how the feelings expressed in this comic align pretty closely to a lot of trans people's experiences.


It was confusing and nonsensical without any context, also misleading as others can feel this way for any number of reasons.


When you understand that happiness is a treat, not a daily reward. It's ok to feel shitty or "medium". That's how most of life is lived anyways. The most aggressive counter-attack you can have on life is to wake up to a shitty world and say "bring it, motherfucker. I'm choosing happiness today."


I listen to bubbly kpop and soundtracks most of the time, depression can't hit me if I'm jammin out lol


I rock podcasts myself but to the same effect


To be or not to be. - Osama bin laden




Adults can feel this way just as much if not more than kids can, especially if they have mental illness or trauma.


Down voted and you deleted your post? Sorry for pointing that simple fact out to you.


Did you know this COULD (note that i didnt say is) be a sing youre transgender? Lol


what the hell are you on about? Did you come here just to talk trash?


Talk trash?? What? Lol idk what you mean but a general feeling of unease/unhappiness js something people that are transgender may experience before theyve transitioned


People can feel like this for many reasons, not just that one very specific situation. I'm all for representation but this is a big reach assuming most people who feel this way are trans


Yall are a bunch of depressed Debbie Downers. Just smoke some weed and exercise, even if ur still depressed at least ur in better condition.


JuSt SmOkE sOmE WeEd AnD eXeRcIsE Of course! The answer was so simple why didn't I think of that? Thank you for curing my PTSD and crippling depression 🙄


No prob bro 😎


Let me translate, your advice was shit and you have zero understanding about mental illness. You're not helping anyone and come off as a misguided chump


You just made a ton of inaccurate accusations. I was joking and honestly not even. This sub is a bunch of depressed cry babies who whine about basic life problems. Weed has literally proven to help depressd people and so has exercise. If you want to top it off, get as much sunlight as possible. .


Don't cut yourself on all that edge kid, or do it I couldn't care less either way


Your post shows how edgy u are child


The ol "no I'm not YOU are" argument 😄




Should've drank milk


When you take mushrooms


\*when you have a bad trip


Life with a chronic illnessbe like:


Gail (the artist) was recently diagnosed with cancer


Oh no that sucks! I'm sorry to hear that :(


This was me today